219 resultados para Bunch, Jarrod


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The Heavy Ion Research Facility and Cooling Storage Ring (HIRFL-CSR) accelerator in Lanzhou offers a unique possibility for the generation of high density and short pulse heavy ion beams by non-adiabatic bunch compression longitudinally, which is implemented by a fast jump of the RF-voltage amplitude. For this purpose, an RF cavity with high electric field gradient loaded with Magnetic Alloy cores has been developed. The results show that the resonant frequency range of the single-gap RF cavity is from 1.13 MHz to 1.42 MHz, and a maximum RF voltage of 40 kV with a total length of 100 cm can be obtained, which can be used to compress heavy ion beams of U-238(72+) with 250 MeV/u from the initial bunch length of 200 ns to 50 ns with the coaction of the two single-gap RF cavity mentioned above.


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Subjective risks of having contaminated apples elicited via the Exchangeability Method (EM) are examined in this study. In particular, as the experimental design allows us to investigate the validity of elicited risk measures, we examine the magnitude of differences between valid and invalid observations. In addition, using an econometric model, we also explore the effect of consumers’ socioeconomic status and attitudes toward food safety on subjects’ perceptions of pesticide residues in apples. Results suggest first, that consumers do not expect an increase in the number of apples containing only one pesticide residue, but, rather, in the number of those apples with traces of multiple residues. Second, we find that valid subjective risk measures do not significantly diverge from invalid ones, indicative of little effect of internal validity on the actual magnitude of subjective risks. Finally, we show that subjective risks depend on age, education, a subject’s ties to the apple industry, and consumer association membership.


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Oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) fibre, a by-product generated from non-woody, tropical perennial oil palm crop was evaluated for xylooligosaccharides (XOS) production. Samples of OPEFB fibre were subjected to non-isothermal autohydrolysis treatment using a temperature range from 150 to 220 °C. The highest XOS concentration, 17.6 g/L which relayed from solubilisation of 63 g/100 g xylan was achieved at 210 °C and there was a minimum amount of xylose and furfural being produced. The chromatographic purification which was undertaken to purify the oligosaccharide-rich liquor resulted in a product with 74–78% purity, of which 83–85% was XOS with degree of polymerisation (DP) between 5 and 40.


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This group biography draws on oral history interviews to show how crucial women's leadership was to Melbourne's urban protest movement in the 1970s. Inner city resident's action groups were characterised by a high degree of participation by women. For most it was a radicalising experience as they became involved in action for the first time in their lives. Their involvement in local action and politics contributed to the development of more open and participatory governance focused on community building and environmental issues.


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A broca do cacho do coqueiro, Homalinotus coriaceus (Gyllenhal), é uma praga limitante da produção de coco no Brasil, sendo que tanto as larvas como os adultos provocam a queda das flores femininas e dos frutos imaturos, pela interceptação do fluxo de seiva ou pela alimentação direta nas estruturas reprodutivas. em virtude da escassez de informações sobre sua biologia, realizou-se esse trabalho com o objetivo de desenvolver uma metodologia mais adequada para a criação da praga em laboratório. Foram utilizados os parâmetros biológicos para avaliação e comparação dos sistemas de criação estudados.Toletes de cana-de-açúcar foram utilizados como substrato para alimentação dos adultos coletados no campo e obtenção dos ovos. As larvas foram criadas em três substratos alimentares no Laboratório de Entomologia da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)-CPATC (Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária dos Tabuleiros Costeiros), em Aracaju, SE. Os substratos alimentares estudados foram: o mesocarpo do coco, dieta para criação da broca dos citros e dieta para criação da broca do olho do coqueiro, sendo esta a que proporcionou o melhor desenvolvimento larval num menor tempo, com boa viabilidade, maior facilidade no preparo e manutenção.


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A spatial, electro-optical autocorrelation (EOA) interferometer using the vertically polarized lobes of coherent transition radiation (CTR) has been developed as a single-shot electron bunch length monitor at an optical beam port downstream the 100 MeV preinjector LINAC of the Swiss Light Source. This EOA monitor combines the advantages of step-scan interferometers (high temporal resolution) [D. Mihalcea et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 082801 (2006) and T. Takahashi and K. Takami, Infrared Phys. Technol. 51, 363 (2008)] and terahertz-gating technologies [U. Schmidhammer et al., Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 94, 95 (2009) and B. Steffen et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, 032802 (2009)] (fast response), providing the possibility to tune the accelerator with an online bunch length diagnostics. While a proof of principle of the spatial interferometer was achieved by step-scan measurements with far-infrared detectors, the single-shot capability of the monitor has been demonstrated by electro-optical correlation of the spatial CTR interference pattern with fairly long (500 ps) neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser pulses in a ZnTe crystal. In single-shot operation, variations of the bunch length between 1.5 and 4 ps due to different phase settings of the LINAC bunching cavities have been measured with subpicosecond time resolution.


