135 resultados para Brunfelsia uniflora


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Candidiasis is a major oral manifestation in kidney transplant patients. Candida spp. possess essential virulence factors which contribute for the infectious process, including the ability to adhere to epithelial cells and biofilm formation. The extract obtained from the leaves of Eugenia uniflora [acetone: water (7:3, v/v)] has demonstrated antifungal activity against Candida spp. This study evaluated the influence of the extract of E. uniflora in adhesion to human buccal epithelial cells (HBEC) and biofilm formation of 42 strains of Candida spp. isolated from the oral cavity of kidney transplant patients. Candida spp. strains belonging to a culture collection were reactivated and phenotypically re-identified by classical and molecular methods (genotyping ABC and RAPD), when necessary, to complete the identification to the species level. For the virulence tests evaluated in vitro, yeasts were grown in the presence and absence of 1000 g/mL of the extract. A ratio of 10: 1 (Candida spp. cells x HBECs) was incubated for 1 hour at 37 ° C, 200 rpm, fixed with 10% formalin and the number of Candida cells adhered to 150 HBEC determined by optical microscope. Biofilms were formed on polystyrene microplates in the presence or absence of the extract. The quantification was performed with crystal violet staining at 570 nm. All isolates were viable and exhibited phenotypic characteristics suggestive of each species identified. Two strains presumptively identified as Candida dubliniensis belonged to this species as determined with genotyping ABC, while strains identified as belonging to the Candida parapsilosis species complex were differentiated by RAPD genotyping. Candida albicans was found to be the most adherent species to the buccal epithelia, while C. tropicalis showed remarkable biofilm formation.We could detect that the extract of E. uniflora was able to reduce adhesion to HBEC for both Candida albicans and non-Candida albicans Candida species. On the other hand, only 16 Candida spp. strains (36 %) showed reduced biofilm formation. However, two highly biofilm producer strains of C. tropicalis had an expressive reduction in biofilm formation. This study reinforces the idea that besides growth inhibition, E. uniflora may interfere with the expression of some virulence factors of Candida spp., and may be possibly applied in the future as a novel antifungal agent.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs), da adubação e da composição do substrato no crescimento de mudas de Eugenia uniflora. As sementes foram germinadas em vermiculita média e repicadas para tubetes (100 cm3) contendo substratos à base de vermicomposto e casca de arroz carbonizada e, como controle, utilizou-se do substrato comercial à base de casca de pínus. Estes substratos foram testados com e sem inoculação micorrízica, adicionada ao substrato, como também se testaram a presença e a ausência de adubação de cobertura. Foram analisadas as propriedades físico-químicas dos substratos formulados. Avaliaram-se a altura, o diâmetro do colo, a agregação das raízes ao substrato, a biomassa seca aérea, a biomassa seca radicial e foram determinados a relação entre altura e diâmetro do colo e o índice de qualidade de Dickson. A inoculação com FMAs não influenciou no crescimento das mudas, enquanto a interação entre substratos e adubação foi significativa para a maioria das variáveis. A ausência de resposta aos FMAs foi, provavelmente, devido às altas concentrações de fósforo nestes substratos. Concluiu-se que o substrato à base de vermicomposto e casca de arroz carbonizada, na proporção de 20/80, pode ser utilizado na produção de mudas desta espécie.


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The report of Brunfelsia poisoning of dogs in Sydney by Drs Singh, Cowan and Child is very welcome, but it raises one important scientific point that has been further highlighted by the letter from Dr Seavers. Neither in the case report nor in Dr Seavers' letter is the species or cultivar of the plants identified. There are about 40 known Brunfelsia species, a number of which are cultivated in tropical to temperate climate gardens in Australia. It is noteworthy that Dr Seavers speculates about the Brunfelsia plants involved in dog poisonings in Australia, suggesting that 'dwarf' plants may be more poisonous ...


