993 resultados para Basic Plasma Physics


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A basic requirement of a plasma etching process is fidelity of the patterned organic materials. In photolithography, a He plasma pretreatment (PPT) based on high ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet (UV/VUV) exposure was shown to be successful for roughness reduction of 193nm photoresist (PR). Typical multilayer masks consist of many other organic masking materials in addition to 193nm PR. These materials vary significantly in UV/VUV sensitivity and show, therefore, a different response to the He PPT. A delamination of the nanometer-thin, ion-induced dense amorphous carbon (DAC) layer was observed. Extensive He PPT exposure produces volatile species through UV/VUV induced scissioning. These species are trapped underneath the DAC layer in a subsequent plasma etch (PE), causing a loss of adhesion. Next to stabilizing organic materials, the major goals of this work included to establish and evaluate a cyclic fluorocarbon (FC) based approach for atomic layer etching (ALE) of SiO2 and Si; to characterize the mechanisms involved; and to evaluate the impact of processing parameters. Periodic, short precursor injections allow precise deposition of thin FC films. These films limit the amount of available chemical etchant during subsequent low energy, plasma-based Ar+ ion bombardment, resulting in strongly time-dependent etch rates. In situ ellipsometry showcased the self-limited etching. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirms FC film deposition and mixing with the substrate. The cyclic ALE approach is also able to precisely etch Si substrates. A reduced time-dependent etching is seen for Si, likely based on a lower physical sputtering energy threshold. A fluorinated, oxidized surface layer is present during ALE of Si and greatly influences the etch behavior. A reaction of the precursor with the fluorinated substrate upon precursor injection was observed and characterized. The cyclic ALE approach is transferred to a manufacturing scale reactor at IBM Research. Ensuring the transferability to industrial device patterning is crucial for the application of ALE. In addition to device patterning, the cyclic ALE process is employed for oxide removal from Si and SiGe surfaces with the goal of minimal substrate damage and surface residues. The ALE process developed for SiO2 and Si etching did not remove native oxide at the level required. Optimizing the process enabled strong O removal from the surface. Subsequent 90% H2/Ar plasma allow for removal of C and F residues.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to report the resistance of plasma-sprayed titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanostructured coatings in a corrosive environment.----- Design/methodology/approach: Weight loss studies are performed according to ASTM G31 specifications in 3.5?wt% NaCl. Electrochemical polarization resistance measurements are made according to ASTM G59-91 specifications. Corrosion resistance in a humid and corrosive environment is determined by exposing the samples in a salt spray chamber for 100?h. Microstructural studies are carried out using an atomic force microscope and scanning electron microscope.----- Findings: The nanostructured TiO2 coatings offer good resistance to corrosion, as shown by the results of immersion, electrochemical and salt spray studies. The corrosion resistance of the coating is dictated primarily by the geometry of splat lamellae, density of unmelted nanoparticles, magnitude of porosity and surface homogeneity.----- Practical implications: The TiO2 nanostructured coatings show promising potential for use as abrasion, wear-resistant and thermal barrier coatings for service in harsh environments.----- Originality/value: The paper relates the corrosion resistance of nanostructured TiO2 coatings to their structure and surface morphology.


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The delay stochastic simulation algorithm (DSSA) by Barrio et al. [Plos Comput. Biol.2, 117–E (2006)] was developed to simulate delayed processes in cell biology in the presence of intrinsic noise, that is, when there are small-to-moderate numbers of certain key molecules present in a chemical reaction system. These delayed processes can faithfully represent complex interactions and mechanisms that imply a number of spatiotemporal processes often not explicitly modeled such as transcription and translation, basic in the modeling of cell signaling pathways. However, for systems with widely varying reaction rate constants or large numbers of molecules, the simulation time steps of both the stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) and the DSSA can become very small causing considerable computational overheads. In order to overcome the limit of small step sizes, various τ-leap strategies have been suggested for improving computational performance of the SSA. In this paper, we present a binomial τ- DSSA method that extends the τ-leap idea to the delay setting and avoids drawing insufficient numbers of reactions, a common shortcoming of existing binomial τ-leap methods that becomes evident when dealing with complex chemical interactions. The resulting inaccuracies are most evident in the delayed case, even when considering reaction products as potential reactants within the same time step in which they are produced. Moreover, we extend the framework to account for multicellular systems with different degrees of intercellular communication. We apply these ideas to two important genetic regulatory models, namely, the hes1 gene, implicated as a molecular clock, and a Her1/Her 7 model for coupled oscillating cells.


