990 resultados para Block work masonry wall
During the last years, several studies have been made aiming to assess the out-of-plane seismic response of unreinforced stone masonry structures. This fact led to the development of a wide variety of models and approaches, ranging from simple kinematic based analytical models up to complex numerical simulations. Nevertheless, for the sake of simplicity, the out-of-plane seismic response of a masonry wall pier may be obtained by means of a simple single-degree-of-freedom system while still providing good results. In fact, despite the assumptions associated with such a simple formulation, it is also true that the epistemic uncertainty inherent with the selection of appropriate input parameters in more complex models may render them truly ineffective. In this framework, this paper focuses on the study of the out-of-plane bending of unreinforced stone masonry walls (cantilevers) by proposing a simplified analytical approach based on the construction of a linearized four-branch model, which is used to characterize the linear and nonlinear response of such structural elements through an overturning moment-rotation relationship. The formulation of the four-branch model is presented and described in detail and the meaningful parameters used for its construction are obtained from a set of experimental laboratory tests performed on six full-scale unreinforced regular sacco stone masonry specimens. Moreover, a parametric analysis aiming to evaluate the effect of these parameters’ variation on the final configuration of the model is presented and critically discussed. Finally, the results obtained from the application of the developed four-branch model on real unreinforced regular sacco stone masonry walls are thoroughly analysed and the main conclusions obtained from its application are summarized.
La envolvente de la edificación es la responsable de equilibrar el intercambio energético entre el interior y el exterior, por lo tanto cualquier actuación encaminada a la reducción del consumo energético ha de establecer, como uno de sus objetivos prioritarios, la mejora del comportamiento de la misma. Las edificaciones anteriores a 1940 constituyen la mayor parte de las existentes en áreas rurales y centros urbanos. En ellas, la repercusión de la fachada sobre las transmitancias globales pone de manifiesto la necesidad de intervención. Sin embargo, su elevada inercia térmica y los importantes saltos térmicos característicos de gran parte de España plantean la importancia de que aquélla se efectúe por el exterior. A tal respecto, la falta de disponibilidad de espesor suficiente para implantar sistemas tipo SATE deriva en que, frecuentemente, la única solución viable sea la de aislar por el interior perdiendo con ello la capacidad de acumulación térmica del muro y con el asociado riesgo de condensaciones. La amplia tradición en el empleo de revestimientos, especialmente en base de cal, permiten que éstos sean utilizados no sólo como elemento estético o de protección de la obra de fábrica antigua sino también para la mejora del comportamiento térmico del soporte, si se aprovecha el mecanismo de transmisión térmica por radiación. Éste es el objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral en la que se estudia la modificación de las propiedades radiantes de los morteros de revestimiento para la mejora de la eficiencia energética de las construcciones históricas, principalmente las constituidas por muros monolíticos, aunque podría ser de aplicación a otro tipo de construcciones compuestas por diversas capas. Como punto de partida, se estudió y revisó la documentación disponible sobre las investigaciones de las tres áreas científico-tecnológicas que convergen en la Tesis Doctoral: rehabilitación, material y comportamiento térmico, a partir de lo cual se comprobó la inexistencia de estudios similares al objeto de la presente Tesis Doctoral. Complementariamente, se analizaron los revestimientos en lo concerniente a los materiales que los constituyen, la composición de las mezclas y características de cada una de las capas así como al enfoque que, desde el punto de vista térmico, se estimaba más adecuado para la obtención de los objetivos propuestos. Basándonos en dichos análisis, se preseleccionaron ochenta materiales que fueron ensayados en términos de reflectancia y emisividad para elegir cuatro con los que se continuó la investigación. Éstos, junto con la cal elegida para la investigación y el árido marmóreo característico de la última capa de revestimiento, fueron caracterizados térmicamente, de forma pormenorizada, así como química y físicamente. Los fundamentos teóricos y los estudios preliminares desarrollados con distintos materiales, en estado fresco y endurecido, fueron empleados en la dosificación de componentes de las mezclas, en dos proporciones distintas, para el estudio del efecto del agregado. Éstas se ensayaron en estado fresco, para comprobar su adecuación de puesta en obra y prever su VI adherencia al soporte, así como en estado endurecido a 28 y 90 