997 resultados para Basal Metabolism


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Basal body temperature (BBT) and thermoeffector thresholds increase following ovulation in many women. This study investigated if solely central thermoregulatory alterations are responsible. Seven females in a non-contraceptive group (NCG) were compared with 5 monophasic contraceptive users (HCG) on separate accounts: pre-ovulation (Trial I; d 2-5) and post-ovulation (Trial 2; 4-8 d post-positive ovulation) for NCG, and active phase for HCG (d 2-5, d 18-21). During immersion in 28°C water to the axilla, participants exercised for 20-30 min on an underwater ergometer. After steadily sweating, immersion continued until metabolism increased two-fold due to shivering. Rectal (Tre) BBT was not different between trials for neither NCG (1: 37.34±0.16°C; 2: 37.35±0.27°C) nor HCG. At exercise termination, Tre forehead sweating cessation increased (P<0.05) in trial 2 irrespective of group (1: 37.55±0.39°C; 2: 37.90±0,46°C). Tre shivering onset did not increase (P>0.05) in trial 2 (1: 36.91±0.50°C; 2: 37.07±0,45°C). The widths of the interthreshold zone increased (P<0.05) in trial 2 (1: 0.64±0.22°C; 2: 0.82±0.37°C) due to the increased sweating threshold only. HCG cooled quicker (1: -l.15±0,43°C; 2: -1.00±0.50°C) than NCG participants (1: - 0.58±0.22°C; 2: -0.52±O.29°C), and tympanic (Tty) sweat thresholds were significantly (P<0.05) decreased (1: 34.76±0.54°C; 2: 35.39±0.61°C) versus NCG (l: 35.57±0.77°C; 2: 35.89±1.04°C). Lastly, Tre and Tty thresholds were significantly different (P


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Objective: Proper interactions between the intestinal mucosa, gut microbiota and nutrient flow are required to establish homoeostasis of the host. Since the proximal part of the small intestine is the first region where these interactions occur, and since most of the nutrient absorption occurs in the jejunum, it is important to understand the dynamics of metabolic responses of the mucosa in this intestinal region.Design: Germ-free mice aged 8-10 weeks were conventionalised with faecal microbiota, and responses of the jejunal mucosa to bacterial colonisation were followed over a 30-day time course. Combined transcriptome, histology, (1)H NMR metabonomics and microbiota phylogenetic profiling analyses were used.Results: The jejunal mucosa showed a two-phase response to the colonising microbiota. The acute-phase response, which had already started 1 day after conventionalisation, involved repression of the cell cycle and parts of the basal metabolism. The secondary-phase response, which was consolidated during conventionalisation (days 4-30), was characterised by a metabolic shift from an oxidative energy supply to anabolic metabolism, as inferred from the tissue transcriptome and metabonome changes. Detailed transcriptome analysis identified tissue transcriptional signatures for the dynamic control of the metabolic reorientation in the jejunum. The molecular components identified in the response signatures have known roles in human metabolic disorders, including insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.Conclusion: This study elucidates the dynamic jejunal response to the microbiota and supports a prominent role for the jejunum in metabolic control, including glucose and energy homoeostasis. The molecular signatures of this process may help to find risk markers in the declining insulin sensitivity seen in human type 2 diabetes mellitus, for instance.


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We examined the effect of temperature on resting metabolic rate in seven field-captured laughing kookaburras (Dacelo novaeguineae) during late winter and early spring. Basal metabolic rate averaged 201±3.4 ml O2 h–1 (0.603 ml O2 g–1 h–1). Overall thermal conductance (Ko) declined with ambient temperature (Ta) and averaged 0.026 ml O2 g–1 h–1 °C–1 at Tas<10 °C. Day-night differences in body temperatures (2.6 °C) and in alpha-phase versus rho-phase minimum metabolic rates were much greater (33%) than predicted for 340-g nonpasserine birds and suggest that these animals operate as low-metabolic intensity animals in their rest phase, but normal-metabolic intensity animals during their active phase. Metabolic rate was measured in four of the same birds undergoing moult. Thermal conductance increased to 60% above pre-moult values about 6 weeks after moult began. Basal metabolic rate of moulting birds showing peak thermal conductance readings averaged 17 ml O2 h–1 higher than pre-moult measurements. Although this increase was not statistically significant, we believe the moult costs of kookaburras are too low to overcome the inherent variability of BMR determination. We suggest that moult costs of kookaburras are only somewhat higher than the measured costs of protein synthesis of other endotherms.


