993 resultados para Biophysics, Medical|Health Sciences, Oncology


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Vertical integration is grounded in economic theory as a corporate strategy for reducing cost and enhancing efficiency. There were three purposes for this dissertation. The first was to describe and understand vertical integration theory. The review of the economic theory established vertical integration as a corporate cost reduction strategy in response to environmental, structural and performance dimensions of the market. The second purpose was to examine vertical integration in the context of the health care industry, which has greater complexity, higher instability, and more unstable demand than other industries, although many of the same dimensions of the market supported a vertical integration strategy. Evidence on the performance of health systems after integration revealed mixed results. Because the market continues to be turbulent, hybrid non-owned integration in the form of alliances have increased to over 40% of urban hospitals. The third purpose of the study was to examine the application of vertical integration in health care and evaluate the effects. The case studied was an alliance formed between a community hospital and a tertiary medical center to facilitate vertical integration of oncology services while maintaining effectiveness and preserving access. The economic benefits for 1934 patients were evaluated in the delivery system before and after integration with a more detailed economic analysis of breast, lung, colon/rectal, and non-malignant cases. A regression analysis confirmed the relationship between the independent variables of age, sex, location of services, race, stage of disease, and diagnosis, and the dependent variable, cost. The results of the basic regression model, as well as the regression with first-order interaction terms, were statistically significant. The study shows that vertical integration at an intermediate health care system level has economic benefits. If the pre-integration oncology group had been treated in the post-integration model, the expected cost savings from integration would be 31.5%. Quality indicators used were access to health care services and research treatment protocols, and access was preserved in the integrated model. Using survival as a direct quality outcome measure, the survival of lung cancer patients was statistically the same before and after integration. ^


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The study's objective was to assess the reliability, acceptability, and concordance of cancer pain health states when using two utility assessment methods—simple rank order (RO) and numerical analogue scale (NAS). Additional aims were to describe the preferences of Hispanic and non-Hispanic community members toward cancer pain health states and identify predictors affecting these preferences. In this descriptive, cross-sectional study, telephone calls were made to a quota sample of 1,387 households that had telephone numbers listed for the Houston and surrounding Harris County area. Subjects (n = 302) within the general population completed a 20 minute telephone interview in their preferred language—English or Spanish. Study respondents assessed six cancer pain health states consisting of three attributes, pain intensity, presence of side effects, and interference with daily function. ^ Overall, the numerical analogue scale (NAS) had better test-retest reliability. Respondents were able to clearly distinguish the worst health state using both methods, but were not able to do so as clearly for less severe health states. Acceptability and subjects' ability to answer questions and complete the survey was high. Missing responses were low across methods for all health states. Concordance in the health state rankings was higher for the most severe health state in the non-Hispanic group, those in fair to poor health, males, and those $30,000 or greater income. Preferences for the less severe health states did not show much variation across methods. No significant predictors for health states were found except for ethnicity for a less severe health state when using the rank order method. ^ We found that the rank order (RO) and numerical analogue scale (NAS) are both robust in ranking the more severe cancer pain health states, e.g., moderate pain with three side effects. This study documents that RO and NAS methods to assess cancer pain preferences through a telephone-based approach among a relative diverse community dwelling, non-patient population for cancer pain health states represented a relatively valid and acceptable approach. ^


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It is widely acknowledged in theoretical and empirical literature that social relationships, comprising of structural measures (social networks) and functional measures (perceived social support) have an undeniable effect on health outcomes. However, the actual mechanism of this effect has yet to be clearly understood or explicated. In addition, comorbidity is found to adversely affect social relationships and health related quality of life (a valued outcome measure in cancer patients and survivors). ^ This cross sectional study uses selected baseline data (N=3088) from the Women's Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) study. Lisrel 8.72 was used for the latent variable structural equation modeling. Due to the ordinal nature of the data, Weighted Least Squares (WLS) method of estimation using Asymptotic Distribution Free covariance matrices was chosen for this analysis. The primary exogenous predictor variables are Social Networks and Comorbidity; Perceived Social Support is the endogenous predictor variable. Three dimensions of HRQoL, physical, mental and satisfaction with current quality of life were the outcome variables. ^ This study hypothesizes and tests the mechanism and pathways between comorbidity, social relationships and HRQoL using latent variable structural equation modeling. After testing the measurement models of social networks and perceived social support, a structural model hypothesizing associations between the latent exogenous and endogenous variables was tested. The results of the study after listwise deletion (N=2131) mostly confirmed the hypothesized relationships (TLI, CFI >0.95, RMSEA = 0.05, p=0.15). Comorbidity was adversely associated with all three HRQoL outcomes. Strong ties were negatively associated with perceived social support; social network had a strong positive association with perceived social support, which served as a mediator between social networks and HRQoL. Mental health quality of life was the most adversely affected by the predictor variables. ^ This study is a preliminary look at the integration of structural and functional measures of social relationships, comorbidity and three HRQoL indicators using LVSEM. Developing stronger social networks and forming supportive relationships is beneficial for health outcomes such as HRQoL of cancer survivors. Thus, the medical community treating cancer survivors as well as the survivor's social networks need to be informed and cognizant of these possible relationships. ^


