Lagochilascaris minor is the causative agent of lagochilascariosis, a disease that affects the neck region and causes festering abscesses, with eggs, adult parasites and L3/L4 larvae within the purulent exudates. Today, mice are considered to be intermediate hosts for the parasite. C57BL/6 mice produce immunoglobulin IgM, IgA and IgG against the crude extract of the parasite; on the other hand, antibodies produced against the secreted/excreted antigens of Lagochilascaris minor present lower levels of IgM, IgA and IgG. This is the first description of antibody detection against different antigens of Lagochilascaris minor.
Cytokines are important in the cell-mediated response to Schistosoma mansoni eggs. We have found that Th2 cytokine responses (e.G. IL-4 and IL-5) are argumented after egg laying begins while the response (IL-2 and IFN-*) are down regulated in S. mansoni infected mice. Treatment of mice with anti-IL-5 monoclonal antibodies (Mab) suppressed the eosinophil response almost completley but did not affect granuloma size and slightly increased hepatic fibrosis. Anti-IL-4 treatment abolished IgE responses in infected mice and decreased hepatic fibrosis slightly. Anti-IFN-* treatment had no effect on hepatic pathology. Anti-IL-2 treatment decreased granuloma size significantly and decreased hepatic fibrosis markedly. Anti-IL-2 treatment dramatically decreased IL-5 secretion by splenic cells in vitro and decreased peripheral blood and tissue eosinophilia. In contrast IL-4 secretion was unaffected and serum IgE was normal or increased. IL-2 and IFN-* secretion by splenic cells of treated mice were slightly but not significantly increased suggesting that anti-IL-2 treatment affecting Th2 rather than Th1 responses.
Non-viable cells and biochemical fractions from Paracoccidioides brasiliens were obtained for experimental inoculation in mice and posterior histopatological analysis. Dead total fungus, total fungus disrupted by sonorous waves, lipids of the fungus, supernatant of the lipid purification, integral and disrupted fungus free of lipids were obtained. The six preparations arised from masses of lyophilized yeasts of a recent isolate of P. brasiliensis (strain JT-1) and from a "Pool" equitably constituted by four strains maintained in laboratory for a long time (SN, 2, 18 and 192). Different doses of the 12 preparations were intraperitonially inoculated and histopathological analysis were done 30 days later. This analysis showed that all the inoculated preparations gave origin to inflamatory foci, except the one designated "supernatant of lipid purification". The alterations were detected exclusively in the liver of the animals and occurred from the smallest dose tested (1 mg), with exception of the lipids of the fungus, where the foci appeared only from a 3 mg dose onwards. No difference in the capacity of inducing histopathological alterations was found between the preparations obtained from the recent isolate (JT-1) and from the older ones ("Pool"). On the other hand, an increase of the number of inflammatory foci in function of the inoculated dose was observed.
The effect of trypanomicidal treatment upon established histopathological Trypanosoma cruzi induced lesions was studied in Swiss mice. The animals were inoculated with 50 trypomastigotes and infection was allowed to progress without treatment for 99 days. After this period, the animals were divided in three groups, treated for 30 days with either placebo, benznidazole (200 mg/kg/day) or nifurtimox (100 mg/kg/day). These treatments induced 94 and 100 (per cent) cure rates respectively as detected by xenodiagnosis and reduction of antibody levels. Autopsies and histopathological studies of heart, urinary bladderand skeletal muscle performed on day 312 after infection showed almost complete healing without residual lesions. As long periods were allowed between infection, treatment and autopsy, the results indicate that tissue lesions depend, up to advances stages, on the continuous presence of the parasite.
The parotid lymph nodes of naive and previously infected Balb/c mice were studied after, respectively, infection and re-infection with cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni via the ears. Schistosomula were able to pass through the lymph node by following the lymph flow or by penetrating the veins of the medullary cords. The number of nodal mast cells was higher from day 2 to 6 of primary infection; and from day 5 to 11 of re-infection. The amount of degranulating mast cells was significantly higher at day 4 of infection and at day 1 of re-infection. Eosinophils characterized the nodal inflammatory processes observed after day 5 in both primarily-infected and re-infected mice. However, only in the latter the eosinophils were able to adhere to the larval surface. In primarily-infected mice, no intranodal larva presented signs of degeneration. In contrast, in re-infected animals, some degenerating larvae were found inside eosinophilic infiltrates. The eosinophils reached the nodal tissue by migrating through the high endothelial venules and their collecting veins.
