948 resultados para BRITISH BUTTERFLIES


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Large numbers of adults of certain species of butterfly flying in an apparently 'purposeful' manner are often noted by entomologists and the general public. Occasionally, these are recorded in the literature. Using these records we summarise information regarding the direction of movement in Australian butterflies and test whether there are consistent patterns that could account for known seasonal shifts in geographical range. The data were analysed using contingency tables and directionality statistics. Vanessa itea, Vanessa kershawi, Danaus plexippus, Danaus chrysippus and Badamia exclamationis flew predominately south in the spring-summer and north in the autumn-winter. Tirumala hamata has a strong southern component to its flight in spring but, as in Euploea core, appears non-directional in the autumn. For many supposedly known migratory species, the number of literature records are few, particularly in one season (mainly autumn). Thus, for Appias paulina, four of seven records were south in the spring-summer, as were six of nine records for Catopsilia pomona, and three of five for Zizina labradus. For Belenois java, flight records were only available for the spring and these showed geographical differences; predominantly north-west in northern Australia (Queensland) and south-west in southern Australia (Victoria, New South Wales). There were too few records for Papilio demoleus in the literature (four only) to draw any conclusions. Major exceptions to the seasonal trend of south in the spring and north in the autumn were Junonia villida, which showed a predominant north-westward direction in both seasons, and Eurema smilax, with a predominant southern or western flight in both seasons. We discuss these species specific trends in migration direction in relation to seasonal shifts in suitable habitat conditions, possible cues used in orientation and in timing changes in direction.


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The CASMIN Project is arguably the most influential contemporary study of class mobility in the world. However, CASMIN results with respect to weak vertical status effects on class mobility have been extensively criticized. Drawing on arguments about how to model vertical mobility, Hout and Hauser (1992) show that class mobility is strongly determined by vertical socioeconomic differences. This paper extends these arguments by estimating the CASMIN model while explicitly controlling for individual determinants of socioeconomic attainment. Using the 1972 Oxford Mobility Data and the 1979 and 1983 British Election Studies, the paper employs mixed legit models to show how individual socioeconomic factors and categorical differences between classes shape intergenerational mobility. The findings highlight the multidimensionality of class mobility and its irreducibility to vertical movement up and down a stratification hierarchy.


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The British agricultural sector is either already in or rapidly approaching some sort of crisis. Two features are particularly significant in the political response to the current situation. First, there is an increasingly neoliberal approach to agricultural policy. Sec end, agricultural policy per se is being subsumed with wider rural policies. In this paper we question the rationality of both these trends, both theoretically through 'new wave regulation theory' and by relating the British situation to the recent experiences of the agricultural sectors in Australia and New Zealand.


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We examined the distribution of butterflies over the mostly arid and semi-arid continent of Australia and analyzed the proportion of migrant species and species diversity with respect to an array of climatic and geographic variables. On a continent-wide scale, latitude explained virtually no variance in either proportion of migrants (r(2) = 0.01) or species diversity (r(2) = 0.03) in Australian butterflies. These results are in marked contrast to those for temperate-zone birds from three continents where latitude explained between 82 and 98% of the variance in frequency of migrants and also accounted for much of the variance in bird species diversity. In eastern Australia where rainfall regimes are similar to those in temperate Europe and North and South America, latitude explains 78% of the variance in frequency of butterfly migrants. In both eastern and central Australia, latitude also accounts for relatively high proportions of the variance in species diversity. Rainfall patterns and especially soil moisture are negatively associated with migration frequency in Australian butterfly faunas, both alone and in combination with other climate variables. Where moisture levels are relatively high, as in eastern Australia, measures of temperature are associated with migration frequency, a result consistent with findings for temperate-zone birds, suggesting latitude is a surrogate for temperature. The ultimate causes of migration in temperate-zone birds and Australian butterflies are the uneven temporal, and in Australia also spatial, distribution of resources. Uneven distribution is brought about primarily by temperature in temperate regions and by erratic rainfall over much of arid Australia. As a key determinant of productivity, especially in the tropics and subtropics, aridity is likely to be an important determinant of the global distributions of migrants.


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Background Although fatigue is a ubiquitous symptom across countries, clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome have arisen from a limited number of high-income countries. This might reflect differences in true prevalence or clinical recognition influenced by sociocultural factors. Aims To compare the prevalence, physician recognition and diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome in London and Sao Paulo. Method Primary care patients in London (n=2459) and Sao Paulo n=3914) were surveyed for the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome. Medical records were reviewed for the physician recognition and diagnosis. Results The prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome according to Centers for Disease Control 1994 criteria was comparable in Britain and Brazil, 2.1% v. 1.6% (P=0.20). Medical records review identified 11 diagnosed cases of chronic fatigue syndrome in Britain, but none in Brazil (P<0.001). Conclusions The primary care prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome was similar in two Culturally and economically distinct nations. However, doctors are unlikely to recognise and label chronic fatigue syndrome as a discrete disorder in Brazil. The recognition of this illness rather than the illness itself may be culturally induced.


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