187 resultados para Bombeio centrífugo submerso
Neste estudo investigamos a fauna de larvas de Chironomidae presente em depósitos submersos de matéria orgânica (folhiço) em um riacho de primeira ordem na região serrana (cerca de 1100 m) do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A fauna de Chironomidae do folhiço submerso foi quantitativamente amostrada durante o outono, inverno, primavera e verão. A fragmentação do folhiço foi estimada e a presença de folhas, madeira, raízes e frutos foi investigada. Foram estudadas variações na composição da fauna e na estrutura do folhiço entre as estações do ano e levantadas hipóteses acerca de possíveis fatores que influenciariam os quironomídeos nestes depósitos de folhiço. As subfamílias Chironominae, Orthocladiinae e Tanypodinae foram encontradas e as participações de freqüência de cada subfamília e gênero calculadas em cada estação. Chironominae e Orthocladiinae foram identificados até o nível genérico, e 23 gêneros foram encontrados. Lauterborniella, Polypedilum e Tanytarsus foram os gêneros mais abundantes. Foi observada uma variação na estrutura do folhiço submerso entre as estações do ano, sendo provavelmente influenciada pelas interações entre fatores climáticos (principalmente precipitações) e o relevo e seus efeitos na bacia de drenagem. A fauna de Chironomidae também apresentou mudanças durante o período estudado, com grupos variando quanto à participação relativa e quanto à ocorrência entre as estações. Os efeitos do clima na vegetação e nas características físicas do riacho foram discutidos para elucidar suas influências nos depósitos de folhiço e na fauna de Chironomidae.
Entre Maio e Junho de 2008 foi observado a sobrevivência das pupas de Lucilia eximia (Diptera, Calliphoridae) após submersão em laboratório. Para este experimento foram utilizadas 480 pupas de mesma idade, sendo estas divididas em oito grupos: o controle não foi submerso e os demais grupos foram submersos de um a sete dias. O aumento do período de submersão diminui a sobrevivência, com um dia de submersão a sobrevivência é de 80%, com dois dias 40%, é de 30% a partir do terceiro dia, no quarto dia cai para 23,34% e no quinto dia fica em 10%. Após este período a mortalidade sobe para 100%. Este padrão pode ser explicado pela curva "U-shaped" que ocorre no consumo de O2 durante o período pupal, onde o consumo é maior no início e no final do período pupal. O tempo de submersão também afeta o tempo de desenvolvimento, aumentando o período pupal. Estes dados têm o potencial para serem utilizados em investigações envolvendo Entomologia Forense, para a estimativa do tempo de submersão de um cadáver.
Rare earth ion doped solid state materials are the most important active media of near-infrared and visible lasers and other photonic devices. In these ions, the occurrence of Excited State Absorptions (ESA), from long lived electronic levels, is commonplace. Since ESA can deeply affect the efficiencies of the rare earth emissions, evaluation of these transitions cross sections is of greatest importance in predicting the potential applications of a given material. In this paper a detailed description of the pump-probe technique for ESA measurements is presented, with a review of several examples of applications in Nd3+, Tm3+ and Er3+ doped materials.
Este trabalho foi conduzido no Laboratório de Análise de Sementes da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), Presidente Prudente - SP, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos causados pelo alagamento na germinação e no vigor de sementes de feijão. As sementes foram submetidas aos tratamentos de alagamento por períodos de 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 e 48 horas a 25ºC. Durante os tratamentos foram realizadas as avaliações de grau de umidade inicial e final, e após os mesmos, teste de germinação e avaliação do comprimento de hipocótilo e de raiz, peso seco da parte aérea e raiz. Os resultados mostraram que a germinação e o vigor das sementes decresceram com o alagamento, havendo decréscimo médio de 55 pontos percentuais na germinação, com 8 horas de alagamento. Ocorreu diferenciação de lotes através da germinação com sementes que passaram por períodos de alagamento iguais ou superiores a 8 horas. O número de sementes mortas e a inibição ao desenvolvimento de raiz e hipocótilo foram crescentes com o aumento do período de submersão. Desta forma, concluiu-se que o alagamento, por 8 horas, pode causar prejuízos irreversíveis ao estabelecimento da cultura do feijoeiro, bem como, se empregado em laboratório, pode ser um bom indicativo para diferenciação de níveis de qualidade fisiológica em sementes de feijão.