días de curado, para conocer las propiedades que permitieran prever su compatibilidad con aquél y estimar el alcance de la reducción de transferencias térmicas lograda. Además, se estudiaron las características generales de las mezclas que sirvieron para establecer correlaciones entre distintas propiedades y entender los resultados mecánicos, físicos (comportamiento frente al agua) y energéticos. Del estudio conjunto de las distintas propiedades analizadas se propusieron dos mezclas, una blanca y otra coloreada, cuyas características permiten garantizar la compatibilidad con la obra de fábrica antigua, desde el punto de vista físico y mecánico, y preservar la autenticidad de los revestimientos, en cuanto a la técnica de aplicación tradicional en sistemas multicapa. El comportamiento térmico de las mismas, sobre una obra de fábrica de 40 cm de espesor, se estimó, en estado estacionario y pseudo-transitorio, demostrándose reducciones del flujo térmico entre 16-48%, en condiciones de verano, y entre el 6-11%, en invierno, en función de la coloración y de la rugosidad de la superficie, en comparación con el empleo de la mezcla tradicional. Por lo que, se constata la viabilidad de los materiales compuestos propuestos y su adecuación al objetivo de la investigación. VII ABSTRACT The envelope is responsible for balancing the energy exchange between the inside and outside in buildings. For this reason, any action aimed at reducing energy consumption must establish, as one of its key priorities, its improvement. In rural areas and urban centers, most of the constructions were built before 1940. In them, the impact of the façade on the global transmittance highlights the need for intervention. However, its high thermal inertia and fluctuation of temperatures in the majority of Spain bring up that it should be placed outside the insulation. In this regard, the lack of availability of enough thickness to implement systems such as ETICS results in that often the only viable solution is to isolate the interior, losing thereby the wall’s heat storage capacity with the associated risk of condensation. The tradition in the use of renders, especially lime-based, allows us to use them not only as an aesthetic element or to protect the ancient masonry, but also for improved thermal performance of the support by taking advantage of the heat transfer mechanism by radiation. This is the aim of this Doctoral Thesis in which the modification of the radiative properties of lime mortars for renders to improve the energy efficiency of historic buildings, mainly composed of monolithic walls, is studied, although it could be applied to other structures composed of several layers. As a starting point, the available literature in the three scientific-technological areas that converge at the Doctoral Thesis: rehabilitation, material and thermal behaviour, was reviewed, and confirmed the absence of researches similar to this Doctoral Thesis. Additionally, the renders were studied with regard to the materials that constitute them, the composition of the mixtures and the characteristics of each layer, as well as to the approach which, from a thermal point of view, was deemed the most suitable for achieving the objectives sets. Based on thre aforementioned analysis, eighty materials tested in terms of reflectance and emissivity were pre-selected, to choose four with which the research was continued. Common marble sand, used in the last layer of the renders, together with the appointed materials and hydrated lime were characterized thermally, in detail, as well as chemically and physically. The theoretical bases and preliminary studies with different materials, in fresh and hardened state, were used in the dosage of the composition of the mixtures. In order to study their effect they were used in two different proportions, that is, ten mixtures in total. These were tested in their fresh state to evaluate their setting-up suitability and foresee their adhesion to the support, as well as in their hardened state, at 28 and 90 days of curing, to establish the properties which enabled us to anticipate their compatibility with the old masonry walls and estimate the scope of the reduction of heat transfers achieved. In addition, the general characteristics of the mixtures used to establish correlations and to understand the mechanical, physical and energy results were studied. Two mixtures, one white and one colored, were proposed as the result of the different properties analysed, whose characteristics allow the guarantee of mechanical and physical compatibility VIII with the old masonry and preserve the authenticity of the renders. The thermal behavior of both, applied on a masonry wall 40 cm thick, was estimated at a steady and pseudo-transient state, with heat flow reductions between 16-48% during summertime and 6-11% during wintertime, depending on the color and surface roughness, compared to the use of the traditional mixture. So, the viability of the proposed composite materials and their fitness to the aim of the research are established.
