986 resultados para Bezold-Jarisch reflex


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The magnitude of a startle reflex is inhibited if the reflex-eliciting stimuli is preceded by a prepulse stimulus at a short lead interval. Previous research in humans has shown that the extent of prepulse inhibition decreases over repeated presentations of reflex stimuli and prepulse-reflex stimulus pairings. The present study (N=70) investigated the effect of repeated presentations of prepulse stimuli, reflex stimuli, or prepulse-reflex stimulus pairings on prepulse inhibition. Five groups of subjects were presented during habituation training with either (a) reflex stimuli, (b) prepulse-reflex stimulus pairings, (c) a random sequence of prepulse and reflex stimuli, (d) prepulse stimuli, or (e) experimentally irrelevant light stimuli. Prepulse inhibition was reduced if startle stimuli were presented during habituation ((a), (b), (c)), but not after repeated presentation of the prepulse or the light stimulus ((d), (e)). The reduction in prepulse inhibition was abolished after dishabituation of the startle reflex. The present results indicate that habituation of the startle reflex can result in a reduction of prepulse inhibition. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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1. The present study investigated the effects of lengthening and shortening actions on IT-reflex amplitude. H-reflexes were evoked in the soleus (SOL) and medial gastroenemius (MG) of human subject, during passive isometric, lengthening and shortening actions performed at angular velocities of 0, +/-2, +/-5 and +/- 15 deg s(-1). 2. H-reflex amplitude, in froth SOL and MG were significantly depressed during passive lengthening actions and facilitated during passive shortening actions, when compared with the isometric R-reflex amplitude. 3. Four experiments were performed in which the latencies front the onset of movement to delivery of the stimulus were altered. Passive H-reflex modulation during lengthening actions was found tee begin at latencies of less than 60 ms suggesting that this inhibition was due to peripheral and/or spinal mechanisms. 4. It is postulated that, the H-reflex modulation seen in the present study is related to the tunic discharge of muscle spindle afferents and the consequent effects of transmission within the la pathway. Inhibition of the H-reflex at less than 60 ms after the onset of muscle lengthening may he attributed to several mechanisms, which cannot be distinguished using the current protocol. These may include the inability to evoke volleys in la fibres that are refractory following muscle spindle discharge during; rapid muscle lengthening, a reduced probability of transmitter release front the presynaptic terminal (homosynaptic post.-activation depression) and presynaptic inhibition of la afferents from plantar flexor agonists. Short latency facilitation of the H-reflex may be attributed to temporal summation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials arising from muscle spindle afferents during rapid muscle lengthening. At longer latencies, presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents cannot be excluded as a potential inhibitory mechanism.


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The present study (N532) investigated attentional modulation of the startle blink reflex at long lead intervals under conditions of differing emotional valence. Participants performed a visual discrimination and counting task while coloured lights indicated whether it was possible for the participant to receive an electrotactile shock (threat of shock) or if no shock would be presented (safe). Latency and magnitude of startle responses to probes during inter-stimulus intervals were facilitated during threat periods relative to safe periods. Startle latency and magnitude modulation were enhanced during attended discrimination and counting task stimuli relative to startle during ignored stimuli. This attention effect did not vary under threat or safe conditions, suggesting that attentional startle modulation is not affected by the emotional valence of the context.


