251 resultados para Baculovirus anticarsia


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The hemagglutinin (H) protein of Rinderpest virus expressed by a recombinant buculovirus used as a vaccine produced high titres of neutralizing antibody to Rinderpest virus in the vaccinated cattle, comparable to the levels produced by live attenuated vaccine. The immunized cattle were protected against a vaccine-virus challenge, as demonstrated by the failure of development of antibodies to N protein of the vaccine virus. The lack of replication of vaccine virus in the immunized cattle indicated that they are capable of showing a protective response if challenged with a virulent virus.


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BacilliformOryctes baculovirus particles have been visualized in electron micrographs of midgut sections from virus infectedOryctes rhinoceros beetles. Morphologically the Indian isolate (Oryctes baculovirus, KI) resembled the previously reportedOryctes baculovirus, isolate PV505. The constituent proteins of baculovirus KI have been analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and by Western blots using polyclonal antibodies raised against the complete viral particles, as probes. A total of forty eight viral proteins have been identified. Fourteen viral proteins were located on the viral envelope. Among the proteins constituting the nucleocapsid, three were located internally within the capsid. A 23.5 kDa protein was tightly associated with viral DNA in the nucleocapsid core. Two envelope and seven capsid proteins stained positive for glycosylation. Comparison between the viral proteins of KI and PV505 revealed differences in SDS-PAGE profiles and glycosylation patterns. Immunoblotting of KI and PV505 proteins with anti KI antiserum demonstrated antigenic differences between the two viral isolates.


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An assay was developed for quantitation of the antigenic relationship between viruses, by modification of the indirect ELISA. The principle of this method is to estimate the epitopes not shared between the related viruses, after titration of the antibodies specific to the common epitopes as in a blocking ELISA. In practice, varying concentrations of purified virus are preincubated with a fixed dilution of heterologous or homologous antiserum and the unbound antibodies present in the mixture are back titrated with virus particles bound to microtitre plates. The antigenic relationship is described in terms of differentiation index (DI) and total antigenic reactivity (TAR). This method has been used to quantitate cross-reactivity between two geographically different isolates of Oryctes baculovirus.


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A non-occluded baculovirus, OBV-KI has been isolated from the insect pest, Oryctes rhinoceros. The viral genome is estimated to be 123 kb, with a G + C content of 43 mol% and no detectible methylated bases. A restriction map of the OBV-KI genome for BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII, PstI, SalI and XbaI has been constructed.


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Oryctes baculovirus is a viral biocide exploited for the control of the insect pest Oryctes rhinoceros. We have recently established a physical map of the genome of the Indian isolate of Oryctes baculovirus (OBV-KI). Here we examine the genomic relatedness between OBV-KI and OBV-PV505, the type isolate (originally from the Philippines), by DNA reassociation kinetics and by the use of restriction endonucleases. On the basis of differences in restriction-enzyme profiles between the two genomes, and previously reported differences in protein profiles and antigenic makeup, we propose the taxonomic status of a variant of Oryctes baculovirus for the Indian isolate.


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Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV)-based baculovirus expression system exploits silkworm larvae as an economical alternative to large-scale cell cultures for production of biomolecules. To generate recombinant BmNPV at high efficiency, we have achieved high efficiency transfection of B. mori cells, BmN, through lipofection. Optimal conditions for lipofection were standardized by quantification of the transient expression level of firefly luciferase (luc) reporter gene under control of an immediate early gene promoter of BmNPV Lipofection was 50-fold and 100-fold more efficient than the calcium phosphate method for transfecting BmN and Sf9 cells, respectively. Lipofection enabled us to generate a recombinant BmNPV (vBmluc), harboring luc under control of the strong polyhedrin promoter On infection with vBmluc, luciferase was expressed at very high levels, 170 mu g/10(6) BmN cells or 13 mg/larva. Expression of luciferase in vBmluc-infected larvae was visualized by luminescence emission instantaneously following luciferin injection generating ''glowing silkworms''.


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O mandarová (Erinnyis ello L.) ou "gervão", inseto de ocorrência esporádica e elevada capacidade de consumo foliar, que pode causar completo desfolhamento e redução na produção, principalmente, quando o ataque ocorre em plantas jovens, nos primeiros cinco meses após plantio. Em ataques severos a redução no rendimento de raízes pode chegar até a 64%, em alguns casos levar a planta à morte ou afetar a qualidade do material de plantio (manivas). Embora possa ocorrer em qualquer época do ano, é mais frequente em períodos chuvosos. Seu ciclo é relativamente curto - 33 a 55 dias - (Figura 1) podendo ter várias gerações no ano.


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Processos gerais da criacao; Sala de criacao; Gaiolas; Copos descartaveis; Obtencao de ovos; Criacao de lagartas.


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Recombinant wild-type beta(1) gamma(1) dimers of signal-transducing guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) and beta(1) gamma 1 dimers carrying a mutation known to block gamma-subunit isoprenylation (beta(1) gamma(1)C71S) were expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells. Both wild-type and mutant beta(1) gamma(1) dimers were found in soluble fractions of infected cells upon subcellular fractionation. Anion exchange chromatographic and metabolic-radiolabeling studies revealed that the soluble beta(1) gamma(1) preparation contained approximately equal amounts of non-isoprenylated and isoprenylated beta(1) gamma(1) dimers. Soluble wild-type and mutant beta(1) gamma(1) dimers and native beta(1) gamma(1) dimers purified from bovine retina were reconstituted with recombinant phospholipase C-beta(2). Only isoprenylated beta(1) gamma(1) dimers were capable of stimulating phospholipase C-beta(2). The results show that gamma-subunit isoprenylation and/or additional post-translational processing of the protein are required for beta gamma subunit stimulation of phospholipase C.