Schistosoma mansoni infections are associated with a strong Th2 cytokine response. Treatment of mice with IL-12 or anti-IL-2 or anti-IL-4 before i.v. injection of eggs increased IFN-gamma production and downregulated Th2 responses and pulmonary granuloma size. Conversely, anti-IFN-gamma antibody treatment increased Th2 responses and granuloma size. Similar manipulation produced less dramatic results in infected mice. However, sensitization of mice with eggs + IL-12 before infection augmented the Th1 response and decreased Th2 cytokines, granuloma size and fibrosis. Antisera to IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha or IL-12 during IL-12-egg immunization partly restored granuloma size and fibrosis following infection. Variations in the size of granulomas in acute (8 week) infections may be influenced primarily by the number and state of activation of T cells. In chronic (12-16 week) infections immunologic downmodulation proceeded normally in mice without functional CD8+ cells and in IFN-gamma KO mice but not in B cell KO (muMT) mice or in mice deficient in FcR expression in spite of the fact that these mice downregulated their T cell and cytokine responses. It is evident that the participation of cytokines in granuloma formation and regulation is complicated and that the mechanisms controlling both these phenomena are likely to involve both T cells and antibody/FcR interactions.
Some unfavourable effects of malnutrition of the host on Schistosoma mansoni worm biology and structure have been reported based upon brigthfield microscopy. This paper aims to study by morphometric techniques, some morphological parameters in male and female adult worms recovered from undernourished albino mice in comparison with parasites recovered from well-fed infected mice. Undernourished animals were fed a multideficient and essentially low protein diet (RBD diet) and compared to well-fed control mice fed with the commercial diet NUVILAB. Seventy-five days post-infection with 80 cercarie (BL strain) animals were sacrificed. All adult worms were fixed in 10% formalin and stained with carmine chloride. One hundred male and 60 female specimens from each group (undernourished and control) were examined using an image system analysis Leica Quantimet 500C and the Sigma Scan Measurement System. The following morphometrical parameters were studied: body length and width, oral and ventral suckers, number and area of testicular lobes, length and width of ovary and uterine egg. For statistical analysis, the Student's t test for unpaired samples was applied. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were detected in body length and width, in parameters of suckers, uterine egg width, ovary length and area of testicular lobes, with lower values for specimens from undernourished mice. The nutritional status of the host has negative influence on S. mansoni adult worms, probably through unavailability of essential nutrients to the parasites.
In Chagas disease serious cardiac dysfunction can appear. We specifically studied the cardiac function by evaluating: ventricle contractile force and norepinephrine response, affinity and density of beta-adrenergic receptors, dynamic properties of myocardial membranes, and electrocardiography. Albino swiss mice (n = 250) were infected with 55 trypomastigotes, Tulahuen strain and studied at 35, 75, and 180 days post-infection, that correspond to the acute, indeterminate, and chronic phase respectively. Cardiac beta-adrenergic receptors' affinity, myocardial contractility, and norepinephrine response progressively decreased from the acute to the chronic phase of the disease (p < 0.01). The density (expressed as fmol/mg.prot) of the receptors was similar to non-infected mice (71.96 ± 0.36) in both the acute (78.24 ± 1.67) and indeterminate phases (77.28 ± 0.91), but lower in the chronic disease (53.32 ± 0.71). Electrocardiographic abnormalities began in the acute phase and were found in 65% of the infected-mice during the indeterminate and chronic phases. Membrane contents of triglycerides, cholesterol, and anisotropy were similar in all groups. A quadratic correlation between the affinity to beta-adrenergic receptors and cardiac contractile force was obtained. In conclusion the changes in cardiac beta-adrenergic receptors suggests a correlation between the modified beta-adrenergic receptors affinity and the cardiac contractile force.
