989 resultados para Burst Swimming Performance
Early life stages of many marine organisms are being challenged by climate change, but little is known about their capacity to tolerate future ocean conditions. Here we investigated a comprehensive set of biological responses of larvae of two commercially important teleost fishes, Sparus aurata (gilthead seabream) and Argyrosomus regius (meagre), after exposure to future predictions of ocean warming (+4 °C) and acidification (ΔpH= 0.5). The combined effect of warming and hypercapnia elicited a decrease in the hatching success (by 26.4 and 14.3 % for S. aurata and A. regius, respectively) and larval survival (by half) in both species. The length for newly-hatched larvae was not significantly affected, but a significant effect of hypercapnia was found on larval growth. However, while S. aurata growth was reduced (24.8–36.4 % lower), A. regius growth slightly increased (3.2–12.9 % higher) under such condition. Under acidification, larvae of both species spent less time swimming, and displayed reduced attack and capture rates of prey. The impact of warming on these behavioural traits was opposite but less evident. While not studied in A. regius, the incidence of body malformations in S. aurata larvae increased significantly (more than tripled) under warmer and hypercapnic conditions. These morphological impairments and behavioural changes are expected to affect larval performance and recruitment success, and further influence the abundance of fish stocks and the population structure of these commercially important fish species. However, given the pace of ocean climate change, it is important not to forget that species may have the opportunity to acclimate and adapt.
All copulations in the eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, are coercive-and-achieved by force. Female G. holbrooki never appear to cooperate with males, but vigorously resist matings at all times. We examined the role of females within a sexually coercive mating system by investigating the ability of female G. holbrooki to resist forced copulations after acclimation to 16 degrees C and 32 degrees C for 4-5 weeks. We also examined burst swimming performance of female G. holbrooki after acclimation, as this trait is likely to underlie a female's ability to resist forced matings. We predicted that if female G. holbrooki indiscriminately resist matings from all males, acclimation would enhance female resistance at their acclimation temperature. However, we found that it did not. We also predicted that if females are able to influence the outcome of mating interactions, acclimation to an optimal thermal environment may induce females to reduce resistance. In support of this prediction, females acclimated at 32 degrees C were able to modify their resistance behaviour between exposure to 16 degrees C and 32 degrees C. The rate of copulations experienced by 32 inverted perpendicular C-acclimated females was 2.5 times greater at 32 degrees C than at 16 degrees C. In addition, acclimation at 32 degrees C significantly enhanced burst swimming performance at 32 degrees C but no effect of acclimation was observed at 16 degrees C. Our results suggest that female G. holbrooki are able to play a greater role in determining the outcome of sexual coercive mating interactions than previously thought. (c) 2006 The Association for the Shidy of Animal Behavioor. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1, Studies of evolutionary temperature adaptation of muscle and locomotor performance in fish are reviewed with a focus on the Antarctic fauna living at subzero temperatures. 2. Only limited data are available to compare the sustained and burst swimming kinematics and performance of Antarctic, temperate and tropical species. Available data indicate that low temperatures limit maximum swimming performance and this is especially evident in fish larvae. 3, In a recent study, muscle performance in the Antarctic rock cod Notothenia coriiceps at 0 degrees C was found to be sufficient to produce maximum velocities during burst swimming that were similar to those seen in the sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius at 10 degrees C, indicating temperature compensation of muscle and locomotor performance in the Antarctic fish. However, at 15 degrees C, sculpin produce maximum swimming velocities greater than N, coriiceps at 0 degrees C, 4, It is recommended that strict hypothesis-driven investigations using ecologically relevant measures of performance are undertaken to study temperature adaptation in Antarctic fish, Recent detailed phylogenetic analyses of the Antarctic fish fauna and their temperate relatives will allow a stronger experimental approach by helping to separate what is due to adaptation to the cold and what is due to phylogeny alone.
The Green-striped burrowing frog. Cyclorana alboguttata survives extended drought periods by burrowing underground and aestivating. These frogs remain immobile within cocoons of shed skin and Mucus during aestivation and emerge from their burrows upon heavy rains to feed and reproduce. Extended periods of immobilisation in mammals typically result in muscle atrophy and a decrease in muscle performance. We examined the effect of aestivation and hence prolonged immobilisation, on skeletal Muscle mass. in vitro muscle performance, and locomotor performance in C. alboguttata. Frogs were aestivated in soil for 3 months and were compared with control animals that remained active, were fed, and had a continual supply of water. Compared to the controls, the wet mass of the gastrocnemius. sartorius, gracilus major. semimembranosus. peroneus, extensor cruris, tibialis posticus and tibialis anticus longus of aestivators remained unchanged indicating no muscle atrophy. The in-vitro performance characteristics of the gastroenemius muscle were maintained and burst swimming speed Was Unaffected, requiring no recovery from the extended period of immobilisation associated with aestivation. This preservation of muscle size, contractile condition and locomotor performance through aestivation enables C. alboguttata to compress their life history into unpredictable windows of opportunity, whenever heavy rains occur.