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We investigated the muscle structure-function relationships that underlie the aerobic capacity of an insectivorous, small (~15?g) marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Family: Dasyuridae), to obtain further insight into energy use patterns in marsupials relative to those in placentals, their sister clade within the Theria (advanced mammals). Disparate hopping marsupials (Suborder Macropodiformes), a kangaroo (Macropus rufus) and a rat-kangaroo (Bettongia penicillata), show aerobic capabilities as high as those of 'athletic' placentals. Equivalent muscle mitochondrial volumes and cardiovascular features support these capabilities. We examined S. crassicaudata to determine whether highly developed aerobic capabilities occur elsewhere in marsupials, rather than being restricted to the more recently evolved Macropodiformes. This was the case. Treadmill-trained S. crassicaudata attained a maximal aerobic metabolic rate (VO2,max or MMR) of 272ml O2min-1kg -1 (N=8), similar to that reported for a small (?20g), 'athletic' placental, Apodemus sylvaticus, 264ml O2min -1kg-1. Hopping marsupials have comparable aerobic levels when body mass variation is considered. Sminthopsis crassicaudata has a basal metabolic rate (BMR) about 75% of placental values but it has a notably large factorial aerobic scope (fAS) of 13, elevated fAS also features in hopping marsupials. The VO2,max of S. crassicaudata was supported by an elevated total muscle mitochondrial volume, which was largely achieved through high muscle mitochondrial volume densities, Vv(mt,f), the mean value being 14.0±1.33%. These data were considered in relation to energy use levels in mammals, particularly field metabolic rate (FMR). BMR is consistently lower in marsupials, but this is balanced by a high fAS, such that marsupial MMR matches that of placentals. However, FMR shows different mass relationships in the two clades, with the FMR of small (<, 125 g) marsupials, such as S. crassicaudata, being higher than that in comparably sized placentals, with the reverse applying for larger marsupials. The flexibility of energy output in marsupials provides explanations for this pattern. Overall, our data refute widely held notions of mechanistically closely linked relationships between body mass, BMR, FMR and MMR in mammals generally.


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De acordo com um recente relatório da Organização Mundial de Saúde, a obesidade atingiu proporções epidêmicas em todo o mundo. Hoje a obesidade é muito comum e está começando a substituir a desnutrição e as doenças infecciosas. A obesidade está relacionada com doenças crônico-degenerativas e com sérias conseqüências psicológicas para o indivíduo. A obesidade é uma doença complexa e heterogênea, influenciada por diversos genes, no entanto, a combinação dos genes envolvidos no desenvolvimento de formas de obesidade ainda não foi definitivamente determinada (REILLY et al, 2002). A obesidade, ou o aumento da adiposidade, é geralmente atribuída a um desequilíbrio entre a energia ingerida (padrão alimentar) e a energia gasta (atividade física e metabolismo basal). Assim, o manejo da obesidade consiste em tornar esse balanço energético negativo, sendo o exercício considerado um dos aspectos principais, associado com mudanças alimentares e de estilo de vida saudáveis (ESCRIVÃO & LOPEZ, 1998). Dietas são, na maioria das vezes, transitórias. Então, a mudança de hábito alimentar e de atividade física são os aspectos principais, especialmente na criança, uma vez que a manutenção de peso irá proporcionar uma melhora dramática da composição corporal, já que o crescimento linear ainda existe. Mas, qualquer mudança de hábito necessita da colaboração da família (HILL et al, 1993). Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal comparar um programa de educação em obesidade infantil com o atendimento ambulatorial para manejo de obesidade infantil quanto a mudanças de hábitos alimentares e de atividade física e aquisição de conhecimentos em dieta saudável. Foi desenvolvido inicialmente um programa de educação em obesidade infantil e posteriormente comparado com o atendimento ambulatorial habitual. O presente estudo constou de um ensaio clínico randomizado entre crianças e adolescentes com idade entre 7 e 13 anos incompletos que tivessem IMC compatível para obesidade, de acordo com a idade e sexo, segundo classificação de COLE et al (2002). Os sujeitos foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos. Cada grupo foi acompanhado por oito meses, sendo que o primeiro e o oitavo encontro serviram para responder questionários que avaliavam aspectos gerais, hábitos alimentares e de atividade física, conhecimentos gerais sobre dieta saudável e avaliação corporal. O grupo ambulatorial teve atendimento mensal com aferição de peso e orientações gerais quanto alimentação e atividade física. O grupo programa tinha encontro mensal, em grupo, seus participantes assistiam a uma aula expositiva e, posteriormente, eram divididos em grupos para atividades monitoradas, e os pais e/ou responsáveis ficavam discutindo suas dificuldades e como mudar hábitos. As 38 crianças inicialmente apresentavam algumas diferenças quanto a atividade física, mas após a intervenção elas se assemelharam, apresentando ambas tendência a desfechos favoráveis. O grupo programa passou a fazer mais atividade física e caminhar, e reduziu sedentarismo. O grupo programa foi mais efetivo em reduzir colesterol total. Houve também uma melhora do hábito alimentar do grupo programa, com menor consumo de massa + arroz, bebida láctea + leite, leite, salsicha + frios e sanduíche + bauru. Assim, conclui-se que as intervenções foram semelhantes e de sucesso, podendo-se aplicar mais o programa, que pode envolver menos profissionais, mais sujeitos e ser realizado em qualquer local, especialmente nas escolas, que são, na realidade, o local de mudança.


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We present the first complete study of basic laboratory-measured physiological variables (metabolism, thermoregulation, evaporative water loss, and ventilation) for a South American marsupial, the gracile mouse opossum (Gracilinanus agilis). Body temperature (Tb) was thermolabile below thermoneutrality (Tb = 33.5°C), but a substantial gradient between Tb and ambient temperature (Ta) was sustained even at Ta = 12°C (Tb = 30.6°C). Basal metabolic rate of 1.00 mL O2 g-1 h-1 at Ta = 30°C conformed to the general allometric relationship for marsupials, as did wet thermal conductance (5.7 mL O2 g-1 h-1 °C-1). Respiratory rate, tidal volume, and minute volume at thermoneutrality matched metabolic demand such that O2 extraction was 12.4%, and ventilation increased in proportion to metabolic rate at low T a. Ventilatory accommodation of increased metabolic rate at low Ta was by an increase in respiratory rate rather than by tidal volume or O2 extraction. Evaporative water loss at the lower limit of thermoneutrality conformed to that of other marsupials. Relative water economy was negative at thermoneutrality but positive below Ta = 12°C. Interestingly, the Neotropical gracile mouse opossums have a more positive water economy at low Ta than an Australian arid-zone marsupial, perhaps reflecting seasonal variation in water availability for the mouse opossum. Torpor occurred at low Ta, with spontaneous arousal when . T b > 20°C. Torpor resulted in absolute energy and water savings but lower relative water economy. We found no evidence that gracile mouse opossums differ physiologically from other marsupials, despite their Neotropical distribution, sympatry with placental mammals, and long period of separation from Australian marsupials. © 2009 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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The cost of maintenance makes up a large part of total energy costs in ruminants. Metabolizable energy (ME) requirement for maintenance (MEm) is the daily ME intake that exactly balances heat energy (HE). The net energy requirement for maintenance (NEm) is estimated subtracting MEm from the HE produced by the processing of the diet. Men