453 resultados para Biosiliceous indet
Abundant and diversified ebridians recovered during IODP Expedition 302 (ACEX) have been identified and counted in order to establish their taxonomy and to decipher the biostratigraphic potential of ebridians in the central Arctic Ocean. In the ACEX samples these fossils are preserved in Lithologic Units 1/6 and 2, which consist mainly of dark silty clay and biosiliceous ooze, respectively. Thirty taxa have been distinguished, three of which are described as new species (Ammmodochium lomonosovense, Pseudammodochium karyon, and pseudammodochium psichion). The most dominant ebridian species is Pseudammodochium dictyoides throughout the biosiliceous section. The second dominant species varies alternately throughout the section. Based on the characteristic occurrences of major ebridian taxa, the ebridian assemblageswere divided into GroupsAtoDin stratigraphic order. The ebridian assemblages in piston core USGS Fl-422 from the Alpha Ridge probably correlate to our assemblage Group A of early middle Eocene age, although rare younger taxa are irregularly included.
Radiolaria are present in frequencies ranging from rare to abundant and with generally moderate to good preservation quality in Leg 104 sediments younger than 22 Ma. Preservation degrades in progressively younger sediments, and upper Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene radiolaria were found only at Site 644, where sporadic assemblages of moderate to poorly preserved specimens persist to approximately 0.75 Ma. Radiolaria are essentially absent in Leg 104 recovery older than basal Miocene. The stratigraphic ranges of 55 taxa of radiolaria are documented in 451 samples from the biosiliceous recoveries of Holes 642B, 642C, 642D, 643A, and 644A. The stratigraphic ranges of 25 of these species are used as boundary criteria for a new system of 28 Neogene zones and subzones that are used to characterize approximately 72% of the past 22 m.y. of sedimentation on the Vriring Plateau. This new scheme is intended to supercede the NRS zones provisionally proposed in the Leg 104 Initial Reports. The applicability of this regional biozonation beyond the Wring and Iceland Plateaus is not presently known. The radiolaria biostratigraphy serves as a basis for inferring a sequence of hiatuses and faunal overturns that may be associated with sea-level low stands and consequent cold-water isolation of the Norwegian Sea. Twenty-one new taxa are described as follows: Actinomma henningsmoeni, Actinomma livae, Actinomma mirabile, Actinomma plasticum, Ceratocyrtis broeggeri, Ceratocyrtis manumi, Ceratocyrtis stoermeri, Clathrospyris vogti, Corythospyris hispida, Corythospyris jubata sverdrupi, Corythospyris reuschi, Crytocapsella ampullacea, Cyrocapsella kladaros, Gondwanaria japonica kiaeri, Hexalonche esmarki, Larcospira bulbosa, Phormospyris thespios, Pseudodicytophimus amundseni, Spongotrochus vitabilis, Spongurus cauleti, and Tessarastrum thiedei.
The taxonomy and stratigraphy of pelagic Paleocene diatoms from ODP Sites 698, 700, and 702 and DSDP Site 524 in the South Atlantic and DSDP Site 214 in the Indian Ocean are presented, as well as paleogeographic and paleoecologic implications. Eleven new species and one new variety are described and one new combination is proposed: Coscinodiscus cruxii sp. nov. Grunowiella palaeocaenica var. alternans var. nov. Hemiaulusl beatus sp. nov. Hemiaulusl ciesielskii sp. nov. Hemiaulusl conicus sp. nov. Hemiaulus kristoffersenii sp. nov. Hemiaulus nocchiae sp. nov. Hemiaulusl oonkii sp. nov. Hemiaulusl velatus sp. nov. Triceratium gombosii sp. nov. Trochosira gracillima comb. nov. Trochosira marginata sp. nov. Trochosira radiata sp. nov. Hole 700B provides one of the most continuous diatomaceous Paleocene profiles known. Stratigraphic ranges of diatom species from this and other Southern Hemisphere sites are calibrated against calcareous microfossil zones. The first-appearance datums of Triceratium gombosii, Hemiaulus incurvus, and Triceratium mirabile in Paleocene deep-sea sediments are useful for regional stratigraphic correlations. Quantitative analysis of the biosiliceous microfossil groups (diatoms, silicoflagellates, radiolarians, and archaeomonadaceae) shows that preservation of diatoms is confined primarily to the upper Paleocene (planktonic foraminifer Zones P3 and P4 and calcareous nannofossil Zones upper NP5 to lower NP9). In the lower Paleocene only short intervals in Hole 700B are diatomaceous. A correlation between the degree of silica diagenesis and the calcium carbonate content of the sediment is not obvious. Diatom species analysis reflects changes in the paleoenvironment between island-related upwelling conditions with highly diverse and well-preserved diatom assemblages and less productive periods resulting in less wellpreserved diatom assemblages with a higher content of robust neritic diatoms.