O maior objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos da composição dos fluxos para arco submerso sobre algumas importantes características de um metal de solda ferrítico, como composição química, microestrutura, propriedades mecânicas e geometria do cordão. Para realizar tal pesquisa, vinte oito fluxos aglomerados foram elaborados de compostos de pureza comercial e utilizados em soldagens ao aorco submerso, mantendo constante todas as demais condições de soldagem. Houve uma notável influência da composição química e do índice de basicidade dos fluxos sobre os níveis de oxig~enio, silício e manganês do metal de solda. Um modelo termodinâmico, baseado no conceito de potencial de oxigênio, foi proposto para explicar as reações gás-meta-escória ocorrendo durante a soldagem. Este modelo mostrou-se usável para as reações entre silício, oxigênio e carbono, permitindo um melhor entendimento das mesmas. A composição química do metal de solda pôde ser relacionada a sua microestrutura, através de metalografia quantitativa. Foi observado que oxigênio, silício, manganês e titânio têm grande influência sobre ela. A fase mais tenaz encontrada foi a ferrita acicular. A respeito da geometria do cordão, a sílica mostrou o efeito mais forte, com os outros compostos influenciando somente o acabamento do cordão soldado.
LINS, Filipe C. A. et al. Modelagem dinâmica e simulação computacional de poços de petróleo verticais e direcionais com elevação por bombeio mecânico. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PESQUISA E DESENVOLVIMENTO EM PETRÓLEO E GÁS, 5. 2009, Fortaleza, CE. Anais... Fortaleza: CBPDPetro, 2009.
The artificial lifting of oil is needed when the pressure of the reservoir is not high enough so that the fluid contained in it can reach the surface spontaneously. Thus the increase in energy supplies artificial or additional fluid integral to the well to come to the surface. The rod pump is the artificial lift method most used in the world and the dynamometer card (surface and down-hole) is the best tool for the analysis of a well equipped with such method. A computational method using Artificial Neural Networks MLP was and developed using pre-established patterns, based on its geometry, the downhole card are used for training the network and then the network provides the knowledge for classification of new cards, allows the fails diagnose in the system and operation conditions of the lifting system. These routines could be integrated to a supervisory system that collects the cards to be analyzed
This work aims presenting the development of a model and computer simulation of a sucker rod pumping system. This system take into account the well geometry, the flow through the tubing, the dynamic behavior of the rod string and the use of a induction motor model. The rod string were modeled using concentrated parameters, allowing the use of ordinary differential equations systems to simulate it s behavior
The progressing cavity pump artificial lift system, PCP, is a main lift system used in oil production industry. As this artificial lift application grows the knowledge of it s dynamics behavior, the application of automatic control and the developing of equipment selection design specialist systems are more useful. This work presents tools for dynamic analysis, control technics and a specialist system for selecting lift equipments for this artificial lift technology. The PCP artificial lift system consists of a progressing cavity pump installed downhole in the production tubing edge. The pump consists of two parts, a stator and a rotor, and is set in motion by the rotation of the rotor transmitted through a rod string installed in the tubing. The surface equipment generates and transmits the rotation to the rod string. First, is presented the developing of a complete mathematical dynamic model of PCP system. This model is simplified for use in several conditions, including steady state for sizing PCP equipments, like pump, rod string and drive head. This model is used to implement a computer simulator able to help in system analysis and to operates as a well with a controller and allows testing and developing of control algorithms. The next developing applies control technics to PCP system to optimize pumping velocity to achieve productivity and durability of downhole components. The mathematical model is linearized to apply conventional control technics including observability and controllability of the system and develop design rules for PI controller. Stability conditions are stated for operation point of the system. A fuzzy rule-based control system are developed from a PI controller using a inference machine based on Mandami operators. The fuzzy logic is applied to develop a specialist system that selects PCP equipments too. The developed technics to simulate and the linearized model was used in an actual well where a control system is installed. This control system consists of a pump intake pressure sensor, an industrial controller and a variable speed drive. The PI control was applied and fuzzy controller was applied to optimize simulated and actual well operation and the results was compared. The simulated and actual open loop response was compared to validate simulation. A case study was accomplished to validate equipment selection specialist system