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Back Row: Mgr. Keith Webster, Video Coordinator Dave Garlow, Head Trainer Russ Miller, g.a.'s: Paul Alexander, Bill Sheridan, Jim Herrmann, John Johnson, Randy Fichtner, Kevin Kalinich, Tr. Paul Schmidt, Tr. Rex Thompson, Equipment Mgr. Jon Falk, Assistant Denny Morgan, Graduate Assistant John Ferens

11th Row: Assistant coaches: Alex Agase, Cam Cameron, Jerry Meter, Tom Reed, Elliott Uzelac, Gary Moeller, Lloyd Carr, Bill Harris, Jerry Hanlon, Tirrel Burton, Mike Gittleson, Recruiting Coord. Fritz Seyferth, Admin. Ass't. Cliff Dochterman

10th Row: Geoff Bissell, Mark Gutzwiller, Steve Woroniecki, Dave Knight, Steve Zacharias, Todd Plate, Matt McCoy, Greg Zeigler, Byron Lawson, Sean Eastman, Scott Harrala, Joel Boyden, Doug Matton

9th Row: Chris Calloway, Chris Horn, Scott Smykowski, Trey Walker, Jeff Tubo, Curtis Feaster, Mike Kerr, Marc Ramirez, T.J. Osman, Mike Teeter, Doug Daugherty, Huemartin Robinson

8th Row: John Milligan, Tony Boles, Jarrod Bunch, Greg McMurtry, Marc Spencer, Tom Dohring, Warde Manuel, Timothy Williams, Leroy Hoard, Allen Jefferson, Tracy Williams, David Key

7th Row: Olatide Ogunfiditimi, Keith Cooper, Scott Crawford, Joe Holland, Frank Petroff, Pat Olszewski, John Plantz, Sean LaFountaine, Mike Edwards, Rick Hassel, Ted Harris, Gulam Khan

6th Row: Kyle Anderson, Mark Erhardt, Brian Reid, Keith Mitchell, John Herrmann, Brent White, Dave Weil, Derrick Walker, Michael Taylor, Anthony Mitchell, Pat Fitzgerald, Mike DeBoer, Vince Washington

5th Row: Rick Stites, Ernie Bock, Mike Gillette, Scott Mandel, Mike Kovak, John Willingham, Dave Mandel, John Duerr, J.J. Grant, Don Lessner, Bob Stites

4th Row: Ken Mouton, Ernie Holloway, David Arnold, Jeffrey Brown, Dave Dever, Dave Herrick, Michael Dames, Dave Chester, Bob Cernak, Rick Sutkiewicz, John Kolesar, Allen Bishop

3rd Row: Erik Campbell, Mike Husar, Mark Messner, Jack Walker, Steve Thibert, Andree McIntyre, Andy Borowski, Dave Folkertsma, Tim Schulte, John Vitale, Phil Webb, Phil Logas

2nd Row: Jamie Morris, Monte Robbins, Todd Schulte, Billy Harris, Mark Hammerstein, Paul Jokisch, Bob Perryman, Mike Reinhold, John Elliott, Jerry Quaerna, Carlitos Bostic, Chris Zurbrugg, Head Coach Bo Schembechler

Front Row: Ken Higgins, Pat Moons, Garland Rivers, Ivan Hicks, Andy Moeller, Tony Gant, Jim Harbaugh, Gerald White, Thomas Wilcher, Dieter Heren, Doug Mallory, Russell Rein


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Front Row: Anthony Mitchell, Pat Fitzgerald, David Ritter, Allen Bishop, Chris Zurbrugg, Phil Webb, Jamie Morris, Erik Campbell, Doug Mallory, Bob Cernak, Ernie Bock, Don Lessner, Rick Stites, Bob Stites.

2nd Row: Andy Borowski, Dave Chester, Dave Folkertsma, Michael Dames, John Vitale, Andre McIntyre, John Elliott, Mark Messner, Steve Thibert, Monte Robbins, Billy Harris, John Willingham, Mike Husar, Carlitos Bostic, Bo Schembechler.

3rd Row: Rick Hassel, Bobby Abrams, Derrick Walker, Jeff Brown, David Arnold, Dave Dever, Brent White, John Duerr, Dave Mandel, Scott Mandel, Michael Taylor, Demetrius Brown, John Kolesar, Mike Gillette.

4th Row: Ernie Holloway, Rick Sutkiewicz, Keith Cooper, J.J. Grant, Keith Mitchell, Dean Dingman, Pat Olszewski, David Weil, Joe Holland, John Herrmann, Frank Petroff, Olatide Ogunfitidim, Sean LaFontaine, Mike DeBoer.

5th Row: Vince Washington, Scott Herrala, David Key, Mike Teeter, John Milligan, Greg McMurtry, John Plantz, Joel Boyden, Warde Manuel, Jarrod Bunch, Allen Jefferson, Chris Calloway, Doug Matton, Gulam Khan.

