350 resultados para Bioreactor


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A mathematical model describing the dynamics of mammalian cell growth in hollow fibre bioreactor operated in closed shell mode is developed. Mammalian cells are assumed to grow as an expanding biofilm in the extra-capillary space surrounding the fibre. Diffusion is assumed to be the dominant process in the radial direction while axial convection dominates in the lumen of the bioreactor. The transient simulation results show that steep gradients in the cell number are possible under the condition of substrate limitation. The precise conditions which result in nonuniform growth of cells along the length of the bioreactor are delineated. The effect of various operating conditions, such as substrate feed rate, length of the bioreactor and diffusivity of substrate in different regions of the bioreactor, on the bioreactor performance are evaluated in terms of time required to attain the steady-state. The rime of growth is introduced as a measure of effectiveness factor for the bioreactor and is found to be dependent on two parameters, a modified Peclet number and a Thiele modulus. Diffusion, reaction and/or convection control regimes are identified based on these two parameters. The model is further extended to include dual substrate growth limitations, and the relative growth limiting characteristics of two substrates are evaluated. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Stirred tank bioreactors, employed in the production of a variety of biologically active chemicals, are often operated in batch, fed-batch, and continuous modes of operation. The optimal design of bioreactor is dependent on the kinetics of the biological process, as well as the performance criteria (yield, productivity, etc.) under consideration. In this paper, a general framework is proposed for addressing the two key issues related to the optimal design of a bioreactor, namely, (i) choice of the best operating mode and (ii) the corresponding flow rate trajectories. The optimal bioreactor design problem is formulated with initial conditions and inlet and outlet flow rate trajectories as decision variables to maximize more than one performance criteria (yield, productivity, etc.) as objective functions. A computational methodology based on genetic algorithm approach is developed to solve this challenging multiobjective optimization problem with multiple decision variables. The applicability of the algorithm is illustrated by solving two challenging problems from the bioreactor optimization literature.


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The stability of a bioreactor landfill slope is influenced by the quantity and method of leachate recirculation as well as on the degree of decomposition. Other factors include properties variation of waste material and geometrical configurations, i.e., height and slope of landfills. Conventionally, the stability of slopes is evaluated using factor of safety approach, in which the variability in the engineering properties of MSW is not considered directly and stability issues are resolved from past experiences and good engineering judgments. On the other hand, probabilistic approach considers variability in mathematical framework and provides stability in a rational manner that helps in decision making. The objective of the present study is to perform a parametric study on the stability of a bioreactor landfill slope in probabilistic framework considering important influencing factors, such as, variation in MSW properties, amount of leachate recirculation, and age of degradation, in a systematic manner. The results are discussed in the light of existing relevant regulations, design and operation issues.


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The current study analyzes the leachate distribution in the Orchard Hills Landfill, Davis Junction, Illinois, using a two-phase flow model to assess the influence of variability in hydraulic conductivity on the effectiveness of the existing leachate recirculation system and its operations through reliability analysis. Numerical modeling, using finite-difference code, is performed with due consideration to the spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity of the municipal solid waste (MSW). The inhomogeneous and anisotropic waste condition is assumed because it is a more realistic representation of the MSW. For the reliability analysis, the landfill is divided into 10 MSW layers with different mean values of vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivities (decreasing from top to bottom), and the parametric study is performed by taking the coefficients of variation (COVs) as 50, 100, 150, and 200%. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to obtain statistical information (mean and COV) of output parameters of the (1) wetted area of the MSW, (2) maximum induced pore pressure, and (3) leachate outflow. The results of the reliability analysis are used to determine the influence of hydraulic conductivity on the effectiveness of the leachate recirculation and are discussed in the light of a deterministic approach. The study is useful in understanding the efficiency of the leachate recirculation system. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The bacterial diversity of activated sludge from submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) was investigated. A 16S rDNA clone library was generated, and 150 clones were screened using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Of the screened clones, almost full-length 16S rDNA sequences of 64 clones were sequenced. Phylogenetic tree was constructed with a database containing clone sequences from this study and bacterial rDNA sequences from NCB1 for identification purposes. The 90.6% of the clones were affiliated with the two phyla Bacteroidetes (50%) and Proteobacteria (40%), and beta-, -gamma-, and delta-Proteobacteria accounted for 7.8%, 28.1%, and 4.7%, respectively. Minor portions were affiliated with the Actinobacteria and Firmicutes (both 3.1%). Only 6 out of 64 16S rDNA sequences exhibited similarities of more than 97% to classified bacterial species, which indicated that a substantial fraction of the clone sequences were derived from unknown taxa. Rarefaction analysis of operational taxonomic units (orrUs) clusters demonstrated that 150 clones screened were still insufficient to describe the whole bacterial diversity. Measurement of water quality parameter demonstrated that performance of the SMBR maintained high level, and the SMBR system remained stable during this study.


