991 resultados para Bathtub shaped hazard function


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The relationship between temperature and mortality is generally found to be bathtub shaped (rising at both extremes). However, there are limited data on the potential health effects of temperature variability and on temperature itself...


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Four recognized species of menhaden, Brevoortia spp., occur in North American marine waters: Atlantic menhaden, B. tyrannus; Gulf menhaden, B. patronus; yellowfin menhaden. B. smithi; and finescale menhaden, B. gunteri. Three of the menhaden species are known to form two hybrid types. Members of the genus range from coastal waters of Veracruz, Mex., to Nova Scotia, Can. Atlantic and Gulf menhaden are extremely abundant within their respective ranges and support extensive purse-seine reduction (to fish meal and oil) fisheries. All menhaden species are estuarine dependent through late larval and juvenile stages. Depending on species and location within the range, spawning may occur within bays and sounds to a substantial distance offshore. Menhaden are considered to be filter-feeding, planktivorous omnivores as juveniles and adults. Menhaden eggs, immature developmental stages, and adults are potential prey for a large and diverse number of predators. North American menhadens, including two hybrids, are hosts for the parasitic isopod, Olencira praegustator, and the parasitic copepod, Lemaeenicus radiatus. Although the data are quite variable, a dome-shaped Ricker function is frequently used to describe the spawner-recruitment relationship for Atlantic and Gulf menhaden. Each of these species is treated as a single stock with respect to exploitation by the purse-seine reduction fishery. Estimates of instantaneous natural (other) mortality rates are O.45 for Atlantic menhaden and 1.1 for Gulf menhaden.


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An analysis of the reset of visual cortical circuits responsible for the binding or segmentation of visual features into coherent visual forms yields a model that explains properties of visual persistence. The reset mechanisms prevent massive smearing or visual percepts in response to rapidly moving images. The model simulates relationships among psychophysical data showing inverse relations of persistence to flash luminance and duration, greaterr persistence of illusory contours than real contours, a U-shaped temporal function for persistence of illusory contours, a reduction of persistence: due to adaptation with a stimulus of like orientation, an increase or persistence due to adaptation with a stimulus of perpendicular orientation, and an increase of persistence with spatial separation of a masking stimulus. The model suggests that a combination of habituative, opponent, and endstopping mechanisms prevent smearing and limit persistence. Earlier work with the model has analyzed data about boundary formation, texture segregation, shape-from-shading, and figure-ground separation. Thus, several types of data support each model mechanism and new predictions are made.


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This paper examines the determinants of unemployment duration in a competing risks framework with two destination states: inactivity and employment. The innovation is the recognition of defective risks. A polynomial hazard function is used to differentiate between two possible sources of infinite durations. The first is produced by a random process of unlucky draws, the second by workers rejecting a destination state. The evidence favors the mover-stayer model over the search model. Refinement of the former approach, using a more flexible baseline hazard function, produces a robust and more convincing explanation for positive and zero transition rates out of unemployment.


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Recent years have witnessed a wave of consolidation amongst US credit unions. Through hazard function estimations, this paper identifies the determinants of acquisition for credit unions during the period 2001-06. The hazard of acquisition is inversely related to both asset size and profitability, and positively related to liquidity. Growth-constrained credit unions are less attractive acquisition targets. Institutions with low capitalization and those with small loans portfolios relative to total assets are susceptible to acquisition. The investigation presents unique empirical evidence of a link between technological capability and the hazard of acquisition. During the period 2001-06, when there was sustained growth in the use of internet technology, credit unions with no website were at the highest risk of acquisition. © Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009.


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This paper uses a unique Portuguese dataset to examine the effect of access to unemployment benefits (UBs) and their maximum potential duration on escape rates from unemployment. In examining the time profile of transitions out of unemployment, the principal contributions of the paper are twofold. First, it provides a detailed state space of potential outcomes: open-ended employment, fixed-term contracts, part-time work, government-provided jobs, self employment, and labour force withdrawal. Second, it is able to exploit major exogenous discontinuities in the maximum duration of unemployment benefits to identify disincentive effects. While confirming strong disincentive effects, it is shown that use of an aggregate hazard function regression model compounds very different and even contradictory effects of the determinants of unemployment.


