997 resultados para Bottled water


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a concentração de flúor na água engarrafada comercializada, comparando-a aos valores impressos no rótulo da embalagem. Foram coletadas 229 amostras de água das 35 marcas disponíveis em diversos supermercados, mercearias e lanchonetes de grande circulação nas diferentes regiões do município de São Paulo, em 2006. A concentração de flúor foi determinada por análise em duplicata, utilizando o eletrodo íon-específico. A concentração de flúor variou entre 0,01 e 2,04 mg/l, com diferenças significantes entre os valores estipulados nos rótulos e os encontrados com a análise. Esses resultados reforçam a importância do controle dos níveis de flúor na água engarrafada por parte da vigilância sanitária.


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It has been shown that people of all ages can benefit from the topical and systemic effects of water fluoridation. However, the increase in consumption of bottled water, either to substitute for or supplement consumption of water from public sources, has implications for safe fluoride supplementation. Taking that into consideration, in 1995 we analyzed the fluoride content in 31 commercial brands of mineral water in the region of Araraquara, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Fluoride concentration as determined by our analysis was compared to the concentration of fluoride specified on each label. Only 25% of the products studied listed the fluoride concentration on their labels. In addition, among 31 mineral water brands, 26 listed the date when the chemical analysis to determine chemical composition had been performed. Of these, 20 had not been put through the annual chemical analysis determined by Brazilian law. Based on these results, if the mineral waters tested had been the only source of drinking water, fluoride supplementation would have been necessary in 69% of the samples analyzed. In the case of children up to 6 years of age who use products containing fluoride, such as topical gels, mouthwashes or toothpastes, supplementation should be recommended only if commercially bottled water is the only source of water used, not only for drinking but for cooking as well.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fluoridation of water for human consumption is a method of caries prevention that brings great social benefit, if kept at optimal levels. The increase in the production of bottled water emphasizes the need to verify whether fluoride presence in these waters occurs in sufficient quantity to prevent decay, or if it represents a significant risk of fluorosis. Objective: to compare the concentrations of fluoride present in bottled water to those declared on the labels, and to make a critical analysis of legal norms on the subject. Materials and method: this was a cross-sectional study, through which 22 samples of bottled water sold in state of Ceará, Brazil, were analyzed. Analyses were performed in duplicate by the electrometric method, and results were compared to those printed on the labels. Detailed searches by laws, resolutions, ordinances, and other official documents in force, related to the topic were performed. Results: the fluoride concentrations found ranged from 0.01 to 0.36 mgF/l. Although 72.7% of the samples were classified as fluoridated, the fluoride concentrations observed were shown to be insufficient for caries prevention. As for the rules, situations where they are not clear or even divergent were found. Conclusion: the current legislation on the subject requires updates to become more objective and to create new criteria on the use of the term “fluoridated water”.


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In their survey/study - Adult Alternatives for Social Drinking: A Direction - by John Dienhart and Sandra Strick, Assistant Professors, Department of Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management, Purdue University, Dienhart and Strick begin with: “Changes in consumer habits have brought about a change in the business of selling alcoholic drinks and have impacted upon hotel food and beverage operations. The authors surveyed a sample of hotel corporate food and beverage directors to ascertain how they are handling this challenge.” Dienhart and Strick declare that the alcoholic beverage market, sale and consumption thereof, has taken a bit of a hit in contemporary society. “Even to the casual observer, it's obvious that the bar and beverage industry has undergone a great deal of change in the past few years,” say the authors. “Observations include a change in the types of drinks people are ordering, as well as a decrease in the number of drinks being sold,” they qualify. Dienhart and Strick allude to an increase in the federal excise tax, attacks from alcohol awareness groups, the diminished capacity of bars and restaurants to offer happy hours, increased liability insurance premiums as well as third-party liability issues, and people’s awareness of their own mortality as some of the reasons for the change. To quantify some empirical data on beverage consumption the Restaurant, Hotel, and Institutional Management Department of Purdue University conducted a study “… to determine if observed trends could be documented with hard data.” In regards to the subject, the study asks and answers a lot of interesting questions with the results presented to concerned followers via percentages. Typical of the results are: “When asked whether the corporation experienced a change in alcoholic sales in the past year, 67 percent reported a decrease in the amount of alcohol sold.” “Sixty-two percent of the respondents reported an increase in non-alcoholic sales over the past year. The average size of the increase was 8 percent. What Dienhart and Strick observe is that the decrease in alcoholic beverage consumption has resulted in a net increase for non-alcoholic beverage consumption. What are termed specialty drinks are gaining a foothold in the market, say the authors. “These include traditional cocktails made with alcohol-free products, as well as creative new juice based drinks, cream based drinks, carbonated beverages, and heated drinks,” say Dienhart and Strick by way of citation . Another result of the non-alcoholic consumption trend is the emergence of some novel marketing approaches by beer, wine, and spirits producers, including price increases on their alcohol based beverages as well as the introduction of faux alcoholic drinks like non-alcoholic beer and wine. Who or what is the big winner in all of this? That distinction might go to bottled water!