A 100-m-thick Paleocene sequence of mainly pelagic sediments at ODP Site 1121, on the eastern flanks of the Campbell Plateau, contains few to common radiolarians of relatively low diversity in the lower 40 m (Early to early Late Paleocene) and abundant, diverse radiolarian assemblages in the upper 60 m (mid-Late Paleocene). The 150 taxa recorded from the entire Paleocene interval are thought to under-represent the actual species diversity by at least one half as many morphotypes have not been differentiated below the level of genus. Assemblages in the lower 40 m are similar to those described from onland New Zealand and DSDP Site 208 (northern Lord Howe Rise); they are correlated with South Pacific radiolarian zones RP4 and RP5. Assemblages in the upper 60 m differ from other known Late Paleocene assemblages in the great abundance of plagiacanthids and cycladophorids. Similarities are noted with later Cenozoic cool-water assemblages. This upper interval is correlated with South Pacific zone RP6, as revised herein, based on comparison with faunas from Site 208 and Marlborough, New Zealand. The interval is also correlated with the upper part of North Atlantic zone RP6 (RP6b-c) based on the presence of Aspis velutochlamydosaurus, Plectodiscus circularis and Pterocodon poculum. Other species, such as Buryella tetradica and Buryella pentadica, are valuable for local correlation but exhibit considerable diachroneity between the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. An age model for the Paleocene interval at Site 1121, based on well-constrained nannofossil and radiolarian datums, indicates that the rate of compacted sediment accumulation doubles from 15 to 30 mm/ka at the RP5/RP6 zonal boundary. In large part this is due to a sudden and pronounced increase in accumulation rates for all siliceous fossils; radiolarians and larger diatoms increase from <100 to >10 000 specimens/cm2/ka. This apparent increase in biosiliceous productivity is age-equivalent to a mid-Paleocene cooling event (57-59 Ma) identified from global stable isotope records that is associated with the heaviest delta13C values for the entire Cenozoic.
The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO; ~ 40 million years ago [Ma]) is one of the most prominent transient global warming events in the Paleogene. Although the event is well documented in geochemical and isotopic proxy records at many locations, the marine biotic response to the MECO remains poorly constrained. We present new high-resolution, quantitative records of siliceous microplankton assemblages from the MECO interval of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1051 in the subtropical western North Atlantic Ocean, which are interpreted in the context of published foraminiferal and bulk carbonate stable isotope (d18O and d13C) records. High diatom, radiolarian and silicoflagellate accumulation rates between 40.5 and 40.0 Ma are interpreted to reflect an ~ 500 thousand year (kyr) interval of increased nutrient supply and resultant surface-water eutrophication that was associated with elevated sea-surface temperatures during the prolonged onset of the MECO. Relatively low pelagic siliceous phytoplankton sedimentation accompanied the peak MECO warming interval and the termination of the MECO during an ~ 70 kyr interval centered at ~ 40.0 Ma. Following the termination of the MECO, an ~ 200-kyr episode of increased siliceous plankton abundance indicates enhanced nutrient levels between ~ 39.9 and 39.7 Ma. Throughout the Site 1051 record, abundance and accumulation rate fluctuations in neritic diatom taxa are similar to the trends observed in pelagic taxa, implying either similar controls on diatom production in the neritic and pelagic zones of the western North Atlantic or fluctuations in sea level and/or shelf accommodation on the North American continental margin to the west of Site 1051. These results, combined with published records based on multiple proxies, indicate a geographically diverse pattern of surface ocean primary production changes across the MECO. Notably, however, increased biosiliceous accumulation is recorded at both ODP Sites 1051 and 748 (Southern Ocean) in response to MECO warming. This may suggest that increased biosiliceous sediment accumulation, if indeed a widespread phenomenon, resulted from higher continental silicate weathering rates and an increase in silicic acid supply to the oceans over several 100 kyr during the MECO.