A diferencia de otros parámetros, el efecto de la existencia de huecos en la aparición y desarrollo de los procesos de fisuración en los paños de fábrica no ha sido considerado por las distintas normativas existentes en la actualidad. En nuestros días se emplea una variada gama de tipologías de elementos de cerramiento para realizar las particiones en las obras de edificación, cada una de ellas con características mecánicas diferentes y distinta metodología de ejecución, siendo de aplicación la misma normativa relativa al cálculo y control de las deformaciones. Tal y como expresamos en el Capitulo 1, en el que se analiza el Estado del Conocimiento, los códigos actuales determinan de forma analítica la flecha probable que se alcanza en los elementos portantes estructurales bajo diferentes condiciones de servicio. Las distintas propuestas que existen respecto para la limitación de la flecha activa, una vez realizado el cálculo de las deformaciones, bien por el método de Branson ó mediante los métodos de integración de curvaturas, no contemplan como parámetro a considerar en la limitación de la flecha activa la existencia y tipología de huecos en un paño de fábrica soportado por la estructura. Sin embargo se intuye y podríamos afirmar que una discontinuidad en cualquier elemento sometido a esfuerzos tiene influencia en el estado tensional del mismo. Si consideramos que, de forma general, los procesos de fisuración se producen al superarse la resistencia a tracción de material constitutivo de la fábrica soportada, es claro que la variación tensional inducida por la existencia de huecos ha de tener cierta influencia en la aparición y desarrollo de los procesos de fisuración en los elementos de partición o de cerramiento de las obras de edificación. En los Capítulos 2 y 3 tras justificar la necesidad de realizar una investigación encaminada a confirmar la relación entre la existencia de huecos en un paño de fábrica y el desarrollo de procesos de fisuración en el mismo, se establece este aspecto como principal Objetivo y se expone la Metodología para su análisis. Hemos definido y justificado en el Capítulo 4 el modelo de cálculo que hemos utilizado para determinar las deformaciones y los procesos de fisuración que se producen en los casos a analizar, en los que se han considerado como variables: los valores de la luz del modelo, el estado de fisuración de los elementos portantes, los efectos de la fluencia y el porcentaje de transmisión de cargas desde el forjado superior al paño de fábrica en estudio. Además se adoptan dos valores de la resistencia a tracción de las fábricas, 0.75MPa y 1.00MPa. La capacidad de representar la fisuración, así como la robustez y fiabilidad ha condicionado y justificado la selección del programa de elementos finitos que se ha utilizado para realizar los cálculos. Aprovechando la posibilidad de reproducir de forma ajustada las características introducidas para cada parámetro, hemos planteado y realizado un análisis paramétricos que considera 360 cálculos iterativos, de cuya exposición es objeto el Capítulo 5, para obtener una serie representativa de resultados sobre los que se realizará el análisis posterior. En el Capítulo 6, de análisis de los resultados, hemos estudiado los valores de deformaciones y estados de fisuración obtenidos para los casos analizados. Hemos determinado la influencia que tiene la presencia de huecos en la aparición de los procesos de fisuración y en las deformaciones que se producen en las diferentes configuraciones estructurales. Las conclusiones que hemos obtenido tras analizar los resultados, incluidas en el Capítulo 7, no dejan lugar a dudas: la presencia, la posición y la tipología de los huecos en los elementos de fábricas soportadas sobre estructuras deformables son factores determinantes respecto de la fisuración y pueden tener influencia en las deformaciones que constituyen la flecha activa del elemento, lo que obliga a plantear una serie de recomendaciones frente al proyecto y frente a la