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This Paper discusses the food and beverage machines that are located at Memorial University's Grenfell Campus and endeavors to assess how much those vending machines are being used and how they affect sustainability initiatives on campus. A survey was conducted to gauge the use of vending machines, their content and what is purchased, and if participants did not purchase from thes machines they were also asked why they did not.This survey produced many other questions that are directly linked to vending machines.Water quality on campus was heavily disscussed, along with the use of bottled water and implications associated with drinking only from bottles that are thrown away. The study concludes with a discussion of the alternative choices that can be implemented to replace vending machines.


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A Sociedade da Água de Luso, S.A., localizada no concelho de Mealhada, é uma empresa do setor do engarrafamento de águas minerais naturais, de nascente e de consumo humano. Esta realiza as suas atividades, tendo em consideração a eficiência energética, ao longo do seu processo produtivo. Desta forma, o trabalho desenvolvido teve como objetivo o acompanhamento da implementação do sistema de monitorização e recolha de dados, que posteriormente foi útil na redução dos consumos energéticos (consumo de ar comprimido). Para além disto, também foi proposta uma medida de eficiência energética que visa a redução de energia elétrica na área da iluminação. O sistema de monitorização e recolha de dados e a criação de uma equipa de redução do consumo de ar comprimido permitiram a identificação das áreas de atuação, a monitorização das metas estipuladas no âmbito da equipa e a detecção de anomalias. A medida de eficiência energética aplicada incide na substituição de lâmpadas fluorescentes tubulares T8 por lâmpadas fluorescentes tubulares T5. Assim, a implementação deste sistema e a aplicação das medidas de eficiência energética na rede de ar comprimido no âmbito da equipa permitiram uma redução de 0,03 kWh/hL o que significa uma poupança de 5.600 € em quinze semanas. Ao nível da iluminação as medidas sugeridas permitem uma redução de 8.945 kWh/ano o que corresponde a uma poupança de 1.055 €/ano.


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Objetivo: comparar la efectividad rehidratante del agua de coco fresca, con el agua embotellada y una bebida deportiva.Metodología: once participantes de 22,0 ± 1,9 años y 65,6 ± 13,0 kg de masa corporal (promedio ± D.E), asistieron al laboratorio en tres ocasiones, separadas entre sí por una semana. En cada sesión se deshidrataron por ejercicio en el calor hasta perder 1,84 ± 0,2% de la masa corporal. Luego fueron rehidratados en una hora, con agua comercial embotellada (AE), una bebida deportiva (BD) o agua de coco (AC), utilizando un volumen equivalente al 120% del peso perdido. Se evaluaron las sensaciones percibidas relacionadas con la tolerancia y la aceptación de las bebidas. Se recolectó la orina eliminada durante tres horas post-rehidratación.Resultados: Hubo interacción entre las bebidas y el tiempo sobre la orina excretada (p=0,003), siendo el AE estadísticamente diferente al AC y la BD a los 30 y 60 min post-rehidratación (p<0,05). El volumen total de orina fue mayor con agua embotellada (625 ± 183 mL), en comparación con AC y BD (390 ± 73 mL y 416 ± 200 mL, respectivamente, p<0,002); AC y BD no fueron distintas entre sí (p>0,05). Esto produjo porcentajes de conservación de líquido diferentes para AE (56%), con respecto a BD (71%) y AC (71%) (p<0,001). No hubo interacción entre las bebidas y el tiempo sobre las sensaciones percibidas de tolerancia (p>0,05).La percepción de la dulzura fue menor para AE (p= 0,024). BD obtuvo mejores puntajes de sabor y aceptación general (p<0,05).Conclusiones: el agua de coco fresca resulta tan efectiva como una bebida deportiva para conservar el líquido consumido, teniendo una buena tolerancia y aceptación. Podría ser usada como una bebida rehidratante, cuando la persona la tenga disponible y le agrade su sabor.


