817 resultados para Breed Selection
The present study aimed to evaluate the performance, survivability and carcass traits of crossbred lambs. Data from 299 lambs born to 209 ewes were used. The dams were from a local hair breed (Santa Inês) and five breeds of sires were used: Dorper (DR), Ile de France (IF), Hampshire Down (HD), Texel (TX) and Santa Inês (SI). The lambs were weighed at birth, weaning and slaughter. Fasting body weight, skin thickness, hot and cold carcass weight, carcass yield and carcass length were measured at slaughter. Carcasses were separated into commercial cuts: neck, shoulder, rib, belly, loin and leg. Leg length and circumference were measured. Analyses of variances using MIXED procedure in SAS® were carried out for weights and carcass traits. Factor, discriminant and canonical analysis were carried out. Mortality data of animals from birth until slaughter was analyzed using logistic regression. The HD animals had the highest mortality rate. TX lambs had similar growth rate and survivability compared to DR and IF and had better carcass traits than these genetic groups. Therefore, this breed can be used as paternal breed to crossbreeding with Santa Inês dams. Santa Inês animals did not differ in growth from birth until slaughter compared to crossbred animals, which highlights the potential of this naturalized breed for meat production. Moreover, there is a great variability inside this breed for carcass and growth traits which may undergo great improvement through selection programs. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Major objective of this study was to estimate heritability and genetic correlations between milk yield (MY) and calving interval (CI) and lactation length (LL) in Murrah buffaloes using Bayesian inference. The database used belongs to the genetic improvement program of four buffalo herds from Brazil. To obtain the estimates of variance and covariance, bivariate analyses were performed with the Gibbs sampler, using the program MTGSAM. The heritability coefficient estimates were 0.28, 0.03 and 0.15 for MY, CI and LL, respectively. The genetic correlations between MY and LL was moderate (0.48). However, the genetic correlation between MY and CI showed large HPD regions (highest posterior density interval). Milk yield was the only trait with clear potential for genetic improvement by direct mass selection. The genetic correlation between MY-LL indicates that indirect selection using milk yield is a potentially beneficial strategy. The interpretation of the estimated genetic correlation between MY-CI is difficult and could be spurious.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Franches-Montagnes is an indigenous Swiss horse breed, with approximately 2500 foalings per year. The stud book is closed, and no introgression from other horse breeds was conducted since 1998. Since 2006, breeding values for 43 different traits (conformation, performance and coat colour) are estimated with a best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) multiple trait animal model. In this study, we evaluated the genetic diversity for the breeding population, considering the years from 2003 to 2008. Only horses with at least one progeny during that time span were included. Results were obtained based on pedigree information as well as from molecular markers. A series of software packages were screened to combine best the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) methodology with optimal genetic contribution theory. We looked for stallions with highest breeding values and lowest average relationship to the dam population. Breeding with such stallions is expected to lead to a selection gain, while lowering the future increase in inbreeding within the breed.
Franches-Montagnes is the only native horse breed in Switzerland, therefore special efforts should be made for ensuring its survival. The objectives of this study were to characterize the structure of this population as well as genetic variability with pedigree data, conformation traits and molecular markers. Studies were focused to clarify if this population is composed of a heavy- and a light-type subpopulation. Extended pedigree records of 3-year-old stallions (n = 68) and mares (n = 108) were available. Evaluations of body conformation traits as well as pedigree data and molecular markers did not support the two-subpopulation hypothesis. The generation interval ranged from 7.8 to 9.3 years. The complete generation equivalent was high (>12). The number of effective ancestors varied between 18.9 and 20.1, whereof 50% of the genetic variability was attributed to seven of them. Genetic contribution of Warmblood horses ranged from 36% to 42% and that of Coldblood horses from 4% to 6%. The average inbreeding coefficient reached 6%. Inbreeding effective population size was 114.5 when the average increase of the inbreeding coefficient per year since 1910 was taken. Our results suggest that bottleneck situations occurred because of selection of a small number of sire lines. Promotion of planned matings between parents that are less related is recommended in order to avoid a reduction of the genetic diversity.
