955 resultados para Building materials


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A two-dimensional mathematical model for evaluating the simultaneous heat and moisture migration in porous building materials was proposed. Vapor content and temperature were chosen as the principal driving potentials. The numerical solution was based on the control volume finite difference technique with fully implicit scheme in time. Two validation experiments were developed in this study. The evolution of transient moisture distributions in both one-dimensional and two-dimensional cases was measured. A comparison between experimental results and those obtained by the numerical model proves that they are fully consistent with each other. The model can be easily integrated into a whole building heat, air and moisture transfer model. Another main advantage of the present numerical method lies in the fact that the required moisture transport properties are comparatively simple and easy to determine.


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A range of instruments are available to measure thermal conductivity of building materials. Some of these tools are heat-flow meter, hot plate, hot box and heat transfer analyzer. Thermal conductivity data derived by using different instruments can be different from each other. Implication of these variations in thermal conductivity is significant in terms of commercial profile of the insulations and also in terms of calculating energy saving in large scale use of that specific insulation. Thus it is important to know which of the measuring instrument for thermal conductivity can produce relatively accurate and representative result. This paper firstly looks at the methods and instrument for measuring thermal conductivity of building materials and secondly compares and analyses the results of testing thermal conductivity of fibrous insulations using a heat analyzer and a hot plate.


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Equity research report


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Receipt for building materials bought by Samuel Woodruff for E. Riddle, signed by Mr. Kiddee, Aug. 5, 1876.


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Kerala, God’s own country is blessed with immense natural resources. It’s high time that the state’s natural resources being utilized effectively. While sustainable development is the need of the hour, we have to take lead in initiating activities that would minimize the exploitation of our natural resources resulting in their effective utilization. This paper narrates an overview of innovative building materials especially using natural fibres available in Kerala and discusses the feasibility of utilising such fibres in the context of sustainable building materials in Kerala. The paper also discusses how these materials can be effectively utilized to reduce the huge investment in the construction industry


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This paper aims to consider the embodied energy of building materials in the context of greenhouse gas emission mitigation strategies. Previous practice and research are highlighted where they have the potential to influence design decisions. Latest embodied energy figures are indicated, and the implications of applying these figures to whole buildings are discussed. Several practical examples are given to aid building designers in the selection of building materials for reduced overall life cycle greenhouse gas emissions.


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The development of mass-produced environmentally-benign housing is one of the critical factors in the transition to global sustainability. Such housing will need to be constructed from renewable and/or recycled materials, be conditioned using minimal or no non—renewable energy, and be affordable. The universal need for such built environment resource stewardship is urgent. In developing countries, the requirement is to shelter growing populations, and in industrialised countries, there is a need for an alternative to the current resource and nergy-intensive material usage in housing. While there are some good surveys of building materials made from renewable resources, such as the BEDP Environment Design Guide Pro 11 by Gelder (2002), there does not appear to be a comprehensive database of these materials linked to abundant and reliable supply. This paper reviews the current availability and potential usage of renewable materials applicable to Australian mainstream residential construction. It concludes that the current state of publicly available information is dispersed and embedded in multiple sources with variance in detail, incomplete access and uncertain comparison across the sources.


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The use or local architecture characteristics is regulated by the spatial planning and building code of Indonesia. Balinese tmditional architecture has existed, coloured the traditional architecture of Indonesia and can be used as Bali's identity that is different from other regions in Indonesia.On the other hand, the cost of such building is high and most of people in urban areas are unable to afford to build in the traditional architecture style, especially in the residential housing sector .. Some of the major components that determine the price of housing units are the price of land, building materials, labour and technology. In developing countries, the first and second components that affect the unit price of the building are building materials representing about 70% and skilled labour respectively (Ural, 1980). Based on this, a good strategy to adopt in order to minimize the price is to manipulate these two components.Based on a literature review and observation, this study will explain which aspects of building material technology can reduce the building cost and how it can maintain the identity of local architecture.The results of the study indicate that the building material can be created to both reduce cost and adopt traditional architecture style as an identity. The materials have some shapes that can be joined easily to facilitate the skill of the worker and yet still be able to adopt the forms of traditional Balinese architecture.


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The traditional teaching methods used for training civil engineers are currently being called into question as a result of the new knowledge and skills now required by the labor market. In addition, the European Higher Education Area is requesting that students be given a greater say in their learning. In the subject called Construction and Building Materials at the Civil Engineering School of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, a path was set three academic years ago to lead to an improvement in traditional teaching by introducing active methodologies. The innovations are based on cooperative learning, new technologies, and continuous assessment. The writers’ proposal is to offer their experience as a contribution to the debate on how students can be encouraged to acquire the skills currently demanded from a civil engineer, though not overlooking solid, top-quality training. From the outcomes obtained, it can be concluded that using new teaching techniques to supplement a traditional approach provides more opportunities for students to learn while boosting their motivation. In our case, the introduction of these changes has resulted in an increased pass rate of 29% on average, when such a figure is considered in the light of the mean value of passes during the last decade.