149 resultados para Bulbs


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The book, New Dimensions in Privacy Law, has an arresting cover — a pack of paparazzi take photographs, with their flash-bulbs popping and exploding,like starbursts in the sky. The collection explores the valiant efforts of courts and parliaments to defend the privacy of individuals against such unwanted intrusions.


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Puu-Käpylä (“Wooden Käpylä”), a neighbourhood of Helsinki, is the earliest example of the Garden City Movement in Finland. The suburb of valuable wooden architecture was built between 1920 and 1925, with the aim to provide a healthy housing area for working-class families with many children. The houses were erected by a co-operative (Käpylän kansanasunnot, “People?s Dwellings”) and they are protected by the city plan since 1960?s. However, the historical value of the sheltered courtyards has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to survey the garden flora of Puu-Käpylä and to evaluate the authenticity of the courtyard gardens. The survey covered the area of one residential quarter (1.2 ha) with twelve 2-storey semi-detached timber houses arranged around a common yard, which was originally appointed for the tenants? vegetable gardens. The houses are still rented, and each flat is allowed a small lot of the courtyard for cultivation. A complete list was made of all perennial, ornamental plant taxa present in the quarter. Spring bulbs were missed due to the timing of the survey. Generally, the plants were recorded on species level, with the exception of common lilacs, shrub roses, irises and peonies that were thoroughly studied for cultivar identification. It was assumed that plants initially grown in the courtyard could be distinguished by studying Finnish garden magazines, books and nursery catalogues published in the 1920?s and by comparing the present vegetation to surviving documents from the quarter. The total number of ornamental plant taxa identified was 172, of which 17 were trees, 47 shrubs, 7 climbers and 101 herbaceous perennials. The results indicated that a major part of the shrubs, climbers and perennials presumably originated from the 1970?s or later, whereas ca. 70 % of the tree specimens were deemed as original. The survey disclosed a heritage variety of common lilac, resembling cultivar „Prince Notger?, a specific peony taxon, Paeonia humilis Retz., cultivated in Nordic countries since long ago, and a few historic iris varieties. Well-preserved design elements included front gardens on one side of the quarter, a maple alley on another side as well as trees at the garden gates. Old garden books and magazines did not shed much light on the Finnish garden flora commonly used in the period when Puu-Käpylä was built. However, they gave a valuable picture of contemporary planting design. Nursery catalogues offered insight into the assortment of ornamental plants traded in the 1920?s. Conclusions on the authenticity of the current flora were mainly drawn on the basis of old photographs and a vegetation survey map drawn in the 1970?s. This study revealed a need for standardization of syrvey methods applied when investigating garden floras. Uniform survey techniques would make the results comparable and enable a future compilation of data from e.g. historic gardens.


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The enzymic hydrolysis of riboflavin to lumichrome and ribitol by extracts of Crinum longifolium bulbs has been demonstrated. The enzyme was purified 48-fold by ZnSO4 treatment and ethanol fractionation, and concentrated by using Sephadex G-25. After establishing the stoichiometry of the reaction, the general properties of the purified enzyme were studied. The enzyme showed maximal activity at pH 7·5, and it had a requirement for reduced glutathione which could be replaced by cysteine or ascorbic acid. Mg2+ and Li+ activated the enzyme. The reaction was highly specific to riboflavin and was competitively inhibited by riboflavin 5′-phosphate.


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The crystal structure of a beta-prism II (BP2) fold lectin from Remusatia vivipara, a plant of traditional medicinal value, has been determined at a resolution of 2.4 A. This lectin (RVL, Remusatia vivipara lectin) is a dimer with each protomer having two distinct BP2 domains without a linker between them. It belongs to the ``monocot mannose-binding'' lectin family, which consists of proteins of high sequence and structural similarity. Though the overall tertiary structure is similar to that of lectins from snowdrop bulbs and garlic, crucial differences in the mannose-binding regions and oligomerization were observed. Unlike most of the other structurally known proteins in this family, only one of the three carbohydrate recognition sites (CRSs) per BP2 domain is found to be conserved. RVL does not recognize simple mannose moieties. RVL binds to only N-linked complex glycans like those present on the gp120 envelope glycoprotein of HIV and mannosylated blood proteins like fetuin, but not to simple mannose moieties. The molecular basis for these features and their possible functional implications to understand the different levels of carbohydrate affinities in this structural family have been investigated through structure analysis, modeling and binding studies. Apart from being the first structure of a lectin to be reported from the Araceae/Arum family, this protein also displays a novel mode of oligomerization among BP2 lectins.


