992 resultados para Boolean function


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The M¨obius transform of Boolean functions is often involved in cryptographic design and analysis. As studied previously, a Boolean function f is said to be coincident if it is identical with its M¨obius transform fμ, i.e., f = fμ...


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Algebraic immunity AI(f) defined for a boolean function f measures the resistance of the function against algebraic attacks. Currently known algorithms for computing the optimal annihilator of f and AI(f) are inefficient. This work consists of two parts. In the first part, we extend the concept of algebraic immunity. In particular, we argue that a function f may be replaced by another boolean function f^c called the algebraic complement of f. This motivates us to examine AI(f ^c ). We define the extended algebraic immunity of f as AI *(f)= min {AI(f), AI(f^c )}. We prove that 0≤AI(f)–AI *(f)≤1. Since AI(f)–AI *(f)= 1 holds for a large number of cases, the difference between AI(f) and AI *(f) cannot be ignored in algebraic attacks. In the second part, we link boolean functions to hypergraphs so that we can apply known results in hypergraph theory to boolean functions. This not only allows us to find annihilators in a fast and simple way but also provides a good estimation of the upper bound on AI *(f).


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The aim of logic synthesis is to produce circuits which satisfy the given boolean function while meeting timing constraints and requiring the minimum silicon area. Logic synthesis involves two steps namely logic decomposition and technology mapping. Existing methods treat the two as separate operation. The traditional approach is to minimize the number of literals without considering the target technology during the decomposition phase. The decomposed expressions are then mapped on to the target technology to optimize the area, Timing optimization is carried out subsequently, A new approach which treats logic decomposition and technology maping as a single operation is presented. The logic decomposition is based on the parameters of the target technology. The area and timing optimization is carried out during logic decomposition phase itself. Results using MCNC circuits are presented to show that this method produces circuits which are 38% faster while requiring 14% increase in area.


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This paper proposes novel universal logic gates using the current quantization characteristics of nanodevices. In nanodevices like the electron waveguide (EW) and single-electron (SE) turnstile, the channel current is a staircase quantized function of its control voltage. We use this unique characteristic to compactly realize Boolean functions. First we present the concept of the periodic-threshold threshold logic gate (PTTG), and we build a compact PTTG using EW and SE turnstiles. We show that an arbitrary three-input Boolean function can be realized with a single PTTG, and an arbitrary four-input Boolean function can be realized by using two PTTGs. We then use one PTTG to build a universal programmable two-input logic gate which can be used to realize all two-input Boolean functions. We also build a programmable three-input logic gate by using one PTTG. Compared with linear threshold logic gates, with the PTTG one can build digital circuits more compactly. The proposed PTTGs are promising for future smart nanoscale digital system use.


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In this correspondence, we construct some new quadratic bent functions in polynomial forms by using the theory of quadratic forms over finite fields. The results improve some previous work. Moreover, we solve a problem left by Yu and Gong in 2006.


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The design of binary morphological operators that are translation-invariant and locally defined by a finite neighborhood window corresponds to the problem of designing Boolean functions. As in any supervised classification problem, morphological operators designed from a training sample also suffer from overfitting. Large neighborhood tends to lead to performance degradation of the designed operator. This work proposes a multilevel design approach to deal with the issue of designing large neighborhood-based operators. The main idea is inspired by stacked generalization (a multilevel classifier design approach) and consists of, at each training level, combining the outcomes of the previous level operators. The final operator is a multilevel operator that ultimately depends on a larger neighborhood than of the individual operators that have been combined. Experimental results show that two-level operators obtained by combining operators designed on subwindows of a large window consistently outperform the single-level operators designed on the full window. They also show that iterating two-level operators is an effective multilevel approach to obtain better results.


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This paper reports a model of the mammalian retina as well as an interpretation of some functions of the visual cortex. Its main objective is to simulate some of the behaviors observed at the different retina cells depending on the characteristics of the light impinging onto the photoreceptors. This simulation is carried out with a simple structure employed previously as basic building block of some optical computer architectures. Its possibility to perform any type of Boolean function allows a wide range of behaviors.