cannot be directly measured experimentally and is estimated by measuring basal metabolism in fasted animals or by regression measuring the recovered energy in fed animals. MEm and NEm usually, but not always, are expressed in terms of BW0.75. However, this scaling factor is substantially empirical and its exponent is often inadequate, especially for growing animals. MEm estimated by different feeding systems (AFRC, CNCPS, CSIRO, INRA, NRC) were compared by using dairy cattle data. The comparison showed that these systems differ in the approaches used to estimate MEm and for its quantification. The CSIRO system estimated the highest MEm, mostly because it includes a correction factor to increase ME as the feeding level increases. Relative to CSIRO estimates, those of NRC, INRA, CNCPS, and AFRC were on average 0.92, 0.86, 0.84, and 0.78, respectively. MEm is affected by the previous nutritional history of the animals. This phenomenon is best predicted by dynamic models, of which several have been published in the last decades. They are based either on energy flows or on nutrient flows. Some of the different approaches used were described and discussed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oxidative stress is related with physiopathology of diabetes mellitus type II and with its secondary complications, such as diabetic nephropathy. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of n-acetylcysteine NAC, an antioxidant from Allium cepa, on oxidative stress, morphometrical and nutritional parameters and basal metabolism and energetic substrate utilization, serum glucose and oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and renal function of high-sucrose intake rats. Animals were initially divided into three groups. Rats in the control group (C; n=10) were given free access to a standard chow and water; (S; n=10) group received standard chow and 30% sucrose in its drinking water; (SN; n=5) group received standard chow and 2g/L NAC and 30% sucrose in its drinking water. After 25 days of treatments, rats were submitted to indirect calorimetry in fasted and feed states. After 30 days of treatments, rats from C and S groups were divided into four groups of five rats each. The (CC) and (SS) groups were given an intra-gastric dose 0,6mL saline (0,9%NaCl) and the (CNAC) and (SNAC) groups were treated with a intra-gastric dose of 0,6mL NAC (160g/day), and then everybody received a intra-gastric dose of glucose solution (20%) for the OGTT. Animals of S and SN groups have higher liquid consumption and lower food consumption than C group. Calorimetric analyses confirm that despite of the final body weight had not statistical difference among groups, S group have lower resting metabolic rate when compared to C and SN animals. Besides, S group has higher respiratory quotient, higher carbohydrate oxidation and lower lipid oxidation, both in fasted and feed states, than C and SN groups, evidencing the beneficial effect of NAC. Fasting plasma glucose is increased in SS and SNAC animals when compared to CC and CNAC, however SN group has glicemic level at 30 min before OGTT decreased when ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The feeding diets were evaluated containing low and high levels of soybean oil for horses athletes subjected to two protocols of aerobic training on the response of basal blood biochemical parameters. Four horses were used in latin square design with treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Treatments consisted levels of 5 and 15% oil concentrates and two aerobic training, 40' and 60' minutes. Plasmatic parameters were monitored, triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), glucose (GLU) and lactate (LAC), during basal metabolism. The TG, TC, GLU and LAC from horses at rest were not affected (P> 0.05) neither of diet and physical activity, 0.21, 3.79, 4.18, 0.93 mmol L-1, respectively. It can be concluded that offer concentrate with high content of soybean oil to athletic horses in aerobic activities can be performed without altering the blood biochemical profile of basal metabolism.