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between ethnicity and skin cancer risk perception while controlling for other risk factors: education, gender, age, access to healthcare, family history of skin cancer, fear, and worry. ^ Methods. This study utilized the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) dataset, a nationally representative sample of 5,586 individuals 18 years of age or older. One third of the respondents were chosen at random and asked questions involving skin cancer. Analysis was based on questions that identified skin cancer risk perception, fear of finding skin cancer, and frequency of worry about skin cancer and a variety of sociodemographic factors. ^ Results. Ethnicity had a significant impact on risk perception scores while controlling for other risk factors. Other risk factors that also had a significant impact on risk perception scores included family history of skin cancer, age, and worry. ^


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The study is a three-armed randomized controlled trial comparing values for heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of cardiovascular health, throughout a yoga intervention of breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. Patients attended either a yoga (n=45), stretch, (n=46), or control (n=42) condition 3 times per week for 6 weeks of radiation. Electrocardiograms (ECGs) were conducted on each participant to provide the values necessary for HRV analysis. Analyses focused on examining scores for those participants with HRV baseline values considered to be below the cutoff point for healthy HRV levels, defined by the authors as below the cutpoint of 68 ms. From the entire sample of 133 with available baselines, 26 yogis, 26 stretchers, and 23 controls were determined to be “pathologic” in terms of HRV, and selected for follow-up analysis at 3 weeks and then again at 6 weeks. Though no statistically significant differences were found between either group means at each timepoint or group change score means, the yoga group had consistently higher mean score and mean change scores. These findings are suggestive and indicate the need to refine the use of ECGs and HRV analysis programs to more accurately and comprehensively assess the effects of yoga on cardiovascular health in cancer patients.^


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Pediatric HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa has been a major public health crisis with an estimated 3.5 million children infected. Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI) has created a network of centers providing care and treatment for these children in several countries. In Botswana, where the first BIPAI center in Africa was opened, childhood mortality from HIV/AIDS is now less than 1%. Botswana is a middle-income country that previously held the highest HIV prevalence rate in the world. Efforts against HIV/AIDS have resulted in the building of a strong medical infrastructure with clear success against pediatric HIV/AIDS. The WHO predicts the next global health crisis will be cancer. Given the increased incidence of cancer in the setting of HIV/AIDS, Botswana has already implemented strategies to combat HIV-related malignancies in adults, but efforts in pediatrics have been lagging. This policy paper describes the importance of building on success against pediatric HIV/AIDS and extending this success to pediatric cancer in general. Specifically, it outlines a comprehensive pediatric cancer policy for the education and training of health professionals, the development of a pediatric cancer program, a pediatric cancer registry, public awareness efforts, and an appropriate, country specific pediatric cancer research agenda.^