reglamentación técnica. La investigación desarrollada para esta Tesis Doctoral y la metodología aplicada para su desarrollo abre nuevas líneas de estudio, que se esbozan en el Capítulo 8, para el análisis de otros aspectos que no han sido cubiertos por esta investigación a fin de mejorar las limitaciones que deberían establecerse para los Estados Límite de Servicio de Deformaciones correspondientes a las estructuras de edificación. SUMMARY. Unlike other parameters, the effect of the existence of voids in the arising and development of cracking processes in the masonry walls has not been considered by current Codes. Nowadays, a huge variety of enclosure elements types is used to execute partitions in buildings, each one with different mechanical characteristics and different execution methodology, being applied the same rules concerning deflection calculation and control. As indicated in Chapter 1, which analyzes the State of Art, current codes analytically determine the deflection likely to be achieved in structural supporting elements under different service conditions. The different proposals that exist related to live deflection limitation, once performed deformations calculation, either by Branson´s method or considering curvatures integration methods, do not consider in deflection limitation the existence and typology of voids in a masonry wall structured supported. But is sensed and it can be affirmed that a discontinuity in any element under stress influences the stress state of it. If we consider that, in general, cracking processes occur when masonry material tensile strength is exceeded, it is clear that tension variation induced by the existence of voids must have some influence on the emergence and development of cracking processes in enclosure elements of building works. In Chapters 2 and 3, after justifying the need for an investigation to confirm the relationship between the existence of voids in a masonry wall and the development of cracking process in it, is set as the main objective and it is shown the analysis Methodology. We have defined and justified in Chapter 4 the calculation model used to determine the deformation and cracking processes that occur in the cases analyzed, in which were considered as variables: model span values, bearing elements cracking state, creep effects and load transmission percentage from the upper floor to the studied masonry wall. In addition, two masonry tensile strength values 0.75MPa and 1.00MPa have been considered. The cracking consideration ability, robustness and reliability has determined and justified the selection of the finite element program that was used for the calculations. Taking advantage of the ability of accurately consider the characteristics introduced for each parameter, we have performed a parametric analyses that considers 360 iterative calculations, whose results are included in Chapter 5, in order to obtain a representative results set that will be analyzed later. In Chapter 6, results analysis, we studied the obtained values of deformation and cracking configurations for the cases analyzed. We determined the influence of the voids presence in the occurrence of cracking processes and deformations in different structural configurations. The conclusions we have obtained after analyzing the results, included in Chapter 7, leave no doubt: the presence, position and type of holes in masonry elements supported on deformable structures are determinative of cracking and can influence deformations which are the element live deflection, making necessary to raise a number of recommendations related to project and technical regulation. The research undertaken for this Doctoral Thesis and the applied methodology for its development opens up new lines of study, outlined in Chapter 8, for the analysis of other aspects that are not covered by this research, in order to improve the limitations that should be established for Deflections Serviceability Limit States related to building structures.