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O conhecimento da vegetação em regiões de ocorrências minerais de cobre e ouro torna-se de grande importância para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias limpas na reabilitação de áreas degradadas pela mineração (fitorremediação) e na bioprospecção mineral no Estado. Buscou-se verificar a relação entre a organização espacial e fitossociológica das unidades e subunidades de vegetação na mina Volta Grande, Lavras do Sul, RS e a presença de cobre nas mineralizações. Com base em Ecologia de Paisagem, realizou-se investigações fitossociológicas, avaliação do conteúdo de cobre em raízes e folhas de Axonopus affinis, Eugenia uniflora, Heterothalamus alienus, Saccharum angustifolium, Schizachyrium microstachyum e Schinus lentiscifolius e o zoneamento da vegetação com sobreposição ao mapa de estruturas mineralizadas conhecidas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, sugere-se que a distribuição das unidades e subunidades de vegetação (unidade de vegetação Eugenia uniflora – Scutia buxifolia, com subunidades Eugenia uniflora – Cupania vernalis e Eugenia uniflora – Allophylus edulis; unidade de vegetação Schinus lentiscifolius – Heterothalamus alienus; unidade de vegetação Eryngium horridum – Saccharum angustifolium, com subunidade Eryngium horridum – Piptochaetium montevidense e unidade de vegetação Axonopus affinis – Paspalum pumilum) pode estar relacionada à posição geomorfológica, à declividade, à umidade do solo e ao manejo para o uso do gado A unidade de vegetação Schinus lentiscifolius – Heterothalamus alienus parece estar relacionada às ocorrências de mineralizações (filões) de cobre e ouro, sendo necessária uma comparação com outras áreas mineralizadas e não-mineralizadas no Estado para utilizar esse dado em prospecção mineral. A espécie Axonopus affinis possui em suas raízes um conteúdo de cobre muito maior do que o considerado normal em plantas, sendo indicada para estudos mais detalhados quanto a sua aplicabilidade na reabilitação de áreas degradadas pela mineração no Rio Grande do Sul.


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Nas últimas décadas o conhecimento florístico e taxonômico sobre a família Solanaceae no Rio Grande do Sul tem recebido incremento significativo de informações. Dos gêneros com espécies nativas, Bouchetia, Calibrachoa, Nicotiana, Nierembergia, Petunia e Solanum já foram alvo de revisões. Visando complementar o estudo desta família no Estado, foram estudados os gêneros Acnistus, Athenaea, Aureliana, Brunfelsia, Capsicum, Cestrum, Dyssochroma, Grabowskia, Lycianthes, Solandra e Vassobia, além das espécies do gênero Solanum seção Pachyphylla (Cyphomandra sensu lato). Foram catalogadas 22 espécies nativas, sendo três destas, novas citações de ocorrência. Para os onze primeiros gêneros foram identificados 19 espécies, dos quais cinco são de ocorrência restrita (Athenaea picta, Dyssochroma longipes, Grabowskia duplicata, Lycianthes rantonnei e Solandra grandiflora). A seção Pachyphylla do gênero Solanum está representada por três espécies. Dessa forma, foram atualizados os dados quali e quantitativos sobre a participação da família Solanaceae na flora sul-riograndense. Para cada gênero e para cada táxon específico foram elaboradas descrições, e acrescentados dados sobre fenologia, hábitat, comentários pertinentes e mapas de ocorrência. Chaves analíticas para identificação das espécies, quando mais de uma, também foram elaboradas. A revisão de doze herbários regionais possibilitou a elaboração de uma sinopse taxonômica e de uma chave analítica para identificação dos gêneros presentes no Estado. Dos 27 gêneros confirmados, 22 têm espécies nativas. O número de espécies nativas é de 114 e o de introduzidas, cultivadas ou assilvestradas, é até o momento 26.


