118 resultados para Bessel
We report on recent progress in the generation of non-diffracting (Bessel) beams from semiconductor light sources including both edge-emitting and surface-emitting semiconductor lasers as well as light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Bessel beams at the power level of Watts with central lobe diameters of a few to tens of micrometers were achieved from compact and highly efficient lasers. The practicality of reducing the central lobe size of the Bessel beam generated with high-power broad-stripe semiconductor lasers and LEDs to a level unachievable by means of traditional focusing has been demonstrated. We also discuss an approach to exceed the limit of power density for the focusing of radiation with high beam propagation parameter M2. Finally, we consider the potential of the semiconductor lasers for applications in optical trapping/tweezing and the perspectives to replace their gas and solid-state laser counterparts for a range of implementations in optical manipulation towards lab-on-chip configurations. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
We study the continuity of pseudo-differential operators on Bessel potential spaces Hs|p (Rn ), and on the corresponding Besov spaces B^(s,q)p (R ^n). The modulus of continuity ω we use is assumed to satisfy j≥0, ∑ [ω(2−j )Ω(2j )]2 < ∞ where Ω is a suitable positive function.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 33C10, 33-02, 60K25
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B20, 42B25, 42B35
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35R10, Secondary 44A15
Mathematics Subject Class.: 33C10,33D60,26D15,33D05,33D15,33D90
2000 Math. Subject Classification: Primary 42B20, 42B25, 42B35
Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D15, 44A10, 44A20
In this paper, we study generation of Bessel beams from semiconductor lasers with high beam propagation parameter M2 and their utilization for optical trapping and manipulation of microscopic particles including living cells. The demonstrated optical tweezing with diodegenerated Bessel beams paves the way to replace their vibronic-generated counterparts for a range of applications towards novel lab-on-a-chip configurations.
Optical manipulation of microscopic objects (including living cells) using Bessel beams from semiconductor lasers has been demonstrated for the first time. In addition, it has been found in the experiments that a Bessel beam of sufficient power from a semiconductor laser makes it possible to manipulate simultaneously several microscopic objects captured into its central lobe and the first ring. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Dedicated to 75th birthday of Prof. A.M. Mathai, Mathematical Subject Classification 2010:26A33, 33C10, 33C20, 33C50, 33C60, 26A09
In this paper, we demonstrate, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, utilization of Bessel beams generated from a semiconductor laser for optical trapping and manipulation of microscopic particles including living cells. © 2014 OSA.
Wireless Power Transfer has become a promising technology to overcome the limits of wired solutions. Within this framework, the objective of this thesis is to study a WPT link at millimeter waves involving a particular type of antenna working in the radiative near-field, known as Bessel Beam (BB) Launcher. This antenna has been chosen for its peculiarity of generating a Bessel Beam which is by nature non-diffractive, showing good focusing and self-healing capabilities. In particular, a Bull-Eye Leaky Wave Antenna is designed and analysed, fed by a loop antenna and resonating at approximately 30 GHz. The structure excites a Hybrid-TE mode showing zeroth-order Bessel function over the z-component of the magnetic field. The same antenna is designed with two different dimensions, showing good wireless power transport properties. The link budgets obtained for different configurations are reported. With the aim of exploiting BB Launchers in wearable applications, a further analysis on the receiving part is conducted. For WPT wearable or implantable devices a reduced dimension of the receiver system must be considered. Therefore, an electrically large loop antenna in planar technology is modified, inserting phase shifters in order to increase the intensity of the magnetic field in its interrogation zone. This is fundamental when a BB Launcher is involved as transmitter. The loop antenna, in reception, shows a further miniaturization level since it is built such that its interrogation zone corresponds to the main beam dimension of transmitting BB Launcher. The link budget is evaluated with the new receiver showing comparable results with respect to previous configurations, showing an efficient WPT link for near-field focusing. Finally, a matching network and a full-wave rectifying circuit are attached to two of the different receiving systems considered. Further analysis will be carried out about the robustness of the square loop over biological tissues.
Motivated by a recently proposed biologically inspired face recognition approach, we investigated the relation between human behavior and a computational model based on Fourier-Bessel (FB) spatial patterns. We measured human recognition performance of FB filtered face images using an 8-alternative forced-choice method. Test stimuli were generated by converting the images from the spatial to the FB domain, filtering the resulting coefficients with a band-pass filter, and finally taking the inverse FB transformation of the filtered coefficients. The performance of the computational models was tested using a simulation of the psychophysical experiment. In the FB model, face images were first filtered by simulated V1- type neurons and later analyzed globally for their content of FB components. In general, there was a higher human contrast sensitivity to radially than to angularly filtered images, but both functions peaked at the 11.3-16 frequency interval. The FB-based model presented similar behavior with regard to peak position and relative sensitivity, but had a wider frequency band width and a narrower response range. The response pattern of two alternative models, based on local FB analysis and on raw luminance, strongly diverged from the human behavior patterns. These results suggest that human performance can be constrained by the type of information conveyed by polar patterns, and consequently that humans might use FB-like spatial patterns in face processing.
Multilevel converters can achieve an overall effective switch frequency multiplication and consequent ripple reduction through the cancellation of the lowest order switch frequency terms. This paper investigates the harmonic content and the frequency response of these multimodulator converters. It is shown that the transfer function of uniformly sampled modulators is a bessel function associated with the inherent sampling process. Naturally sampled modulators have a flat transfer function, but multiple switchings per switch cycle will occur unless the input is slew-rate limited. Lower sideband harmonics of the effective carrier frequency and, in uniform converters, harmonics of the input signal also limit the useful bandwidth. Observations about the effect of the number of converters, their type (naturally or uniformly sampled), and the ratio of modulating frequency and switch frequency are made.