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Aims Neurally meditated reflex or neurocardiogenic or vasovagal syncope (NMS) is usually mediated by a massive vagal reflex. This study reports the long-term outcome of NMS therapy based on endocardial radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation of the cardiac vagal nervous system aiming permanent attenuation or elimination of the cardioinhibitory reflex (cardioneuroablation). Methods and results A total of 43 patients (18F/25M, 32.9+/-15 years) without apparent cardiopathy (left ventricular ejection fraction=68.6+/-5%) were included. All had recurrent NMS (4.7+/-2 syncope/patient) with important cardioinhibition (pauses=13.5+/-13 s) at head-up tilt test (HUT), normal electrocardiogram (ECG), and normal atropine test (AT). The patients underwent atrial endocardial RF ablation using spectral mapping to track the neurocardiac interface (AF Nest Mapping). The follow-up (FU) consisted of clinical evaluation, ECG (1 month/every 6 months/or symptoms), Holter (every 6 months/or symptoms), HUT (>= 4 months/or symptoms), and AT (end of ablation and >= 6 months). A total of 44 ablations (48+/-9 points/patient) were performed. Merely three cases of spontaneous syncope occurred in 45.1+/-22 months (two vasodepressor, one undefined). Only four partial cardioinhibitory responses occurred in post-ablation HUT without pauses or asystole (sinus bradycardia). Long-term AT (21.7+/-11 months post) was negative in 33 (76.7%, P<0.01), partially positive in 7(16.3%), and normal in three patients only (6.9%) reflecting long-term vagal denervation (AT-Delta% HR pre 79.4% x 23.2% post). The post-ablation stress test and Holter showed no abnormalities. No major complications occurred. Conclusion Endocardial RF catheter ablation of severe neurally meditated reflex syncope prevented pacemaker implantation and showed excellent long-term results in well selected patients. Despite no action in vasodepression it seems to cause enough long-term vagal reflex attenuation, eliminating the cardioinhibition, and keeping most patients asymptomatic. Indication was based on clinical symptoms, reproduction of severe cardioinhibitory syncope, and normal atropine response.


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To test a mathematical model for measuring blinking kinematics. Spontaneous and reflex blinks of 23 healthy subjects were recorded with two different temporal resolutions. A magnetic search coil was used to record 77 blinks sampled at 200 Hz and 2 kHz in 13 subjects. A video system with low temporal resolution (30 Hz) was employed to register 60 blinks of 10 other subjects. The experimental data points were fitted with a model that assumes that the upper eyelid movement can be divided into two parts: an impulsive accelerated motion followed by a damped harmonic oscillation. All spontaneous and reflex blinks, including those recorded with low resolution, were well fitted by the model with a median coefficient of determination of 0.990. No significant difference was observed when the parameters of the blinks were estimated with the under-damped or critically damped solutions of the harmonic oscillator. On the other hand, the over-damped solution was not applicable to fit any movement. There was good agreement between the model and numerical estimation of the amplitude but not of maximum velocity. Spontaneous and reflex blinks can be mathematically described as consisting of two different phases. The down-phase is mainly an accelerated movement followed by a short time that represents the initial part of the damped harmonic oscillation. The latter is entirely responsible for the up-phase of the movement. Depending on the instantaneous characteristics of each movement, the under-damped or critically damped oscillation is better suited to describe the second phase of the blink. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The conditions under which blink startle facilitation can be found in anticipation of a reaction time task were investigated to resolve inconsistent findings across previous studies. Four groups of participants (n = 64) were presented with two visual stimuli, one predicting a reaction time task (S+) and the second presented alone (S-). Participants were asked to make a speeded response to the offset of the S+ (S1 paradigm) or were asked to respond to a tactile stimulus presented at the offset of the S+ (S1-S2 paradigm). Half of the participants in each paradigm condition received performance feedback. Overall, blink latency shortening and magnitude facilitation were larger during S+ than during S-. More detailed analyses, however, found these differences to be reliable only in the Feedback conditions. Ratings of S+ pleasantness did not change across the experiment. Electrodermal responses to S+ were larger than to S- in all groups with differential electrodermal responding emerging earlier in the S1 paradigm. Taken together, the data support the notion that startle facilitation can occur during non-aversive Pavlovian conditioning. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two experiments investigated the effects of the sensory modality of the lead and of the blink-eliciting stimulus during lead stimulus modality change on blink modulation at lead intervals of 2500 and 3500 ins. Participants were presented with acoustic, visual, or tactile change stimuli after habituation training with lead stimuli from the same or a different sensory modality. In Experiment 1, latency and magnitude of the acoustic blink were facilitated during a change to acoustic or visual lead stimuli, but not during a change to tactile lead stimuli. After habituation to acoustic lead stimuli, blink magnitude was smaller during tactile change stimuli than during habituation stimuli. The latter finding was replicated in Experiment 2 in which blink was elicited by electrical stimulation of the trigeminal nerve. The consistency of the findings across different combinations of lead stimulus and blink-eliciting stimulus modalities does not support a modality-specific account of attentional blink modulation. Rather, blink modulation during generalized orienting reflects modality non-specific processes, although modulation may not always be found during tactile lead stimuli. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Contrata????o de servi??os t??cnicos profissionais especializados de doc??ncia para modera????o na Oficina, sob medida, de reflex??o e alinhamento das pol??ticas de promo????o e incentivo ?? leitura em nosso Pa??s, sendo a execu????o da Oficina norteada pelas diretrizes expressas no inciso I do art. 2?? da Resolu????o n?? 01 de 31 de janeiro de 2013 e nos incisos I do art. 2?? do Decreto n?? 8.091, de 03 de setembro de 2013