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Using energy more efficiently is essential if carbon emissions are to be reduced. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), energy efficiency improvements represent the largest and least costly savings in carbon emissions, even when compared with renewables, nuclear power and carbon capture and storage. Yet, how should future priorities be directed? Should efforts be focused on light bulbs or diesel engines, insulating houses or improving coal-fired power stations? Previous attempts to assess energy efficiency options provide a useful snapshot for directing short-term responses, but are limited to only known technologies developed under current economic conditions. Tomorrow's economic drivers are not easy to forecast, and new technical solutions often present in a disruptive manner. Fortunately, the theoretical and practical efficiency limits do not vary with time, allowing the uncertainty of economic forecasts to be avoided and the potential of yet to be discovered efficient designs to be captured. This research aims to provide a rational basis for assessing all future developments in energy efficiency. The global fow of energy through technical devices is traced from fuels to final services, and presented as an energy map to convey visually the scale of energy use. An important distinction is made between conversion devices, which upgrade energy into more useable forms, and passive systems, from which energy is lost as low temperature heat, in exchange for final services. Theoretical efficiency limits are calculated for conversion devices using exergy analysis, and show a 89% potential reduction in energy use. Efforts should be focused on improving the efficiency of, in relative order: biomass burners, refrigeration systems, gas burners and petrol engines. For passive systems, practical utilisation limits are calculated based on engineering models, and demonstrate energy savings of 73% are achievable. Significant gains are found in technical solutions that increase the thermal insulation of building fabrics and reduce the mass of vehicles. The result of this work is a consistent basis for comparing efficiency options, that can enable future technical research and energy policy to be directed towards the actions that will make the most difference.


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A water-soluble crude extract prepared from Ornithogalum caudatum Ait. (OCA) showing a high immunomodulating activitiy was isolated and characterized by virtue of get filtration and column chromatography. The presence of the monosaccharides has been established by the chemical analysis. The quantitative analysis of the alditol acetate derivatives of them showed the ratios of the monosaccharides analyzed by means of GC respectively. The concentrations of protein(280 nm) and carbohydrate (496 nm) were detected respectively. The information of the molecular weight from the pure polysaccharide was obtained by several standard Dextrans from the Sephadex chromatography.


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In this paper, four new species of malacocarpic Sargassum are described: S. fuliginosoides Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its discoid holdfast, the presence of the bulbs on the basal parts of the primary branches and very thick, lanceolate leaves. S. gemmiphorum Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its conical holdfast, usually branched axis and very long, narrow, thin, denticulate leaves. S. shandongense Tseng, Zhang et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its discoid holdfast, flattened primary branches, its leaves mostly entire or wavy at the margins and its racemose to paniculate receptacles. S. qingdaoense Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of the glandular dots on the ultimate branches and elongated lanceolate, acute, mostly wavy leaves.


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We present two novel bioassays to be used in the examination of plant-parasitic nematode host-finding ability. The host-finding 'pipette-bulb assay' was constructed from modelled Pasteur pipette bulbs and connecting barrels using parafilm fastenings. This assay examines the direction of second-stage juvenile (J2) migration in response to a host seedling, through a moistened sand substrate, which underlies terminal upward-facing 'seedling bulbs', one containing a host seedling in potting compost, the other with only potting compost. An equal watering regime through both upward-facing seedling bulbs creates a directional concentration gradient of host diffusate chemotactic factors. Positive chemotactic stimuli cause the J2 to orientate and migrate towards the host plant. We present validation data collected from assays of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, and the potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, which indicate a highly significant positive attraction of J2 of both species to respective host plants. This represents a simple, quick and inexpensive method of assessing host-finding behaviour in the laboratory. We consider that the pipette-bulb assay improves on previous host-finding/chemo-attraction assays through creating a more biologically relevant environment for experimental J2; analysis is quick and easy, allowing the straightforward interpretation of results. In addition, we have developed an 'agar trough' sensory assay variant which we believe can be used rapidly to ratify nematode responses to chemical gustatory or olfactory cues. This was constructed from a water agar substrate such that two counting wells were connected by a raised central trough, all flooded with water. Two small water agar plugs were dehydrated briefly in an oven and then hydrated in either an attractant, repellent or water control; these plugs were then placed in the terminal counting wells and subsequently leached the attractant or repellent to form a concentration gradient along the central trough, which contained the initial J2 innoculum. Our data show that both M. incognita and G. pallida J2 are positively attracted to host diffusates. In addition, they displayed a strong repulsion in response to 1 M NaCl2. J2 of M. incognita displayed a mild aversion to a non-host oak root diffusate, whereas G. pallida J2 displayed a strong aversion to the same non-host diffusate; neither species responded to a compost leachate. We believe that the agar trough assay improves on previous methods by facilitating rapid diffusion of attractant or repellents. Both of the aforementioned assays were designed as tools to assess the impact of RNAi-based reverse genetics screens for gene targets involved in chemosensory orientation.