Upper Pliocene through Holocene sediments recovered at Site 798 in the Japan Sea (Oki Ridge) exhibit rhythmic variation in weight percent biogenic opal at intervals of ~5 m and periods equivalent to the 41-k.y. obliquity cycle. Variance at 17 and 100 k.y. is observed prior to 1.3 Ma. These cycles are also clearly defined by log data and correspond to clusters of decimeter-scale dark-colored sediment units alternating with clusters of light-colored units. Opal content varies between 3% and 22% between 0 and 1.3 Ma and from 3% to 43% between 1.3 and 2.6 Ma. Long-term opal accumulation rates average 1.8 g/cm**2/k.y. in the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene and decrease by about 60% at ~1.3 Ma. Rough calculations suggest that opal accumulation rates increased and terrigenous flux decreased during the Holocene relative to the last glacial period. Our age control is not yet sufficient to allow a similar analysis of the 41-k.y. cyclicity in opal content throughout the Pleistocene. Stable isotope results from planktonic foraminifers confirm previous suggestions of a strong surface-water freshening event during isotope stage 2; however, this episode appears to be unique during the Pleistocene. Benthic foraminifers are depleted in 18O during parts of glacial stages 2 and 6 relative to adjacent interglacials, suggesting unusual warming and/or freshening of deep waters. Collectively, the stable isotope and %opal data are consistent with continuing isolation of the Japan Sea during the Quaternary with important transitions occurring at 1.3, 0.7 to 1.0, and 0.2 to 0.3 Ma. Complex relationships among the stable isotope results, %opal data, and sediment characteristics such as color and organic and inorganic carbon content preclude development of a simple model to explain cyclical sedimentation. Opal maxima occur within both light and dark intervals and the processes that control surface-water productivity are at times decoupled from the factors that regulate deep-water dysaerobia. We suggest that water column overturn is controlled largely by regional atmospheric circulation that must also have an as yet poorly understood effect on surface-water fertility.