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A reforma do Estado ?? uma preocupa????o comum a quase todos os pa??ses do mundo. No ??mbito nacional, ap??s um per??odo mais exacerbado de radicaliza????es e polariza????es, o debate sobre o assunto vem adquirindo maior serenidade, profundidade e rigor. Seu foco tem se deslocado de uma defini????o aprior??stica e descontextualizada do tamanho ideal do Estado (e, com isso, vem conseguindo, paulatinamente, ultrapassar os manique??smos iniciais), para se centrar em quest??es realmente estrat??gicas: que tipo de Estado se deseja construir? Como dever?? se relacionar com a sociedade e o mercado? Quais ser??o sua miss??o, objetivos, papel, formas e meios de interven????o e fun????es? Que caracter??sticas organizacionais e gerenciais necessitar?? adquirir para lograr ??xito? O primeiro volume desta s??rie ?? um exemplo dessa mudan??a oportuna de enfoque, partindo do Estado necess??rio e conseguindo avan??ar em rela????o a, pelo menos, algumas das quest??es estrat??gicas j?? mencionadas


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O presente texto procura focalizar mais especificamente a quest??o dos modelos organizacionais adotados pelas empresas p??blicas de processamento de dados, e sua poss??vel reestrutura????o para fazer frente ??s novas necessidades de seus usu??rios, em meio a mudan??as profundas nas plataformas tecnol??gicas tradicionalmente adotadas. A inten????o ?? contribuir para que o debate iniciado tenha prosseguimento, pela relev??ncia desse tema para a reforma do aparelho estatal ora em andamento no pa??s, tanto em n??vel federal quanto no ??mbito de Estados e munic??pios


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A ENAP Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica, com o apoio do Minist??rio do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o, da Ag??ncia Brasileira de Coopera????o do Minist??rio das Rela????es Exteriores, do Centro Latino-americano de Administra????o para o Desenvolvimento (Clad) e da Caixa Econ??mica Federal, construiu uma s??rie de atividades de aprendizagem direcionadas a dirigentes e t??cnicos que atuam nas ??reas de planejamento estrat??gico e avalia????o de programas. Esses eventos de aprendizagem permitiram uma intensa troca de experi??ncias entre os 60 dirigentes e t??cnicos representantes de organismos governamentais de 16 pa??ses ibero-americanos ??? Argentina, Bol??via, Brasil, Chile, Col??mbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, M??xico, Panam??, Paraguai, Peru, Portugal, Rep??blica Dominicana, Uruguai e Venezuela. A consolida????o desse per??odo de rica troca de experi??ncias est?? retratada nesta publica????o, que mostra o avan??o na constru????o de um conhecimento coletivo referente a desafios contempor??neos de nossos governos nas ??reas de planejamento e de avalia????o de programas sociais