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A novel concept of producing high dc voltage for pulsed-power applications is proposed in this paper. The topology consists of an LC resonant circuit supplied through a tuned alternating waveform that is produced by an inverter. The control scheme is based on the detection of variations in the resonant frequency and adjustment of the switching signal patterns for the inverter to produce a square waveform with exactly the same frequencies. Therefore the capacitor voltage oscillates divergently with an increasing amplitude. A simple one-stage capacitor-diode voltage multiplier (CDVM) connected to the resonant capacitor then rectifies the alternating voltage and gives a dc level equal to twice the input voltage amplitude. The produced high voltage appears then in the form of high-voltage pulses across the load. A basic model is simulated by Simulink platform of MATLAB and the results are included in the paper.


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Stem cells (SC) are among the most promising cell sources for tissue engineering due to their ability to self-renew and differentiate, properties that underpin their clinical application in tissue regeneration. As such, control of SC fate is one of the most crucial issues that needs to be fully understood to realise their tremendous potential in regenerative biology. The use of functionalized nanostructured materials (NM) to control the microscale regulation of SC has offered a number of new features and opportunities for regulating SC. However, fabricating and modifying such NM to induce specific SC response still represent a significant scientific and technological challenge. Due to their versatility, plasmas are particularly attractive for the manufacturing and modification of tailored nanostructured surfaces for stem cell control. In this review, we briefly describe the biological role of SC and the mechanisms by which they are controlled and then highlight the benefits of using a range of nanomaterials to control the fate of SC. We then discuss how plasma nanoscience research can help produce/functionalise these NMs for more effective and specific interaction with SCs. The review concludes with a perspective on the advantages and challenges of research at the intersection between plasma physics, materials science, nanoscience, and SC biology.


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The term ‘plasmon’ was first coined in 1956 to describe collective electronic oscillations in solids which were very similar to electronic oscillations/surface waves in a plasma discharge (effectively the same formulae can be used to describe the frequencies of these physical phenomena). Surface waves originating in a plasma were initially considered to be just a tool for basic research, until they were successfully used for the generation of large-area plasmas for nanoscale materials synthesis and processing. To demonstrate the synergies between ‘plasmons’ and ‘plasmas’, these large-area plasmas can be used to make plasmonic nanostructures which functionally enhance a range of emerging devices. The incorporation of plasma-fabricated metal-based nanostructures into plasmonic devices is the missing link needed to bridge not only surface waves from traditional plasma physics and surface plasmons from optics, but also, more topically, macroscopic gaseous and nanoscale metal plasmas. This article first presents a brief review of surface waves and surface plasmons, then describe how these areas of research may be linked through Plasma Nanoscience showing, by closely looking at the essential physics as well as current and future applications, how everything old, is new, once again.


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A three-component fluid model for a dusty plasma-sheath in an oblique magnetic field is presented. The study is carried out for the conditions when the thermophoretic force associated with the electron temperature gradient is one of the most important forces affecting dust grains in the sheath. It is shown that the sheath properties (the sheath size, the electron, ion and dust particle densities and velocities, the electric field potential, and the forces affecting the dust particles) are functions of the neutral gas pressure and ion temperature, the dust size, the dust material density, and the electron temperature gradient. Effects of plasma-dust collisions on the sheath structure are studied. It is shown that an increase in the forces pushing dust particles to the wall is accompanied by a decrease in the sheath width. The results of this work are particularly relevant to low-temperature plasma-enabled technologies, where effective control of nano- and microsized particles near solid or liquid surfaces is required.


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Plasma-assisted synthesis of nanostructures is one of the most precise and effective approaches used in nanodevice fabrication. Here we report on the innovative approach of synthesizing nanostructured cadmium oxide films on Cd substrates using a reactive oxygen plasma-based process. Under certain conditions, the surface morphology features arrays of crystalline CdO nano/micropyramids. These nanostructures grow via unconventional plasma-assisted oxidation of a cadmium foil exposed to inductively coupled plasmas with a narrow range of process parameters. The growth of the CdO pyramidal nanostructures takes place in the solid-liquid-solid phase, with the rates determined by the interaction of plasma-produced oxygen atoms and ions with the surface. It is shown that the size of the pyramidal structures can be effectively controlled by the fluxes of oxygen atoms and ions impinging on the cadmium surface. The unique role of the reactive plasma environment in the controlled synthesis of CdO nanopyramidal structures is discussed as well.


