975 resultados para Bacillus turingiensis serovar israelensis


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The dynamics of the control of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti Linnaeus, (Diptera, Culicidae) by Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis has been related with the temperature, density and concentration of the insecticide. A mathematical model for biological control of Aedes aegypti with Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis (Bti) was constructed by using data from the literature regarding the biology of the vector. The life cycle was described by differential equations. Lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC95) of Bti were determined in the laboratory under different experimental conditions. Temperature, colony, larvae density and bioinsecticide concentration presented marked differences in the analysis of the whole set of variables; although when analyzed individually, only the temperature and concentration showed changes. The simulations indicated an inverse relationship between temperature and mosquito population, nonetheless, faster growth of populations is reached at higher temperatures. As conclusion, the model suggests the use of integrated control strategies for immature and adult mosquitoes in order to achieve a reduction of Aedes aegypti.


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Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias con especialidad en microbiolo gia) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biotecnología) UANL


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Techniques of production of enthomopatogenic bacteria are developed aiming to increase the productivity and to reduce the costs of the fermentative process. Like this, it has been using agroindustrial wastes or by-products as nutrient sources in culture medium, having been used, in this study, the manipueira, a by-product of the processing of the cassava flour. Fermentations were performed in flasks of Erlenmeyer of 500 mL containing 250 mL of culture media, conditioned in shaker at 180 r.p.m. and 28°C, and the media were composed by manipueira, in concentrations that varied between 400 and 1000 mL/L. The time of the process varied between 48 and 120 hours. They appraised the following parameters: cellular growth, the production of spores, the reduction of organic matter (COD analysis) and the variation of reduction sugar. Although there was a proportional cellular growth to the manipueira concentration, the production of spores was similar in all the cases, at the end of the process, in spite of the smallest speed of production of the same ones in the highest concentrations. In relation to the variation of COD, it has, also, a percentile minor of reduction in the highest concentrations. In the analysis of variation of reduction sugars, the higher concentrations are the ones that they present larger slowness in the reduction of this.


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To study the potential for the emergence of resistance in Aedes aegypti populations, a wild colony was subjected to selective pressure with Cry11Aa, one of four endotoxins that compose the Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis toxin. This bacterium is the base component of the most important biopesticide used in the control of mosquitoes worldwide. After 54 generations of selection, significant resistance levels were observed. At the beginning of the selection experiment, the half lethal concentration was 26.3 ng/mL and had risen to 345.6 ng/mL by generation 54. The highest rate of resistance, 13.1, was detected in the 54th generation. Because digestive proteases play a key role in the processing and activation of B. thuringiensis toxin, we analysed the involvement of insect gut proteases in resistance to the Cry11Aa B. thuringiensis serovar israelensis toxin. The protease activity from larval gut extracts from the Cry11Aa resistant population was lower than that of the B. thuringiensisserovar israelensis susceptible colony. We suggest that differences in protoxin proteolysis could contribute to the resistance of this Ae. aegypti colony.


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No Riacho dos Padres na Chácara Evíssima, numa microempresa de agronegócio com criação de peixes e animais domésticos, área de lazer e salão de eventos, localizada na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, os simulídeos em grande proliferação causaram sério impacto com as picadas a tal ponto que dificultaram o convívio habitual. De janeiro a agosto de 2002, coletou-se 24.021 pupas por meio das quais foram identificadas as espécies: Simulium inaequale, Simulium perflavum, Simulium pertinax com 85,98% e Simulium orbitale, Simulium subnigrum, Simulium distinctum e Simulium incrustatum com somente 14,02% de freqüência. O combate a estas populações iniciado em 28 de fevereiro terminou em 08 de agosto de 2002. O controle integrado consistiu na aplicação de biopesticida Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) e em manejos mecânicos não só removendo os imaturos (ovos, larvas e pupas) por meio de escovação de vertedouros, mas também pela retirada de substratos naturais e antrópicos do leito. A densidade larvária média inicial, antes da aplicação de Bti no leito do riacho (75 m) e no último vertedouro, verificada em substratos antrópicos fitilhos (área 13.500 cm²), foi de 6,7 e 11,5 larvas/cm², respectivamente. Nestes habitats, o controle integrado com Bti de 1,77 a 2,09 mg/litro do ingrediente ativo, suplementado com manejos mecânicos, monitorado em substratos fitilhos (área 20.250 cm²), resultou em redução larvar de 72,61% a 99,97% e de 74,91% a 99,45%, respectivamente, nas vazões de 0,39 a 0,45 e de 0,38 a 0,43 m³/min. No primeiro vertedouro (área 5.110 cm²), porém, só com manejos mecânicos, atingiu-se a redução larvária de 53,81% a 99,59%. O controle efetuado reduziu as picadas hematófagas ao nível esperado, surtindo o efeito positivo almejado.