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Arsenic is known to accumulate with iron plaque on macrophyte roots. Three to four years after the Aznalcóllar mine spill (Spain), residual arsenic contamination left in seasonal wetland habitats has been identified in this form by scanning electron microscopy. Total digestion has determined arsenic concentrations in thoroughly washed 'root+plaque' material in excess of 1000 mg kg(-1), and further analysis using X-ray absorption spectroscopy suggests arsenic exists as both arsenate and arsenite. Certain herbivorous species feed on rhizomes and bulbs of macrophytes in a wide range of global environments, and the ecotoxicological impact of consuming arsenic rich iron plaque associated with such food items remains to be quantified. Here, greylag geese which feed on Scirpus maritimus rhizome and bulb material in areas affected by the Aznalcóllar spill are shown to have elevated levels of arsenic in their feces, which may originate from arsenic rich iron plaque.


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A cebola representa no Ribatejo um dos produtos hortícolas de maior peso na economia agrícola regional. Os mercados dos produtos agrícolas são caracterizados por uma oferta contínua ao longo dos doze meses do ano. Actualmente é possível, garantir o fornecimento de cebola num apreciável período de tempo; no entanto, torna-se necessário proceder à sua conservação como forma de garantia de escoamento e regularização do abastecimento ao mercado. O material experimental constou de bolbos das variedades “Pandero” e “Legend” provenientes das plantações dos associados da Agromais e aplicação de um anti-abrolhante (hidrazida maleica), para que se tenha cebola não espigada com 6 meses de armazenamento, mantendo um equilíbrio no mercado durante o ano inteiro. As cebolas foram armazenadas em oito combinações; dois grupos da variedade “Pandero” um tratado outro não com HM, conservados a 4º C. Outros dois grupos da mesma variedade um tratado outro não com HM, conservados a 2,5ºC, repetindo a mesma forma na variedade “Legend”, com uma humidade relativa cerca de 75% (recomendada na conservação da cebola). Foram observadas as seguintes variáveis: podridão; espigamento; defeitos menores; defeitos maiores; defeitos totais e perda de peso. As observações foram realizadas em períodos de 15 em 15 dias, com os seguintes dias de conservação; 0; 16; 30; 46 e 59. O objectivo deste trabalho foi perceber os efeitos da hidrazida maleica e diferentes temperaturas (4 e 2,5ºC) sobre os parâmetros fisiológicos dos bolbos de cebola armazenados. Verificou-se uma menor podridão na temperatura a 2,5ºC, a HM reduziu o espigamento na variedade “Pandero” à temperatura de 4ºC, já sem HM o espigamento foi maior na “Pandero” à temperatura de 4ºC; com o abaixamento da temperatura de 4 para 2,5ºC houve uma redução de 5% no espigamento; os defeitos totais não foram afectados pela temperatura,