During metamorphosis, most amphibians undergo rapid shifts in their morphology that allow them to move from an aquatic to a more terrestrial existence. Two important challenges associated with this shift in habitat are the necessity to switch from an aquatic to terrestrial mode of locomotion and changes in the thermal environment. In this study, I investigated the consequences of metamorphosis to the burst swimming and running performance of the European newt Triturus cristatus to determine the nature and magnitude of any locomotor trade-offs that occur across life-history stages. In addition, I investigated whether there were any shifts in the thermal dependence of performance between life-history stages of T. cristatus to compensate for changes in their thermal environment during metamorphosis. A trade-off between swimming and running performance was detected across life-history stages, with metamorphosis resulting in a simultaneous decrease in swimming and increase in running performance. Although the terrestrial habitat of postmetamorphic stages of the newt T. cristatus experienced greater daily fluctuations in temperature than the aquatic habitat of the larval stage, no differences in thermal sensitivity of locomotor performance were detected between the larval aquatic and postmetamorphic stages. The absence of variation across life-history stages of T. cristatus may indicate that thermal sensitivity may be a conservative trait across ontogenetic stages in amphibians, but further studies are required to investigate this assertion.
Frog jumping is an excellent model system for examining the structural basis of interindividual variation in burst locomotor performance. Some possible factors that affect jump performance, such as total body size, hindlimb length, muscle mass, and muscle mechanical and biochemical properties, were analysed at the interindividual (intraspecies) level in the tree frog Hyla multilineata. The aim of this study was to determine which of these physiological and anatomical variables both vary between individuals and are correlated with interindividual variation in jump performance. The model produced via stepwise linear regression analysis of absolute data suggested that 62% of the interindividual variation in maximum jump distance could be explained by a combination of interindividual variation in absolute plantaris muscle mass, total hindlimb muscle mass ( excluding plantaris muscle), and pyruvate kinase activity. When body length effects were removed, multiple regression indicated that the same independent variables explained 43% of the residual interindividual variation in jump distance. This suggests that individuals with relatively large jumping muscles and high pyruvate kinase activity for their body size achieved comparatively large maximal jump distances for their body size.
Youth swimming performance may be influenced by anthropometric, physiology and technical factors. The present paper examined the role of these factors in performance of 100m freestyle in swimmers 12-14 years of age (n = 24). Multiple regression analysis (forward method) was used to examine the variance of the 100 meters front crawl. Anaerobic power, swimming index and critical speed explained 88% (p < .05) of the variance in the average speed of 100 meters front crawl among young male pubertal swimmers. To conclude, performance of young swimmers in the 100 meters front crawl is determined predominantly by physiological factors and swimming technique.
We examined effects of attentional focus on swimming speed. Participants` task was to swim one length of a pool (16 m) using the front crawl stroke. In Experiment 1, intermediate swimmers were given attentional focus instructions related to the crawl arm stroke or the leg kick, respectively. Participants were instructed to focus on ""pulling your hands back"" or ""pushing the instep down"" (internal focus), or on ""pushing the water back/down"" (external focus), respectively. Swim times were significantly shorter with an external focus. In Experiment 2, a control condition was included. Times were significantly faster in the external focus compared with both the internal focus and control conditions. These findings have implications for enhancing performance in swimming.
We determined the maximum sustained swimming speed (U-crit), and resting and maximum ventilation rates of the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki at five temperatures between -1degreesC and 8degreesC. We also determined resting metabolic rate (VO2) at -1degreesC, 2degreesC, and 4degreesC. U-crit of P. borchgrevinki was highest at -1degreesC (2.7+/-0.1 BL s(-1)) and rapidly decreased with temperature, representing a thermal performance breadth of only 5degreesC. This narrow thermal performance supports our prediction that specialisation to the subzero Antarctic marine environment is associated with a physiological trade-off in performance at high temperatures. Resting oxygen consumption and ventilation rate increased by more than 200% across the temperature range, which most likely contribute to the decrease in aerobic swimming capabilities at higher temperatures. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
The young athlete is physiologically unique from the adult and must be considered differently. The growth and development of their bones, muscles, nerves, and organs largely dictate their physiological and performance capacities (Bar–Or, 1983; Costill & Wilmore, 1994; Stager et al., 2008). Swimming performance, and the required times to reach a competition (TAC), shoud look for those diferences and should be compatibles with them.