We studied the siliceous microplankton assemblages (mainly diatoms) from plankton tows (mesh size 20 µm) and surface sediment samples collected along a N-S transect in the northern Red Sea (28-21°N). In addition, we analyzed differences/similarities between plankton and sediment assemblages within a brine-filled basin (the southern basin) of the Shaban Deep and compared these assemblages with those from outside the brine. Plankton samples revealed the overwhelming dominance of diatoms over other siliceous groups. Diatoms accounted for ca. 97% of all biosiliceous particles at 120-20 m (vs. 2.9% silicoflagellates and 0.4% radiolarians), and ca. 94% at 200-120 m (vs. 4.5% silicoflagellates and 1.6% radiolarians). In general, a marine, warm-water (tropical/subtropical) diatom assemblage characterizes the plankton samples. Representatives of the Nitzschia bicapitata group are by far the most abundant contributors at both depth intervals (average=43%), ranging from ca. 30% in the North to ca. 60% in the South. Biogenic opal content in non-brine surface sediments is very low, (below 0.2 wt.% SiO2); and concentration of siliceous microorganisms is also low and of the order of 5*10**3-10**4 microorganisms/g dry sediment. Diatoms are the main contributors to the opal signal in the 20-40 µm fraction, while they share dominance with radiolarians in the >40 µm fraction. Total diatom concentrations average 1.2*10**4 valves/g in the 20-40 µm fraction and 4*10**3 valves/g in the >40 µm fraction. Robust taxa of warm water affinity (Alveus marinus, Azpeitia neocrenulata, Azpeitia nodulifera and Roperia tesselata) characterize the surface sediments. In contrast, biogenic opal content in brine surface sediment samples is much higher than in the non-brine samples, ranging from 2.8 to 3.8 wt.% SiO2, and concentration of siliceous microorganisms is 3-4 orders of magnitude higher. In addition here, diatoms dominate the opal signal. The taxa found in these samples are a mixture of non-brine and plankton samples, and fragile forms (e.g., N. bicapitata group, Neodelphineis indica) are well preserved in these sediments. Thus, brine sediments in this region seem to offer a great potential for palaeoenvironmental studies.
At Deep Sea Drilling Site 384 (J-Anomaly Ridge, Grand Banks Continental Rise, NW Atlantic Ocean) Paleocene nannofossil chalks and oozes (~70 m thick) are unconformably/disconformably underlain (~168 m; upper Maastrichtian) and overlain (~98.7 m; upper lower Eocene) by sediments of comparable lithologies. The chalks are more indurated in stratigraphically higher levels of the Paleocene reflecting increasing amounts of biosiliceous (radiolarians and diatoms) components. This site serves as an excellent location for an integrated calcareous and siliceous microfossil zonal stratigraphy and stable isotope stratigraphy. We report the results of a magnetostratigraphic study which, when incorporated with published magnetostratigraphic results, reveals an essentially complete magnetostratigraphic record spanning the interval from Magnetochron C31n (late Maastrichtian) to C25n (partim) (late Paleocene, Thanetian). Integrated magnetobiochronology and stable isotope stratigraphy support the interpretation of, and constrain the estimated duration of, a short hiatus (~0.9 my) within the younger part of Chron C29r (including the K/P boundary) and an ~6 my hiatus separating upper Paleocene (Magnetozone C25n) and upper lower Eocene (Magnetozone C22r) sediments. Some 30 planktonic foraminiferal datum levels [including the criteria used to denote the Paleocene planktonic foraminiferal (sub)tropical zonal scheme of Berggren and Miller, Micropaleontology 34 (4) (1988) 362-380 and Berggren et al., SEPM Spec. Publ. 54 (1995) 129-212, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 107 (11) (1995) 1272-1287], and nearly two dozen calcareous nannoplankton datum levels have been recognized and calibrated to the magnetochronology. Planktonic foraminiferal Subzones P4a and P4b of (upper Paleocene) Zone P4 are emended/redefined based on the discovery of a longer stratigraphic extension of Acarinina subsphaerica (into at last Magnetozone C25n). Stable isotope stratigraphies from benthic foraminifera and fine fraction (<38 µm) carbonate have been calibrated to the biochronology and magnetostratigraphy. A minimum in benthic foraminifer delta13C was reached near the Danian/Selandian boundary (within Chron C26r, planktonic foraminiferal Zone P3a and calcareous nannoplankton Zone NP4) and is followed by the rise to maximum delta13C values in the late Thanetian (near the base of C25n, in Zone P4c and NP9a, respectively) that can be used for global correlation in the Paleocene.
