962 resultados para Bifurcation de col nilpotent


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Many structural bifurcation buckling problems exhibit a scaling or power law property. Dimensional analysis is used to analyze the general scaling property. The concept of a new dimensionless number, the response number-Rn, suggested by the present author for the dynamic plastic response and failure of beams, plates and so on, subjected to large dynamic loading, is generalized in this paper to study the elastic, plastic, dynamic elastic as well as dynamic plastic buckling problems of columns, plates as well as shells. Structural bifurcation buckling can be considered when Rn(n) reaches a critical value.


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The transient process of the thermocapillary convection was obtained for the large Pu floating half zone by using the method of three-dimensional and unsteady numerical simulation. The convection transits directly from steady and axisymmetric state to oscillatory flow for slender liquid bridge, and transits first from steady and axisymmetric convection to the steady and non-axisymmetric convection, then, secondly to the oscillatory convection for the fatter liquid bridge. This result implies that the volume of liquid bridge is not only a sensitive critical parameter for the onset of oscillation, but also relates to the new mechanism for the onset of instability in the floating half zone convection even in case of large Prandtl number fluid.


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The influences of Casimir and van der Waals forces on the nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS) electrostatic torsional varactor are studied. A one degree of freedom, the torsional angle, is adopted, and the bifurcation behaviour of the NEMS torsional varactor is investigated. There are two bifurcation points, one of which is a Hopf bifurcation point and the other is an unstable saddle point. The phase portraits are also drawn, in which periodic orbits are around the Hopf bifurcation point, but the periodic orbit will break into a homoclinic orbit when meeting the unstable saddle point.


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Processes of the onset oscillation in the thermocapillaxy convection under the Earth's gravity are investigated by the numerical simulation and experiments in a floating half zone of large Prandtl number with different volume ratio. Both computational and experimental results show that the steady and axisymmetric convection turns to the oscillatory convection of m=1 for the slender liquid bridge, and to the oscillatory convection before a steady and 3D asymmetric state for the case of a fat liquid bridge. It implies that, there are two critical Marangoni numbers related, respectively, to these two bifurcation transitions for the fat liquid bridge. The computational results agree with the results of ground-based experiments.


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Cellular cell pattern evolution of cylindrically-diverging detonations is numerically simulated successfully by solving two-dimensional Euler equations implemented with an improved two-step chemical kinetic model. From the simulation, three cell bifurcation modes are observed during the evolution and referred to as concave front focusing, kinked and wrinkled wave front instability, and self-merging of cellular cells. Numerical research demonstrates that the wave front expansion resulted from detonation front diverging plays a major role in the cellular cell bifurcation, which can disturb the nonlinearly self-sustained mechanism of detonations and finally lead to cell bifurcations.


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The piezoelastodynamic field equations are solved to determine the crack velocity at bifurcation for poled ferroelectric materials where the applied electrical field and mechanical stress can be varied. The underlying physical mechanism, however, may not correspond to that assumed in the analytical model. Bifurcation has been related to the occurrence of a pair of maximum circumferential stress oriented symmetrically about the moving crack path. The velocity at which this behavior prevails has been referred to as the limiting crack speed. Unlike the classical approach, bifurcation will be identified with finite distances ahead of a moving crack. Nucleation of microcracks can thus be modelled in a single formulation. This can be accomplished by using the energy density function where fracture initiation is identified with dominance of dilatation in relation to distortion. Poled ferroelectric materials are selected for this study because the microstructure effects for this class of materials can be readily reflected by the elastic, piezoelectic and dielectric permittivity constants at the macroscopic scale. Existing test data could also shed light on the trend of the analytical predictions. Numerical results are thus computed for PZT-4 and compared with those for PZT-6B in an effort to show whether the branching behavior would be affected by the difference in the material microstructures. A range of crack bifurcation speed upsilon(b) is found for different r/a and E/sigma ratios. Here, r and a stand for the radial distance and half crack length, respectively, while E and a for the electric field and mechanical stress. For PZT-6B with upsilon(b) in the range 100-1700 m/s, the bifurcation angles varied from +/-6degrees to +/-39degrees. This corresponds to E/sigma of -0.072 to 0.024 V m/N. At the same distance r/a = 0.1, PZT-4 gives upsilon(b) values of 1100-2100 m/s; bifurcation angles of +/-15degrees to +/-49degrees; and E/sigma of -0.056 to 0.059 V m/N. In general, the bifurcation angles +/-theta(0) are found to decrease with decreasing crack velocity as the distance r/a is increased. Relatively speaking, the speed upsilon(b) and angles +/-theta(0) for PZT-4 are much greater than those for PZT-6B. This may be attributed to the high electromechanical coupling effect of PZT-4. Using upsilon(b)(0) as a base reference, an equality relation upsilon(b)(-) < upsilon(b)(0) < upsilon(b)(+) can be established. The superscripts -, 0 and + refer, respectively, to negative, zero and positive electric field. This is reminiscent of the enhancement and retardation of crack growth behavior due to change in poling direction. Bifurcation characteristics are found to be somewhat erratic when r/a approaches the range 10(-2)-10(-1) where the kinetic energy densities would fluctuate and then rise as the distance from the moving crack is increased. This is an artifact introduced by the far away condition of non-vanishing particle velocity. A finite kinetic energy density prevails at infinity unless it is made to vanish in the boundary value problem. Future works are recommended to further clarify the physical mechanism(s) associated with bifurcation by means of analysis and experiment. Damage at the microscopic level needs to be addressed since it has been known to affect the macrocrack speeds and bifurcation characteristics. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Con el objetivo de estimar el nivel de daño económico de plutella xylostella (L) en el cultivo de repollo se estableció un experimento de campo en la época de primera en la zona de pacaya (lv región), tratando de mantener diferente niveles de poblaciones de este insecto a través de aplicaciones semanales de 6 diferente dosis (0-783 g por ha) del insecticida dipel (bacillus thuringiensis). Los resultados demuestran que la incidencia de plutella xylostella en el cultivo de repollo no se destruye uniformemente durante todo el ciclo del cultivo. La incidencia es mayor durante las etapas de formación y llenado de cabeza y esto afecta el % de área foliar dañada, precio por cabeza e ingreso bruto, causando pérdidas económicas. La incidencia de plutella xylostella no afecta el número de cabeza formadas ni el peso de cabeza. El nivel de daño económico estimado en base de la relación entre el nivel de plutella xylostella y la perdida causada arroja valores de 0.03 larva por planta para la etapa de formación de cabeza (40-60 días después del transporte). Estos valores se pueden considerar como una primera aproximación del NDE de esta plaga para la época de primera en la zona de pacaya. La dosis d3 dipel 783 g/ha. Ejerció un control satisfactorio contra plutella xylostella obteniéndose con ella el mayor ingreso neto por ha.


