67 resultados para Brevicoryne brassicae


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o padrão de revoadas e a influência de fatores meteorológicos e de Brassicaceae sobre populações de formas aladas dos pulgões Brevicoryne brassicae, Lipaphis erysimi e Myzus persicae. Os pulgões foram amostrados em armadilhas tipo bandeja amarela com água, entre julho de 1997 e agosto de 2005. A correlação parcial de Pearson foi utilizada para verificar a influência da temperatura do ar, umidade relativa, chuva e insolação na abundância de alados das três espécies. A influência de brassicáceas foi avaliada pelo cálculo do número de graus-dia acumulados acima da temperatura base inferior dessas plantas. Lipaphis erysimi foi mais numerosa que M. persicae e B. brassicae. Os alados de B. brassicae apresentaram revoadas que predominaram de agosto a outubro, com o pico de abundância em setembro. Os períodos de revoada de L. erysimi e M. persicae foram mais longos que o de B. brassicae, com os maiores picos de L. erysimi e M. persicae observados de abril a novembro e de junho a outubro, respectivamente. A população de B. brassicae teve correlação significativa com as temperaturas máxima e mínima, insolação e umidade relativa do ar, enquanto L. erysimi e M. persicae foram afetadas apenas pela insolação e umidade relativa.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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Scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy were used to elucidate the morphology of the rostrum, as well as the mandibular and maxillary stylets of the psyllid Diaphorina cirri, vector of phloem-inhabiting bacteria associated with citrus huanglongbing (HLB) disease. D. cirri has a cone-shaped rostrum that extends behind the pair of prothoracic coxae. The stylet bundle comprises a pair of mandibular (Md) and maxillary (Mx) stylets with a mean length of 513.3 mu m; when retracted, their proximal portions form a loop and are stored in the crumena (Cr). Serial cross-sections of the rostrum revealed that the mandibles are always projected in front of the maxillary stylets. The two maxillary stylets form the food and salivary canals, with diameters of 0.9 mu m and 0.4 mu m respectively. These two canals merge at the end of the stylets forming a common duct with a length of 4.3 mu m and a mean diameter of 0.9 mu m. The acrostyle, a distinct anatomical structure present in the common duct of aphid maxillary stylets, was not observed by TEM in the ultrathin cross-sections of the common duct (CD) of D. citri. This study provides new information on D. citri mouthparts that may help to understand the behaviour of this important vector of HLB-associated bacteria. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Myzus persicae (Sulz.), Brevicoryne brassicae L. y Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) constituyen plagas del cultivo de colza canola, Brassica napus L., y de otras crucíferas cultivadas. Los pulgones fueron colectados en un cultivo de canola y se multiplicaron en un insectario. Para el estudio se criaron 2 cohortes de 20 hembras neonatas, para cada especie de áfido y cultivar de colza, a 20 ± 1°C, 60-70% de humedad relativa y 14:10 horas de fotofase. Las principales diferencias entre especies de pulgones se observaron en la duración de los períodos reproductivo y post-reproductivo, la longevidad y la fecundidad. M. persicae fue el áfido más longevo y fecundo en Impact, mientras que en Teddy el más fecundo fue L. erysimi y el más longevo M. persicae. Con respecto a los parámetros poblacionales, la mayor tasa de incremento poblacional (R0) fue de 58,43 (♀/♀/generación) para M. persicae en Impact. En cambio en Teddy la mayor R0 (63,17) fue para L. erysimi. La tasa intrínseca de crecimiento natural (rm) más elevada fue para L. erysimi en Teddy (0,29 ♀/♀/día) y para M. persicae en Impact (0,24 ♀/♀/día). Estos estudios indican que, de acuerdo con el cultivar de colza empleado, teniendo en cuenta la tasa de crecimiento poblacional de las diferentes especies de pulgones, se podría inferir cuál será la especie dominante y el daño potencial que ocasionarían al cultivo.


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The feeding of neonate larvae of Pieris brassicae (Order Lepidoptera) on leaves of brassica plants that had been colonised by Bacillus thuringiensis resulted in the death of 35% of the population within 72 h. The bacteria Multiplied in the cadavers, resulting in an increase of about 50-fold compared to the living insects. Surviving insects showed no ill effects during the time of the study. There was negligible multiplication of B. thuringiensis in the frass. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Seedlings of clover (Triflorium hybridum) were colonized by Bacillus thuringiensis when spores and seeds were co-inoculated into soil. Both a strain isolated in the vegetative form from the phylloplane of clover, 2810-S-4, and a laboratory strain, HD-1, were able to colonize clover to a density of about 1000 CFU/g leaf when seeds were sown in sterile soil and to a density of about 300 CFU/g leaf in nonsterile soil. A strain lacking the characteristic insecticidal crystal proteins produced a similar level of colonization over a 5-week period as the wild type strain, indicating that crystal production was not a mitigating factor during colonization. A small plasmid, pBC16, was transferred between strains of B. thuringiensis when donor and recipient strains were sprayed in vegetative form onto leaves of clover and pak choi (Brassica campestris var. chinensis). The rate of transfer was about 0.1 transconjugants/recipient and was dependent on the plant species. The levels of B. thuringiensis that naturally colonized leaves of pak choi produced negligible levels of mortality in third instar larvae of Pieris brassicae feeding on the plants. Considerable multiplication occurred in the excreted frass but not in the guts of living insects. Spores in the frass could be a source of recolonization from the soil and be transferred to other plants. These findings illustrate a possible cycle, not dependent on insect pathology, by which B. thuringiensis diversifies and maintains itself in nature.


