930 resultados para Basal respiration
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O Brasil possui cerca de 32 milhões de hectares de áreas com aptidão para a expansão da cultura da palma de óleo e mais de 90% destas estão na Amazônia. Há necessidade de compreender a interação de novos plantios e de seu desenvolvimento com o meio ambiente. Este estudo foi conduzido em plantios comerciais da empresa Dendê do Pará SA (DENPASA) em Castanhal – Pará e avaliou o efeito da variação sazonal da precipitação sobre a fertilidade do solo e desta sobre a biomassa microbiana do solo em uma cronosseqüencia de plantios de palma de óleo com 5, 8 e 12 anos e floresta secundária. Foram mensurados/estimados e correlacionados os atributos do solo carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBMS), carbono total (CTOTAL), nitrogênio (NTOTAL), respiração basal (RBS), quociente metabólico (qCO2), relação carbono da biomassa microbiana/ carbono total (CBMS:CTOTAL), relação carbono/nitrogênio (C/N), umidade gravimétrica (Ug), fósforo (P), potássio (K), cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg), alumínio (Al), capacidade de troca efetiva de cátions (CTC) e saturação por alumínio (m). O CBMS foi o atributo mais sensível para diferenciar as áreas do estudo e os períodos seco e chuvoso. Os atributos químicos de fertilidade do solo e a biomassa microbiana do solo apresentaram correlações significativas mais fortes e em maior número no período chuvoso. Os índices microbianos qCO2 e CBMS:CTOTAL comprovaram que áreas de plantio convencional podem ser relativamente eficientes em relação à dinâmica do C em comparação a área de floresta secundária.
A região amazônica tem sido submetida a contínuo desflorestamento e expansão do uso da terra, para a implantação de atividades como pecuária, exploração madeireira, agricultura, mineração e urbanização. A queima e a decomposição da biomassa da floresta liberam gases que contribuem para o efeito estufa, como o dióxido de carbono (CO2). Nesse contexto, surge o interesse em avaliar a dinâmica do efluxo de CO2 do solo na Amazônia, em especial em sistemas agroflorestais de palma de óleo (Elaeis guineensis), visto o destaque da produção dessa cultura no estado do Pará, que teve uma razoável expansão, transformando o estado do Pará em um dos maiores plantadores e produtores do país. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a dinâmica do efluxo de CO2 do solo em sistemas agroflorestais onde a palma de óleo é a cultura principal, na escala temporal e os fatores bióticos e abióticos que influenciam diretamente neste processo. Foram quantificados os carbono da biomassa microbiana do solo, carbono total do solo, respiração microbiana do solo, raízes finas do solo e zona de influência das espécies; e os fatores abióticos: umidade e temperatura do solo, em dois sistemas agroflorestais de cultivo de palma de óleo, o sistema adubadeiras e o sistema biodiverso. As medições foram feitas nos períodos seco e no chuvoso. Os resultados mostraram que o maior efluxo de CO2 do solo ocorreu no período chuvoso, provavelmente devido à maior atividade microbiana nesse período influenciada por fatores climáticos aliados a fatores bióticos. O sistema biodiverso apresentou maior efluxo de CO2 do solo do que o sistema adubadeiras, provavelmente devido à maior atividade biológica no solo nesse sistema. O efluxo de CO2 do solo não mostrou correlação forte com as variáveis testadas. Pôde-se concluir que o efluxo de CO2 do solo sofreu influencia apenas da sazonalidade climática. O fato da área de plantio ser muito jovem pode ser um fator determinante para que não tenha sido encontrada relação mais forte da respiração do solo com as variáveis analisadas.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Agricultural management systems can alter the physical and biological soil quality, interfering with crop development. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and microbiological attributes of a Red Latosol, and its relationship to the biometric parameters of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), irrigated and grown under two management systems (conventional tillage and direct seeding), in Campinas in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The experimental design was of randomised blocks, with a split-plot arrangement for the management system and soil depth, analysed during the 2006/7 and 2007/8 harvest seasons, with 4 replications. The soil physical and microbiological attributes were evaluated at depths of 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m. The following were determined for the crop: density, number of pods per plant, number of beans per pod, thousand seed weight, total weight of the shoots and harvest index. Direct seeding resulted in a lower soil physical quality at a depth of 0.00-0.05 m compared to conventional tillage, while the opposite occurred at a depth of 0.05-0.10 m. The direct seeding showed higher soil biological quality, mainly indicated by the microbial biomass nitrogen, basal respiration and metabolic quotient. The biometric parameters in the bean were higher under the direct seeding compared to conventional tillage.