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Precise control of composition and internal structure is essential for a variety of novel technological applications which require highly tailored binary quantum dots (QDs) with predictable optoelectronic and mechanical properties. The delicate balancing act between incoming flux and substrate temperature required for the growth of compositionally graded (Si1-xC x; x varies throughout the internal structure), core-multishell (discrete shells of Si and C or combinations thereof) and selected composition (x set) QDs on low-temperature plasma/ion-flux-exposed Si(100) surfaces is investigated via a hybrid numerical simulation. Incident Si and C ions lead to localized substrate heating and a reduction in surface diffusion activation energy. It is shown that by incorporating ions in the influx, a steady-state composition is reached more quickly (for selected composition QDs) and the composition gradient of a Si1-xCx QD may be fine tuned; additionally (with other deposition conditions remaining the same), larger QDs are obtained on average. It is suggested that ionizing a portion of the influx is another way to control the average size of the QDs, and ultimately, their internal structure. Advantages that can be gained by utilizing plasma/ion-related controls to facilitate the growth of highly tailored, compositionally controlled quantum dots are discussed as well.


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The continuous steady-state current drive in a spherical argon plasma by transverse oscillating magnetic field (OMF) is investigated. The experimental results reveal that a rotating magnetic field is generated, and its amplitude depends linearly on the external steady vertical magnetic field. It has been shown that steady toroidal currents of up to about 400 A can be driven by a 490 kHz OMF with an input power of 1.4 kW. The generation of steady toroidal magnetic fields directed oppositely in the upper and lower hemispheres have been recorded. The measurements of time-varying magnetic fields unveil a strong nonlinear effect of the frequency-doubled field harmonics generation. The electron number density and temperature of up to 6.2×1018 m-3 and 12 eV have been obtained. The observed effects validate the existing theory of the OMF current drive in spherical plasmas.


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The problem concerning the excitation of high-frequency surface waves (SW) propagating across an external magnetic field at a plasma-metal interface is considered. A homogeneous electric pump field is applied in the direction transverse with respect to the plasma-metal interface. Two high-frequency SW from different frequency ranges of existence and propagating in different directions are shown to be excited in this pump field. The instability threshold pump-field values and increments are obtained for different parameters of the considered waveguide structure. The results associated with saturation of the nonlinear instability due to self-interaction effects of the excited SW are given as well. The results are appropriate for both gaseous and semiconductor plasmas.


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The efficiency of the excitation of surface plasma waves in the presence of external, steady crossed magnetic and electric fields is studied analytically and numerically for a geometry in which the waves propagate along the interface between a plasma-like medium and a metal in the direction transverse to both fields. The magnetic and electric fields are assumed to be parallel and transverse to the interface, respectively. The condition for which the drift instability of the surface wave arises is found.


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The properties of Alfven surface waves along a cylindrical plasma column surrounded by vacuum or by another plasma medium are discussed. Both symmetric (m=0) and asymmetric (m=+or-1) modes are found to be dispersive in nature. The interfacial symmetric modes propagate in a certain frequency window ( omega A1, omega As), where omega As is the Alfven surface wave frequency along the interface of two semi-infinite media; when nu A1> nu A2 these modes propagate as backward waves and when nu A1< nu A2 as forward waves. The asymmetric modes change from backward to forward waves at a critical wave number kTr approximately=1.59/a when nu A1< nu A2 or vice versa when nu A1> nu A2.


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The dispersive and stability characteristics of Alfven surface waves (ASW) along the boundary of the moving cylindrical plasma column, surrounded by a stationary medium embedded in a parallel magnetic field is studied. The nature of the symmetric and asymmetric modes on the interface parameters is also discussed.


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The dispersion characteristics of Alfven surface waves along a cylindrical plasma column insulated by a neutral gas are discussed. There is no qualitative change in the characteristic curves below the critical magnetic field, given by vA approximately=s, as compared to the propagation of surface waves along the plasma-plasma interface. For magnetic fields above this critical value, there exists a cut-off wave number kc, which depends upon the azimuthal wave number, the radius of the cylinder, the strength of the magnetic field above the critical value and the gas pressure, such that surface waves do not exist for kplasma column.