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The significance of Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin and clubroot disease which it incites in members of the family Brassicaceae is reviewed as the focus for this special edition of the Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. This is a monographic treatment of recent research into the pathogen and disease; previous similar treatments are now well over half a century old. Vernacular nomenclature of the disease indicates that it had a well-established importance in agriculture and horticulture from at least the Middle Ages onward in Europe and probably earlier. Subsequently, the pathogen probably spread worldwide as a result of transfer on and in fodder taken by colonists as livestock feed. It is a moot point, however, whether there was much earlier spread by P. brassicae into China and subsequently Japan as Brassica rapa (Chinese cabbage and many variants) colonized those lands in archaeological time. Symptoms, worldwide distribution, and economic impact are briefly described here to provide a basis for understanding subsequent papers. Clubroot disease devastates both infected field and protected vegetable and agricultural Brassica crops. Particular importance is placed on recent reports of crop losses in tropical countries, albeit where the crops are grown in cooler altitudes, and in the Canadian prairie land canola crops. The latter is of enormous importance because this crop is the single most important and essential source of vegetable oils used in human foodstuffs and in industrial lubricants where mineral oils are inappropriate.


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Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor. is viewed in this article from the standpoint of a highly evolved and successful organism, well fitted for the ecological niche that it occupies. Physical, chemical, and biological components of the soil environment are discussed in relation to their effects on the survival, growth, and reproduction of this microbe. It is evident that P. brassicae is well equipped by virtue of its robust resting spores for survival through many seasonal cycles. Germination is probably triggered as a result of signals initiated by root exudates. The resultant motile zoospore moves rapidly to the root hair surface and penetration and colonization follow. The short period between germination and penetration is one of greatest vulnerability for P. brassicae. In this phase survival is affected at the very least by soil texture and structure; its moisture; pH; calcium, boron, and nitrogen content; and the presence of active microbial antagonists. These factors influence the inoculum potential (sensu Garrett, 1956) and its viability and invasive capacity. There is evidence that these effects may also influence differentially the survival of some physiologic races of P. brassicae. Considering the interaction of P. brassicae with the soil environment from the perspective of its biological fitness is an unusual approach; most authors consider only the opportunities to destroy this organism. The approach adopted here is borne of several decades spent studying P. brassicae and the respect that has been engendered for it as a biological entity. This review stops at the point of penetration, although some of the implications of the environment for successful colonization are included because they form a continuum. Interactions with the molecular and biochemical cellular environment are considered in other sections in this special edition.


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BACKGROUND Methyl benzimidazole carbamate (MBC) fungicides are used to control the oilseed rape pathogen Pyrenopeziza brassicae. Resistance to MBCs has been reported in P. brassicae, but the molecular mechanism(s) associated with reductions in sensitivity have not been verified in this species. Elucidation of the genetic changes responsible for resistance, hypothesised to be target-site mutations in β-tubulin, will enable resistance diagnostics and thereby inform resistance management strategies. RESULTS P. brassicae isolates were classified as sensitive, moderately resistant or resistant to MBCs. Crossing P. brassicae isolates of different MBC sensitivities indicated that resistance was conferred by a single gene. The MBC-target encoding gene β-tubulin was cloned and sequenced. Reduced MBC sensitivity of field isolates correlated with β-tubulin amino acid substitutions L240F and E198A. The highest level of MBC resistance was measured for isolates carrying E198A. Negative cross-resistance between MBCs and the fungicides diethofencarb and zoxamide was only measured in E198A isolates. PCR-RFLP was used to screen isolates for the presence of L240F and E198A. The substitutions E198G and F200Y were also detected in DNA samples from P. brassicae populations after cloning and sequencing of PCR products. The frequencies of L240F and E198A in different P. brassicae populations were quantified by pyrosequencing. There were no differences in the frequencies of these alleles between P. brassicae populations sampled from different locations or after fungicide treatment regimes. CONCLUSIONS The molecular mechanisms affecting sensitivity to MBCs in P. brassicae have been identified. Pyrosequencing assays are a powerful tool for quantifying fungicide-resistant alleles in pathogen populations.


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The incidence and severity of light leaf spot epidemics caused by the ascomycete fungus Pyrenopeziza brassicae on UK oilseed rape crops is increasing. The disease is currently controlled by a combination of host resistance, cultural practices and fungicide applications. We report decreases in sensitivities of modern UK P. brassicae isolates to the azole (imidazole and triazole) class of fungicides. By cloning and sequencing the P. brassicae CYP51 (PbCYP51) gene, encoding the azole target sterol 14α-demethylase, we identified two non-synonymous mutations encoding substitutions G460S and S508T associated with reduced azole sensitivity. We confirmed the impact of the encoded PbCYP51 changes on azole sensitivity and protein activity by heterologous expression in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant YUG37::erg11 carrying a controllable promoter of native CYP51 expression. In addition, we identified insertions in the predicted regulatory regions of PbCYP51 in isolates with reduced azole sensitivity. The presence of these insertions was associated with enhanced transcription of PbCYP51 in response to sub-inhibitory concentrations of the azole fungicide tebuconazole. Genetic analysis of in vitro crosses of sensitive and resistant isolates confirmed the impact of PbCYP51 alterations in coding and regulatory sequences on a reduced sensitivity phenotype, as well as identifying a second major gene at another locus contributing to resistance in some isolates. The least sensitive field isolates carry combinations of upstream insertions and non-synonymous mutations, suggesting PbCYP51 evolution is on-going and the progressive decline in azole sensitivity of UK P. brassicae populations will continue. The implications for the future control of light leaf spot are discussed.