429 resultados para Blooms
Sphaerospermopsis torques-reginae (Komarek) Werner, Laughinghouse IV, Fiore & Sant'Anna comb. nov. was originally described as Anabaena torques-reginae Komarek from planktonic populations of Cuban eutrophic environments, characterized by twisted trichomes with spherical akinetes adjacent to the heterocytes. Recently, using molecular analyses, all planktonic Anabaena Bory ex Bornet & Flahault morphospecies were transferred into the genus Dolichospermum (Ralfs ex Bornet & Flahault) Wacklin el al., including Dolichospermum torques-reginae (Komarek) Wacklin et al. However, by a polyphasic characterization of strains of Anabaena reniformis Lemmermann and Aphanizomenon aphanizomenoides (Forti) Horecka & Komarek (=Anabaena aphanizomenoides Forti), these planktonic species were reclassified into Sphaerospermopsis Zapomelova et al. Our study's main objective was to characterize morphologically and molecularly cyanobacterial populations identified as Dolichospermum torques-reginae, observed in different aquatic ecosystems in South America. The 16S rRNA gene of two Dolichospermum torques-reginae strains (ITEP-024 and ITEP-026) was sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed for the first time. The morphological and phylogenetic analyses demonstrated the affiliation of the studied populations with the genus Sphaerospermopsis and, consequently, were denominated as Sphaerospermopsis torques-reginae. Furthermore, geographic distribution, ecology, and toxicity of the species are discussed. It was observed in different aquatic environments, natural and artificial, tropical and subtropical in Brazil, temperate in Argentina, and tropical in Colombia, suggesting a wide distribution in South America. It normally occurred in dense freshwater blooms, although it was also found in water with low salinity. Sphaerospermopsis torques-reginae toxic blooms have been reported in tropical water bodies in northeastern Brazil.
We have examined the relationship between Fe and blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (Balech) (formerly Gonyaulax tamarensis var. excavata (Lebour)) using a chemical method that estimates the biological availability of Fe in seawater. The Fe requirement for optimal growth of A. tamarense in sequential batch culture (ca 3 nM 'available' Fe) was compared with Fe concentrations in waters of the Gulf of Maine, USA. Results indicated that Fe did not limit growth of the organism in nearshore coastal waters or over Georges Bank, but that the organism may have been Fe-limited in Gulf of Maine basin waters. The distribution of A. tamarense in the Gulf of Maine is consistent with these Fe data. Red tide outbreaks in the nearshore environment did not correlate with changes in total Fe or the estimated Fe availability. Although Fe did not appear to trigger outbreaks of A. tamarense in Maine coastal waters, the findings are consistent with suggestions that pulsed inputs of Fe may be important for the development of toxic dinoflagellate blooms in regions (e.g. Florida) where outbreaks are initiated offshore.
A mesocosm experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of rising fCO2 on the build-up and decline of organic matter during coastal phytoplankton blooms. Five mesocosms (~38 m³ each) were deployed in the Baltic Sea during spring (2009) and enriched with CO2 to yield a gradient of 355-862 µatm. Mesocosms were nutrient fertilized initially to induce phytoplankton bloom development. Changes in particulate and dissolved organic matter concentrations, including dissolved high-molecular weight (>1 kDa) combined carbohydrates, dissolved free and combined amino acids as well as transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), were monitored over 21 days together with bacterial abundance, and hydrolytic extracellular enzyme activities. Overall, organic matter followed well-known bloom dynamics in all CO2 treatments alike. At high fCO2, higher dPOC:dPON during bloom rise, and higher TEP concentrations during bloom peak, suggested preferential accumulation of carbon-rich components. TEP concentration at bloom peak was significantly related to subsequent sedimentation of particulate organic matter. Bacterial abundance increased during the bloom and was highest at high fCO2. We conclude that increasing fCO2 supports production and exudation of carbon-rich components, enhancing particle aggregation and settling, but also providing substrate and attachment sites for bacteria. More labile organic carbon and higher bacterial abundance can increase rates of oxygen consumption and may intensify the already high risk of oxygen depletion in coastal seas in the future.
On cover: Bethlehem alloy steels.
During the last decade there has been a significant rise in observations of blooms of the toxic cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula along the east coast of Queensland, Australia. Whether the increase in cyanobacterial abundance is a biological indicator of widespread water quality degradation or also a function of other environmental change is unknown. A bioassay approach was used to assesses the potential for runoff from various land uses to stimulate productivity of L. majuscula. In Moreton Bay, L. majuscula productivity was significantly (p < 0.05) stimulated by soil extracts, which were high in phosphorus, iron and organic carbon. Productivity of L. majuscula from the Great Barrier Reef was also significantly (p < 0.05) elevated by iron and phosphorus rich extracts, in this case seabird guano adjacent to the bloom site. Hence, it is possible that other L. majuscula blooms are a result of similar stimulating factors (iron, phosphorus and organic carbon), delivered through different mechanisms. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Blooms of Lyngbya majuscula have been increasingly recorded in the waters of Moreton Bay, on the south-east coast of Queensland, Australia. The influences of these blooms on sediment infauna and the implications for sediment biogeochemical processes was studied. Sediment samples were taken from Moreton Bay banks during and after the bloom season. The deposition of L. majuscula seems to be responsible for the higher total Kjedahl nitrogen (TKN) concentrations measured during the bloom period. Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations did not change. Lyngbya majuscula blooms had a marked influence on the meiobenthos. Nematodes, copepods and polychaetes were the most abundant groups of meiofauna, and the bloom produced a decrease in the abundance and a change in the sediment depth distribution of these organisms. The distribution of nematodes, copepods and polychaetes in sediment became shallower. Further, the bloom did not affect the abundance and distribution of polychaetes as strongly as it did copepods and nematodes. The changes observed in the distribution of meiofauna in the sediment during the bloom period indicate that L. majuscula produces oxygen depletion in sediments, and that different fauna seem to be affected to different degrees.
