940 resultados para Binding free energy of hydrogen
By equilibrating condensed DNA arrays against reservoirs of known osmotic stress and examining them with several structural probes, it has been possible to achieve a detailed thermodynamic and structural characterization of the change between two distinct regions on the liquid-crystalline phase diagram: (i) a higher density hexagonally packed region with long-range bond orientational order in the plane perpendicular to the average molecular direction and (ii) a lower density cholesteric region with fluid-like positional order. X-ray scattering on highly ordered DNA arrays at high density and with the helical axis oriented parallel to the incoming beam showed a sixfold azimuthal modulation of the first-order diffraction peak that reflects the macroscopic bond-orientational order. Transition to the less-dense cholesteric phase through osmotically controlled swelling shows the loss of this bond orientational order, which had been expected from the change in optical birefringence patterns and which is consistent with a rapid onset of molecular positional disorder. This change in order was previously inferred from intermolecular force measurements and is now confirmed by 31P NMR. Controlled reversible swelling and compaction under osmotic stress, spanning a range of densities between approximately 120 mg/ml to approximately 600 mg/ml, allow measurement of the free-energy changes throughout each phase and at the phase transition, essential information for theories of liquid-crystalline states.
Thesis t.-p. attached to the cover of the reprint from the Journal of the American chemical society, vol. XL, no. 3, March 1918, by Gilbert N. Lewis and Donald B. Keyes.
Thesis (Ph15 .D.)--University of California, Berkeley, 1917.
GP catalyzes the phosphorylation of glycogen to Glc-1-P. Because of its fundamental role in the metabolism of glycogen, GP has been the target for a systematic structure-assisted design of inhibitory compounds, which could be of value in the therapeutic treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The most potent catalytic-site inhibitor of GP identified to date is spirohydantoin of glucopyranose (hydan). In this work, we employ MD free energy simulations to calculate the relative binding affinities for GP of hydan and two spirohydantoin analogues, methyl-hydan and n-hydan, in which a hydrogen atom is replaced by a methyl- or amino group, respectively. The results are compared with the experimental relative affinities of these ligands, estimated by kinetic measurements of the ligand inhibition constants. The calculated binding affinity for methyl-hydan (relative to hydan) is 3.75 +/- 1.4 kcal/mol, in excellent agreement with the experimental value (3.6 +/- 0.2 kcal/mol). For n-hydan, the calculated value is 1.0 +/- 1.1 kcal/mol, somewhat smaller than the experimental result (2.3 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol). A free energy decomposition analysis shows that hydan makes optimum interactions with protein residues and specific water molecules in the catalytic site. In the other two ligands, structural perturbations of the active site by the additional methyl- or amino group reduce the corresponding binding affinities. The computed binding free energies are sensitive to the preference of a specific water molecule for two well-defined positions in the catalytic site. The behavior of this water is analyzed in detail, and the free energy profile for the translocation of the water between the two positions is evaluated. The results provide insights into the role of water molecules in modulating ligand binding affinities. A comparison of the interactions between a set of ligands and their surrounding groups in X-ray structures is often used in the interpretation of binding free energy differences and in guiding the design of new ligands. For the systems in this work, such an approach fails to estimate the order of relative binding strengths, in contrast to the rigorous free energy treatment.
The Mg-vacancy binding free enthalpy of Al-Cr solid solution alloys with Mg addition was calculated by electrical resistivity measurements. The obtained value is lower than that obtained for dilute Al-Mg alloys with almost the same Mg content and may be attributed to the diffusion of Mg.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The pulmonary crackling and the formation of liquid bridges are problems that for centuries have been attracting the attention of scientists. In order to study these phenomena, it was developed a canonical cubic lattice-gas like model to explain the rupture of liquid bridges in lung airways [A. Alencar et al., 2006, PRE]. Here, we further develop this model and add entropy analysis to study thermodynamic properties, such as free energy and force. The simulations were performed using the Monte Carlo method with Metropolis algorithm. The exchange between gas and liquid particles were performed randomly according to the Kawasaki dynamics and weighted by the Boltzmann factor. Each particle, which can be solid (s), liquid (l) or gas (g), has 26 neighbors: 6 + 12 + 8, with distances 1, √2 and √3, respectively. The energy of a lattice's site m is calculated by the following expression: Em = ∑k=126 Ji(m)j(k) in witch (i, j) = g, l or s. Specifically, it was studied the surface free energy of the liquid bridge, trapped between two planes, when its height is changed. For that, was considered two methods. First, just the internal energy was calculated. Then was considered the entropy. It was fond no difference in the surface free energy between this two methods. We calculate the liquid bridge force between the two planes using the numerical surface free energy. This force is strong for small height, and decreases as the distance between the two planes, height, is increased. The liquid-gas system was also characterized studying the variation of internal energy and heat capacity with the temperature. For that, was performed simulation with the same proportion of liquid and gas particle, but different lattice size. The scale of the liquid-gas system was also studied, for low temperature, using different values to the interaction Jij.