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Este trabajo propone una serie de algoritmos con el objetivo de extraer información de conjuntos de datos con redes de neuronas. Se estudian dichos algoritmos con redes de neuronas Enhenced Neural Networks (ENN), debido a que esta arquitectura tiene algunas ventajas cuando se aproximan funciones mediante redes neuronales. En la red ENN los pesos de la matriz principal varián con cada patrón, por lo que se comete un error menor en la aproximación. Las redes de neuronas ENN reúnen la información en los pesos de su red auxiliar, se propone un método para obtener información de la red a través de dichos pesos en formas de reglas y asignando un factor de certeza de dichas reglas. La red ENN obtiene un error cuadrático medio menor que el error teórico de una aproximación matemática por ejemplo mediante polinomios de Taylor. Se muestra como una red ENN, entrenada a partir un conjunto de patrones obtenido de una función de variables reales, sus pesos asociados tienen unas relaciones similares a las que se veri_can con las variables independientes con dicha función de variables reales. Las redes de neuronas ENN aproximan polinomios, se extrae conocimiento de un conjunto de datos de forma similar a la regresión estadística, resolviendo de forma más adecuada el problema de multicolionalidad en caso de existir. Las relaciones a partir de los pesos asociados de la matriz de la red auxiliar se obtienen similares a los coeficientes de una regresión para el mismo conjunto numérico. Una red ENN entrenada a partir de un conjunto de datos de una función boolena extrae el conocimiento a partir de los pesos asociados, y la influencia de las variables de la regla lógica de la función booleana, queda reejada en esos pesos asociados a la red auxiliar de la red ENN. Se plantea una red de base radial (RBF) para la clasificación y predicción en problemas forestales y agrícolas, obteniendo mejores resultados que con el modelo de regresión y otros métodos. Los resultados con una red RBF mejoran al método de regresión si existe colinealidad entre los datos que se dispone y no son muy numerosos. También se detecta que variables tienen más importancia en virtud de la variable pronóstico. Obteniendo el error cuadrático medio con redes RBF menor que con otros métodos, en particular que con el modelo de regresión. Abstract A series of algorithms is proposed in this study aiming at the goal of producing information about data groups with a neural network. These algorithms are studied with Enheced Neural Networks (ENN), owing to the fact that this structure shows sever advantages when the functions are approximated by neural networks. Main matrix weights in th ENN vary on each pattern; so, a smaller error is produced when approximating. The neural network ENN joins the weight information contained in their auxiliary network. Thus, a method to obtain information on the network through those weights is proposed by means of rules adding a certainty factor. The net ENN obtains a mean squared error smaller than the theorical one emerging from a mathematical aproximation such as, for example, by means of Taylor's polynomials. This study also shows how in a neural network ENN trained from a set of patterns obtained through a function of real variables, its associated weights have relationships similar to those ones tested by means of the independent variables connected with such functions of real variables. The neural network ENN approximates polynomials through it information about a set of data may be obtained in a similar way than through statistical regression, solving in this way possible problems of multicollinearity in a more suitable way. Relationships emerging from the associated weights in the auxiliary network matrix obtained are similar to the coeficients corresponding to a regression for the same numerical set. A net ENN trained from a boolean function data set obtains its information from its associated weights. The inuence of the variables of the boolean function logical rule are reected on those weights associated to the net auxiliar of the ENN. A radial basis neural networks (RBF) for the classification and prediction of forest and agricultural problems is proposed. This scheme obtains better results than the ones obtained by means of regression and other methods. The outputs with a net RBF better the regression method if the collineality with the available data and their amount is not very large. Detection of which variables are more important basing on the forecast variable can also be achieved, obtaining a mean squared error smaller that the ones obtained through other methods, in special the one produced by the regression pattern.