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In the dual ex vivo perfusion of an isolated human placental cotyledon it takes on average 20-30 min to set up stable perfusion circuits for the maternal and fetal vascular compartments. In vivo placental tissue of all species maintains a highly active metabolism and it continues to puzzle investigators how this tissue can survive 30 min of ischemia with more or less complete anoxia following expulsion of the organ from the uterus and do so without severe damage. There seem to be parallels between "depressed metabolism" seen in the fetus and the immature neonate in the peripartum period and survival strategies described in mammals with increased tolerance of severe hypoxia like hibernators in the state of torpor or deep sea diving turtles. Increased tolerance of hypoxia in both is explained by "partial metabolic arrest" in the sense of a temporary suspension of Kleiber's rule. Furthermore the fetus can react to major changes in surrounding oxygen tension by decreasing or increasing the rate of specific basal metabolism, providing protection against severe hypoxia as well as oxidative stress. There is some evidence that adaptive mechanisms allowing increased tolerance of severe hypoxia in the fetus or immature neonate can also be found in placental tissue, of which at least the villous portion is of fetal origin. A better understanding of the molecular details of reprogramming of fetal and placental tissues in late pregnancy may be of clinical relevance for an improved risk assessment of the individual fetus during the critical transition from intrauterine life to the outside and for the development of potential prophylactic measures against severe ante- or intrapartum hypoxia. Responses of the tissue to reperfusion deserve intensive study, since they may provide a rational basis for preventive measures against reperfusion injury and related oxidative stress. Modification of the handling of placental tissue during postpartum ischemia, and adaptation of the artificial reperfusion, may lead to an improvement of the ex vivo perfusion technique.


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Introducción. La obesidad puede definirse como una enfermedad metabólica crónica de origen multifactorial, lo que provoca trastornos o problemas físicos y psicológicos a la persona, con patologías asociadas que limitan la esperanza de vida y deterioran la calidad de la misma, siendo determinante para sus áreas sociales y laborales. Este trastorno metabólico crónico se caracteriza por una acumulación excesiva de energía en el cuerpo en forma de grasa, lo que lleva a un aumento de peso con respecto al valor esperado por sexo, edad y altura. La gestión y el tratamiento de la obesidad tienen objetivos más amplios que la pérdida de peso e incluyen la reducción del riesgo y la mejora de la salud. Estos pueden ser alcanzados por la pérdida modesta de peso (es decir, 10.5% del peso corporal inicial), la mejora del contenido nutricional de la dieta y un modesto incremento en la actividad física y condición física. La dieta es uno de los métodos más populares para perder peso corporal. El ejercicio es otra alternativa para perder peso corporal. El aumento de ejercicio provoca un desequilibrio cuando se mantiene la ingesta calórica. También tiene ventajas, como la mejora del tono muscular, la capacidad cardiovascular, fuerza y flexibilidad, aumenta el metabolismo basal y mejora el sistema inmunológico. Objetivos. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir en un estudio de intervención para aclarar la evolución del peso corporal durante una intervención de dieta y ejercicio. Para ello, se evaluaron los efectos de la edad, sexo, índice de masa corporal inicial y el tipo de tratamiento en las tendencias de pérdida de peso. Otro objetivo de la tesis era crear un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple capaz de predecir la pérdida de peso corporal después del periodo de intervención. Y, por último, determinar el efecto sobre la composición corporal (peso corporal, índice de masa corporal, la masa grasa, y la masa libre de grasa) de las diferentes intervenciones basadas en ejercicios (fuerza, resistencia, resistencia combinada con fuerza, y las recomendaciones de actividad física (grupo control)) en combinación con dieta de adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad, después de la intervención, así como los cambios de la composición corporal 3 años más tarde. Diseño de la investigación. Los datos empleados en el análisis de esta tesis son parte del proyecto “Programas de Nutrición y Actividad Física para el tratamiento de la obesidad” (PRONAF). El proyecto PRONAF es un estudio clínico sobre programas de nutrición y actividad física para el sobrepeso y la obesidad, desarrollado en España durante varios años de intervención. Fue diseñado, en parte, para comparar diferentes tipos de intervención, con el objetivo de evaluar su impacto en las dinámicas de pérdida de peso, en personas con sobrepeso y obesidad. Como diseño experimental, el estudio se basó en una restricción calórica, a la que, en algunos casos, se le añadió un protocolo de entrenamiento (fuerza, resistencia, o combinado, en igualdad de volumen e intensidad). Las principales variables para la investigación que comprende esta tesis fueron: el peso corporal y la composición corporal (masa grasa y masa libre de grasa). Conclusiones. En esta tesis, para los programas de pérdida de peso en personas con sobrepeso y obesidad con un 25-30% de la restricción calórica, el