We investigated long-term spatial variability in a number of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the northeast Atlantic and North Sea using data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder. Over the last four decades. some dinoflagellate taxa showed pronounced variation in the south and east of the North Sea, with the most significant increases being restricted to the adjacent waters off Norway. There was also a general decrease along the eastern coast of the United Kingdom. The most prominent feature in the interannual bloom frequencies over the last four decades was the anomalously high values recorded in the late 1980s in the northern and central North Sea areas. The only mesoscale area in the northeast Atlantic to show a significant increase in bloom formation over the last decade was the Norwegian coastal region. The changing spatial patterns of HAB taxa and the frequency of bloom formation are discussed in relation to regional climate change, in particular, changes in temperature, salinity, and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Areas highly vulnerable to the effects of regional climate change on HABs are Norwegian coastal waters and the Skagerrak. Other vulnerable areas include Danish coastal waters, and to a lesser extent, the German and Dutch Bight and the northern Irish Sea. Quite apart from eutrophication, our results give a preview of what might happen to certain HAB genera under changing climatic conditions in temperate environments and their responses to variability of climate oscillations Such as the NAO.
Since 2002, the usually uncommon endemic filamentous brown alga Hincksia sordida (Harvey) Silva (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyta) has formed nuisance blooms annually during spring/early summer at Main Beach, Noosa on the subtropical east Australian coast. The Hincksia bloom coincides with the normally intensive recreational use of the popular bathing beach by the local population and tourists. The alga forms dense accumulations in the surf zone at Main Beach, giving the seawater a distinct brown coloration and deterring swimmers from entering the water. Decomposing algae stranded by receding tides emit a nauseating sulphurous stench which hangs over the beach. The stranded algal biomass is removed from the beach by bulldozers. During blooms, the usually crowded Main Beach is deserted, bathers preferring to use the many unaffected beaches on the Sunshine Coast to the south of Main Beach. The bloom worsens with north-easterly winds and is cleared from Noosa by south easterly winds, observations which have prompted the untenable proposal by local authorities that the bloom is forming offshore of Fraser Island in the South Pacific Ocean. The Noosa River estuarine system/Laguna Bay is the more probable source of the bloom and the nutrient inputs into this system must be substantial to generate the high bloom biomass. Current mitigation procedures of removing the blooming alga off the beach with bulldozers treat the symptom, not the cause and are proving ineffective. Environmental management must be based on science and the Noosa bloom would benefit greatly from the accurate ecological data on which to base management options. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The clear, shallow, oligotrophic waters of Florida Bay are characterized by low phytoplankton biomass, yet periodic cyanobacteria and diatom blooms do occur. We hypothesized that allochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) was providing a subsidy to the system in the form of bound nutrients. Water from four bay sites was incubated under natural light and dark conditions with enrichments of either DOM ( > 1 kD, 2×DOM) or inorganic nutrients (N+P). Samples were analyzed for bacterial numbers, bacterial production, phytoplankton biomass, phytoplankton community structure, and production, nutrients, and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity. The influence of 2×DOM enrichment on phytoplankton biomass developed slowly during the incubations and was relatively small compared to nutrient additions. Inorganic nutrient additions resulted in an ephemeral bloom characterized initially as cyanobacterial and brown algae but which changed to dinoflagellate and/or brown algae by day six. The DIN:TP ratio decreased 10-fold in the N+P treatments as the system progressed towards N limitation. This ratio did not change significantly for 2×DOM treatments. In addition, these experiments indicated that both autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial populations in Florida Bay may fluctuate in their limitation by organic and inorganic nutrient availability. Both N+P and 2×DOM enrichments revealed significant and positive response in bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon (BDOC). Potential BDOC ranged from 1.1 to 35.5%, with the most labile forms occurring in Whipray Basin. BDOC at all sites was stimulated by the 2×DOM addition. Except for Duck Key, BDOC at all sites was also stimulated by the addition of N+P. BDOC was lower in the dry season than in the wet season (5.56% vs. 16.86%). This may be explained by the distinct chemical characteristics of the DOM produced at different times of year. Thus, both the heterotrophic and autotrophic microbial communities in Florida Bay are modulated by bioavailability of DOM. This has ramifications for the fate of DOM from the Everglades inputs, implicating DOM bioavailability as a contributing factor in regulating the onset, persistence, and composition of phytoplankton blooms.