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O desenvolvimento da produção e uso do Bacillus thuringiensis no Brasil em escala comercial enfrenta certas dificuldades, entre elas o estabelecimento de metodologias para a quantificação de produtos tóxicos a serem comercializados. Atualmente, a quantidade de toxinas é expressa como porcentagem do total de proteínas presentes em amostras em consideração. Tal metodologia, entretanto, não mede a quantidade real de uma determinada proteína presente em um produto qualquer, além do fato de diferentes linhagens bacterianas possuírem diferentes genes codificadores para endotoxinas e mesmo para b-toxina. Desde que os diferentes tipos de toxinas apresentam diferentes características antigências, este trabalho tem como objetivo a utilização de técnicas imunológicas para quantificar específicamente o conteúdo de proteína cristal presente em diferentes amostras. A proteína cristal produzida pela subespécie B. thuringiensis var. israelensis foi purificada por ultracentrifugação e utilizada para imunizar coelhas e produzir soros hiperimunes. Tais soros foram posteriormente usados para avaliar o nível de proteína cristal em bioinseticidas comerciais e em culturas de laboratório desta bactéria utilizando-se a técnica do imunodot. Os resultados foram obtidos por comparação de reações com concentrações conhecidas de proteína cristal permitindo assim avaliar com segurança os níveis desta proteína em várias preparações.


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The bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) generates certain toxins with pesticide action, which can be used on the control of transmissible diseases by culicides, specially Aedes aegypti, the dengue vector. This biopesticide has been produced by submerged fermentation and, in Brazil, this production has been made by very little research centers and, more recently, by a unique small enterprise. For the implementation of a viable vectors control program through biopesticides, some studies about culture media are essential in order to join efficiency and low costs. In this way, agroindustrial wastes or by-products have been used as a nutrient source for the culture media production. In this study, corn steep liquor, a corn industrial processing by-product and tryptose, both with/without sugar addition, were compared as culture media. Cellular growth was evaluated by optical density at 620 nm, spore production by total viable cell count and LC50 by bioassays against 4th instar larvae. Among the four examined substrates, the medium composed by glucose plus corn steep liquor presented the best spore production and bioassay results.


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The growth kinetics, sporulation, and toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis were evaluated through the analysis of batch cultures with different dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles. Firstly, DO was maintained constant at 5%, 20%, or 50% throughout fermentation in order to identify the most suitable one to improve the main process parameters. Higher biomass concentration, cell productivity, and cell yield based on glucose were obtained with 50% DO. The higher aeration level also resulted in higher spore counts and markedly improved the toxic activity of the fermentation broth, which was 9-fold greater than that obtained with 5% DO (LC50 of 39 and 329 mg/L, respectively). Subsequently, using a two-stage oxygen supply strategy, DO was kept at 50% during the vegetative and transition phases until the maximum cell concentration was achieved. Then, DO was changed to 0%, 5%, 20%, or 100% throughout sporulation and cell lysis phases. The interruption of oxygen supply strongly reduced the spore production and thoroughly repressed the toxin synthesis. On the contrary, when DO was raised to 100% of saturation, toxic activity increased approximately four times (LC50 of 8.2 mg/L) in comparison with the mean values reached with lower DO levels, even though spore counts were lower than that from the 50% DO assay. When pure oxygen was used instead of normal air, it was possible to obtain 70% of the total biomass concentration achieved in the air assays; however, cultures did not sporulate and the toxin synthesis was consequently suppressed.


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Persistence of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Vectobac WDG) and methoprene (Metoprag S-2G) was evaluated against Aedes aegypti late third instar larvae of the Rockefeller strain in a semi-field bioassay. Tests were performed in Rio de Janeiro, using containers made of plastic, iron, concrete and asbestos, placed in a shaded area. The formulations used were 0.2 g of Vectobac-WDG and 1g of Metoprag S-2G per 100 liters of water in house storage containers. Vectobac WDG was tested twice, in March and in April/May, 2002. In March (temperature ranging from 21.5 to 39.3 ºC), 70-100% mortality was observed by the 7th day and declined abruptly thereafter. No significant differences were observed among the container types. In April/May (18.6 to 34.8 ºC) mortality was higher than 70% to 30-36 days in all cases, except in the iron container (40% mortality on the 12th day). Metoprag S-2G was evaluated in April/May, 2002, and induced mortality higher than 70% up to 15 days in the plastic and iron containers and only seven days in the concrete container. In the asbestos container, maximal mortality was achieved on day one post-treatment (66%). Our results point to a low persistence of both formulations in the weather conditions of Rio de Janeiro.


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Results of studies on a larvicidal cyanobacterium that expresses a Bti cryIVD gene fusion are reported. Genetically altered Agmenellum quadruplicatum PR-6 is shown to be toxic to larvae of three major genera of disease-bearing mosquitos. Factors affecting expression of Bti genes in cyanobacteria are discussed.