peso corporal se redujo significativamente en ambos sexos, sin tener en cuenta la edad y el tipo de tratamiento seguido. Según los resultados del estudio, la pérdida de peso realizada por un individuo (hombre o mujer) durante los seis meses puede ser representada por cualquiera de las cinco funciones (lineal, potencial, exponencial, logarítmica y cuadrática) en ambos sexos, siendo la cuadrática la que tiende a representarlo mejor. Además, se puede concluir que la pérdida de peso corporal se ve afectada por el índice de masa corporal inicial y el sexo, siendo mayor para las personas obesas que para las de sobrepeso, que muestran diferencias entre sexos sólo en la condición de sobrepeso. Además, es posible calcular el peso corporal final de cualquier participante involucrado en una intervención utilizando la metodología del proyecto PRONAF sólo conociendo sus variables iniciales de composición corporal. Además, los cuatro tipos de tratamientos tuvieron resultados similares en cambios en la composición corporal al final del período de intervención, con la única excepción de la masa libre de grasa, siendo los grupos de entrenamiento los que la mantuvieron durante la restricción calórica. Por otro lado, sólo el grupo combinado logra mantener la reducción de la masa grasa (%) 3 años después del final de la intervención. ABSTRACT Introduction. Obesity can be defined as a chronic metabolic disease from a multifactorial origin, which leads to physical and psychological impacts to the person, with associated pathologies that limit the life expectancy and deteriorate the quality of it, being determinant for the social and labor areas of the person. This chronic metabolic disorder is characterized by an excessive accumulation of energy in the body as fat, leading to increased weight relative to the value expected by sex, age and height. The management and treatment of obesity have wider objectives than weight loss alone and include risk reduction and health improvement. These may be achieved by modest weight loss (i.e. 5–10% of initial body weight), improved nutritional content of the diet and modest increases in physical activity and fitness. Weight loss through diet is one of the most popular approaches to lose body weight. Exercise is another alternative to lose body weight. The increase of exercise causes an imbalance when the caloric intake is maintained. It also has advantages such as improved muscle tone, cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility, increases the basal metabolism and improves immune system. Objectives. The aim of this thesis is to contribute with an interventional study to clarify the evolution of the body weight during a diet and exercise intervention. For this, the effects of age, sex, initial body mass index and type of treatment on weight loss tendencies were evaluated. Another objective of the thesis was to create a multiple linear regression model able to predict the body weight loss after the intervention period. And, finally, to determine the effect upon body composition (body weight, body mass index, fat mass, and fat-free mass of different exercise-based interventions (strength, endurance, combined endurance and strength, and physical activity recommendations group (control group)) combined with diet in overweight and obese adults, after intervention as well as body composition changes 3 years later. Research Design. The data used in the analysis of this thesis are part of the project "Programs of Nutrition and Physical Activity for the treatment of obesity" (PRONAF). The PRONAF project is a clinical trial program about nutrition and physical activity for overweight and obesity, developed in Spain for several years of intervention. It was designed, in part, to compare different types of intervention, in order to assess their impact on the dynamics of weight loss in overweight and obese people. As experimental design, the study was based on caloric restriction, which, in some cases, added a training protocol (strength, endurance, or combined in equal volume and intensity). The main research variables comprising this thesis were: body weight and body composition outcomes (fat mass and fat-free mass). Conclusions. In this thesis, for weight loss programs in overweight and obese people with 25-30% of caloric restriction, the body weight was significantly decreased in both sexes, regardless the age and type of followed treatment. According to the results of the study, the weight loss performed by an individual (male or female) during six months can be represented by any of the five functions (linear, power law, exponential, logarithmic and quadratic) in both sexes, being the quadratic one which tends to represent it better. In addition, it can be concluded that the body weight loss is affected by the initial body mass index and sex condition, being greater for the obese people than for the overweight one, showing differences between sexes only in the overweight condition. Moreover, it is possible to calculate the final body weight of any participant engaged in an intervention using the PRONAF Project methodology only knowing their initial body composition variables. Furthermore, the four types of treatments had similar results on body composition changes at the end of the intervention period, with the only exception of fat-free mass, being the training groups the ones that maintained it during the caloric restriction. On the other hand, only the combined group achieved to maintain the fat mass (%) reduced 3 years after the end of the intervention.