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Tendo por referência a diretiva 2006/95/CE, o trabalho desenvolvido no contexto da disciplina de Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio do Mestrado de Engenharia de Instrumentação e Metrologia, decorreu nas instalações do IEP (Instituto Electrotécnico Português) e teve como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de avaliação dos efeitos fotobiológicos no olho e pele provocados por fontes de emissão contínua (LED), doravante designado método alternativo ao de referência. Os dois métodos, alternativo e de referência, utilizam respectivamente um foto-radiómetro multicanal e um espetro-radiómetro. O procedimento desenvolvido (método alternativo) de acordo com a norma EN/IEC62471) consiste na aquisição dos valores de irradiância com recurso a um foto-radiómetro e posterior determinação dos valores da radiância, com os quais se faz a avaliação dos efeitos fotobiológicos, para fontes de luz LED (Light Emitting Diode) ou GLS (General Lighting Service). A consulta detalhada da norma EN/IEC62471 e a pesquisa sobre os conceitos, definições, equipamentos e metodologias relacionadas com o tema em causa, constituiu o primeiro passo deste projecto. Com recurso aos dois equipamentos, uma fonte de luz LED (módulo de 12 lâmpadas LED) é avaliada em relação aos perigos (ou riscos) actínico UV e UV-A, ao perigo da luz azul e ainda o perigo térmico na retina e térmico na pele, permitindo fazer uma análise comparativa dos resultados. O método alternativo revelou-se bastante flexível e eficaz, proporcionando bons resultados em termos da irradiância e radiância dos referidos efeitos fotobiológicos. A comparação destes resultados com os valores limites de exposição mencionados na norma EN/IEC6247 permitiu afirmar que a fonte de luz LED avaliada não representa perigo fotobiológico para a saúde humana e classifica-se no grupo de risco “isento”. Uma vez cumpridos os objectivos, entendeu-se que seria uma mais-valia para o trabalho já realizado, estudar outro caso prático. Sendo assim, fez-se a avaliação da radiação de apenas um dos LED´s que constituíam a fonte usada nos ensaios anteriores, com o espetro-radiómetro (método de referência) e com uma distância de 200 mm entre a fonte e o medidor. Neste caso verificaram-se diferenças significativas nas quantidades obtidas quando comparadas com os valores normativos. Concluiu-se que o efeito fotobiológico da luz azul insere-se no grupo de “isento”, sem perigo para a saúde. Contudo, o efeito térmico da retina apresenta um aumento considerável da quantidade de radiância, embora dentro do grupo de risco “isento”. Esta classificação de grupos de risco. Face aos resultados obtidos, pode confirmar-se que as lâmpadas LED apresentam segurança fotobiológica, atendendo aos baixos valores de irradiância e radiância dos efeitos fotobiológicos estudados. Pode ainda afirmar-se que a utilização do foto-radiómetro em alternativa ao espetro-radiómetro se revela mais eficaz do ponto de vista de metodologia prática. Este trabalho demonstra a robustez desses dois equipamentos de avaliação dos efeitos fotobiológicos, e procura estabelecer uma linha de orientação para a prevenção dos efeitos adversos na pele e olhos de todos os seres humanos sujeitos à radiação ótica artificial. Quanto às incertezas de medições, em relação ao processo de medição com foto-radiómetro, a sua estimação não se realizou, devido a não rastreabilidade entre as medições indicadas pelo fabricante, no certificado de calibração e as medidas realizadas por outras entidades. Contudo, é propõe-se a sua realização em trabalhos futuros dentro desse âmbito. As incertezas dos resultados de medições com espetro-radiómetro foram parcialmente estimadas. Atendendo às potencialidades do sistema de medição, propõe-se como trabalho futuro, a aplicação da norma IEC62478, que faz parte da aplicação da norma EN/IEC62471 na avaliação do efeito da luz azul, com base na determinação da temperatura de cor correlacionada (CCT) de lâmpadas ou sistemas de lâmpadas incluindo luminárias. Os valores de irradiância e radiância adquiridos nos processos de avaliação, tanto com foto-radiómetro como espectro-radiómetro foram gravados em ficheiro Excel para um CD e anexados a este trabalho.


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O presente trabalho aborda a temática da eficiência energética em sistemas de iluminação pública. A principal motivação prende-se com o peso significativo que a parcela energética destes sistemas ocupa na economia mundial. O uso eficiente de energia é uma crescente preocupação devido à diminuição de recursos, às consequências climáticas cada vez mais marcadas e ao elevado custo da energia, representando ainda um papel fundamental ao nível económico e de competitividade. A Iluminação Pública (IP) representa um peso importante nas despesas correntes dos municípios. É assim importante encontrar uma solução que permita manter níveis de segurança e conforto necessários às populações e que proporcione uma redução substancial do peso da IP nas despesas municipais. Neste sentido, este trabalho propõe-se estudar esta problemática, apresentando uma sistematização de soluções eficientes, quer a nível de lâmpadas e luminárias como também ao nível de tecnologias que auxiliem e complementem a eficiência de uma instalação de iluminação pública. A dissertação está dividida em duas partes. A primeira parte sistematiza os consumos verificados em Portugal, a vários níveis (consumo de energia elétrica, evolução do consumo energético de iluminação pública, etc.) abordando as políticas de eficiência energética, e são descritos alguns procedimentos que possibilitam a poupança energética na iluminação pública, aliada a instalações eficientes. A segunda parte da dissertação contempla o estudo de um caso prático cujo objetivo é propor soluções técnicas que permitam melhorar a eficiência energética na iluminação pública de Esposende, face à situação atual do concelho. Serão propostas várias soluções, tais como luminárias LED, balastros electrónicos reguláveis, lâmpadas de menor consumo e até mesmo o uso da telegestão.


