811 resultados para Brand Association, Co-Branding, Tournament, Rep Hockey, Laddering Interviews


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Purpose: This study examines the impact of franchisor support, brand commitment, brand citizenship behavior, and franchisee experience on franchisee-perceived brand image (FPBI). Methodology: The hypotheses were tested using survey data from retail franchisees in Australia, structural equation modeling, and bootstrapping regression methods. Findings: The results show that both brand commitment and brand citizenship behavior mediate the effect of franchisor support on FPBI. However, the effect of franchisor support on FPBI via brand commitment is higher for franchisees with less experience compared to their more experienced counterparts. Practical implications: The study provides insights to franchise managers and B2B practitioners on factors that enhance FPBI. Originality/value: Despite the recognized importance of franchise brands, limited research examines how leveraging the franchise brand can improve franchisee performance. To address this gap, this study examines the effects of franchisor support on FPBI via brand commitment and brand citizenship behavior moderated by franchisee experience.


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There are a lot of different business strategies for any company. However, in the fashion industry, the best way to become successful is to develop the brand using special branding strategies. Hence, a brand is the main weapon for fashion companies, which helps to launch international market and to create loyal customers around the world. Nowadays, due to the difficult current political situations and the collapse of oil and the dollar a lot of companies in different industries have to change their business strategies. It is especially true for fashion companies, because they depend on consumers ' income and their purchasing power. In the case of the fashion industry, branding strategy development can be more effective, than just business strategy. Hence, this thesis discusses the following problem: What branding strategy should Russian and Swedish fashion companies choose in order to build a strong brand and enter the international market.  The purpose of this thesis is to analyze various branding strategies of Russian and Swedish fashion companies during the process of entering foreign markets. At the end of this thesis, practical contribution in their process of international branding strategy creation will be discussed. In order to answer research questions more broadly and accurately, the mixed research method, using quantitive and qualitative study through interviews and survey was chosen. Semi-structured interviews were made with the CEO and brand managers of Russian and Swedish fashion companies. Moreover, the survey was made with two different questionnaires: for Russian and for Swedish customers. In the case of qualitative research, the author found that fashion companies from Russia and Sweden have got not just some features and differences, but also common aspects. The primary data from interviews allowed the author to understand the specifics of brand management in the fashion industry. It was found, that there are some useful aspects in Swedish strategies, which can be used by Russian companies to develop their brands on the international market. In the case of quantitative research, preferences of consumers from Russia and Sweden were analyzed and also some features were identified. Survey results provided the author with a common understanding about purchase habits, attitudes and perceptions to fashion brands. According to these, some hypothesizes, which are formulated in the first part of the thesis, have been proven or disproven. It was found, that preferences of Russian and Swedish people are pretty the same, however Russian customers do not like to risk with new brands and prefer well-known and trusted brands while Swedish customers are open for any brand, which can satisfy their tastes.


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Design is a way of thinking and working that systematically can create immense societal change. In particular, fashion design is one of the most progressively forward-looking creative and commercial generators that can envisage and initiate meaningful visual and social transformation. If we look back in time at the authority of fashion, many trends have significantly induced visual norms aligning glamour and health with tanned skin - numerous examples exist, including Vogue magazine proclaiming (front-cover) that ‘The 1929 girl must be tanned’. Indeed, in a contemporary landscape, fashion trends continue to re-generate apparel that, in-the-main, has limited design resolution connected to sun safety, and surprisingly many designers elect to ignore this vital and potentially lucrative market segment. In a context with soaring skin cancer rates, how can this powerful design medium of fashion make a positive difference to sun protection; what is the untapped potential for young design talent to connect with the health sector for skin cancer prevention; and, how can fashion designers be swayed to design and produce fashionable sun-safe apparel, that address pertinent issues including heat build up, comfort and transformability? Through a case study approach, examining emergent fashion designers, this paper will propose that astute and novel avenues exist for fashion to re-think sun protective apparel, including: generation of crucial design standards for sun-safe apparel, exploration of co-branding opportunities, advancement of fashion forecasting to connect modesty of body coverage to fashion trends and alignment of the market segment to re-envisage a critical mass for fashionable sun-safe apparel.


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Even though collaborative consumption (CC) is gaining economic importance, research in CC is still in its infancy. Consumers’ reasons for participating have already been investigated but little research on consequences of participation has been conducted. This article examines whether interactions between customers in peer-to-peer CC services influence the willingness to coproduce service outcomes. Drawing on social exchange theory, it is proposed that this effect is mediated by consumers’ identification with the brand community. Furthermore, continuance intention in CC is introduced as a second stage moderator. In a cross-sectional study, customers of peer-to-peer accommodation sharing are surveyed. While customer-to-customer interactions were found to have a positive effect on brand community identification, brand community identification did not positively affect co-production intention. Surprisingly, the effect of brand community identification on co-production intention was negative. Moreover, continuance intention of customers did not moderate this relationship. Bearing in mind current challenges for researchers and companies, theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.


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The existent body of athletic career retirement literature is scant in studies of career transition programs. In an effort to attend to this analytical gap, the present study set out to examine the transitions of National Hockey League (NHL; ice hockey) alumni, as well as the effect ~and effectiveness of their respective career transition program, the Life After Hockey program. Interviews with 17 NHL/program alumni revealed that quality of transition (to post-playing life) was affected by: the continuity between pre- and postretirement environments; athletic identity; physical/psychological health (particularly with respect to post-concussion syndrome); selective coping strategies (e.g., preretirement planning (e.g., financial planning, continued education), positive reinterpretation, alcohol/substance abuse); and social support. Also affecting quality of transition, and found to be highly effective (particularly in generating new occupational opportunities, assisting in the acquisition of new skills, and providing a system of continuous support), was the Life After Hockey program.