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Araucaria angustifolia, commonly named Araucaria, is a Brazilian native species that is intensively exploited due to its timber quality. Therefore, Araucaria is on the list of species threatened by extinction. Despite the importance of soil for forest production, little is known about the soil properties of the highly fragmented Araucaria forests. This study was designed to investigate the use of chemical and biological properties as indicators of conservation and anthropogenic disturbance of Araucaria forests in different sampling periods. The research was carried out in two State parks of Sao Paulo: Parque Estadual Turistico do Alto do Ribeira and Parque Estadual de Campos de Jordao. The biochemical properties carbon and nitrogen in microbial biomass (MB-C and MB-N), basal respiration (BR), the metabolic quotient (qCO(2)) and the following enzyme activities: beta-glucosidase, urease, and fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis (FDA) were evaluated. The sampling period (dry or rainy season) influenced the results of mainly MB-C, MB-N, BR, and qCO(2). The chemical and biochemical properties, except K content, were sensitive indicators of differences in the conservation and anthropogenic disturbance stages of Araucaria forests. Although these forests differ in biochemical and chemical properties, they are efficient in energy use and conservation, which is shown by their low qCO(2), suggesting an advanced stage of succession.
Daily intake of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown to reduce body fat accumulation and to increase body metabolism; this latter effect has been often associated with the up-regulation of uncoupling proteins (UCPs). Here we addressed the effects of a CLA-supplemented murine diet (similar to 2 % CLA mixture, cis-9, trans-10 and trans-10, cis-12 isomers; 45 % of each isomer on alternating days) on mitochondrial energetics, UCP2 expression/activity in the liver and other associated morphological and functional parameters, in C57BL/6 mice. Diet supplementation with CLA reduced both lipid accumulation in adipose tissues and triacylglycerol plasma levels, but did not augment hepatic lipid storage. Livers of mice fed a diet supplemented with CLA showed high UCP2 mRNA levels and the isolated hepatic mitochondria showed indications of UCP activity: in the presence of guanosine diphosphate, the higher stimulation of respiration promoted by linoleic acid in mitochondria from the CLA mice was almost completely reduced to the level of the stimulation from the control mice. Despite the increased generation of reactive oxygen species through oxi-reduction reactions involving NAD(+)/NADH in the Krebs cycle, no oxidative stress was observed in the liver. In addition, in the absence of free fatty acids, basal respiration rates and the phosphorylating efficiency of mitochondria were preserved. These results indicate a beneficial and secure dose of CLA for diet supplementation in mice, which induces UCP2 overexpression and UCP activity in mitochondria while preserving the lipid composition and redox state of the liver.
Araucaria angustifolia, commonly named Araucaria, is a Brazilian native species that is intensively exploited due to its timber quality. Therefore, Araucaria is on the list of species threatened by extinction. Despite the importance of soil for forest production, little is known about the soil properties of the highly fragmented Araucaria forests. This study was designed to investigate the use of chemical and biological properties as indicators of conservation and anthropogenic disturbance of Araucaria forests in different sampling periods. The research was carried out in two State parks of São Paulo: Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto do Ribeira and Parque Estadual de Campos de Jordão. The biochemical properties carbon and nitrogen in microbial biomass (MB-C and MB-N), basal respiration (BR), the metabolic quotient (qCO2) and the following enzyme activities: β-glucosidase, urease, and fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis (FDA) were evaluated. The sampling period (dry or rainy season) influenced the results of mainly MB-C, MB-N, BR, and qCO2. The chemical and biochemical properties, except K content, were sensitive indicators of differences in the conservation and anthropogenic disturbance stages of Araucaria forests. Although these forests differ in biochemical and chemical properties, they are efficient in energy use and conservation, which is shown by their low qCO2, suggesting an advanced stage of succession.