Plant nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) bind a wide variety of lipids, which allows them to perform disparate functions. Recent reports on their multifunctionality in plant growth processes have posed new questions on the versatile binding abilities of these proteins. The lack of binding specificity has been customarily explained in qualitative terms on the basis of a supposed structural flexibility and nonspecificity of hydrophobic protein-ligand interactions. We present here a computational study of protein-ligand complexes formed between five nsLTPs and seven lipids bound in two different ways in every receptor protein. After optimizing geometries inmolecular dynamics calculations, we computed Poisson- Boltzmann electrostatic potentials, solvation energies, properties of the protein-ligand interfaces, and estimates of binding free energies of the resulting complexes. Our results provide the first quantitative information on the ligand abilities of nsLTPs, shed new light into protein-lipid interactions, and reveal new features which supplement commonly held assumptions on their lack of binding specificity.
Hydrogen adsorption in alkali-doped carbon materials is investigated theoretically. Our calculations show that hydrogen molecules can be physically adsorbed on alkali-doped graphite at 0 K but such an adsorption is thermodynamically unfavourable. The binding energy of hydrogen adsorption decreases significantly with the increase in temperature and becomes nearly zero at ambient temperature. We suggest that it may be unlikely to observe any hydrogen uptake in alkali-doped carbon materials at or above ambient temperature in the TGA (thermogravimetric) system, the previously reported hydrogen uptake in alkali-doped carbon materials was caused by either uncyclable chemisorbed hydrogen on the defects of carbon (defects were produced by repeated heat treatment) and/or moisture adsorption. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Free energy calculations are a computational method for determining thermodynamic quantities, such as free energies of binding, via simulation.
Currently, due to computational and algorithmic limitations, free energy calculations are limited in scope.
In this work, we propose two methods for improving the efficiency of free energy calculations.
First, we expand the state space of alchemical intermediates, and show that this expansion enables us to calculate free energies along lower variance paths.
We use Q-learning, a reinforcement learning technique, to discover and optimize paths at low computational cost.
Second, we reduce the cost of sampling along a given path by using sequential Monte Carlo samplers.
We develop a new free energy estimator, pCrooks (pairwise Crooks), a variant on the Crooks fluctuation theorem (CFT), which enables decomposition of the variance of the free energy estimate for discrete paths, while retaining beneficial characteristics of CFT.
Combining these two advancements, we show that for some test models, optimal expanded-space paths have a nearly 80% reduction in variance relative to the standard path.
Additionally, our free energy estimator converges at a more consistent rate and on average 1.8 times faster when we enable path searching, even when the cost of path discovery and refinement is considered.
In recent years, protein-ligand docking has become a powerful tool for drug development. Although several approaches suitable for high throughput screening are available, there is a need for methods able to identify binding modes with high accuracy. This accuracy is essential to reliably compute the binding free energy of the ligand. Such methods are needed when the binding mode of lead compounds is not determined experimentally but is needed for structure-based lead optimization. We present here a new docking software, called EADock, that aims at this goal. It uses an hybrid evolutionary algorithm with two fitness functions, in combination with a sophisticated management of the diversity. EADock is interfaced with the CHARMM package for energy calculations and coordinate handling. A validation was carried out on 37 crystallized protein-ligand complexes featuring 11 different proteins. The search space was defined as a sphere of 15 A around the center of mass of the ligand position in the crystal structure, and on the contrary to other benchmarks, our algorithm was fed with optimized ligand positions up to 10 A root mean square deviation (RMSD) from the crystal structure, excluding the latter. This validation illustrates the efficiency of our sampling strategy, as correct binding modes, defined by a RMSD to the crystal structure lower than 2 A, were identified and ranked first for 68% of the complexes. The success rate increases to 78% when considering the five best ranked clusters, and 92% when all clusters present in the last generation are taken into account. Most failures could be explained by the presence of crystal contacts in the experimental structure. Finally, the ability of EADock to accurately predict binding modes on a real application was illustrated by the successful docking of the RGD cyclic pentapeptide on the alphaVbeta3 integrin, starting far away from the binding pocket.