Benthic foraminifers were studied quantitatively in 120 lower Miocene through upper Pleistocene samples from Ocean Drilling Program Site 747 (Central Kerguelen Plateau) and Sites 748 and 751 (Southern Kerguelen Plateau). These sites are situated on an 450-km-long, north-south transect between 54°49'S and 58°26'S at present water depths between 1696 and 1288 m. Principal component analysis on the census data of the most abundant 92 taxa helped to identify 8 benthic foraminifer assemblages. These benthic foraminifer assemblages were compared with Holocene faunas from southern high latitudes to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. Middle lower Miocene sediments are characterized by a Uvigerina hispidocostata assemblage, indicating high paleoproductivity and/or not well-ventilated bottom water. From late early to late middle Miocene time, the Southern Kerguelen Plateau was bathed by a young, well-oxygenated, and carbonate-aggressive water mass, as indicated by a Nuttallides umbonifer-dominated benthic foraminifer assemblage. During late middle Miocene time, an Astrononion pusillum assemblage took over for only about 1 m.y., probably indicating the first injection of an aged water mass, similar to the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), into a developing circumpolar current system. Around the middle to late Miocene boundary, the fauna again became dominated by N. umbonifer. After the last appearance of N. umbonifer, reestablishment of the A. pusillum assemblage from the early late through at least the late late Miocene, indicated the established influence of a NADW-like water mass. The latest Miocene through middle late Pliocene benthic foraminifer assemblage was characterized by Epistominella exigua and strong carbonate dissolution, indicating very high biosiliceous production, and this in turn may indicate the formation and paleoposition of an Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone. From the late late Pliocene, a Trifarina angulosa assemblage (indicative today of sandy substrate and vigorous bottom currents) strongly dominated the fauna up to the late Pleistocene, when Bulimina aculeata (indicative today of calm sedimentation with high organic matter fluxes) became an important and partly dominating constituent of the fauna. This is interpreted as the faunal response to the decreased winnowing force (bottom current velocities) of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current during periods of global climatic amelioration and raised sea level.
With the exception of a brief (2 m.y.) late Miocene-early Pliocene hiatus, an essentially complete Neogene record was recovered on the Kerguelen Plateau in a calcareous biofacies. The stratigraphic distribution of about 30 taxa of Neogene planktonic foraminifers recovered at Sites 747, 748,and 751 (Central and Southern Kerguelen plateaus; approximately 54°-58°S) is recorded. Faunas are characterized by low diversity and high dominance and exhibit a gradual decline in species numbers (reflecting a concomitant increase in biosiliceous forms, particularly diatoms) from about 10 in the early Miocene to 5-8 in the middle Miocene, 3-4 in the late Miocene, to essentially a lone (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma) form in the Pliocene-Pleistocene. A provisional sevenfold biostratigraphic zonation has been formulated that, together with the recovery of a representative Neogene magnetostratigraphic record, may ultimately lead to a correlation with low-latitude magnetobiostratigraphies. The initial appearance of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma is associated with magnetic polarity Chron (MPC) 4 (~7 Ma) and MPC 4A (>8 Ma) at Sites 747 and 751, respectively.