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Background. Research has demonstrated associations between sociodemographic characteristics and illness perceptions; however, the impact of cancer exposure through personal or family diagnoses is not well-studied. The purposes of this study were to examine the prevalence of different cancer beliefs and the disparity in cancer beliefs across groups of individuals with distinct cancer histories; and to identify whether, when adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, cancer history predicts a set of cancer beliefs.^ Methods. Using Leventhal’s Common Sense Model and data from the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey (N=7172), we constructed multivariable logistic regressions to evaluate the effect of different stimuli, including cancer experience, on cancer perceptions (e.g., risk, worry, causation, outcome).^ Results. Findings indicate significant associations between cancer history and cancer perceptions. Individuals with family and personal cancer histories were more likely than individuals without any cancer history to worry about getting cancer (OR=3.55, P<0.01), agree they will develop cancer in the future (OR=8.81, P<0.01), and disagree that cancer is most often caused by a person’s behavior or lifestyle (OR=1.24, P=0.03). Additionally, results support education’s role in forming cancer perceptions. Individuals with high levels of education were more likely to endorse cancer prevention (OR=1.68, P<0.01) and higher 5-year survival rates (OR=1.41, P<0.01). ^ Conclusions. Results indicate cancer history affects cancer perceptions throughout the cancer continuum. Additionally, cancer history may influence coping behaviors and outcomes related to cancer.^ Impact. Cancer education and survivorship programs should assess important variables (e.g., cancer history) to more effectively tailor services and monitor evolving needs throughout cancer care.^


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InGen of Creative Production in the Health Sciences is a compendium of innovative thinking exercises for individuals and groups, derived from an eclectic array of practical guides for professionals in a variety of fields. Segmented into five subcategories across twenty two chapters, the effort seeks to make techniques for increasing innovative problem solving more accessible to a diverse audience of problem solvers. The chapters of Roberta Ness. Innovation Generation (2012, Oxford University Press) provide the themes for each of the chapters in the workbook. It is intended that those who read Ness. Innovation Generation will benefit from practicing the constructs of innovative thinking exemplified in each exercise.^ The methods used to gather data, in this case mostly innovative thinking exercises, included literature reviews of existing innovative thinking tools, classroom materials, and theory-driven exploration of exercises to fill in gaps in extant materials. Specifically, Google.com and Amazon.com searches were conducted using the terms “innovation,” “innovative,” “innovator,” “creative,” “novelty,” “thinking,” together with some variance of “book,” “workbook,” and “exercise.” The results were sorted thematically to show correspondence with the themes in Ness (2012) and compared to suggested best practices of 50 years of scientific research on innovative thinking. Where themes were suggested by Ness (2012) and peer-reviewed research on innovation but unavailable in published innovation thinking workbooks, new exercises were developed. The five type subcategories into which these results were organized are: individual direct, individual indirect, group direct, group indirect and probing question. It is anticipated that the five type subcategories and spectrum of themes will equip problem solvers in a variety of capacities.^


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Oncologic specialty societies and multidisciplinary collaborative groups have dedicated considerable effort to developing evidence-based quality indicators (QIs) to facilitate quality improvement, accreditation, benchmarking, reimbursement, maintenance of certification, and regulatory reporting. In particular, radiation oncology as a field has a long history of organized quality assessment efforts, and continues to work toward developing consensus quality standards in the face of continually evolving technologies and standards of care. The present report provides a comprehensive review of the current state of quality assessment in radiation oncology, with an emphasis on recent quality improvement efforts. Specifically, this report aims to highlight implications of the healthcare quality movement for radiation oncology and review existing efforts to define and measure quality in the field, with particular focus on dimensions of quality that are specific to radiation oncology within the "big picture" of oncologic quality improvement efforts.^


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Retrospective data from the Cameron Country Hispanic Cohort (1) were analyzed to assess the burden of cancer in the Mexican American population living in Brownsville TX. Data provided by the study participants for themselves and their parents and other extended relatives on cancer and related risk factors were used to determine both the prevalence of cancer and these risk factors as well as any associations between them. Lifetime incidence of cancer among the study participants was of 2.8%. Lifetime incidence of cancer among the parents of the study population was calculated for cancer in general and for specific cancer sites to determine the ranking of occurrence of each type of cancer. Some cancer types in this population were ranked higher than what would be expected when compared with national data from Hispanics in the U.S, these were: Liver cancer (3rd vs. 7th nationally in males and 6th vs. 13th nationally in females), stomach cancer (4th vs. 8th nationally in males and 5th vs. 11th nationally in females) and ovarian cancer (3rd vs. 8th nationally in females). A significant association with cancer was found for being born in the United States compared to being born elsewhere (O.R. 1.62, 95% C.I. 1.01–2.60) among study participants and the same association was also found between birth of parents in the United States regardless of gender for cancers in general (O.R. 1.38 95% C.I. 1.12–1.70), stomach cancer (O.R. 1.92 95% C.I. 1.01–3.67) and colorectal cancer (O.R. 2.93 95% C.I. 1.28–6.72). Having been born in the United States and having a family history of cancer was also found to be significantly associated with other risk factors for cancer such as obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance, both among the parents and the participant population, suggesting these interactions are complex. These high rates of cancer and particular prominence of less usual cancer such as liver and ovary in health disparities warrant evaluation of early detection strategies.^