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Preliminary research has suggested that wearable cameras may reduce under-reporting of energy intake (EI) in self-reported dietary assessment. The aim of the present study was to test the validity of a wearable camera-assisted 24 h dietary recall against the doubly labelled water (DLW) technique. Total energy expenditure (TEE) was assessed over 15 d using the DLW protocol among forty adults (n 20 males, age 35 (sd 17) years, BMI 27 (sd 4) kg/m2 and n 20 females, age 28 (sd 7) years, BMI 22 (sd 2) kg/m2). EI was assessed using three multiple-pass 24 h dietary recalls (MP24) on days 2-4, 8-10 and 13-15. On the days before each nutrition assessment, participants wore an automated wearable camera (SenseCam (SC)) in free-living conditions. The wearable camera images were viewed by the participants following the completion of the dietary recall, and their changes in self-reported intakes were recorded (MP24+SC). TEE and EI assessed by the MP24 and MP24+SC methods were compared. Among men, the MP24 and MP24+SC measures underestimated TEE by 17 and 9%, respectively (P< 0.001 and P= 0.02). Among women, these measures underestimated TEE by 13 and 7%, respectively (P< 0.001 and P= 0.004). The assistance of the wearable camera (MP24+SC) reduced the magnitude of under-reporting by 8% for men and 6% for women compared with the MP24 alone (P< 0.001 and P< 0.001). The increase in EI was predominantly from the addition of 265 unreported foods (often snacks) as revealed by the participants during the image review. Wearable cameras enhance the accuracy of self-report by providing passive and objective information regarding dietary intake. High-definition image sensors and increased imaging frequency may improve the accuracy further.


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OBJECTIVE: Low levels of daily energy expenditure (insufficient physical activity and increased sedentary time) have been associated with adverse health outcomes in young people. The Multimedia Activity Recall for Children and Adolescents (MARCA) is a computerized, self-report, use-of-time tool that can assess daily energy expenditure. The study aim was to validate the MARCA for the estimation of energy expenditure in young people, using the criterion standard doubly labeled water. MATERIALS/METHODS: Over a 15 day assessment period, 32 participants (10-18 years) completed the MARCA and underwent a doubly labeled water protocol. Indirect calorimetry was used to assess resting metabolic rate. Total daily energy expenditure (TEE) and activity-related energy expenditure (AEE) were estimated from both the MARCA and doubly labeled water. Association and agreement between methods for TEE and AEE were assessed using Spearman correlations and Bland-Altman plots, respectively. RESULTS: Compared to doubly labeled water, the MARCA over-estimated TEE by an average of 50 kcal/day (limits of agreement -1 589 to 1 490 kcal/day) and under-estimated AEE 105 kcal/day (limits of agreement -1 404 to 1 614 kcal/day). The MARCA showed strong correlation with doubly labeled water for TEE (rho=0.70, p<0.0001) and moderate correlation for AEE (rho=0.56, p=0.0009). CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the MARCA indicated moderate validity for the assessment of daily TEE and AEE. The wide limits of agreement indicate the MARCA has greater utility for group-level rather than individual-level estimates.