Esta investigación parte del interés particular por la manifestación arquitectónica, paisajística o urbanística de aquellos muros construidos que se han erigido para limitar, planteando un enfoque del muro en una vertiente conceptual. Se propone la formulación de distintas interpretaciones para un mismo elemento físico, logrando una propuesta arquitectónica de identificación para diferentes casos de estudio que consideramos paradigmáticos en su concepto. La hipótesis plantea la posibilidad de identificar un muro con la autonomía o identidad conceptual que le hace capaz de condicionar o dirigir la conformación de una obra de arquitectura, sirviendo como instrumento arquitectónico para las acciones de articulación, implantación, referenciación o conformación. El desarrollo de la investigación muestra la aptitud de individualizar el muro como elemento excepcional en el cumplimiento de la síntesis de distintas variables de proyecto. Se elaboran cinco conceptos diferentes del elemento en la función que cumple en el espacio que se basan en una definición compuesta de dos propiedades determinantes que se identifican con la categoría de la “justificación conceptual” combinando, además, valores de las categorías “Relación con el lugar”, “Función estética”, “Función de programa” y “Generación”. Se propone la identificación del muro que presenta las cualidades que lo hacen actuar de forma articuladora en el espacio y que, al cumplir esa función, condiciona y determina parte de la obra de arquitectura en que se encuentra. El muro articulador se entiende como un elemento que soluciona formal y espacialmente distintas situaciones de programa; no responde a un esquema formal predeterminado, sino que lo crea, en la unión coherente entre opuestos: ámbitos opuestos, esquemas formales opuestos, etc. Proponemos la identificación del muro que presenta determinadas cualidades que lo hacen actuar de forma implantadora en el espacio y que, al cumplir esa función, condiciona y determina parte de la obra en que se encuentra. Se considera el muro implantador como el punto de partida del proyecto en que se ha utilizado y como el elemento elegido para hacer la síntesis entre las variables del proyecto - sitio, función constructiva y estructural, estableciendo una regla formal y espacial coherente. Proponemos la identificación del muro referenciador, elemento que se destaca en la edificación como entidad elegida para hacer la síntesis entre las distintas variables del proyecto: significado, función estética y sitio. El muro referenciador se percibe como una entidad autónoma, particular al carácter o programa de la obra y al sitio en que se erige. Se considera el muro-recinto como el punto de partida del proyecto en que se ha utilizado, así como un elemento fundamental que se destaca en el conjunto de la obra - sea por su vertiente constructiva o de tratamiento estético – como entidad elegida para hacer la síntesis entre las variables del proyecto: forma y programa. Al utilizar un esquema formal predeterminado, permite generar espacio coherente con las demandas de un programa específico, entendiéndose como un elemento arquitectónico particular a la obra. Proponemos la identificación del muro habitable como el elemento que presenta las cualidades que lo hacen pasible de generar espacio en su interior, siendo un instrumento útil para cumplir con la variable del proyecto del programa. El concepto de muro habitable, como contrapunto a los otros cuatro tipos, se manifiesta como una entidad más elemental que traduce un instrumento de trabajo todavía más manejable que los restantes muros estudiados. De hecho, su utilización es incluso posible en aquellos muros que ya presentan el concepto de muro articulador, implantador, referenciador o muro-recinto. ABSTRACT This research is based on a particular interest in the architectural, landscape or urban manifestations of those walls that have been erected to limit, considering a conceptual approach. It suggests the formulation of diverse interpretations for the same physical element to achieve an architectural proposal of identification for different case studies that we consider paradigmatic in its concept. The hypothesis considers the possibility to identify a wall with the autonomy or conceptual identity that makes it able to influence or direct the form of an architecture work, serving as an instrument for the actions of articulation, emplacement, referencing or conformation. The development of the research shows the ability to individualize the wall as an outstanding element in the synthesis of different variables of architectural design. It elaborates five different concepts of the wall function in space, based on a definition with two determinant properties which combine values of the categories "Relation with the context", "Aesthetic function", "Program function" and "Generation". We propose the identification of the wall that has the qualities that make it act in an articulating way in space, conditioning and determining part of the architectural work. The “articulating wall” is understood as an element that formally and spatially solves different situations of functional program; it does not respond to a previous formal scheme, it creates it instead, through the coherent combination between opposites: opposing fields, opposing formal schemes, etc. We identify as well the wall that has the qualities that make it able to emplace on site, conditioning and determining part of the architecture work. The “wall that emplaces” is considered the starting point of the architectural design and the chosen element to make the synthesis between the architectural design variables - site, constructive function and structural function - establishing a formal and spatial coherent rule. We propose the identification of the “referencing wall”, element that stands out in the building as an entity chosen to make the synthesis between the project variables: meaning, aesthetic function and site. The referencing wall is perceived as an autonomous entity, particular to the character or the functional program and the site on which it sits. We consider the “precinct wall” as the departure point of the architectural design where it is used as well as a fundamental element that stands out in the whole of the architecture work - either by its constructive aspect or esthetic treatment - as the chosen entity to synthetize form and pro-gram. Since it uses a predetermined formal scheme it will allow to generate consistent space with-in the demands of a specific program, being understood as an element particular to the architectural work. As a fifth concept we identify the “inhabitable wall” as the element that has the qualities that make it predisposed to generate space inside its nucleus, being a useful instrument to comply with the variable of program in the architectural design. The concept of inhabitable wall, as a counterpoint to the other four types, manifests itself as a more elemental entity that translates itself as a more manageable working tool. In fact, its use is even possible in those walls that al-ready present the concept of articulating wall, emplacing wall, referencing wall or precinct wall.