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A ENAP Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica, com o apoio do Minist??rio do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o, da Ag??ncia Brasileira de Coopera????o do Minist??rio das Rela????es Exteriores, do Centro Latino-americano de Administra????o para o Desenvolvimento (Clad) e da Caixa Econ??mica Federal, construiu uma s??rie de atividades de aprendizagem direcionadas a dirigentes e t??cnicos que atuam nas ??reas de planejamento estrat??gico e avalia????o de programas. Esses eventos de aprendizagem permitiram uma intensa troca de experi??ncias entre os 60 dirigentes e t??cnicos representantes de organismos governamentais de 16 pa??ses ibero-americanos ??? Argentina, Bol??via, Brasil, Chile, Col??mbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, M??xico, Panam??, Paraguai, Peru, Portugal, Rep??blica Dominicana, Uruguai e Venezuela. A consolida????o desse per??odo de rica troca de experi??ncias est?? retratada nesta publica????o, que mostra o avan??o na constru????o de um conhecimento coletivo referente a desafios contempor??neos de nossos governos nas ??reas de planejamento e de avalia????o de programas sociais


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No Brasil, a Constitui????o de 1988 institucionalizou a participa????o social em conselhos a serem compostos por representantes de diferentes setores da sociedade, do Estado e, em alguns casos, dos trabalhadores. A partir dos anos 2000, a realiza????o de confer??ncias passou a ser disseminada como mais uma forma de participa????o, que auxilia no mapeamento das demandas e na constru????o de consensos entre os movimentos sociais nos momentos que antecedem a formula????o de pol??ticas pelo poder executivo. Seja qual for a forma de participa????o social institucionalizada, regras e procedimentos regulamentados pelo Estado regem as intera????es com a Sociedade. Esse ensaio se dedica a problematizar a efetividade dos espa??os e mecanismos do ponto de vista do processamento de pol??ticas p??blicas dentro do aparato burocr??tico a partir de conceitos derivados das teorias de complexidade, participa????o e burocracia com a inten????o de contribuir para o debate sobre o aperfei??oamento desse campo


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A Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (Enap) lan??a a edi????o n?? 38 dos Cadernos Enap, intitulada ???Inova????o no setor p??blico: uma reflex??o a partir das experi??ncias premiadas no Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal???. A publica????o ?? uma parceria da Escola com o Centro de Estudos Avan??ados de Governo e Administra????o P??blica (Ceag) da Faculdade de Economia, Administra????o e Contabilidade (Face) da Universidade de Bras??lia (UnB). Os autores investigam os fatores relevantes que possam explicar o dinamismo da inova????o no setor p??blico, tomando, como referencial anal??tico, as 98 iniciativas premiadas pelo Concurso Inova????o, no per??odo de 2004 (9?? Edi????o) a 2012 (17?? Edi????o). O estudo desenvolveu metodologia espec??fica para compreens??o do conjunto de iniciativas premiadas pelo Concurso, o que resultou na classifica????o das inova????es reunidas no formato de uma proposta de Matriz Inovativa. Essa Matriz representa a distribui????o das iniciativas analisadas quanto aos crit??rios de ambiente para o qual estiveram voltadas, ao tipo de inova????o que essa representa e ?? capilaridade ou p??blico beneficiado pela inova????o. S??o destacados, ainda, os fatores de sucesso apontados pelos pr??prios gestores como fatores cr??ticos para a inova????o, e se as iniciativas est??o ativas ou inativas. O trabalho est?? dividido em quatro etapas. A primeira concentra um esfor??o te??rico a fim de caracterizar o que vem a ser inova????o no setor p??blico. Em um segundo momento, ?? apresentada a metodologia desenvolvida, com informa????es sobre a tipologia e a classifica????o para a inova????o no setor p??blico. A terceira etapa trata da pesquisa sobre inova????o no setor p??blico a partir da coleta de dados dos relatos das a????es premiadas no Concurso Inova????o. Finalmente, na ??ltima etapa s??o apresentados os resultados da pesquisa.