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Output bits from an optical logic cell present noise due to the type of technique used to obtain the Boolean functions of two input data bits. We have simulated the behavior of an optically programmable logic cell working with Fabry Perot-laser diodes of the same type employed in optical communications (1550nm) but working here as amplifiers. We will report in this paper a study of the bit noise generated from the optical non-linearity process allowing the Boolean function operation of two optical input data signals. Two types of optical logic cells will be analyzed. Firstly, a classical "on-off" behavior, with transmission operation of LD amplifier and, secondly, a more complicated configuration with two LD amplifiers, one working on transmission and the other one in reflection mode. This last configuration has nonlinear behavior emulating SEED-like properties. In both cases, depending on the value of a "1" input data signals to be processed, a different logic function can be obtained. Also a CW signal, known as control signal, may be apply to fix the type of logic function. The signal to noise ratio will be analyzed for different parameters, as wavelength signals and the hysteresis cycles regions associated to the device, in relation with the signals power level applied. With this study we will try to obtain a better understanding of the possible effects present on an optical logic gate with Laser Diodes.


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A new proposal to have secure communications in a system is reported. The basis is the use of a synchronized digital chaotic systems, sending the information signal added to an initial chaos. The received signal is analyzed by another chaos generator located at the receiver and, by a logic boolean function of the chaotic and the received signals, the original information is recovered. One of the most important facts of this system is that the bandwidth needed by the system remain the same with and without chaos.


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We obtained an analytical expression for the computational complexity of many layered committee machines with a finite number of hidden layers (L < 8) using the generalization complexity measure introduced by Franco et al (2006) IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 17 578. Although our result is valid in the large-size limit and for an overlap synaptic matrix that is ultrametric, it provides a useful tool for inferring the appropriate architecture a network must have to reproduce an arbitrary realizable Boolean function.


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Given a bent function f (x) of n variables, its max-weight and min-weight functions are introduced as the Boolean functions f + (x) and f − (x) whose supports are the sets {a ∈ Fn2 | w( f ⊕la) = 2n−1+2 n 2 −1} and {a ∈ Fn2 | w( f ⊕la) = 2n−1−2 n 2 −1} respectively, where w( f ⊕ la) denotes the Hamming weight of the Boolean function f (x) ⊕ la(x) and la(x) is the linear function defined by a ∈ Fn2 . f + (x) and f − (x) are proved to be bent functions. Furthermore, combining the 4 minterms of 2 variables with the max-weight or min-weight functions of a 4-tuple ( f0(x), f1(x), f2(x), f3(x)) of bent functions of n variables such that f0(x) ⊕ f1(x) ⊕ f2(x) ⊕ f3(x) = 1, a bent function of n + 2 variables is obtained. A family of 4-tuples of bent functions satisfying the above condition is introduced, and finally, the number of bent functions we can construct using the method introduced in this paper are obtained. Also, our construction is compared with other constructions of bent functions.


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Simple algorithms have been developed to generate pairs of minterms forming a given 2-sum and thereby to test 2-asummability of switching functions. The 2-asummability testing procedure can be easily implemented on the computer. Since 2-asummability is a necessary and sufficient condition for a switching function of upto eight variables to be linearly separable (LS), it can be used for testing LS switching functions of upto eight variables.


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Networks of controlled dynamical systems exhibit a variety of interconnection patterns that could be interpreted as the structure of the system. One such interpretation of system structure is a system's signal structure, characterized as the open-loop causal dependencies among manifest variables and represented by its dynamical structure function. Although this notion of structure is among the weakest available, previous work has shown that if no a priori structural information is known about the system, not even the Boolean structure of the dynamical structure function is identifiable. Consequently, one method previously suggested for obtaining the necessary a priori structural information is to leverage knowledge about target specificity of the controlled inputs. This work extends these results to demonstrate precisely the a priori structural information that is both necessary and sufficient to reconstruct the network from input-output data. This extension is important because it significantly broadens the applicability of the identifiability conditions, enabling the design of network reconstruction experiments that were previously impossible due to practical constraints on the types of actuation mechanisms available to the engineer or scientist. The work is motivated by the proteomics problem of reconstructing the Per-Arnt-Sim Kinase pathway used in the metabolism of sugars. © 2012 IEEE.