980 resultados para Barton, Clara, 1821-1912.


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Estudio del periodo histórico que abarca desde la primera revolución rusa hasta los prolegómenos de la I Guerra Mundial y en el que se analiza el funcionamiento y organización de la Segunda Internacional, a través de la correspondencia de Lenin con el Secretariado del Buró Socialista Internacional. El estudio de documentos originales procedentes de los archivos de París, proporciona a los alumnos del Liceo Español de París una experiencia de excelente rigor formativo y científico.


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Desde los planificadores que en su función de responsabilidad macronómica del sistema educativo marcan las lineas generales por donde han de discurrir los currícula de los diversos niveles educativos, y los educadores que deciden el conjunto de informaciones que los educandos deben adquirir, de hábitos, habilidades y destrezas que deben desarrollar, valores que interesa asumir, actitudes que conviene generar o cambiar y actividades que es necesario realizar para conseguir todo lo anterior; hasta los educandos en función de los cuales se concretizan todos los contenidos informativos y formativos de un currículum específico; pasamos por un serie de agentes cuya incidencia se debe tener en cuenta, pues no por presentarse más o menos disimulada deja de ser significativa. Partiendo de este planteamiento los autores ponen de manifiesto que quienes más directa y explícitamente han manifestado preocupación ante la realidad de la escuela y han ejercido esa influencia en nuestra historia escolar reciente han sido las corporaciones municipales así pues, se realiza una revisión crítica de los hitos legislativos que han configurado las normativas y reglamentos que recogían las atribuciones de las Juntas Locales de Primera Enseñanza cuyo análisis puede dar luz acerca de la orientación que un ayuntamiento determinado quiso infundir a su instrucción. Como ejemplo ilustrativo se presenta la referencia concreta de Tudela de Duero en Valladolid.


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Raymond Saleilles (1855-1912) és considerat pels comparatistes com pare del dret comparat modern. De fet fou el màxim responsable de l'organització del primer congrés internacional de dret comparat a París el 1900. L'època marcada per la internacionalització dels intercanvis, la crisi del mètode jurídic francès i el repte de la codificació alemanya i suïssa motivà alguns juristes a buscar noves formes d'estudiar el dret. Saleilles defensava pel dret comparat un mètode, un objecte i un fi propis i autònoms diferents dels que fins ara tenien la dogmàtica jurídica o l'estudi de la legislació estrangera. El mètode tenia els seus fonaments en la sociologia i la història. L'objectiu del dret comparat havia de ser la construcció d'un ideal "droit commun de l'humanité civilisée". Aquest dret comú havia de ser construït no només per la doctrina sinó també per la jurisprudència i el legislador.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Back Row: trainer Farrell, Ernest Allmendinger, James Musser, Walter Cole, Charles Barton, Jim Raynsford, Tom Bushnell, Michael Boyle, stud. mngr. John Coolidge

2nd Row: Herbert Huebel, George Patterson, Clement Quinn, George Thomson, Roy Torbet, James Craig, Miller Pontius

Front Row: Ernest Hughitt, Otto Carpell, William Collette


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Back Row: Ross H. Smith, Herschel C. Smith, Charles M. Smith, Charles Barton, Ellwood Griest, Withred H. Cook, James Bond, Lorenzo Lapsley

3rd Row: Ath. Dir. Bartelme, E. M. White, David H. Cohn, Charles. S. White, David Wiggins, Harry E. Brown, John Otte, Isaac Van Kammen, st. mngr Harold Williamson

2nd Row: Warren Sargent, James Craig, Raymond Haimbaugh, Edmond Hanavan, captain Hugh Gamble, Carroll Haff, Benjamin Reck, Arthur Kohler

Front Row: Frederick(?) Beardsley, Kenneth Young, Roger Waring, Louis Baier, Raymond Blake, Howard Seward


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In the early years of independence the Finnish school system went through a major change. Both the Compulsory school attendance act (1921) and the Religious freedom act (1923) were legislated almost simultaneously. Although the legislators were deciding on the whole content of the citizenship education given in the compulsory school, their attention was mainly concentrated on the issue of the religious education. The former study concerning the subject shows that this issue was strongly influenced by the political power struggle between the conservative and the socialist parties. One of the underlying factors was also the Church s decreased authority concerning the elementary school. The aim of this research was to study the Finnish evangelical movement s attitude and opinions on the issue of religious education and on its status and nature. Their opinions on the issue were especially investigated from the point of view of their own evangelical lower elementary school teachers seminar, which was deeply connected with the matter of confessionalism. The source material of this research of educational history consist of documents of the school administration and the Lutheran Evangelical Association as well as of vast collection of educational, Church s and evangelical movement s journals. According to the results of this study, the evangelical movement plead very strongly for denominational religious education. However, the confessionalism they were pursuing differed from the common understanding of the concept at that time. This became evident both because of their demands for increased education on the Christian doctrine and because of their sharp criticism against loosely confessional, generally Christian religious education. The evangelical movement s strict opinion was combined with their effort to emphasize the Lutherian doctrine in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland. The founding of the Evangelical seminar for lower elementary school teachers in Karkku was a significant indication of the evangelical movement s dedication to strive towards school s Christianity. The objective of the evangelical seminar was to change the school by means of training evangelical minded teachers. The seminar was only a part of much larger plans of evangelical education and home missionary work. However, maintaining the seminar proved to be impossible, especially as the National Board of Education was absolutely against it, claiming that it would endanger the unity of the compulsory school. The National Board of Education indicated that the objectivity of citizenship education would be forfeit, if every marginal ideological movement could educate their own teachers.


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This collection holds papers of members of the Loewenstein family, especially Walter and Karl Loewenstein. Among the papers here are examples of Walter Loewenstein's writing, documentation of life in Rietberg in Westphalia (Germany) during the late 1930s and early 1940s, and correspondence concerning the fate of several family members during this time. Papers relating to Karl Loewenstein focus on his wartime activities. The genealogy of the Brandenstein family is also represented here along with a few papers of other family members. The collection consists of unpublished manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, official and restitution documentation, notebooks and notes, genealogical research, and fliers.


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Correspondence, reports, minutes, manuscripts, and clippings relating to the activities of Wolf, Mowshowitch, and the Joint Foreign Committee, as well as to the political situation of Jews in various countries and to the Paris Peace Conference. Papers of Lucien Wolf include his diary, lectures on English-German relations and English-Russian relations; bibliography of Wolf's works on Jewish themes; clippings of Wolf's articles; congratulations on his seventieth birthday; article on his last interview with Chamberlain; and correspondence with parents, 1869-1882, A. Abrahams, 1914-1925, Chief Rabbi Dr. J.H. Hertz, 1892-1923, Clara Melchior, 1913-1929, Jacob Schiff, 1910, Maxim Vinawer, 1917, Mark Wischnitzer, 1926-1928, Lord Robert Cecil, 1916-1919, Lord Rothschild, 1906, Cyrus Adler, Count J. Bernstorff, Szymon Ashkenazy, Solomon Dingol, Louis Marshall, Claude G. Montefiore, Sir Edward Sassoon, Jacob Schiff, Lord William Selborne, Nakhum Sokolow, Oscar Straus, Chaim Weizmann, the American Jewish Congress, 1916-1923, Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden, 1913, and Jewish Historical Society of England.