La Fibrose kystique (FK) est une maladie génétique qui se traduit par une destruction progressive des poumons et éventuellement, à la mort. La principale complication secondaire est le diabète associé à la FK (DAFK). Une dégradation clinique (perte de poids et de la fonction pulmonaire) accélérée est observée avant le diagnostic. L’objectif principal de mon projet de doctorat est de déterminer, par l’intermédiaire du test d’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale (HGPO), s’il existe un lien entre l’hyperglycémie et/ou l’hypoinsulinémie et la dégradation clinique observée avant le diagnostic du DAFK. Nous allons ainsi évaluer l’importance des temps intermédiaires de l’HGPO afin de simplifier le diagnostic d’une dysglycémie ainsi que d’établir des nouveaux marqueurs indicateurs de patients à risque d’une détérioration clinique. L’HGPO est la méthode standard utilisée dans la FK pour le diagnostic du DAFK. Nous avons démontré que les valeurs de glycémie obtenues au temps 90-min de l’HGPO seraient suffisantes pour prédire la tolérance au glucose des patients adultes avec la FK, autrement établie à l’aide des valeurs à 2-h de l’HGPO. Nous proposons des glycémies à 90-min de l’HGPO supérieure à 9.3 mmol/L et supérieure à 11.5 mmol/L pour détecter l’intolérance au glucose et le DAFK, respectivement. Une cause importante du DAFK est un défaut de la sécrétion d’insuline. Les femmes atteintes de la FK ont un risque plus élevé de développer le DAFK que les hommes, nous avons donc exploré si leur sécrétion était altérée. Contrairement à notre hypothèse, nous avons observé que les femmes avec la FK avaient une sécrétion d’insuline totale plus élevée que les hommes avec la FK, mais à des niveaux comparables aux femmes en santé. Le groupe de tolérance au glucose récemment proposé et nommé indéterminé (INDET : 60-min HGPO > 11.0 mais 2h-HGPO <7.8mmol/L) est à risque élevé de développer le DAFK. Par contre, les caractéristiques cliniques de ce groupe chez les patients adultes avec la FK n’ont pas été établies. Nous avons observé que le groupe INDET a une fonction pulmonaire réduite et similaire au groupe DAFK de novo et aucun des paramètres glucidiques et insulinémiques expliqueraient cette observation. Dans une population pédiatrique de patients avec la FK, une association a été rapportée entre une glycémie élevée à 60-min de l’HGPO et une fonction pulmonaire diminuée. Dans notre groupe de patients adultes avec la FK, il existe une association négative entre la glycémie à 60-min de l’HGPO et la fonction pulmonaire et une corrélation positive entre l’insulinémie à 60-min de l’HGPO et l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC). De plus, les patients avec une glycémie à 60-min HGPO > 11.0 mmol/L ont une fonction pulmonaire diminuée et une sensibilité à l’insuline basse alors que ceux avec une insulinémie à 60-min HGPO < 43.4 μU/mL ont un IMC ainsi qu’une fonction pulmonaire diminués. En conclusion, nous sommes le premier groupe à démontrer que 1) le test d’HGPO peut être raccourci de 30 min sans compromettre la catégorisation de la tolérance au glucose, 2) les femmes avec la FK démontrent une préservation de leur sécrétion de l’insuline, 3) le groupe INDET présente des anomalies précoces de la fonction pulmonaire comparable au groupe DAFK de novo et 4) la glycémie et l’insuline à la première heure de l’HGPO sont associées aux deux éléments clefs de la dégradation clinique. Il est crucial d’élucider les mécanismes pathophysiologiques importants afin de mieux prévoir la survenue de la dégradation clinique précédant le DAFK.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
High-resolution records of the past 2000 yr are compared in a north–south transect (28° N to 24° N) of three cores from the eastern slopes of the Guaymas, Carmen, and Pescadero Basins of the Gulf of California (hereafter referred to as the “Gulf”). Evenly-spaced samples from the varved sediments in each core allow sample resolution ranging from ∼ 16 to ∼ 37 yr. Diatoms and silicoflagellates capture the seasonal variation between a late fall to early spring period of high biosiliceous productivity, that is driven by northwest winds, and a summer period of warmer, more stratified waters during which these winds slacken and/or reverse direction (monsoonal flow). As these winds decrease, tropical waters enter the Gulf and spread northward. Individual samples represent a composite of 7 to 23 yr of deposition and are assumed to record the relative dominance of the winter vs. summer floral components. Intervals of enhanced summer incursion of tropical waters, alternating with periods of increased late fall to early spring biosiliceous productivity are recorded in all three cores. Regularly spaced cycles (∼ 100 yr duration) of Octactis pulchra, a silicoflagellate proxy for lower SST and high productivity, and Azpeitia nodulifera, a tropical diatom, occur between ∼ A.D. 400 and ∼ 1700 in the more nearshore Carmen Basin core, NH01-21 (26.3° N), suggesting a possible solar influence on coastal upwelling. Cores BAM80 E-17 (27.9° N) and NH01-26 (24.3° N) contain longer-duration cycles of diatoms and silicoflagellates. The early part of Medieval Climate Anomaly (∼ A.D. 900 to 1200) is characterized by two periods of reduced productivity (warmer SST) with an intervening high productivity (cool) interval centered at ∼ A.D. 1050. Reduced productivity and higher SST also characterize the record of the last ∼ 100 to 200 yr in these cores. Solar variability appears to be driving productivity cycles, as intervals of increased radiocarbon production (sunspot minima) correlate with intervals of enhanced productivity. It is proposed that increased winter cooling of the atmosphere above southwest U.S. during sunspot minima causes intensification of the northwest winds that blow down the Gulf during the late fall to early spring, leading to intensified overturn of surface waters and enhanced productivity. A new silicoflagellate species, Dictyocha franshepardii Bukry, is described and illustrated.