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The influences of Casimir and van der Waals forces on the nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS) electrostatic torsional varactor are studied. A one degree of freedom, the torsional angle, is adopted, and the bifurcation behaviour of the NEMS torsional varactor is investigated. There are two bifurcation points, one of which is a Hopf bifurcation point and the other is an unstable saddle point. The phase portraits are also drawn, in which periodic orbits are around the Hopf bifurcation point, but the periodic orbit will break into a homoclinic orbit when meeting the unstable saddle point.


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Flow fields around a rotating circular cylinder in a uniform stream are computed using a low dimensional Galerkin method. Results show that the formation of a Fopple vortex pair behind a stationary circular cylinder is caused by the structural instability in the vicinity of the saddle located at the rear of the cylinder. For rotating cylinder a bifurcation diagram with the consideration of two parameters, Reynolds number Re and rotation parameter a, is built by a kinematic analysis of the steady flow fields.


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The steady bifurcation flows in a spherical gap (gap ratio sigma=0.18) with rotating inner and stationary outer spheres are simulated numerically for Re(c1)less than or equal to Re less than or equal to 1 500 by solving steady axisymmetric incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using a finite difference method. The simulation shows that there exist two steady stable flows with 1 or 2 vortices per hemisphere for 775 less than or equal to Re less than or equal to 1 220 and three steady stable flows with 0, 1, or 2 vortices for 1 220depends mainly on the acceleratio n, but that of one-vortex flow also depends on the perturbation breaking the equatorial symmetry. The mechanism of development of a saddle point in the meridional plane at higher Re number and its role in the formation of two-vortex flow are analyzed.


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The various patterns (shear banding, surface wrinkling and necking) of material bifurcation in plane sheet under tension are investigated in this paper by means of a numerical method. It is found that numerical analysis can provide better ground for searching for the lowest critical loads. The inhomogeneity caused by void damage and the nonuniformity in the stress distribution across sheet thickness are proved to have detrimental effects on the material bifurcation. Nevertheless, material stability can be promoted by any means of depressing void damage or alleviating stress, even locally across the thickness. Besides, the peculiar behaviour of material bifurcation under slight biaxiality state is demonstrated. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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A low-dimensional Galerkin method, initiated by Noack and Eckelmann [Physica D 56, 151 (1992)], for the prediction of the flow field around a stationary two-dimensional circular cylinder in a uniform stream at low Reynolds number is generalized to the case of a rotating and translating cylinder. The Hopf bifurcation describing the transition from steady to time-periodic solution is investigated. A curve indicating the transitional boundary is given in the two-dimensional parameter plane of Reynolds number Re and rotating parameter alpha. Our results show that rotation may delay the onset of vortex street and decrease the vortex-shedding frequency. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The dilatational plastic constitutive equation presented in this paper is proved to be in a form of generality. Based on this equation, the constitutive behaviour of materials at the moment of bifurcation is demonstrated to follow a loading path with the response as "soft" as possible.


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An overview on the onset of thermocapillary oscillatory convection in a floating half zone is provided, and it is a typical subject in the microgravity sciences related to the space materials science, especially the floating zone processing, and also to the microgravity fluid physics. The main interests are focused around the process for onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection, which is known also as the bifurcation transition from quasi-steady convection to oscillatory convection. The onset of oscillation depends on a set of critical parameters, such as the Marangoni number, Prandtl number, geometrical parameters, and heat transfer parameters. Recent studies show that, there exists the bifurcation transition from steady and axial symmetric convection to the steady and axial non-symmetric convection before the onset of oscillation in cases of small Prandtl number fluids and in cases of larger Prandtl number fluids of fat liquid bridge with small aspect ratio. The transition process is a strong non-linear process because the velocity deviation has the same order of magnitude as that of an average flow after the onset of oscillation, and unsteady 3-D numerical simulation is suitable to do in depth analysis on strong non-linear process, and leads generally to a better comparison with the experimental results.