During sepsis, liver dysfunction is common, and failure of mitochondria to effectively couple oxygen consumption with energy production has been described. In addition to sepsis, pharmacological agents used to treat septic patients may contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction. This study addressed the hypothesis that remifentanil interacts with hepatic mitochondrial oxygen consumption. The human hepatoma cell line HepG2 and their isolated mitochondria were exposed to remifentanil, with or without further exposure to tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). Mitochondrial oxygen consumption was measured by high-resolution respirometry, Caspase-3 protein levels by Western blotting, and cytokine levels by ELISA. Inhibitory κBα (IκBα) phosphorylation, measurement of the cellular ATP content and mitochondrial membrane potential in intact cells were analysed using commercial ELISA kits. Maximal cellular respiration increased after one hour of incubation with remifentanil, and phosphorylation of IκBα occurred, denoting stimulation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB). The effect on cellular respiration was not present at 2, 4, 8 or 16 hours of incubation. Remifentanil increased the isolated mitochondrial respiratory control ratio of complex-I-dependent respiration without interfering with maximal respiration. Preincubation with the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone prevented a remifentanil-induced increase in cellular respiration. Remifentanil at 10× higher concentrations than therapeutic reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP content without uncoupling oxygen consumption and basal respiration levels. TNF-α exposure reduced respiration of complex-I, -II and -IV, an effect which was prevented by prior remifentanil incubation. Furthermore, prior remifentanil incubation prevented TNF-α-induced IL-6 release of HepG2 cells, and attenuated fragmentation of pro-caspase-3 into cleaved active caspase 3 (an early marker of apoptosis). Our data suggest that remifentanil increases cellular respiration of human hepatocytes and prevents TNF-α-induced mitochondrial dysfunction. The results were not explained by uncoupling of mitochondrial respiration.
The study was carried out on the main plots (Main Experiment) of a large grassland biodiversity experiment, the Jena Experiment. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. This data set consists of standard deviation (SD), mean and stability (stab) of soil microbial basal respiration (µl O2/h/g dry soil) and microbial biomass carbon (µg C/g dry soil). Data were derived by taking soil samples and measuring basal and substrate-induced microbial respiration with an oxygen-consumption apparatus. Samples for calculating the spatial stability of soil microbial properties were taken on the 20th of September in 2010. Oxygen consumption of soil microorganisms in fresh soil equivalent to 3.5 g dry weight was measured at 22°C over a period of 24 h. Basal respiration (µlO2/g dry soil/h) was calculated as mean of the oxygen consumption rates of hours 14 to 24 after the start of measurements. Substrate- induced respiration was determined by adding D-glucose to saturate catabolic enzymes of microorganisms according to preliminary studies (4 mg g-1 dry soil solved in 400 µl deionized water). Maximum initial respiratory response (µl O2/g dry soil/ h) was calculated as mean of the lowest three oxygen consumption values within the first 10 h after glucose addition. Microbial biomass carbon (µg C/g dry soil) was calculated as 38 × Maximum initial respiratory response according to prelimiray studies.
Analysis of temporal microbial properties from experimental plots of the Jena experiment (2003-2014)
The study was carried out on the main plots (Main Experiment) of a large grassland biodiversity experiment, the Jena Experiment. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. This data set consists of standard deviation (SD), mean and stability (stab) of soil microbial basal respiration (µl O2/h/g dry soil) and microbial biomass carbon (µg C/g dry soil). Data were derived by taking soil samples and measuring basal and substrate-induced microbial respiration with an oxygen-consumption apparatus. Samples for calculating the temporal stability were taken every year in May/June from 2003 to 2014, except in 2005. Oxygen consumption of soil microorganisms in fresh soil equivalent to 3.5 g dry weight was measured at 22°C over a period of 24 h. Basal respiration (µlO2/g dry soil/h) was calculated as mean of the oxygen consumption rates of hours 14 to 24 after the start of measurements. Substrate- induced respiration was determined by adding D-glucose to saturate catabolic enzymes of microorganisms according to preliminary studies (4 mg g-1 dry soil solved in 400 µl deionized water). Maximum initial respiratory response (µl O2/g dry soil/h) was calculated as mean of the lowest three oxygen consumption values within the first 10 h after glucose addition. Microbial biomass carbon (µg C/g dry soil) was calculated as 38 × Maximum initial respiratory response according to prelimiray studies.