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Although frequently cured of Hodgkin lymphoma, adolescents and young adults can develop radiation induced second cancers. These patients could potentially benefit from scanned ion radiotherapy yet likely would require motion mitigation strategies. In theory, four-dimensional (4D) optimization of ion beam fields for individual motion states of respiration can enable superior sparing of healthy tissue near moving targets, compared to other motion mitigation strategies. Furthermore, carbon-ion therapy can sometimes provide greater relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for cell sterilization in a target but nearly equivalent RBE in tissue upstream of the target, compared to proton therapy. Thus, we expected that for some patients with Hodgkin lymphoma, carbon-ion therapy would reduce the predicted risk of second cancer incidence in the breast compared with proton therapy. The purpose of this work was to determine whether 4D-optimized carbon-ion therapy would significantly reduce the predicted risk of radiation induced second cancers in the breast for female Hodgkin lymphoma patients while preserving tumor control compared with proton therapy. To achieve our goals, we first investigated whether 4D-optimized carbon beam tracking could reduce dose to volumes outside a moving target compared with 3D-optimized carbon beam tracking while preserving target dose coverage. To understand the reliability of scanned carbon beam tracking, we studied the robustness of dose distributions in thoracic targets to uncertainties in patient motion. Finally, we investigated whether using carbon-ion therapy instead of proton therapy would significantly reduce the predicted risk of second cancer in the breast for a sample of Hodgkin lymphoma patients. We found that 4D-optimized ion beam tracking therapy can reduce the maximum dose to critical structures near a moving target by as much as 53%, compared to 3D-optimized ion beam tracking therapy. We validated these findings experimentally using a scanned carbon ion synchrotron and a motion phantom. We found scanned carbon beam tracking to be sensitive to a number of motion uncertainties, most notably phase delays in tracking, systematic spatial errors, and interfractional motion changes. Our findings indicate that a lower risk of second cancer in the breast might be expected for some Hodgkin lymphoma patients using carbon-ion therapy instead of proton therapy. For our reference scenario, we found the ratio of risk to be 0.77 ± 0.35 for radiogenic breast cancer after carbon-ion therapy versus proton therapy. Our findings were dependent on the RBE values for tumor induction and the radiosensitivity of breast tissue, as well as the physical dose distribution.


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Purpose: The Shared Hospital Electronic Library of Southern Indiana (SHELSI) research project was designed to determine whether access to a virtual health sciences library and training in its use would support medical decision making in rural southern Indiana and achieve the same level of impact seen by targeted information services provided by health sciences librarians in urban hospitals.


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This paper argues that historical works in pharmacy are important tools for the clinician as well as the historian. With this as its operative premise, delineating the tripartite aspects of pharmacy as a business enterprise, a science, and a profession provides a conceptual framework for primary and secondary resource collecting. A brief history and guide to those materials most essential to a historical collection in pharmacy follows. Issues such as availability and cost are discussed and summarized in checklist form. In addition, a glossary of important terms is provided as well as a list of all the major U.S. dispensatories and their various editions. This paper is intended to serve as a resource for those interested in collecting historical materials in pharmacy and pharmaco-therapeutics as well as provide a history that gives context to these classics in the field. This should provide a rationale for selective retrospective collection development in pharmacy.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of health sciences libraries in Kuwait in terms of their staff, collections, facilities, use of information technology, information services, and cooperation. Seventeen libraries participated in the study. Results show that the majority of health sciences libraries were established during the 1980s. Their collections are relatively small. The majority of their staff is nonprofessional. The majority of libraries provide only basic information services. Cooperation among libraries is limited. Survey results also indicate that a significant number of health sciences libraries are not automated. Some recommendations for the improvement of existing resources, facilities, and services are made.