A double-blinded, placebo controlled, cross-over design was used to investigate sodium citrate dihydrate (Na-CIT) supplementation improve 200m swimming performance. Ten well-trained, male swimmers (14.9 ± 0.4y; 63.5 ± 4kg) performed four 200m time trials: acute (ACU) supplementation (0.5g/kg), acute placebo (PLC-A), chronic (CHR) (0.1g/kg for 3 days and 0.3g/kg on the 4th day pre-trial), and chronic placebo (PLC-C). Na-CIT was administered 120min pre-trial in solution with 500mL of flavored water; placebo was flavored water. Blood lactate, base excess (BE), bicarbonate, pH, and PCO2 were analyzed at basal, 100min post-ingestion, and 3min post-trial via finger prick. Time, lactate, and rate of perceived exertion were not different between trials. BE and bicarbonate were significantly higher for the ACU and CHR trials compared to placebo. “Responders” improved by 1.03% (P=0.043) and attained significantly higher post-trial lactate concentrations in the ACU versus PLC-A trials and compared to non-responders in the ACU and CHR trials.
Introduction - the aim of this study was to analyze the validity of the critical speed (CS) to determine the speed corresponding to 4 mmol 1(-1) of blood lactate (S4) and the speed in a 30 min test (S30min) of swimmers aged 10-15 years.Synthesis of facts - CS, S4 and S30min were determined in 12 swimmers (eight boys and four girls) divided into two groups: 10-12 years and 13-15 years.Conclusion - CS was a good predictor of aerobic performance (S30min) independent of the chronological age, providing practical information about the aerobic performance state of young swimmers. (C) 2002, Editions scientifiques et medicates, Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the critical force (CritF) and anaerobic impulse capacity (AIC) - estimated by tethered swimming - reflect the aerobic and anaerobic performance of swimmers. 12 swimmers performed incremental test in tethered swimming to determine lactate anaerobic threshold (AnTLAC), maximal oxygen uptake (̇VO2MAX) and force associated with the ̇VO2MAX (i ̇VO2MAX). The swimmers performed 4 exhaustive (tlim) exercise bouts (100, 110, 120 and 130% i ̇VO2MAX) to compute the CritF and AIC (F vs. 1/tlim model); a 30-s all-out tethered swimming bout to determine their anaerobic fitness (ANF); 100, 200, and 400-m time-trials to determine the swimming performance. CritF (57.09±11.77 N) did not differ from AnTLAC (53.96±11.52 N, (P>0.05) but was significantly lower than i ̇VO2MAX (71.02±8.36 N). In addition, CritF presented significant correlation with AnTLAC (r=0.76; P<0.05) and i ̇VO2MAX (r=0.74; P<0.05). On the other hand, AIC (286.19±54.91 N.s) and ANF (116.10±13.66 N) were significantly correlated (r=0.81, p<0.05). In addition, CritF and AIC presented significant correlations with all time-trials. In summary, this study demonstrates that CritF and AIC can be used to evaluate AnTLAC and ANF and to predict 100, 200, and 400-m free swimming. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart . New York.
The relationships among animal form, function and performance are complex, and vary across environments. Therefore, it can be difficult to identify morphological and/or physiological traits responsible for enhancing performance in a given habitat. In fishes, differences in swimming performance across water flow gradients are related to morphological variation among and within species. However, physiological traits related to performance have been less well studied. We experimentally reared juvenile damselfish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, under different water flow regimes to test 1) whether aspects of swimming physiology and morphology show plastic responses to water flow, 2) whether trait divergence correlates with swimming performance and 3) whether flow environment relates to performance differences observed in wild fish. We found that maximum metabolic rate, aerobic scope and blood haematocrit were higher in wave-reared fish compared to fish reared in low water flow. However, pectoral fin shape, which tends to correlate with sustained swimming performance, did not differ between rearing treatments or collection sites. Maximum metabolic rate was the best overall predictor of individual swimming performance; fin shape and fish total length were 3.3 and 3.7 times less likely than maximum metabolic rate to explain differences in critical swimming speed. Performance differences induced in fish reared in different flow environments were less pronounced than in wild fish but similar in direction. Our results suggest that exposure to water motion induces plastic physiological changes which enhance swimming performance in A. polyacanthus. Thus, functional relationships between fish morphology and performance across flow habitats should also consider differences in physiology.