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This study uses hazard function estimations and time-series and cross-sectional growth regressions to examine the impact of exit through merger and acquisition (M&A) or failure, and internally-generated growth, on the firm-size distribution within the US credit union sector. Consolidation through M&A was the principal cause of a reduction in the number of credit unions, but impact on concentration was small. Divergence between the average internally-generated growth of smaller and larger credit unions was the principal driver of the rise in concentration.


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Tese de doutoramento, Estatística e Investigação Operacional (Probabilidades e Estatística), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Multivariate lifetime data arise in various forms including recurrent event data when individuals are followed to observe the sequence of occurrences of a certain type of event; correlated lifetime when an individual is followed for the occurrence of two or more types of events, or when distinct individuals have dependent event times. In most studies there are covariates such as treatments, group indicators, individual characteristics, or environmental conditions, whose relationship to lifetime is of interest. This leads to a consideration of regression models.The well known Cox proportional hazards model and its variations, using the marginal hazard functions employed for the analysis of multivariate survival data in literature are not sufficient to explain the complete dependence structure of pair of lifetimes on the covariate vector. Motivated by this, in Chapter 2, we introduced a bivariate proportional hazards model using vector hazard function of Johnson and Kotz (1975), in which the covariates under study have different effect on two components of the vector hazard function. The proposed model is useful in real life situations to study the dependence structure of pair of lifetimes on the covariate vector . The well known partial likelihood approach is used for the estimation of parameter vectors. We then introduced a bivariate proportional hazards model for gap times of recurrent events in Chapter 3. The model incorporates both marginal and joint dependence of the distribution of gap times on the covariate vector . In many fields of application, mean residual life function is considered superior concept than the hazard function. Motivated by this, in Chapter 4, we considered a new semi-parametric model, bivariate proportional mean residual life time model, to assess the relationship between mean residual life and covariates for gap time of recurrent events. The counting process approach is used for the inference procedures of the gap time of recurrent events. In many survival studies, the distribution of lifetime may depend on the distribution of censoring time. In Chapter 5, we introduced a proportional hazards model for duration times and developed inference procedures under dependent (informative) censoring. In Chapter 6, we introduced a bivariate proportional hazards model for competing risks data under right censoring. The asymptotic properties of the estimators of the parameters of different models developed in previous chapters, were studied. The proposed models were applied to various real life situations.


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Accelerated failure time models with a shared random component are described, and are used to evaluate the effect of explanatory factors and different transplant centres on survival times following kidney transplantation. Different combinations of the distribution of the random effects and baseline hazard function are considered and the fit of such models to the transplant data is critically assessed. A mixture model that combines short- and long-term components of a hazard function is then developed, which provides a more flexible model for the hazard function. The model can incorporate different explanatory variables and random effects in each component. The model is straightforward to fit using standard statistical software, and is shown to be a good fit to the transplant data. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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A method for combining a proportional-hazards survival time model with a bioassay model where the log-hazard function is modelled as a linear or smoothing spline function of log-concentration combined with a smoothing spline function of time is described. The combined model is fitted to mortality numbers, resulting from survival times that are grouped due to a common set of observation times, using Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). The GAM fits mortalities as conditional binomials using an approximation to the log of the integral of the hazard function and is implemented using freely-available, general software for fitting GAMs. Extensions of the GAM are described to allow random effects to be fitted and to allow for time-varying concentrations by replacing time with a calibrated cumulative exposure variable with calibration parameter estimated using profile likelihood. The models are demonstrated using data from a studies of a marine and a, previously published, freshwater taxa. The marine study involved two replicate bioassays of the effect of zinc exposure on survival of an Antarctic amphipod, Orchomenella pinguides. The other example modelled survival of the daphnid, Daphnia magna, exposed to potassium dichromate and was fitted by both the GAM and the process-based DEBtox model. The GAM fitted with a cubic regression spline in time gave a 61 % improvement in fit to the daphnid data compared to DEBtox due to a non-monotonic hazard function. A simulation study using each of these hazard functions as operating models demonstrated that the GAM is overall more accurate in recovering lethal concentration values across the range of forms of the underlying hazard function compared to DEBtox and standard multiple endpoint probit analyses.