Résumé : Cette juxtaposition de matériaux solides -blocs, pierres ou briques,...- liés ou non entre eux que nous appelons maçonnerie ne se comporte pas très bien vis-à-vis des forces latérales, surtout si elle n’a pas été réalisée suivant les normes parasismiques ou de façon adéquate. Cette vulnérabilité (glissement, cisaillement, déchirure en flexion, ou tout autre) vient souvent du fait même de ce processus d’empilement, des problèmes d’interaction avec le reste de la structure et aussi à cause des caractéristiques mécaniques peu fiables de certains éléments utilisés. Malgré cette défaillance structurale, la maçonnerie est encore utilisée aujourd’hui grâce à son côté traditionnel, sa facilité de mise en œuvre et son coût d’utilisation peu élevé. Depuis quelques années, la maçonnerie s’est enrichie de documents qui ont été publiés par divers chercheurs dans le but d’une meilleure compréhension des caractéristiques mécaniques des éléments et aussi, et surtout, des mécanismes de rupture des murs de maçonnerie pour une meilleure réponse face aux sollicitations sismiques. Beaucoup de programmes expérimentaux ont alors été effectués et tant d’autres sont encore nécessaires. Et c’est dans ce contexte que cette recherche a été conduite. Elle présentera, entre autres, le comportement sous charges latérales d’un mur en maçonnerie armée entièrement rempli de coulis. Ce projet de recherche fait partie d’un programme plus large visant à une meilleure connaissance du comportement sismique de la maçonnerie pour une amélioration des techniques de construction et de réparation des ouvrages en maçonnerie.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
Masonry spandrels together with shear walls are structural components of a masonry building subjected to lateral loads. Shear walls are the main components of this structural system, even if masonry spandrels are the elements that ensure the connection of shear wall panels and the distribution of stresses through the masonry piers. The use of prefabricated truss type bars in the transversal and longitudinal directions is usually considered a challenge, even if the simplicity of the applications suggested here alleviate some of the possible difficulties. This paper focus on the experimental behavior of masonry spandrels reinforced with prefabricated trusses, considering different possibilities for the arrangement of reinforcement and blocks. Reinforced spandrels with three and two hollow cell concrete blocks and with different reinforcement ratios have been built and tested using a four and three point loading test configuration. Horizontal bed joint reinforcement increased the capacity of deformation as well as the ultimate load, leading to ductile responses. Vertical reinforcement increased the shear strength of the masonry spandrels and its distribution play a central role on the shear behavior. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The specific essential work of fracture, w(e), has been measured for a relatively thick walled uPVC pipe as a function of position through the wall of the pipe. w(e) was highest at the surface of the pipe and decreased significantly at the centre of the pipe wall. The variation in w(e) through the wall of the pipe correlated with the processing level of the uPVC material as measured by the critical temperature, T-c. The variability in the measured values of w(e) was substantially higher in the centre of the pipe where the processing levels were lower. This was likely to be a result of the variability in the microstructure of the material where poor processing had introduced regions of poor fusion of primary PVC particles. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The seismic assessment of the local failure modes in existing masonry buildings is currently based on the identification of the so-called local mechanisms, often associated with the out-of-plane wall behavior, whose stability is evaluated by static force-based approaches and, more recently, by some displacement-based proposals. Local mechanisms consist of kinematic chains of masonry portions, often regarded as rigid bodies, with geometric nonlinearity and concentrated nonlinearity in predefined contact regions (unilateral no-tension behavior, possible sliding with friction). In this work, the dynamic behavior of local mechanisms is simulated through multi-body dynamics, to obtain the nonlinear response with efficient time history analyses that directly take into account the characteristics of the ground motion. The amplification/filtering effects of the structure are considered within the input motion. The proposed approach is validated with experimental results of two full-scale shaking-table tests on stone masonry buildings: a sacco-stone masonry façade tested at Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil and a two-storey double-leaf masonry building tested at European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE).