Benzimidazoles were the first broad-spectrum anthelmintics and are still in use today against gastro-intestinal nematodes of ruminants such as Haemonchus contortus. Benzimidazoles block the polymerization of nematode microtubules. However, their efficacy is jeopardized by the spread of drug-resistant parasites that carry point mutations in beta-tubulin. Here we use a novel in vitro selection-in vivo propagation protocol to breed drug-resistant H. contortus. After 8 generations of selection with thiabendazole an in vitro resistance factor of 1000 was reached that was also relevant in vivo in infected sheep. The same procedure carried out with ivermectin produced only a moderate resistance phenotype that was not apparent in sheep. Cloning and sequencing of the beta-tubulin genes from the thiabendazole-resistant H. contortus mutants revealed all of the isotype 1 alleles, and part of the isotype 2 alleles, to carry the mutation glutamate(198) to alanine (E198A). An allele-specific PCR was developed, which may be helpful in monitoring the prevalence of alanine(198) encoding alleles in the beta-tubulin isotype 1 gene pool of H. contortus in the field.
Intense selective pressures applied over short evolutionary time have resulted in homogeneity within, but substantial variation among, horse breeds. Utilizing this population structure, 744 individuals from 33 breeds, and a 54,000 SNP genotyping array, breed-specific targets of selection were identified using an F(ST)-based statistic calculated in 500-kb windows across the genome. A 5.5-Mb region of ECA18, in which the myostatin (MSTN) gene was centered, contained the highest signature of selection in both the Paint and Quarter Horse. Gene sequencing and histological analysis of gluteal muscle biopsies showed a promoter variant and intronic SNP of MSTN were each significantly associated with higher Type 2B and lower Type 1 muscle fiber proportions in the Quarter Horse, demonstrating a functional consequence of selection at this locus. Signatures of selection on ECA23 in all gaited breeds in the sample led to the identification of a shared, 186-kb haplotype including two doublesex related mab transcription factor genes (DMRT2 and 3). The recent identification of a DMRT3 mutation within this haplotype, which appears necessary for the ability to perform alternative gaits, provides further evidence for selection at this locus. Finally, putative loci for the determination of size were identified in the draft breeds and the Miniature horse on ECA11, as well as when signatures of selection surrounding candidate genes at other loci were examined. This work provides further evidence of the importance of MSTN in racing breeds, provides strong evidence for selection upon gait and size, and illustrates the potential for population-based techniques to find genomic regions driving important phenotypes in the modern horse.
White markings and spotting patterns in animal species are thought to be a result of the domestication process. They often serve for the identification of individuals but sometimes are accompanied by complex pathological syndromes. In the Swiss Franches-Montagnes horse population, white markings increased vastly in size and occurrence during the past 30 years, although the breeding goal demands a horse with as little depigmented areas as possible. In order to improve selection and avoid more excessive depigmentation on the population level, we estimated population parameters and breeding values for white head and anterior and posterior leg markings. Heritabilities and genetic correlations for the traits were high (h(2) > 0.5). A strong positive correlation was found between the chestnut allele at the melanocortin-1-receptor gene locus and the extent of white markings. Segregation analysis revealed that our data fit best to a model including a polygenic effect and a biallelic locus with a dominant-recessive mode of inheritance. The recessive allele was found to be the white trait-increasing allele. Multilocus linkage disequilibrium analysis allowed the mapping of the putative major locus to a chromosomal region on ECA3q harboring the KIT gene.