The present work presents an algorithm proposal, which aims for controlling and improving idle time to be applied in oil production wells equipped with beam pump. The algorithm was totally designed based on existing papers and data acquired from two Potiguar Basin pilot wells. Oil engineering concepts such as submergence, pump off, Basic Sediments and Water (BSW), Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR), reservo ir pressure, inflow pressure, among others, were included into the algorithm through a mathematical treatment developed from a typical well and then extended to the general cases. The optimization will increase the well production potential maximum utilization having the smallest number of pumping unit cycles directly reflecting on operational cost and electricity consumption reduction
The precision and the fast identification of abnormalities of bottom hole are essential to prevent damage and increase production in the oil industry. This work presents a study about a new automatic approach to the detection and the classification of operation mode in the Sucker-rod Pumping through dynamometric cards of bottom hole. The main idea is the recognition of the well production status through the image processing of the bottom s hole dynamometric card (Boundary Descriptors) and statistics and similarity mathematics tools, like Fourier Descriptor, Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Euclidean Distance. In order to validate the proposal, the Sucker-Rod Pumping system real data are used
The method of artificial lift of progressing cavity pump is very efficient in the production of oils with high viscosity and oils that carry a great amount of sand. This characteristic converted this lift method into the second most useful one in oil fields production. As it grows the number of its applications it also increases the necessity to dominate its work in a way to define it the best operational set point. To contribute to the knowledge of the operational method of artificial lift of progressing cavity pump, this work intends to develop a computational simulator for oil wells equipped with an artificial lift system. The computational simulator of the system will be able to represent its dynamic behavior when submitted to the various operational conditions. The system was divided into five subsystems: induction motor, multiphase flows into production tubing, rod string, progressing cavity pump and annular tubing-casing. The modeling and simulation of each subsystem permitted to evaluate the dynamic characteristics that defined the criteria connections. With the connections of the subsystems it was possible to obtain the dynamic characteristics of the most important arrays belonging to the system, such as: pressure discharge, pressure intake, pumping rate, rod string rotation and torque applied to polish string. The shown results added to a friendly graphical interface converted the PCP simulator in a great potential tool with a didactic characteristic in serving the technical capability for the system operators and also permitting the production engineering to achieve a more detail analysis of the dynamic operational oil wells equipped with the progressing cavity pump
This work proposes a computer simulator for sucker rod pumped vertical wells. The simulator is able to represent the dynamic behavior of the systems and the computation of several important parameters, allowing the easy visualization of several pertinent phenomena. The use of the simulator allows the execution of several tests at lower costs and shorter times, than real wells experiments. The simulation uses a model based on the dynamic behavior of the rod string. This dynamic model is represented by a second order partial differencial equation. Through this model, several common field situations can be verified. Moreover, the simulation includes 3D animations, facilitating the physical understanding of the process, due to a better visual interpretation of the phenomena. Another important characteristic is the emulation of the main sensors used in sucker rod pumping automation. The emulation of the sensors is implemented through a microcontrolled interface between the simulator and the industrial controllers. By means of this interface, the controllers interpret the simulator as a real well. A "fault module" was included in the simulator. This module incorporates the six more important faults found in sucker rod pumping. Therefore, the analysis and verification of these problems through the simulator, allows the user to identify such situations that otherwise could be observed only in the field. The simulation of these faults receives a different treatment due to the different boundary conditions imposed to the numeric solution of the problem. Possible applications of the simulator are: the design and analysis of wells, training of technicians and engineers, execution of tests in controllers and supervisory systems, and validation of control algorithms