832 resultados para Barker, Frederic, Bp. of Sydney.
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Most populations and some species of ticks of the genera Boophilus (5 spp.) and Rhipicephalus (ca. 75 spp.) cannot be distinguished phenotypically. Moreover, there is doubt about the validity of species in these genera. I studied the entire second internal transcribed spacer (ITS 2) rRNA of 16 populations of rhipicephaline ticks to address these problems: Boophilus,microplus from Australia, Kenya, South Africa and Brazil (4 populations); Boophilus decoloratus from Kenya; Rhipicephalus appendiculatus from Kenya, Zimbabwe and Zambia (7 populations); Rhipicephalus zambesiensis from Zimbabwe (3 populations); and Rhipicephalus evertsi from Kenya. Each of the 16 populations had a unique ITS 2, but most of the nucleotide variation occurred among species and genera. ITS 2 rRNA can be used to distinguish the populations and species of Boophilus and Rhipicephalus studied here. Little support was found for the hypothesis that B. microplus from Australia and South Africa are different species. ITS 2 appears useful for phylogenetic inference in the Rhipicephalinae because in genetic distance, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony analyses, most branches leading to species had >95% bootstrap support. Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and R, zambeziensis are closely related, yet their ITS 2 sequences could be distinguished unambiguously. This lends weight to a previous proposal that Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Rhipicephalus turanicus, and Rhipicephalus pumlilio and Rhipicephalus camicasi, respectively, are conspecific, because each of these pairs of species had identical sequences for ca. 250 bp of ITS 2 rRNA.
We sequenced across all of the gene boundaries in the mitochondrial genome of the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, to determine the arrangement of its genes. The mtDNA of B. microplus has a coding region, composed of tRNA(Glu) and 60 bp of the 3' end of ND1, that is repeated five times. Boophilus microplus is the first coelomate animal known to have more than two copies of a coding sequence. The mitochondrial genome of B, microplus has other unusual features, including (1) reduced T arms in tRNAs, (2) an AT bias in codon use, (3) two control regions that have evolved in concert, (4) three gene rearrangements, and (5) a stem-loop between tRNA(Gln) and tRNA(Phe). The short T arms and small control regions (CRs) of B. microplus and other ticks suggest strong selection for small genomes. Imprecise termination of replication beyond its origin, which can account for the evolution of tandem repeats of coding regions in other mitochondrial genomes, cannot explain the evolution of the fivefold repeated sequence in the mitochondrial genome of B. microplus. Instead, slipped-strand mispairing or recombination are the most plausible explanations for the evolution of these tandem repeats.
The specific status of the head and body lice of humans has been debated for more than 200 yr. To clarify the specific status of head and body lice, we sequenced 524 base pairs (bp) of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of 28 head and 28 body lice from nine countries. Ten haplotypes that differed by 1-5 bp at II nucleotide positions were identified. A phylogeny of these sequences indicates that these head and body lice are not from reciprocally monophyletic lineages. Indeed, head and body lice share three of the 10 haplotypes we found. F-ST values and exact tests of haplotype frequencies showed significant differences between head and body lice. However, the same tests also showed significant differences among lice from different countries. Indeed, more of the variation in haplotype frequencies was explained by differences among lice from different countries than by differences between head and body lice. Our results indicate the following: (1) bead and body lice do not represent reciprocally monophyletic lineages and are conspecific; (2) gene flow among populations of lice from different countries is limited; and (3) frequencies of COI haplotypes can be used to study maternal gene flow among populations of head and body lice and thus transmission of lice among their human hosts.
The high Km glucose transporter GLUT2 is a membrane protein expressed in tissues involved in maintaining glucose homeostasis, and in cells where glucose-sensing is necessary. In many experimental models of diabetes, GLUT2 gene expression is decreased in pancreatic beta-cells, which could lead to a loss of glucose-induced insulin secretion. In order to identify factors involved in pancreatic beta-cell specific expression of GLUT2, we have recently cloned the murine GLUT2 promoter and identified cis-elements within the 338-bp of the proximal promoter capable of binding islet-specific trans-acting factors. Furthermore, in transient transfection studies, this 338-bp fragment could efficiently drive the expression of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene in cell lines derived from the endocrine pancreas, but displayed no promoter activity in non-pancreatic cells. In this report, we tested the cell-specific expression of a CAT reporter gene driven by a short (338 bp) and a larger (1311 bp) fragment of the GLUT2 promoter in transgenic mice. We generated ten transgenic lines that integrated one of the constructs. CAT mRNA expression in transgenic tissues was assessed using the RNAse protection assay and the quantitative reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Overall CAT mRNA expression for both constructs was low compared to endogenous GLUT2 mRNA levels but the reporter transcript could be detected in all animals in the pancreatic islets and the liver, and in a few transgenic lines in the kidney and the small intestine. The CAT protein was also present in Langerhans islets and in the liver for both constructs by immunocytochemistry. These findings suggest that the proximal 338 bp of the murine GLUT2 promoter contain cis-elements required for the islet-specific expression of GLUT2.
The work undertaken in this PhD thesis is aimed at the development and testing of an innovative methodology for the assessment of the vulnerability of coastal areas to marine catastrophic inundation (tsunami). Different approaches are used at different spatial scales and are applied to three different study areas: 1. The entire western coast of Thailand 2. Two selected coastal suburbs of Sydney – Australia 3. The Aeolian Islands, in the South Tyrrhenian Sea – Italy I have discussed each of these cases study in at least one scientific paper: one paper about the Thailand case study (Dall’Osso et al., in review-b), three papers about the Sydney applications (Dall’Osso et al., 2009a; Dall’Osso et al., 2009b; Dall’Osso and Dominey-Howes, in review) and one last paper about the work at the Aeolian Islands (Dall’Osso et al., in review-a). These publications represent the core of the present PhD thesis. The main topics dealt with are outlined and discussed in a general introduction while the overall conclusions are outlined in the last section.
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