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In this study, optimization of operational conditions of a submerged membrane bioreactor treating municipal waste-water was studied. Mixed liquid suspended solid (MLSS), membrane flux (J(v)), aeration (Q), ratio of pumping, time to break time (t(p)/t(b)), and ratio of up flow area to down flow area (A Ad) were chosen as the easily manipulable parameters to study their effects on removal efficiency and membrane fouling. Totally, 16 different runs were designed to compare and select the best combination of the 5 parameters. The results showed that the optimal operational conditions were MLSS = 7g(.)L(-1), J(v) = 10L(.)m(-2.)h(-1), Q = 6 m(3.)h(-1), t(p)/t(b)= 4 min/1 min, and A(r)/A(d) = 1.7 m(2)/m(2). Under such conditions, the SMBR could achieve a double win of high removal efficiency and low membrane fouling.


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A strain of microalgae (Anabaena siamensis) had been cultured in a miniaturized bioreactor during a retrievable satellite flight for 15 days. By means of remote sensing equipment installed in the satellite, we gained the growth curve of microalgae population in space every day in real time. The curve indicated that the growth of microalgae in space was slower than the control on ground. Inoculation of the retrieved microalgae culture showed that the growth rate was distinctively higher than ground control. But after several generations, both cultures indicated similar growth rates. Those data showed that algae, can adapt to space environment easily which may be valuable for designing more complex bioreactor and controlled ecological life support system in future experiment. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A human acidic fibroblast growth factor gene, hafgf, was successfully transferred into Laminaria japonica (kelp) gametophytes via microprojectile bombardment using the biolistic PDS-1000/He gene gun. Following phosphinothricin screening, PCR detection and Southern blot analysis, transgenic L. japonica gametophytes were cultivated in an illuminated bubble-column bioreactor to optimize growth conditions. A maximal final dry cell density of 1,695 mg l(-1) was obtained in a batch culture having an initial dry cell density of 129.75 mg l(-1). This was achieved using an aeration rate of 1.08 l air min(-1) l(-1) culture in a medium containing 1.5 mM inorganic nitrate and 0.15 mM phosphate. In addition, the relationship between different nitrogen sources and growth of transgenic gametophytes indicated that both urea and sodium nitrate were effective nitrogen sources for cell growth, while ammonium ions inhibited growth of these gametophytes.


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Fluctuating light intensity had a more significant impact on growth of gametophytes of transgenic Laminaria japonica in a 2500 ml bubble-column bioreactor than constant light intensity. A fluctuating light intensity between 10 and 110 mu E m(-2) s(-1), with a photoperiod of 14 h:10 h light:dark, was the best regime for growth giving 1430 mg biomass l(-1).


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The past decade has seen the genetic engineering of various types of seaweed. To date, genetic transformation studies have been carried out in several seaweeds, including the red seaweeds Porphyra, Gracilaria, Grateloupia, Kappaphyclus and Ceramium and the green seaweed Ulva. A genetic transformation model system has been established in the most commonly cultivated seaweed, the brown seaweed Laminaria japonica (kelp), based on the transfer of technology used in land plant transformation and also by modulating the seaweed life cycle. This model showed the potential for application of transgenic kelp to the production of valuable products and an indoor cultivation system for transgenic kelp was proposed, taking into account necessary factors for bio-safety. In this review, the establishment at use of the kelp transformation model is introduced, highlighting the potential for transforming kelp into a marine bioreactor.


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Batch cultivation for transgenic kelp gametophyte cells was investigated in an online controlled 5 L stirred-tank photo-bioreactor to rapidly optimize the process conditions by monitoring the rate of increase of pH. The transgenic kelp gametophytes with heterologous gene encoding hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) could rapidly grow in the bioreactor. Optimal temperature and agitation rate for bioreactor cultivation of gametophytes were 15 degrees C and 200 rpm. Optimal incident light intensities depended on the initial cell densities. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.


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Process conditions for cell cultures derived from conchocelis of female red macroalga Porphyra haitanensis were optimized in an illuminated 0.3-l bubble-column photobioreactor, using CO2 in air as the sole carbon source during a 20-day cultivation period. It reached the highest growth rate when the initial cell density was 700 mg l(-1)(dry weight), the optional aeration rate was 1.2 v/v/min, inorganic nitrate concentration was 15 mM and inorganic phosphate concentration was 0.6 mM. This is the first reported bioreactor cultivation study of cell cultures derived from conchocelis of Porphyra haitanensis.