3 Summary 3. 1 English The pharmaceutical industry has been facing several challenges during the last years, and the optimization of their drug discovery pipeline is believed to be the only viable solution. High-throughput techniques do participate actively to this optimization, especially when complemented by computational approaches aiming at rationalizing the enormous amount of information that they can produce. In siiico techniques, such as virtual screening or rational drug design, are now routinely used to guide drug discovery. Both heavily rely on the prediction of the molecular interaction (docking) occurring between drug-like molecules and a therapeutically relevant target. Several softwares are available to this end, but despite the very promising picture drawn in most benchmarks, they still hold several hidden weaknesses. As pointed out in several recent reviews, the docking problem is far from being solved, and there is now a need for methods able to identify binding modes with a high accuracy, which is essential to reliably compute the binding free energy of the ligand. This quantity is directly linked to its affinity and can be related to its biological activity. Accurate docking algorithms are thus critical for both the discovery and the rational optimization of new drugs. In this thesis, a new docking software aiming at this goal is presented, EADock. It uses a hybrid evolutionary algorithm with two fitness functions, in combination with a sophisticated management of the diversity. EADock is interfaced with .the CHARMM package for energy calculations and coordinate handling. A validation was carried out on 37 crystallized protein-ligand complexes featuring 11 different proteins. The search space was defined as a sphere of 15 R around the center of mass of the ligand position in the crystal structure, and conversely to other benchmarks, our algorithms was fed with optimized ligand positions up to 10 A root mean square deviation 2MSD) from the crystal structure. This validation illustrates the efficiency of our sampling heuristic, as correct binding modes, defined by a RMSD to the crystal structure lower than 2 A, were identified and ranked first for 68% of the complexes. The success rate increases to 78% when considering the five best-ranked clusters, and 92% when all clusters present in the last generation are taken into account. Most failures in this benchmark could be explained by the presence of crystal contacts in the experimental structure. EADock has been used to understand molecular interactions involved in the regulation of the Na,K ATPase, and in the activation of the nuclear hormone peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors a (PPARa). It also helped to understand the action of common pollutants (phthalates) on PPARy, and the impact of biotransformations of the anticancer drug Imatinib (Gleevec®) on its binding mode to the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase. Finally, a fragment-based rational drug design approach using EADock was developed, and led to the successful design of new peptidic ligands for the a5ß1 integrin, and for the human PPARa. In both cases, the designed peptides presented activities comparable to that of well-established ligands such as the anticancer drug Cilengitide and Wy14,643, respectively. 3.2 French Les récentes difficultés de l'industrie pharmaceutique ne semblent pouvoir se résoudre que par l'optimisation de leur processus de développement de médicaments. Cette dernière implique de plus en plus. de techniques dites "haut-débit", particulièrement efficaces lorsqu'elles sont couplées aux outils informatiques permettant de gérer la masse de données produite. Désormais, les approches in silico telles que le criblage virtuel ou la conception rationnelle de nouvelles molécules sont utilisées couramment. Toutes deux reposent sur la capacité à prédire les détails de l'interaction moléculaire entre une molécule ressemblant à un principe actif (PA) et une protéine cible ayant un intérêt thérapeutique. Les comparatifs de logiciels s'attaquant à cette prédiction sont flatteurs, mais plusieurs problèmes subsistent. La littérature récente tend à remettre en cause leur fiabilité, affirmant l'émergence .d'un besoin pour des approches plus précises du mode d'interaction. Cette précision est essentielle au calcul de l'énergie libre de liaison, qui est directement liée à l'affinité du PA potentiel pour la protéine cible, et indirectement liée à son activité biologique. Une prédiction précise est d'une importance toute particulière pour la découverte et l'optimisation de nouvelles molécules actives. Cette thèse présente un nouveau logiciel, EADock, mettant en avant une telle précision. Cet algorithme évolutionnaire hybride utilise deux pressions de sélections, combinées à une gestion de la diversité sophistiquée. EADock repose sur CHARMM pour les calculs d'énergie et la gestion des coordonnées atomiques. Sa validation a été effectuée sur 37 complexes protéine-ligand cristallisés, incluant 11 protéines différentes. L'espace de recherche a été étendu à une sphère de 151 de rayon autour du centre de masse du ligand