This paper reports the effects produced on the organisms of the soil (plants, invertebrates and microorganisms), after the application of two types of poultry manure (sawdust and straw bed) on an agricultural land. The test was made using a terrestrial microcosm, Multi-Species Soil System (MS3) developed in INIA. There was no difference in the germination for any of the three species of plants considered in the study. The biomass was increased in the wheat (Triticum aestivum) coming from ground treated with both kinds of poultry manure. Oilseed rape (Brasica rapa) was not affected and regarding vetch (Vicia sativa) only straw poultry manure showed significant difference. For length only Vicia sativa was affected showing a reduction when straw was exposed to poultry manure. When the effect on invertebrates was studied, we observed a reduction in the number of worms during the test, especially from the ground control (13.7%), higher than in the ground with sawdust poultry manure (6.7%), whereas in the ground with straw poultry manure, there was no reduction. The biomass was affected and at the end of the test it was observed that while the reduction of worms in the ground control was about 48%, the number of those that were in the ground with sawdust poultry manure or straw poultry manure decreased by 41% and 22% respectively. Finally, the effects on microorganisms showed that the enzymatic activities: dehydrogenase (DH) and phosphatase and basal respiration rate increased at the beginning of the test, and the differences were statistically significant compared with the values of the control group. During the test, all these parameters decreased (except DH activities) but they were always higher than in the ground control. This is why it is possible to deduce that the contribution of poultry manure caused an improvement in the conditions of fertilization and also for the soil.
A semi-arid mangrove estuary system in the northeast Brazilian coast (Ceará state) was selected for this study to (i) evaluate the impact of shrimp farm nutrient-rich wastewater effluents on the soil geochemistry and organic carbon (OC) storage and (ii) estimate the total amount of OC stored in mangrove soils (0–40 cm). Wastewater-affected mangrove forests were referred to as WAM and undisturbed areas as Non-WAM. Redox conditions and OC content were statistically correlated (P < 0.05) with seasonality and type of land use (WAM vs. Non-WAM). Eh values were from anoxic to oxic conditions in the wet season (from − 5 to 68 mV in WAM and from < 40 to > 400 mV in Non-WAM soils) and significantly higher (from 66 to 411 mV) in the dry season (P < 0.01). OC contents (0–40 cm soil depth) were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the wet season than the dry season, and higher in Non-WAM soils than in WAM soils (values of 8.1 and 6.7 kg m− 2 in the wet and dry seasons, respectively, for Non-WAM, and values of 3.8 and 2.9 kg m− 2 in the wet and dry seasons, respectively, for WAM soils; P < 0.01). Iron partitioning was significantly dependent (P < 0.05) on type of land use, with a smaller degree of pyritization and lower Fe-pyrite presence in WAM soils compared to Non-WAM soils. Basal respiration of soil sediments was significantly influenced (P < 0.01) by type of land use with highest CO2 flux rates measured in the WAM soils (mean values of 0.20 mg CO2 h− 1–g− 1 C vs. 0.04 mg CO2 h− 1–g− 1 C). The OC storage reduction in WAM soils was potentially caused (i) by an increase in microbial activity induced by loading of nutrient-rich effluents and (ii) by an increase of strong electron acceptors [e.g., NO3−] that promote a decrease in pyrite concentration and hence a reduction in soil OC burial. The current estimated OC stored in mangrove soils (0–40 cm) in the state of Ceará is approximately 1 million t.