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The present work aims to study the macroeconomic factors influence in credit risk for installment autoloans operations. The study is based on 4.887 credit operations surveyed in the Credit Risk Information System (SCR) hold by the Brazilian Central Bank. Using Survival Analysis applied to interval censured data, we achieved a model to estimate the hazard function and we propose a method for calculating the probability of default in a twelve month period. Our results indicate a strong time dependence for the hazard function by a polynomial approximation in all estimated models. The model with the best Akaike Information Criteria estimate a positive effect of 0,07% for males over de basic hazard function, and 0,011% for the increasing of ten base points on the operation annual interest rate, toward, for each R$ 1.000,00 on the installment, the hazard function suffer a negative effect of 0,28% , and an estimated elevation of 0,0069% for the same amount added to operation contracted value. For de macroeconomics factors, we find statistically significant effects for the unemployment rate (-0,12%) , for the one lag of the unemployment rate (0,12%), for the first difference of the industrial product index(-0,008%), for one lag of inflation rate (-0,13%) and for the exchange rate (-0,23%). We do not find statistic significant results for all other tested variables.


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Esta tese tem como objetivo principal aproximar a evidencia empirica existente sobre os agregados macroeconomicos com as novas evidencias empiricas baseadas nos micro dados de precos ao consumidor, tendo como base os modelos padroes de rigidez de preco utilizados na literatura de politica monetaria. Para isso, esta tese utiliza a base de dados individuais de precos ao consumidor no Brasil fornecida pela Fundacao Getulio Vargas. Especificamente, esta tese foca em tres temas principais: a existencia de variac˜oes temporararias de precos, a heterogeneidade na rigidez de precos entre firmas de um mesmo setor e o formato das func˜oes hazard. Os resultados mostram que: existe de fato uma correlac˜ao entre as variaveis referentes as mudancas temporararias de precos e os agregados macroeconomicos; a heterogeneidade na rigidez de precos entre firmas de um mesmo setor apresenta efeitos significativos sobre a dinamica dos agregados macroeconomicos; e por fim, o formato mais geral da func˜ao hazard proposta nesta tese possibilita novas dinamicas dos agregados macroeconomicos.


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Esta tese é composta por três ensaios, dois deles analisam regras de preços e o outro faz uma análise de política fiscal. Cada ensaio forma um capítulo da tese. No primeiro capítulo, acrescentamos heterogeneidade a um modelo de regras de preços endógenas dependentes do tempo para analisar os efeitos reais de uma política de desinflação em um ambiente de credibilidade imperfeita. Inicialmente avaliamos os custos da desinflação em uma economia onde a credibilidade é exógena. Depois, relaxamos essa hipótese permitindo que os agentes atualizem suas crenças sobre o tipo de policymaker com que se deparam. Como resultado, em ambos os casos, a heterogeneidade amplia os efeitos reais de uma política de desinflação. Em seguida, mostramos que o modelo calibrado replica bem, e melhor do que o modelo com homogeneidade entre os agentes, a dinâmica do produto e da inflação durante a política de desinflação de Volcker. O segundo capítulo introduz uma especificação geral para hazard function com que se deparam os price setters. Diferentes especificações da hazard function podem levar a resultados muito distintos da dinâmica agregada da economia, mesmo quando as durações de preços são as mesmas entre diferentes especificações de hazard functions. Este resultado vale tanto para economias homogêneas quanto heterogêneas. O terceiro capítulo analisa os efeitos dos choques de gastos do governo sobre a dinâmica do consumo privado em um modelo DSGE (Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium) Novo-keynesiano com uma pequena economia aberta. Incorporamos ao modelo consumidores não-ricardianos e mostramos que a presença desse tipo de consumidor além de não evitar a queda do consumo privado, a intensifica depois de um curto espaço de tempo. Analisamos também a sensibilidade da dinâmica do consumo a diferentes graus de abertura da economia, a parâmetros de preferências e de políticas.


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Esta tese é composta de três ensaios a respeito de política monetária. O primeiro ensaio aborda o canal em que as crises financeiras aumentam a ineficiência alocativa nos países emergentes. O segundo ensaio trata do grau de não-neutralidade da moeda no Brasil de acordo com o modelo de Golosov e Lucas (2007). O terceiro ensaio estima a inclinação da hazard function da precifi cação para o Brasil pela metodologia de Finite Mixture Model.