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Foram estudados os grãos de pólen de 12 gêneros e 41 espécies de Solanaceae ocorrentes na Reserva do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga: Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schlecht., Athenaea picta (Mart.) Sendtn., Brunfelsia latifolia Benth., Brunfelsia pauciflora (Cham. & Schlecht.) Benth., Capsicum flexuosum (L.) Sendtn., Capsicum villosum (L.) Sendtn., Cestrum amictum (L.) Schlecht., Cestrum corymbosum (L.) Schlecht., Cestrum lanceolatum (L.) Miers, Cestrum schlechtendalii (L.) G. Don, Cestrum sendtnerianum (L.) Mart. ex Sendtn., Cyphomandra diploconos Sendtn., Cyphomandra velutina Sendtn., Dyssochroma viridiflora (Sims) Ducke, Nicotiana langsdorffii (Weinm.) Roem. & Schult., Physalis peruviana L., Physalis viscosa L., Sessea brasiliensis Tol., Solandra grandiflora Sw, Solanum americanum Mill., Solanum atropurpureum Schrank., Solanum bullatum Vell., Solanum capsicoides Allion., Solanum cernuum Vell., Solanum concinnum Schott ex Sendtn., Solanum didynum Dun., Solanum diflorum Vell., Solanum excelsum St. Hil. ex Dun., Solanum granuloso-leprosum Dun., Solanum hoehnei Morton, Solanum inaequale Vell., Solanum inodornum Vell., Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. ex Dun., Solanum mauritianum Scop., Solanum paniculatum L., Solanum rufescens Sendtn., Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam., Solanum swartzianum Roem. & Schult., Solanum vaillantii Dun., Solanum variabile Mart., Solanum viarum Dun. São apresentadas descrições para todas as espécies estudadas, ilustrações, observações e seis chaves polínicas.


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Fruits are rich sources of bioactive compounds, including phenolic compounds. Tropical fruit cultivation is an important productive segment in Brazilian Northeast. Its industrialization generates solid wastes as co-products, with potential environmental impact. Considering the recognized bioactive content of fruit and its derivatives, this research has the objective of investigating acerola (Malpighia glabra L.), cajá-umbu (Spondia ssp), jambolan (Syzygium cumini) and pitanga (Eugenia uniflora) dried wastes obtained by spouted bed drier. It was analyzed the physical-chemical composition, solubility and microphotographic aspect of these dried wastes. Besides this, it was also evaluated the bioactive content, antioxidant activity and inhibitory activity against aamylase and a-glycosidase enzymes of water and ethanol (70%, 80% e 100% v/v) extracts prepared from fruit dried wastes, as well as their possible correlations. The dried fruit wastes showed high phenolic (606.04 to 3074.6 mg GAE eq/100 g sample), anthocyanin (478.7 mg/100 g for jambolan) and ascorbic acid (2748.03 mg/100 g for acerola) contents, as well as high antioxidant DPPH activity (14.27 a 36.30 mg Trolox eq/g sample). The extracts exhibited moderate to high a-amylase inhibition (23.97% a 76.58%) and high α-glycosidase inhibition, which 99.32% peak was reached for ethanol 70% pitanga extracts. It was also observed great positive correlation between phenolic content and DPPH activity (0.97 for acerola), anthocyanin (0.95 for jambolan) and α- glycosidase inhibition (0.98 for acerola). The α-glycosidase inhibition also correlated well with the antioxidant activity for all fruit extracts. The results show that these dried fruit wastes are valuable material for further applications as functional ingredients


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Extracts and decoctions of Eugenia jambolana Lam., Eugenia uniflora L., and Eugenia punicifolia (Humb., Bonpl. & Kunt) DC. are used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes mellitus. Although there have been reports that Eugenia jambolana and Eugenia uniflora have antidiabetic effects, no study has yet been made on Eugenia punicifolia . We investigated the effects of aqueous, butanol, and methanol extracts of Eugenia punicifolia leaves administered by gavage to streptozotocin-diabetic rats for 26 to 29 days. Body weight, food and fluid intake, urine volume, and urinary glucose and urea were evaluated every 7 days. At the end of the experiment, we measured serum cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol, triglycerides and bilirubin, hepatic glycogen and serum marker-enzymes (alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, L-lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, alpha-amylase, and angiotensin I converting enzyme). We found that in rats treated with the aqueous extracts, food and liquid intake, urinary volume, and body weight were all reduced, while for rats treated with the methanol extract, not only were liquid intake, urinary volume and body weight reduced, but urinary glucose and urea also decreased. Rats treated with the butanol extract showed no significant alterations in any of the parameters measured. Chronic treatment with extracts had no effect on the marker enzymes nor on serum bilirubin levels. The results indicate that aqueous extracts of Eugenia punicifolia leaves produced an anorexic effect and that methanol extracts had a beneficial effect on the diabetic state by improving carbohydrate and protein metabolism without provoking hepatobiliary, microvascular, muscular, or pancreatic toxic effects.