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An advertisement for W.H. Holland and features lights bulbs as an item available. The brand of light bulbs is Laco Mazda and the slogan with it reads "At last we'll have plenty of light".


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La dépression est une maladie chronique, récurrente et potentiellement mortelle qui affecte plus de 20 % de la population à travers le monde. Les mécanismes sous-jacents de la dépression demeurent incompris et la pharmacothérapie actuelle, largement basée sur l’hypothèse monoaminergique, fait preuve d’une efficacité sous optimale et d’une latence thérapeutique élevée. Par conséquent, la recherche est amenée à élaborer de nouveaux traitements pharmacologiques. Pour détecter leur action, il est avant tout nécessaire de développer des outils expérimentaux adéquats. Dans cette optique, notre but a été de mesurer l’anhédonie, un symptôme cardinal de la dépression, chez le rat de laboratoire. L’anhédonie a été définie comme une réduction de la récompense et a été mesurée avec le test de consommation de sucrose et la technique d’autostimulation intracérébrale. En vue d’induire l’anhédonie, nous avons effectué une bulbectomie olfactive, une procédure qui entraîne divers changements biochimiques, cellulaires et comportementaux similaires à ceux de l’état dépressif et qui peuvent être renversés par un traitement antidépresseur chronique. Nos résultats montrent que la bulbectomie olfactive produit également l’anhédonie, reflétée par une réduction durable de la consommation de sucrose et par une réduction de l’efficacité de l’amphétamine dans le test d’autostimulation intracérébrale. Ces effets ont été présents jusqu’à trois à quatre semaines suivant la chirurgie. La bulbectomie olfactive a aussi été associée à une augmentation de l’élément de réponse liant l’AMPc dans le striatum, un index moléculaire associé à l’anhédonie. Ces découvertes suggèrent que l’anhédonie peut être produite et étudiée de façon fiable dans le modèle de bulbectomie olfactive et que le circuit de récompense pourrait constituer une cible cohérente pour de nouvelles drogues en vue du traitement de la dépression.


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La neurogenèse persiste à l’âge adulte dans deux régions du système nerveux central (SNC) des mammifères : la zone sous-ventriculaire (SVZ) du cerveau antérieur et la zone sous-granulaire (SGZ) de l’hippocampe. Cette neurogenèse est possible grâce à la capacité de prolifération des cellules souches présentes dans les niches de la SVZ et la SGZ, mais en vieillissant, le cerveau subit une diminution dramatique du nombre de cellules souches neurales adultes (CSNa), une diminution de la prolifération cellulaire et une altération des niches de neurogenèse. Cependant, une importante question reste sans réponse : comment la perte tardive des CSNa est temporellement reliée aux changements de l’activité de prolifération et de la structure de la principale niche de neurogenèse (la SVZ)? Afin d’avoir un aperçu sur les événements initiaux, nous avons examiné les changements des CSNa et de leur niche dans la SVZ entre le jeune âge et l’âge moyen. La niche de la SVZ des souris d’âge moyen (12 mois) subit une réduction de l’expression des marqueurs de plusieurs sous-populations de précurseurs neuraux en comparaison avec les souris jeunes adultes (2 mois). Anatomiquement, cela est associé avec des anomalies cytologiques, incluant une atrophie générale de la SVZ, une perte de la couche de cellules sousépendymaires par endroit et l’accumulation de gouttelettes lipidiques de grande taille dans l’épendyme. Fonctionnellement, ces changements sont corrélés avec une diminution de l’activité de la SVZ et une réduction du nombre de nouveaux neurones arrivant aux bulbes olfactifs. Pour déterminer si les CSNa de la SVZ ont subi des changements visibles, nous avons évalué les paramètres clés des CSNa in vivo et in vitro. La culture cellulaire montre qu’un nombre équivalent de CSNa ayant la capacité de former des neurosphères peut être isolé du cerveau du jeune adulte et d’âge moyen. Cependant, à l’âge moyen, les précurseurs neuraux semblent moins sensibles aux facteurs de croissance durant leur différenciation in vitro. Les CSNa donnent des signes de latence in vivo puisque leur capacité d’incorporation et de rétention du BrdU diminue. Ensemble, ces données démontrent que, tôt dans le processus du vieillissement, les CSNa et leur niche dans la SVZ subissent des changements significatifs, et suggèrent que la perte de CSNa liée au vieillissement est secondaire à ces événements.