794 resultados para Bitterroot River, Missoula and Ravalli County, Montana, USA


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In writing this report, two objects were kept in mind, (1) to explain, if possible, the origin of the chromite deposits found in Sweetgrass and Stillwater Counties, and (2) to bring up to date all information on these deposits which had thus far been available. The work done consisted of study of the rocks and ores of the area under the microscope, both as thin sections and as polished sections, practically all of which was done at the Montana State School of Mines, during the school year of 1928 - 1929. The rock specimens and much information as to their locations and probable compositions were obtained from Mr. P. F. Minister, of the East Butte Copper Company. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 725-A, Deposits of Chromite in California, Oregon, Washington, and Montana, and the unpublished report on the Chromite deposits of the Boulder River, prepared by Prof. C. H. Clapp of the University of Montana, were frequently referred to and considerable material was drawn from them. The map of the Boulder River area is from Clapp's report.


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Between the villages of Rocker and Silver Bow, in south­western Montana, are found an interesting group of placers. Gold occurs in Tertiary gravel beds that are interstratified with beds of rhyolitic volcanic ash. With the aid of a plane table and open-sight alidade, a small portion of the lake-bed area near Rocker was mapped; all distances were paced, but numerous checks assure a fairly accurate map.


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In August 1977 excavation was conducted at the Big Creek Lake site -24RA34- at the outlet of the 91g Creek Lakes, Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area, Ravalli County, Montana. The site contained shallow, disturbed deposits and lacks any statisgraphic separation. One of these occupations was identified by a projectile point type not previously reported from the area. This was termed Big Creek Corner Notched and its temporal affiliation is not precisely known. Comparative material from Colorado and Alberta suggest either Early Archaic or Late Archaic affiliation. The occupations exemplified by Big Creek Corner Notched points and by Pelican Lake-Elko points (Late Archaic 1000 B.B – A.D. 200) were the most prevalent at the site. Less intensive occupations are by ·Middle Plains Archaic McKean points and Late Prehistoric small side notche arrow points. Microscopic analysis of tool working edges shows several of the projectile point forms were used as multi-functional implements. especially as butchering tools. Many of the types of chipped stone recovered from the site are from known sources in western Montana; indicating group movements within the eastern portion of the Intermountain region. Based on the numerous projectile points and cutting tools, the site is interpreted as a seasonally occupied base camp for hunters.


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This presentation describes research at Montana Tech to improve oil recovery rates in the Elm Coulee Oil Field in the Bakken Reservoir, Richmond County, Montana. The slides display current recovery rate predictions, enhanced oil recovery methods, reservoir model building and history matching strategies. Recommended development strategies include implementing hydrocarbon gas injection operations to improve current oil recovery rates by more than 75%. The impact of increased production on Production Engineers is also described. The Principal Investigators include John Evans, Leo Heath, David Reichhardt and Burt Todd in the Petroleum Engineering Department.


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An examination of the Ermont Mine was requested by the owners, Messrs. J. R. Bowles and R. B. Caswell, to determine the amount and grade of ore developed, the advisability of constructing a mill at the present time, and to recommend future development work.


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Chromite occurs in Madison County, Montana, in two areas, one three miles southwest of Silver Star, the other five miles southeast of Sheridan. The ore bodies are small, lenticular masses surrounded by metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the pre-Cambrian Cherry Creek series. The ore was deposited from the hydrothermal solutions which serpentinized the surrounding metamorphic host rocks.


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The Pennsylvanian Tensleep Sandstone is an eolian and nearshore marine/sabka quartz arenite unit with prominent outcrops along the western Pryor/Bighorn Mountain front east of Red Lodge, MT. Regionally, the formation represents one of the largest ergs in the global geologic record. High permeability makes it an important oil and gas reservoir and aquifer in south central Montana and throughout much of Wyoming. The Tensleep Sandstone’s high percentage of quartz content and grain roundness, due to its eolian origin, makes it a prospective source for natural proppant sand. Three continuous 4-inch cores were obtained during a cooperative project between Montana Tech and industry partners. Using stratigraphic sections, cores, thin sections, and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, the usefulness and economic feasibility of the Tensleep Sandstone as a minable hydraulic fracture proppant was explored. Usefulness depends on cementation, grain shape, grain size, and depth from surface of the prospective zone. Grain shape and size were determined by thin sections, sieving, and stereomicroscope analysis. Analysis of 20 disaggregated sand samples has shown that as much as 30 percent of the grain sizes fall between 30-50 mesh (medium- to finegrained sand size) and about 45 percent of the grain sizes fall between 70–140 mesh (very fine-grained sand to coarse silt), grain sizes appropriate for some hydraulic fracture operations. Core descriptions and XRF data display the distribution of lithology and cementation. Core descriptions and XRF data display the distribution of lithology and cementation. Elemental (XRF) analyses help to delineate more pure quartz sands from those with grain fractions reflecting fine-grained clastic and evaporitic inputs. The core and nearby stratigraphic sections are used to quantify the amount of overburden and the 3 amount of resource in the area. Initial results show favorable crush strength and useable grain size and shape.


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In 1915 the United States Geological Survey published a folio by Calkins and Emmons on the geology of the Philipsburg Quadrangle, which ad­joins the area now under study to the west. Geology of this portion of Montana had not been mapped previously; consequently the purpose of this thesis is to make a geological reconnais­sance of the stratigraphy and structure of the area.


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This thesis is concerned with the beneficiation of an oxidized lead ore. Emphasis was placed upon concentration by flotation rather than by gravity methods, although some investigation was made with the Wilfley shaking table. The concentration of lead minerals received most consideration in the problem, but wherever possible attempts were made to increase the silver and gold concentration along with the lead.


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For many years the Elliston District, of Powell County has been a minor producer of gold, lead, zinc, and silver. Although never among the largest producing districts of the state, it has with the exception of the war years supplied a notable tonnage of ore to the neighboring mills ever since the first placer and lode claims were located there during the late eighteen hundreds.


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This investigation was undertaken primarily as a problem in geologic mapping. The stratigraphy was studied as to the character, age, and sequence of the geologic formations that are exposed. The conclusions were based principally on the field relationships and lithology because no fossils were found.


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Trash and car/truck bodies in the San Benito River and along its banks continue to present a challenge as state mandated basin plans often fail to address these pollutants. To measure the extent of the problem, an assessment of trash and car/truck bodies was completed along four locations of the river. The survey results indicated a need for a Cleanup Management Plan that should include a streamlining process for the removal of car/truck bodies, as well as guidelines for river cleanups. Existing cleanup plans and internet resources were analyzed for creation of the Cleanup Management Plan for the San Benito River.


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"Division of Raw Materials, Exploration Branch."--Cover.