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The increase in the incidence of fungal infections due to the drug-resistance or to the number of patients with immune alterations such as AIDS, chemotherapy or organ transplantation, has done the research necesseray for new antifungal drugs. The species from Northeastern Brazil may become an important source of innovative natural molecules. To evaluate the antifungal activity of 10 medicinal plants from Northeastern Brazil, traditionally used as antimicrobial agents, 30 crude extracts (CE) were tested in vitro against four standard species of Candida spp. The CE most promising of these plants were evaluated against yeasts of the oral cavity of kidney transplant patients and through a bioassay-guided fractionation. The extracts form leaves of E. uniflora, the stem bark of L. ferrea and leaves of P. guajava showed significant activity against all yeasts evaluated, with MIC values between 15.62 and 62.5 μg/mL. E. uniflora also showed fungicidal properties against all yeasts, especially against Candida dubliniensis. In patients with immune systems compromised, such as transplanted, oral candidiasis manifests mainly due to immunosuppressive therapy, and resistance to conventional antifungals. The CE of E. uniflora presented range of MIC values between 1.95 to 1000 μg/mL, and lower MIC50 and MIC90 values were observed against C. non-albicans. Due the better results, the CE of E. uniflora was elected to performe the bioassay-guided fractionation. Thus it was possible to obtain enriched fractions, which showed good inhibitory ability against ATCC strains of Candida spp. It was also possible to perform experiments to verify the production of biofilm in two strains of C. dubliniensis and action of extracts and fractions on the same. With this, we observed a behavior between the yeast ATCC and clinical isolate. In addition, CE, fractions and subfractions of E. uniflora inhibit planktonic cells to preventing the growth of biofilm. The preliminary chemical characterization of the fractions obtained revealed the presence of polyphenols (especially flavonoids and tannins). Finally, the results suggests that among the plant species studied, E. uniflora showed a pattern very promising as regards the antifungal, requiring further study of purification and structural elucidation of compounds in order to verify that the antifungal effect found can be attributed to a specific compound or some mechanism depends on synergistic the mixture of polyphenols


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We aimed to establish a phytochemical analysis of the crude extracts and performed GC-MS of the essential oils (EOs) of Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae) and Asteraceae species Baccharis dracunculifolia DC, Matricaria chamomilla L. and Vernonia polyanthes Less, as well as determining their antimicrobial activity. Establishment of the minimal inhibitory concentrations of the crude extracts and EOs against 16 Staphylococcus aureus and 16 Escherichia coli strains from human specimens was carried out using the dilution method in Mueller-Hinton agar. Some phenolic compounds with antimicrobial properties were established, and all EOs had a higher antimicrobial activity than the extracts. Matricaria chamomilla extract and E. uniflora EO were efficient against S. aureus strains, while E. uniflora and V. polyanthes extracts and V. polyanthes EO showed the best antimicrobial activity against E. coli strains. Staphylococcus aureus strains were more susceptible to the tested plant products than E. coli, but all natural products promoted antimicrobial growth inhibition.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cytotoxic activity of eight plant extracts, native from the Mid-West of Brazil comprising Cerrado, Pantanal and semideciduous forest, was evaluated for MDA-MB-435, SF-295, and HCT-8 cancer cell strains. A single 100 µg.mL-1 dose of each extract was employed with 72 h of incubation for all tests. Doxorubicin (1 µg.mL-1) was used as the positive control and the MTT method was used to detect the activity. Cytotoxicity of distinct polarities was observed in thirty extracts (46%), from different parts of the following species: Tabebuia heptaphylla (Vell.) Toledo, Bignoniaceae, Tapirira guianensis Aubl., Anacardiaceae, Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão, Anacardiaceae, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, Anacardiaceae, Gomphrena elegans Mart., Amaranthaceae, Attalea phalerata Mart. ex Spreng., Arecaceae, Eugenia uniflora L., Myrtaceae, and Annona dioica A. St.-Hil., Annonaceae. Extracts of at least two tested cell strains were considered to be highly active since their inhibition rate was over 75%.