cristallisé, et contrairement aux comparatifs habituels, l'algorithme est parti de solutions optimisées présentant un RMSD jusqu'à 10 R par rapport à la structure cristalline. Cette validation a permis de mettre en évidence l'efficacité de notre heuristique de recherche car des modes d'interactions présentant un RMSD inférieur à 2 R par rapport à la structure cristalline ont été classés premier pour 68% des complexes. Lorsque les cinq meilleures solutions sont prises en compte, le taux de succès grimpe à 78%, et 92% lorsque la totalité de la dernière génération est prise en compte. La plupart des erreurs de prédiction sont imputables à la présence de contacts cristallins. Depuis, EADock a été utilisé pour comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la régulation de la Na,K ATPase et dans l'activation du peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor a (PPARa). Il a également permis de décrire l'interaction de polluants couramment rencontrés sur PPARy, ainsi que l'influence de la métabolisation de l'Imatinib (PA anticancéreux) sur la fixation à la kinase Bcr-Abl. Une approche basée sur la prédiction des interactions de fragments moléculaires avec protéine cible est également proposée. Elle a permis la découverte de nouveaux ligands peptidiques de PPARa et de l'intégrine a5ß1. Dans les deux cas, l'activité de ces nouveaux peptides est comparable à celles de ligands bien établis, comme le Wy14,643 pour le premier, et le Cilengitide (PA anticancéreux) pour la seconde.
The anharmonic contributions of order A6 to the Helmholtz free energy for a crystal in which every atom is on a site of inversion symmetry, have been evaluated The cor~esponding diagrams in the various orders of the perturbation theory have been presented The validity of the expressions given is for high temperatures. Numerical calculations for the diagrams which contribute to the free energy have been worked out for a nearest-n~ighbour central-force model of a facecentered cubic lattice in the high-temperature limit and in the leading term and the Ludwig approximations. The accuracy of the Ludwig approximation in evaluating the Brillouin-zone sums has been investigated. Expansion for all diagrams in the high-temperature limit has been carried out The contribution to the specific heat involves a linear as well as cubic term~ We have applied Lennard-Jones, Morse and Exponential 6 types of potentials. A comparison between the contribution to the free energy of order A6 to that of order A4 has been made.
Accurate experimental values for the free energies of hydration, or the free energies of solvation, of the H+, OH-, and H3O+ ions are of fundamental importance. By use of the most accurate value for the free energy of solvation of H+, the known value for the free energy of solvation of water, and the known values for the gas phase and aqueous phase deprotonation of water, the corresponding experimental free energy of solvation for OH- is −106.4 ± 0.5 kcal/mol. Similarly, by use of the known values for ΔGf 0 for H3O, H2O+, and OH-, the known values for ΔGs for H+ and OH-, and the known value for the aqueous phase autoionization of water, we obtain an experimental free energy of solvation value for H3O+ of −103.4 ± 0.5 kcal/mol. These values are in excellent agreement with the commonly accepted values and with the value for ΔGs(OH-) obtained from embedding clusters of OH-(H2O)n in a dielectric continuum.
A model based on the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation is used to study the electrostatic contribution to the binding free energy of a simple intercalating ligand, 3,8-diamino-6-phenylphenanthridine, to DNA. We find that the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann model accurately describes both the absolute magnitude of the pKa shift of 3,8-diamino-6-phenylphenanthridine observed upon intercalation and its variation with bulk salt concentration. Since the pKa shift is directly related to the total electrostatic binding free energy of the charged and neutral forms of the ligand, the accuracy of the calculations implies that the electrostatic contributions to binding are accurately predicted as well. Based on our results, we have developed a general physical description of the electrostatic contribution to ligand-DNA binding in which the electrostatic binding free energy is described as a balance between the coulombic attraction of a ligand to DNA and the disruption of solvent upon binding. Long-range coulombic forces associated with highly charged nucleic acids provide a strong driving force for the interaction of cationic ligands with DNA. These favorable electrostatic interactions are, however, largely compensated for by unfavorable changes in the solvation of both the ligand and the DNA upon binding. The formation of a ligand-DNA complex removes both charged and polar groups at the binding interface from pure solvent while it displaces salt from around the nucleic acid. As a result, the total electrostatic binding free energy is quite small. Consequently, nonpolar interactions, such as tight packing and hydrophobic forces, must play a significant role in ligand-DNA stability.