Pterosaurs were widely spread throughout the Mesozoic Era, populating the whole world. Among this great diversity, two groups are commonly found in Brazil: the Anhangueridae and Tapejaridae. These can be mainly identified by cranial synapomorphies. However, because of the fragility of the pterosaur skeleton and rarity of the fossilisation process, the fossils found are usually incomplete, which hampers a proper taxonomic identification of the specimens. The specific proportions of these two groups of pterosaurs were obtained from bibliographic data and measurements of specimens. Eight Anhangueridae-like and seven Tapejaridae were used: Anhanguera piscator, Anhanguera santanae, Anhanguera spielbergi, Araripesaurus castilhoi, Barbosania gracilisrostris and three Anhangueridae sp. indet.; Sinopterus dongi, Tapejara wellnhoferi and five Tapejaridae sp. indet. We find that proportions of the humerus, wing metacarpal, first phalanx of the wing digit, femur and tibia are sufficient to identify partial remains of Araripe pterosaurs. A principal component analysis shows that each clade has different, non-overlapping scores in the studied ratios and these can be used with precision. Specific bone ratios for fast identification of anhanguerids and tapejarids are given, opening a broader way to diagnostic fragmentary bones.
In the first season of drilling, the Cape Roberts Project (CRP) recovered one drillcore (CRP-l) from Roberts Ridge in western McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica Diatom biostratigraphy places the upper six lithostratigraphic units (Units 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, and 4.1) of CRP-l (0.0 to 43.15 mbsf) within the Quaternary. Both non-marine and marine Quaternary diatoms occur in variable abundance in the Quaternary interval of CRP- 1 Biostratigraphic data resolve two Quaternary time slices or events within CRP-1. Marine diatom assemblages in Units 4.1 and 3.1 represent sedimentation within the diatom Actinocyclus ingens Zone (1.35 to 0.66 Ma). Further refinement of the age of Unit 3.l places deposition in the interval 1.15 to 0.75 Ma based on the common occurrence of Thalassiosira elliptipora and correlation to the Southern Ocean acme of this taxon The absence of ActiActinocyclus ingens and the presence ot Thalassiosira antarctica in Unit 2.2 require a younger zonal assignment for this interval, within the diatom Thalassiosira lentiginosa Zone (0.66 to 0.0 Ma). A new diatom species. Rouxia leventerae, is described from marine assemblages of Units 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, and 4.l. Lithostratigraphic Unit 3.1 (33.82 to 31.89 mbsf) is a bryozoan-dominated skeletal-carbonate facies. Low abundance of Fragilariopsis curta and Fragilariopsis cylindrus within this unit combined with the relatively high abundance of species associated with open water indicates deposition in waters that remained ice free for much or all of the year Diatom assemblages suggest carbonate deposition in Unit 3.1 is linked to a significant early Pleistocene event in McMurdo Sound, when elevated surface-water temperatures inhibited the formation of sea ice.