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A panel of reporter gene assays (RGAs) coupled with a single solid phase extraction (SPE) step was developed and used to screen bottled mineral water for the presence of four classes of endocrine disruptors (EDs), oestrogens, androgens, progestagens and glucocorticoids.

Fourteen brands of bottled mineral water in triplicate (42 samples) were analysed. Overall, hormonal activity was found in 78% of the samples. Oestrogenic, androgenic, progestagenic and glucocorticoid activity was found in 38%, 38%, 36% and 55% of the samples, respectively at an average concentration of 10 ng/l 17 beta-estradiol equivalent (EEQ), 26 ng/l testosterone equivalent (TEQ), 123 ng/l progesterone equivalent (PEQ) and 13.5 ng/l hydrocortisone equivalent (HEQ).

The level of oestrogenic, androgenic and progestagenic activity observed is not considered a matter of concern for the consumers' health. It is unknown whether the glucocorticoid levels observed are safe. The ED source, long term exposure and mixture effects remain to be investigated. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Quantitative variations in heterotrophic plate count (HPC) and in the presence of indicator microorganisms in 0.5, 1.5 and 20-L bottles of different brands of Brazilian mineral water were analyzed during their shelf life. No variations were identified in the presence of indicator microorganisms, but quantitative variations in HPC were observed in some brands, which suggests that changes may be occurring in the water quality during storage. The aim of this study was also to evaluate the quality of the bottled mineral waters and the presence of enterococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were verified in six and two bottles, respectively, which is in disagreement with the microbiological quality criteria established in the current legislation. Although no limit is set for HPC in mineral water, this study relies on the limit of 500 colony-forming units per mL of sample (CFU/mL). Seventy-two bottles presented levels above 500 CFU/mL and up to 560,000 CFU/mL. This study showed that the control of HPC (<500 CFU/mL) for non-returnable packaging seems to be adequate to ensure the quality of mineral water during storage. The high values of HPC and its variations detected during storage seem to fully justify the need for a reevaluation of the use of HPC in bottled mineral water quality management. More detailed studies on the potential health risk of HPC and its variations in mineral water are also needed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The microbiological quality of bottled mineral water of various domestic brands sold in Brazil was investigated, with particular focus on the heterotrophic plate count (HPC). Neither total coliforms nor Escherichia coli were found in any 1.5 L bottle samples. Total coliforms were found in 2.9% of the small bottles, while in 20 L bottles the presence of total coliforms and E. coli was demonstrated in 15.5 and 2.4% of samples, respectively. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was detected in 4.3, 4.5 and 9.5% of small, 1.5 and 20 L bottles, respectively. In 36.4% of the samples of 1.5 L bottles, the HPC was above 500 cfu/mL. This percentage of samples with an HPC above 500 cfu/mL increased to 52.0 and 61.9% in small and 20 L bottles, respectively. Higher contamination by total coliforms, E. coli, P. aeruginosa and HPCs occurred in 20 L bottles. In conclusion, several samples in this study were outside the international quality standard for mineral water and the large number of samples with high HPCs shows that more work must be done on the use of HPC in mineral water and the damaging effects that these microorganisms may cause to humans. The bottled mineral water was confirmed as a particularly important public health problem, due to the poor microbiological quality of the products that are marketed. © IWA Publishing 2012.


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This investigation was carried out within São Paulo State, Brazil, and involved the sampling of well-known mineral bottled waters for performing a comparative hydrochemical study and of a spring occurring at Corumbataí city, in order to evaluate its suitability for bottling. Several methods were utilized for acquiring the hydrochemical data like the methyl orange end-point titration, potentiometry, ion selective electrode, colorimetry, flame photometry and inductively-coupled plasma spectrometry. The results obtained for the analyzed samples were compared with the guideline values established by the National Commission of Rules and Standards for Food of the Brazilian Health Ministry published in 1976. The Brazilian Code for Mineral Waters that was established by Register 7841 published on 8 August 1945 was also taken into account for verifying if the spring waters are mineralized. The hydrochemical data allowed identify some constituents impoverishing the water quality, thus, implying on its nonutilization for commercial purposes (bottling). In one specific case, the spring water only can become appropriate for human consumption after previous chemical treatment. © 201 WIT Press.