The structural analysis involves the definition of the model and selection of the analysis type. The model should represent the stiffness, the mass and the loads of the structure. The structures can be represented using simplified models, such as the lumped mass models, and advanced models resorting the Finite Element Method (FEM) and Discrete Element Method (DEM). Depending on the characteristics of the structure, different types of analysis can be used such as limit analysis, linear and non-linear static analysis and linear and non-linear dynamic analysis. Unreinforced masonry structures present low tensile strength and the linear analyses seem to not be adequate for assessing their structural behaviour. On the other hand, the static and dynamic non-linear analyses are complex, since they involve large time computational requirements and advanced knowledge of the practitioner. The non-linear analysis requires advanced knowledge on the material properties, analysis tools and interpretation of results. The limit analysis with macro-blocks can be assumed as a more practical method in the estimation of maximum load capacity of structure. Furthermore, the limit analysis require a reduced number of parameters, which is an advantage for the assessment of ancient and historical masonry structures, due to the difficult in obtaining reliable data.
This study evaluated the dynamic behavior of total and compartmental chest wall volumes [(V CW) = rib cage (V RC) + abdomen (V AB)] as measured breath-by-breath by optoelectronic plethysmography during constant-load exercise in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thirty males (GOLD stages II-III) underwent a cardiopulmonary exercise test to the limit of tolerance (Tlim) at 75% of peak work rate on an electronically braked cycle ergometer. Exercise-induced dynamic hyperinflation was considered to be present when end-expiratory (EE) V CW increased in relation to resting values. There was a noticeable heterogeneity in the patterns of V CW regulation as EEV CW increased non-linearly in 17/30 "hyperinflators" and decreased in 13/30 "non-hyperinflators" (P < 0.05). EEV AB decreased slightly in 8 of the "hyperinflators", thereby reducing and slowing the rate of increase in end-inspiratory (EI) V CW (P < 0.05). In contrast, decreases in EEV CW in the "non-hyperinflators" were due to the combination of stable EEV RC with marked reductions in EEV AB. These patients showed lower EIV CW and end-exercise dyspnea scores but longer Tlim than their counterparts (P < 0.05). Dyspnea increased and Tlim decreased non-linearly with a faster rate of increase in EIV CW regardless of the presence or absence of dynamic hyperinflation (P < 0.001). However, no significant between-group differences were observed in metabolic, pulmonary gas exchange and cardiovascular responses to exercise. Chest wall volumes are continuously regulated during exercise in order to postpone (or even avoid) their migration to higher operating volumes in patients with COPD, a dynamic process that is strongly dependent on the behavior of the abdominal compartment.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The electronic interactions between the [Cu(opba)]2- anions (where opba is orthophenylenebis (oxamato)) and single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The opba can form molecular magnets, and the interactions of opba with SWCNTs can produce materials with very different magnetic/electronic properties. It is observed that the electronic interaction shows a dependence on the SWCNT diameter independent of whether they are metallic or semiconducting, although the interaction is stronger for metallic tubes. The interaction also is dependent on the amount of complex that is probably adsorbed on the carbon surface of the SWCNTs. Some charge transfer can be also occurring between the metallic complex and the SWCNTs. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
On verso: Class [sic] to the rear wall of Angell Hall and between Angell and Haven Halls. M-12
"Prepared under the supervision of William A. Radford, editor-in-chief ... Alfred Sidney Johnson ... editor in charge."