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This quantitative descriptive co-relational study used telephone survey interviews and stratified random sampling to collect data related to Social Capital (SC) and its components (trust and safety, reciprocity, civic engagement and collective action) and selected determinants of health variables in Niagara Region, Canada. Among the four components of social capital, trust and safety levels were highest among all participants (m=5.42, SD=1.0), with community engagement yielding the lowest mean score for the sample (m=1.93, SD=.8). Reciprocity had the strongest association with all other components of SC (r=0.51). Those most likely to report low levels of SC and health were unattached and low-income females. Males were more likely to report higher trust and safety levels and higher levels of self-rated health. In this study, a linear relationship between self-reported health status and SC was not found. Marital and employment status were associated with differences in mean scores of SC and self-reported health.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the role that visual measures of attention to product and information and price display signage have on purchase intention. The authors assessed the effect of visual attention to the product, information or price sign on purchase intention, as measured by likelihood to buy. Design/methodology/approach – The authors used eye–tracking technology to collect data from Australian and US garden centre customers, who viewed eight plant displays in which the signs had been altered to show either price or supplemental information (16 images total). The authors compared the role of visual attention to price and information sign, and the role of visual attention to the product when either sign was present on likelihood to buy. Findings – Overall, providing product information on a sign without price elicited higher likelihood to buy than providing a sign with price. The authors found a positive relationship between visual attention to price on the display sign and likelihood to buy, but an inverse relationship between visual attention to information and likelihood to buy. Research limitations/implications – An understanding of the attention–capturing power of merchandise display elements, especially signs, has practical significance. The findings will assist retailers in creating more effective and efficient display signage content, for example, featuring the product information more prominently than the price. The study was conducted on a minimally packaged product, live plants, which may reduce the ability to generalize findings to other product types. Practical implications – The findings will assist retailers in creating more effective and efficient display signage content. The study used only one product category (plants) which may reduce the ability to generalize findings to other product types. Originality/value – The study is one of the first to use eye–tracking in a macro–level, holistic investigation of the attention–capturing value of display signage information and its relationship to likelihood to buy. Researchers, for the first time, now have the ability to empirically test the degree to which attention and decision–making are linked.


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As ainda muito raras e incipientes experiências brasileiras de democratização da gestão, bem como, quiçá, a nossa tendência para uma retórica progressista sem, entretanto, o compromisso de sua efetiva con cretização, são as motivações que determinaram o enfoque deste ensaio. A pesquisa (documental) real izada abrange as formas clássi cas do discurso oficial, isto é: a política, a jurídica e a econômicosocial. l Assim~ a amostra estudada compreende os seis textos constitucio nais pátrios, a Emenda N~ à Carta de 1967 (atualmente em vigor) e o Anteprojeto da Const"ituição proposto pela Comissão Provisória de Estudos Constitucionais (1986) - como peças representativas da retórica jurídl ca, num recorte que cobre toda a História de nosso País como estado poll ticamente independente -; os Programas e Manifestos dos partidos polítl cos regularmente inscritos (5) à época da pesquisa - como manifestações do discurso politico-partidário - e, finalmente, o Plano de Desenvolvi mento Econômico e Social do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1984-1987) como documento representativo da palavra econômico-social oficial. Na fundamentação da investigação o texto situa nas teorias da igualdade das pessoas, no Contrato Social e nas diversas concepçoes do socialismo o referencial teórico dos dois modelos mais difundidos de democratização do trabalho (a autogestão iugoslava e a co-gestão da Rep~ blica Federal da Alemanha) à luz dos quais é anal isado o discurso brasi leiro. Em conclusão, o estudo sugere que a tese de um discurso ofi cial progressista e de uma retórica falaciosa quando cotejada com a prática de nossa vida organizacional - parece ser um traço cultural da história de nossa gente.


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No competitivo mercado brasileiro de cartão de crédito, a presença de um programa de fidelidade pode ser uma atividade de marketing relevante para os bancos reterem os seus clientes. No entanto, em um cenário com vários programas de fidelidade similares, é necessário que os bancos encontrem formas eficazes de estimular as intenções do cliente em direção ao uso continuado do seu cartão. Estes programas são comumente requisitados por clientes que procuram trocar pontos (milhas) por passagens aéreas. As milhas aéreas são recompensas ofertadas pelo banco, porém, envolvem elevados custos e são controladas por empresas intermediárias que também buscam a fidelidade deste cliente para si. Em um mercado ainda em desenvolvimento no tema, existe a barreira dos clientes não conhecerem as dinâmicas dos programas e não entenderem o resgate (troca) como um esforço do banco para premiá-lo. Neste contexto, torna-se importante que os bancos compreendam os fatores que mais influenciam a associação de marca do cliente e a fidelidade ao seu cartão. O presente trabalho propõe identificar estes fatores através da aplicação de uma survey com uma amostra de usuários de cartão de crédito participantes de programas de fidelidade. O estudo identificou que, na visão do portador do cartão, a atratividade do programa, o conhecimento sobre programa, os custos de troca percebidos e a preferência por milhas como recompensa são fatores que o banco deve considerar se quiser obter melhores associações à sua marca no âmbito do processo de resgate de milhas. Verificou-se que a associação de marca não é um elemento necessário para se atingir a fidelidade do cliente, contudo, sugere-se que a marca possa, além de ajudar no processo de fidelização, aproximar o cliente do banco e possivelmente apresentá-lo a outros produtos, alavancando assim os resultados do banco.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Published by: Labour co-operative association, 1902-<1905>.


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Mode of access: Internet.