High-fat diets induce weight gain and fatty liver in wild-type mice. Schistosomiasis mansoni infection also promotes hepatic injury. This study was designed to quantify hepatic alterations in schistosomiasis mansoni-infected mice fed a high fat-rich chow compared to mice fed a standard rodent chow, using stereology. Female SW mice fed each either high-fat diet (29% lipids) or standard chow (12% lipids) over 8 months, and then were infected with Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. Four experimental groups were studied: infected mice fed a high-fat diet (IHFC) or standard chow (ISC), uninfected mice fed a high-fat diet (HFC) or standard chow (SC). Mice were sacrificed during early infection (9 weeks from exposure). The following hepatic biometry and the stereology parameters were determined: volume density (hepatocytes [h], sinusoids [s], steatosis [st] and hepatic fibrosis [hf]); numerical density (hepatocyte nuclei - Nv[h]); absolute number of total hepatocyte N[h], normal hepatocyte N[nh], and binucleated hepatocyte N[bh], percentage of normal hepatocyte P[nh] and binucleated hepatocyte P[bh]. IHFC and HFC groups exhibited TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, and body mass significantly greater (p < 0.05) than control group. No significant differences were found regards liver volume (p = 0.07). Significant differences were observed regards P[nh] (p = 0.0045), P[bh] (p = 0.0045), Nv[h] (p = 0.0006), N[h] (p = 0.0125), N[bh] (p = 0.0164) and N[nh] (p = 0.0078). IHFC mice group presented 29% of binucleated hepatocytes compared to HFC group (19%), ISC group (17%) and SC (6%). Volume density was significantly different between groups: Vv[h] (p = 0.0052), Vv[s] (p = 0.0025), Vv[st] (p = 0.0004), and Vv[hf] (p = 0.0007). In conclusion, schistosomiasis mansoni infection with concurrent high-fat diet promotes intensive quantitative changes in hepatic structure, contributing to an increasing on hepatic regeneration.
Schistosoma mansoni ATP diphosphohydrolase isoforms and potato apyrase share conserved epitopes. By enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, elevated levels of IgM, IgG2a and IgG1 antibody reactivity against potato apyrase were observed in S. mansoni-infected BALB/c mice during the acute phase of infection, while only IgM and IgG1 antibody reactivity levels maintained elevated during the chronic phase of infection. Antibody reactivity against potato apyrase was monitored over an 11-month period in chronically-infected mice treated with oxamniquine. Eleven months later, the level of seropositive IgM decreased significantly (~30%) compared to the level found in untreated, infected mice. The level of seropositive IgG1 decreased significantly four months after treatment (MAT) (61%) and remained at this level even after 11 months. The IgG2a reactivity against potato apyrase, although unchanged during chronic phase to 11 MAT, appeared elevated again in re-infected mice suggesting a response similar to that found during the acute phase. BALB/c mouse polyclonal anti-potato apyrase IgG reacted with soluble egg antigens probably due to the recognition of parasite ATP diphosphohydrolase. This study, for the first time, showed that the IgG2a antibody from S. mansoni-infected BALB mice cross-reacts with potato apyrase and the level of IgG2a in infected mice differentiates disease phases. The results also suggest that different conserved-epitopes contribute to the immune response in schistosomiasis.
The humoral immune response plays an important role in the clearance of Giardia lamblia. However, our knowledge about the specific antigens of G. lamblia that induce a protective immune response is limited. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterise the immunogenic proteins of G. lamblia in a mouse model. We generated monoclonal antibodies (moAbs) specific to G. lamblia (1B10, 2C9.D11, 3C10.E5, 3D10, 5G8.B5, 5F4, 4C7, 3C5 and 3C6) by fusing splenocytes derived from infected mice. Most of these moAbs recognised a band of ± 71 kDa (5G8 protein) and this protein was also recognised by serum from the infected mice. We found that the moAbs recognised conformational epitopes of the 5G8 protein and that this antigen is expressed on the cell surface and inside trophozoites. Additionally, antibodies specific to the 5G8 protein induced strong agglutination (> 70-90%) of trophozoites. We have thus identified a highly immunogenic antigen of G. lamblia that is recognised by the immune system of infected mice. In summary, this study describes the identification and partial characterisation of an immunogenic protein of G. lamblia. Additionally, we generated a panel of moAbs specific for this protein that will be useful for the biochemical and immunological characterisation of this immunologically interesting Giardia molecule.