6th Row: Mark Gutzwiller, Jeff Tubo, Marc Spencer, Marc Ramirez, T.J. Osman, Scott Smykowski, Tom Dohring, Doug Daugherty, Mike Kerr, Curtis Feaster, Vada Murray, Tim Williams, Tracy Williams, Trey Walker.

7th Row: Sean Eastman, Byron Lawson, Dave Knight, Todd Plate, Greg Ziegler, Steve Zacharias, Huemartin Robinson, Tony Boles, Chris Horn, Mike Edwards, Stu Duncan, Dave Herrick, Brian Reid, Ken Mouton, Chris D'Esposito.

8th Row: Eric Bush, Wilbur Odom, Erick Anderson, Brian Townsend, Ron Zielinski, Dave Diebolt, Greg Skrepenak, Dave Dingman, Alex Marshall, Chris Bohn, Rusty Fishtner, Ken Sollom, Otis Williams, Ra-Mon Watkins.

9th Row: Shawn Watson, Carlos Smith, Yale VanDyne, Mike Evans, Dave Ritter, Matt Elliott, Dan Jokisch, Mark Soehnlen, Lance Dottin, Neil Simpson, Kevin Owen, Jim Sinclair, Bill Madden, J.D. Carlson, John Rodney.

10th Row: Aaron Studwell, Jon Falk, Mike Gittleson, Mike Walters, Damon Taylor, Leon Morton, Dave Caputo, Brad Moyer, Colin Rudolph, Eric Traupe, David Papp, Fritz Seyferth, Russ Miller, Paul Schmidt, Kevin Kolcheff, Brad Andres.

Back Row: Dennis Morgan, Jeff Long, Jim Herrmann, Bill Harris, Bobby Morrison, Tom Reed, Lloyd Carr, Gary Moeller, Jerry Hanlon, Tirrel Burton, Les Miles, Cam Cameron, Alex Agase, Kevin Kalinich, Randy Fichtner, Dave Garlow, Dennis Blanchard, Charlie Baird.


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Back Row: Jon Falk, Brad Andress, Alozie Okezie, Eddie Azcona, John Albertson, Randy Stark, Chris Hutchinson, Barry Kelley, Erik Knuth, Paul Manning, Pat Maloney, John Woodlock, John Ellison, Curt Mallory, Kevin Heading, Assayan Jordan, Ira Pintel, Phil Bromley, Scott Woolf

7th Row: Pat Perkins, Bob Bland, Mike Filander, John Becker, Doug Cohen, D.J. Brown, Elvis Grbac, Steve Everitt, Rob Doherty, Doug Skene, Joe Cocozzo, Brian Wallace, Mortin Davis, Bill Schaffer, Livetius Johnson, Coleman Wallace, Corwin Brown, Dave Herrick, Dennis Blanchard

6th Row: Russ Miller, Ken Mouton, Jim Plocki, Jon Vaughn, Desmond Howard, Dwayne Ware, Ra-Mon Watkins, Shawn Watson, Dave Caputo, Eric Traupe, James Sinclair, Mike Evans, Matt McCoy, Yale Van Dyne, J.D. Carlson, Bill Madden, Leon Morton, Kevin Kolcheff, Jim Herrmann

5th Row: Paul Schmidt, Jeff Long, Dave Knight, Ron Zielinski, Lance Dottin, Dave Ritter, Erick Anderson, Dave Diebolt, Dan Jokisch, Greg Skrepenak, Alex Marshall, Brian Townsend, Matt Elliott, Chris Bohn, Rusty Fichtner, Marc Soehnlen, Mike Gittleson, Cam Cameron

4th Row: Jon Heacock, Bill Harris, Eric Bush, Otis Williams, Steve Zacharias, Jeff Tubo, Trey Walker, Dean Dingman, Marc Spencer, Scott Smykowski, Marc Ramirez, Doug Daugherty, Tripp Welborne, Neil Simpson, Todd Plate, Wilbur Odom, Ken Sollom, Tirrel Burton, Bobby Morrison

3rd Row: Bob Chmiel, Gulam Khan, Chris Horn, Tracy Williams, Leroy Hoard, Tim Williams, John Milligan, Tom Dohring, Jarrod Bunch, Warde Manuel, Greg McMurtry, Chris Feaster, Mike Teeter, T.J. Osman, Doug Matton, Mark Gutzwiller, Kevin Owen, Tom Reid, Les Miles

2nd Row: Jerry Hanlon, Bobby Abrams, David Key, Joel Boyden, Anthony Mitchell, Rick Hassel, Frank Petroff, Keith Mitchell, Pat Olszewski, David Weil, Joe Holland, Sean LaFountaine, Vincent Washington, Chris Calloway, Allen Jefferson, Tony Boles, Vada Murray, Gary Moeller, Lloyd Carr1st row:Mike Gillette, John Kolesar, John Herrmann, David Arnold, Dave Chester, John Vitale, Mark Messner, Michael Dames, Mike Husar, Jeff Brown, Derrick Walker, J.J. Grant, Brent White, Michael Taylor, Bo Schembechler.