BACKGROUND A cost-effective strategy to increase the density of available markers within a population is to sequence a small proportion of the population and impute whole-genome sequence data for the remaining population. Increased densities of typed markers are advantageous for genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and genomic predictions. METHODS We obtained genotypes for 54 602 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) in 1077 Franches-Montagnes (FM) horses and Illumina paired-end whole-genome sequencing data for 30 FM horses and 14 Warmblood horses. After variant calling, the sequence-derived SNP genotypes (~13 million SNPs) were used for genotype imputation with the software programs Beagle, Impute2 and FImpute. RESULTS The mean imputation accuracy of FM horses using Impute2 was 92.0%. Imputation accuracy using Beagle and FImpute was 74.3% and 77.2%, respectively. In addition, for Impute2 we determined the imputation accuracy of all individual horses in the validation population, which ranged from 85.7% to 99.8%. The subsequent inclusion of Warmblood sequence data further increased the correlation between true and imputed genotypes for most horses, especially for horses with a high level of admixture. The final imputation accuracy of the horses ranged from 91.2% to 99.5%. CONCLUSIONS Using Impute2, the imputation accuracy was higher than 91% for all horses in the validation population, which indicates that direct imputation of 50k SNP-chip data to sequence level genotypes is feasible in the FM population. The individual imputation accuracy depended mainly on the applied software and the level of admixture.
In light of the new healthcare regulations, hospitals are increasingly reevaluating their IT integration strategies to meet expanded healthcare information exchange requirements. Nevertheless, hospital executives do not have all the information they need to differentiate between the available strategies and recognize what may better fit their organizational needs. ^ In the interest of providing the desired information, this study explored the relationships between hospital financial performance, integration strategy selection, and strategy change. The integration strategies examined – applied as binary logistic regression dependent variables and in the order from most to least integrated – were Single-Vendor (SV), Best-of-Suite (BoS), and Best-of-Breed (BoB). In addition, the financial measurements adopted as independent variables for the models were two administrative labor efficiency and six industry standard financial ratios designed to provide a broad proxy of hospital financial performance. Furthermore, descriptive statistical analyses were carried out to evaluate recent trends in hospital integration strategy change. Overall six research questions were proposed for this study. ^ The first research question sought to answer if financial performance was related to the selection of integration strategies. The next questions, however, explored whether hospitals were more likely to change strategies or remain the same when there was no external stimulus to change, and if they did change, they would prefer strategies closer to the existing ones. These were followed by a question that inquired if financial performance was also related to strategy change. Nevertheless, rounding up the questions, the last two probed if the new Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act had any impact on the frequency and direction of strategy change. ^ The results confirmed that financial performance is related to both IT integration strategy selection and strategy change, while concurred with prior studies that suggested hospital and environmental characteristics are associated factors as well. Specifically this study noted that the most integrated SV strategy is related to increased administrative labor efficiency and the hybrid BoS strategy is associated with improved financial health (based on operating margin and equity financing ratios). On the other hand, no financial indicators were found to be related to the least integrated BoB strategy, except for short-term liquidity (current ratio) when involving strategy change. ^ Ultimately, this study concluded that when making IT integration strategy decisions hospitals closely follow the resource dependence view of minimizing uncertainty. As each integration strategy may favor certain organizational characteristics, hospitals traditionally preferred not to make strategy changes and when they did, they selected strategies that were more closely related to the existing ones. However, as new regulations further heighten revenue uncertainty while require increased information integration, moving forward, as evidence already suggests a growing trend of organizations shifting towards more integrated strategies, hospitals may be more limited in their strategy selection choices.^
We studied habitat selection and breeding success in marked populations of a protected seabird (family Alcidae), the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), in a relatively intact and a heavily logged old-growth forest landscape in south-western Canada. Murrelets used old-growth fragments either proportionately to their size frequency distribution (intact) or they tended to nest in disproportionately smaller fragments (logged). Multiple regression modelling showed that murrelet distribution could be explained by proximity of nests to landscape features producing biotic and abiotic edge effects. Streams, steeper slopes and lower elevations were selected in both landscapes, probably due to good nesting habitat conditions and easier access to nest sites. In the logged landscape, the murrelets nested closer to recent clearcuts than would be expected. Proximity to the ocean was favoured in the intact area. The models of habitat selection had satisfactory discriminatory ability in both landscapes. Breeding success (probability of nest survival to the middle of the chick rearing period), inferred from nest attendance patterns by radio-tagged parents, was modelled in the logged landscape. Survivorship was greater in areas with recent clearcuts and lower in areas with much regrowth, i.e. it was positively correlated with recent habitat fragmentation. We conclude that marbled murrelets can successfully breed in old-growth forests fragmented by logging.