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Background: Maize is a good model system for cereal crop genetics and development because of its rich genetic heritage and well-characterized morphology. The sequencing of its genome is well advanced, and new technologies for efficient proteomic analysis are needed. Baculovirus expression systems have been used for the last twenty years to express in insect cells a wide variety of eukaryotic proteins that require complex folding or extensive posttranslational modification. More recently, baculovirus display technologies based on the expression of foreign sequences on the surface of Autographa californica ( AcMNPV) have been developed. We investigated the potential of a display methodology for a cDNA library of maize young seedlings. Results: We constructed a full-length cDNA library of young maize etiolated seedlings in the transfer vector pAcTMVSVG. The library contained a total of 2.5 x 10(5) independent clones. Expression of two known maize proteins, calreticulin and auxin binding protein (ABPI), was shown by western blot analysis of protein extracts from insect cells infected with the cDNA library. Display of the two proteins in infected insect cells was shown by selective biopanning using magnetic cell sorting and demonstrated proof of concept that the baculovirus maize cDNA display library could be used to identify and isolate proteins. Conclusion: The maize cDNA library constructed in this study relies on the novel technology of baculovirus display and is unique in currently published cDNA libraries. Produced to demonstrate proof of principle, it opens the way for the development of a eukaryotic in vivo display tool which would be ideally suited for rapid screening of the maize proteome for binding partners, such as proteins involved in hormone regulation or defence.


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Viral fusion proteins mediate the merger of host and viral membranes during cell entry for all enveloped viruses. Baculovirus glycoprotein gp64 (gp64) is unusual in promoting entry into both insect and mammalian cells and is distinct from established class I and class II fusion proteins. We report the crystal structure of its postfusion form, which explains a number of gp64's biological properties including its cellular promiscuity, identifies the fusion peptides and shows it to be the third representative of a new class (III) of fusion proteins with unexpected structural homology with vesicular stomatitis virus G and herpes simplex virus type 1 gB proteins. We show that domains of class III proteins have counterparts in both class I and II proteins, suggesting that all these viral fusion machines are structurally more related than previously thought.


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Influenza viruses attach to host cells by binding to terminal sialic acid (Neu5Ac) on glycoproteins or glycolipids. Both the linkage of Neu5Ac and the identity of other carbohydrates within the oligosaccharide are thought to play roles in restricting the host range of the virus. In this study, the receptor specificity of an H5 avian influenza virus haemagglutinin protein that has recently infected man (influenza strain A/Vietnam/1194/04) has been probed using carbohydrate functionalised poly(acrylic acid) polymers. A baculovirus expression system that allows facile and safe analysis of the Neu5Ac binding specificity of mutants of H5 HA engineered at sites that are predicted to effect a switch in host range has also been developed. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The expression of proteins using recombinant baculoviruses is a mature and widely used technology. However, some aspects of the technology continue to detract from high throughput use and the basis of the final observed expression level is poorly understood. Here, we describe the design and use of a set of vectors developed around a unified cloning strategy that allow parallel expression of target proteins in the baculovirus system as N-terminal or C-terminal fusions. Using several protein kinases as tests we found that amino-terminal fusion to maltose binding protein rescued expression of the poorly expressed human kinase Cot but had only a marginal effect on expression of a well-expressed kinase IKK-2. In addition, MBP fusion proteins were found to be secreted from the expressing cell. Use of a carboxyl-terminal GFP tagging vector showed that fluorescence measurement paralleled expression level and was a convenient readout in the context of insect cell expression, an observation that was further supported with additional non-kinase targets. The expression of the target proteins using the same vectors in vitro showed that differences in expression level were wholly dependent on the environment of the expressing cell and an investigation of the time course of expression showed it could affect substantially the observed expression level for poorly but not well-expressed proteins. Our vector suite approach shows that rapid expression survey can be achieved within the baculovirus system and in addition, goes some way to identifying the underlying basis of the expression level obtained. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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It is becoming increasingly apparent that many pathogen populations, including those of insects, show high levels of genotypic variation. Baculoviruses are known to be highly variable, with isolates collected from the same species in different geographical locations frequently showing genetic variation and differences in their biology. More recent Studies at smaller scales have also shown that virus DNA profiles from individual larvae can show polymorphisms within and between populations of the same species. Here, we investigate the genotypic and phenotypic variation of an insect baculovirus infection within a single insect host. Twenty four genotypically distinct nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) variants were isolated from an individual pine beauty moth, Panolis flammea, caterpillar by in vivo cloning techniques. No variant appeared to be dominant in the population. The Pafl NPV variants have been mapped using three restriction endonucleases and shown to contain three hypervariable regions containing insertions of 70-750 bp. Comparison of seven of these variants in an alternative host, Mamestra brassicae, demonstrated that the variants differed significantly in both pathogenicity and speed of kill. The generation and maintenance of pathogen heterogeneity are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.