The need to intensify knowledge of the pathogenesis of bovine genital trichomoniasis (BGT) led to the use of alternative animal models such as the mouse. Nevertheless, it is necessary to elucidate the dynamics of the infection in this animal species, evaluating different stages of the colonization and evolution of the pathological alterations. The immunohistochemistry (IHC) offers advantages over the routine histopathological staining techniques for the detection of the protozoan in tissues, cellular detritus and inside the macrophages. The goal of the present study was to demonstrate the presence of Tritrichomonas foetus in the reproductive tract of infected mice using an IHC technique. Female BALB/c mice were infected with a suspension of T. foetus by intravaginal route, in the estrum phase, detected by exfoliative vaginal cytology. After 10 weeks, the animals were sacrificed; uterus and vagina were fixed and histologically processed. Some slides were stained with HE. The rest of the slides were processed for IHC. An immunoadsorbed polyclonal serum against T. foetus was used. The avidine-biotine technique (HistoMouse, Zymed) was employed. The histopathological studies showed a dilation of the uterine glands, presence of macrophages in the lumen of the organ and inner part of the endometrial glands. No T. foetus was identified using this method. The IHQ allowed additionally the identification of the protozoan in the endometrium, endometrial glands, uterine lumen and inside neutrophils and macrophages. The cytological studies stained with IHC showed either isolated T. foetus adhered to epithelial cells or inside macrophages. This technique proves to be a useful tool for the study of the pathogenesis of bovine genital trichomoniasis (BGT) in an experimental model.
AbstractMycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) can infect ruminants and remain subclinical for long periods within herds. The identification of organs that are more susceptible to infection and the evaluation of cytokine expression at the site of infection are important to understand the pathogenesis of MAP. In this study, the probability of detection of MAP-DNA and the expression of cytokines in organs of C57BL/6 mice infected intraperitoneally for 120 days were evaluated. Among the evaluated organs, the spleen (85%), colon (75%) and liver (60%) had the highest frequency of positivity. When compared these frequencies between organs, it has been found that the spleen had 1.54 times as likely to be positive in relation to the ileum, and 2.0 times more likely in relation to the Peyer's patches. In addition, at 60 days post-infection, the spleen and the liver were responsible for upregulation of IFN-γ , and the ileum by TNF-α and IL-4. The results indicate that the spleen is the best organ for evaluating an experimental infection by MAP, especially in the initial stages of the infection. Moreover, it showed that the spleen, liver and ileum have a direct role in the inflammatory response in experimental models.
Renal involvement in visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is very frequent but the pathogenesis of this nephropathy is poorly understood. In previous studies using dogs with VL we have detected new immunopathological elements in the glomeruli such as T cells and adhesion molecules. Although Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi-infected dogs and hamsters are considered to be good models for VL, their use is limited for immunopathologic studies. The use of isogenic mouse strains susceptible to L. (L.) chagasi infection was an alternative but, on the other hand, the renal lesions of these animals have not yet been characterized. Thus, our purpose in the present study was to characterize mice infected with L. (L.) chagasi as a suitable model to study VL nephropathy. Kidney samples were obtained from control mice (N = 12) and from BALB/c mice (N = 24) injected intraperitoneally with 20 million L. (L.) chagasi amastigotes 7, 15, and 30 days after injection and processed for histopathological studies and detection of IgG deposits. Glomerular hypercellularity was clearly visible and, upon Mason's trichrome and periodic acid methenamine silver staining, a pattern suggestive of mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis was observed in mice with VL. Time-dependent IgG deposits were also seen in infected mice. We consider L. (L.) chagasi-infected mice to be a suitable model for studies of the immunopathogenesis of glomerular lesions in VL.