Negative-ion mode electrospray ionization, ESI(-), with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) was coupled to a Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression and variable selection methods to estimate the total acid number (TAN) of Brazilian crude oil samples. Generally, ESI(-)-FT-ICR mass spectra present a power of resolution of ca. 500,000 and a mass accuracy less than 1 ppm, producing a data matrix containing over 5700 variables per sample. These variables correspond to heteroatom-containing species detected as deprotonated molecules, [M - H](-) ions, which are identified primarily as naphthenic acids, phenols and carbazole analog species. The TAN values for all samples ranged from 0.06 to 3.61 mg of KOH g(-1). To facilitate the spectral interpretation, three methods of variable selection were studied: variable importance in the projection (VIP), interval partial least squares (iPLS) and elimination of uninformative variables (UVE). The UVE method seems to be more appropriate for selecting important variables, reducing the dimension of the variables to 183 and producing a root mean square error of prediction of 0.32 mg of KOH g(-1). By reducing the size of the data, it was possible to relate the selected variables with their corresponding molecular formulas, thus identifying the main chemical species responsible for the TAN values.
The genera Cochliomyia and Chrysomya contain both obligate and saprophagous flies, which allows the comparison of different feeding habits between closely related species. Among the different strategies for comparing these habits is the use of qPCR to investigate the expression levels of candidate genes involved in feeding behavior. To ensure an accurate measure of the levels of gene expression, it is necessary to normalize the amount of the target gene with the amount of a reference gene having a stable expression across the compared species. Since there is no universal gene that can be used as a reference in functional studies, candidate genes for qPCR data normalization were selected and validated in three Calliphoridae (Diptera) species, Cochliomyia hominivorax Coquerel, Cochliomyia macellaria Fabricius, and Chrysomya albiceps Wiedemann . The expression stability of six genes ( Actin, Gapdh, Rp49, Rps17, α -tubulin, and GstD1) was evaluated among species within the same life stage and between life stages within each species. The expression levels of Actin, Gapdh, and Rp49 were the most stable among the selected genes. These genes can be used as reliable reference genes for functional studies in Calliphoridae using similar experimental settings.
We compared the indication of laparoscopy for treatment of adnexal masses based on the risk scores and tumor diameters with the indication based on gynecology-oncologists' experience. This was a prospective study of 174 women who underwent surgery for adnexal tumors (116 laparotomies, 58 laparoscopies). The surgeries begun and completed by laparoscopy, with benign pathologic diagnosis, were considered successful. Laparoscopic surgeries that required conversion to laparotomy, led to a malignant diagnosis, or facilitated cyst rupture were considered failures. Two groups were defined for laparoscopy indication: (1) absence of American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) guideline for referral of high-risk adnexal masses criteria (ACOG negative) associated with 3 different tumor sizes (10, 12, and 14 cm); and (2) Index of Risk of Malignancy (IRM) with cutoffs at 100, 200, and 300, associated with the same 3 tumor sizes. Both groups were compared with the indication based on the surgeon's experience to verify whether the selection based on strict rules would improve the rate of successful laparoscopy. ACOG-negative and tumors ≤10 cm and IRM with a cutoff at 300 points and tumors ≤10cm resulted in the same best performance (78% success = 38/49 laparoscopies). However, compared with the results of the gynecology-oncologists' experience, those were not statistically significant. The selection of patients with adnexal mass to laparoscopy by the use of the ACOG guideline or IRM associated with tumor diameter had similar performance as the experience of gynecology-oncologists. Both methods are reproducible and easy to apply to all women with adnexal masses and could be used by general gynecologists to select women for laparoscopic surgery; however, referral to a gynecology-oncologist is advisable when there is any doubt.