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The family Myrtaceae is one of the most important related to fruit species. In Brazil it encloses more than 100 species of native fruit from North to South of the country (Giacometti, 1992; Donadio, 1992; Mattos, 1992). The genus Eugenia, Campomanesia, Psidium and Myrciaria are the most important, grouping most of the species of some importance. The germplasm bank of the Universidade Estadual Paulista includes some of the major species. Some characteristics are typical for most of the Myrtaceae fruit species. The most relevant are the long juvenile period presented by the trees, taking long time to produce, when propagated by seed; the slow growing tree behavior; difficult to propagated by vegetative means; large variability in trees obtained by seed propagation. The cited characteristics are commented for some species as well as the fruit quality, from data obtained in trees at the same ecological conditions.The species evaluated are: 1) Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh; 2) Eugenia tomentosa Cambes; 3) Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.; 4) Eugenia uniflora L.; 5) Eugenia luchsnathiana Berg.; 6) Eugenia uvalha Cambess; 7) Camponesia spp; 8) Plinia edulis (Veil. Sobral); 9) Eugenia involucrata D.C.; 10) Psidium acutangulum Mart.; 11) Myrciaria dubia Mc Vaugh; 12) Engenia guabiju Berg. The main conclusions based on the data analysed are: the fruits of some species present good general characteristics, mainly for fresh consumption, as high Vitamin C, sugars, pulp and other characteristics; 'Araca-boi' presents some good fruit characteristics, but is more adapted for processing, by its high acidity; Some species present low % of edible portion and need to be improved to gain commercial acceptance. mainly the 'cabeludinha' and 'cambuca'.


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The family Myrtaceae is one of the most important related to fruit species. In Brazil it encloses more than 100 species of native fruit from North to South of the country (Giacometti, 1992; Donadio, 1992; Mattos, 1992). The genus Eugenia, Campomanesia, Psidium and Myrciaria are the most important, grouping most of the species of some importance. The germplasm bank of the Universidade Estadual Paulista includes some of the major species. Some characteristics are typical for most of the Myrtaceae fruit species. The most relevant are the long juvenile period presented by the trees, taking long time to produce, when propagated by seed; the slow growing tree behavior; difficult to propagated by vegetative means; large variability in trees obtained by seed propagation. The cited characteristics are commented for some species as well as the fruit quality, from data obtained in trees at the same ecological conditions. The species evaluated are: 1) Eugenia stipitata Me Vaugh; 2) Eugenia tomentosa Cambes; 3) Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.; 4) Eugenia uniflora L.; 5) Eugenia luchsnathiana Berg.; 6) Eugenia uvalha Cambess; 7) Camponesia spp; 8) Plinia edulis (Veil. Sobral); 9) Eugenia involucrata D.C.; 10) Psidium acutangulum Mart.; 11) Myrciaria dubia Me Vaugh; 12) Eugenia guabiju Berg. The main conclusions based on the data analysed are: The fruits of some species present good general characteristics, mainly for fresh consumption, as high Vitamin C, sugars, pulp and other characteristics; 'Araca-boi' presents some good fruit characteristics, but is more adapted for processing, by its high acidity; Some species present low % of edible portion and need to be improved to gain commercial acceptance, mainly the 'cabeludinha' and 'cambuca'.