353 resultados para BOTRYTIS CINEREA


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Botrytis cinerea occurred commonly on cultivated Primula ×polyantha seed. The fungus was mostly on the outside of the seed but sometimes was present within the seed. The fungus frequently caused disease at maturity in plants grown from the seed, demonstrated by growing plants in a filtered airflow, isolated from other possible sources of infection. Young, commercially produced P. ×polyantha plants frequently had symptomless B. cinerea infections spread throughout the plants for up to 3 months, with symptoms appearing only at flowering. Single genetic individuals of B. cinerea, as determined by DNA fingerprinting, often were dispersed widely throughout an apparently healthy plant. Plants could, however, contain more than one isolate.


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Experiments are presented which show that Botrytis cinerea, the cause of gray mould disease, is often present in symptomless lettuce plants as a systemic, endophytic, infection which may arise from seed. The fungus was isolated on selective media from surface sterilized sections of roots, stem pieces and leaf discs from symptomless plants grown in a conventional glasshouse and in a spore-free air-flow provided by an isolation propagator. The presence of B. cinerea was confirmed by immuno-labelling the tissues with the Botrytis-specific monoclonal antibody BC-12.CA4. As plants grew, infection spread from the roots to stems and leaves. Surface sterilization of seeds reduced the number of infected symptomless plants. Artificial infection of seedlings with dry conidia increased the rate of infection in some experiments. Selected isolates were genetically finger-printed using microsatellite loci. This confirmed systemic spread of the inoculating isolates but showed that other isolates were also present and that single plants hosted multiple isolates. This shows that B. cinerea commonly grows in lettuce plants as an endophyte, as has already been shown for Primula. If true for other hosts, the endophytic phase may be as important a component of the species population as the aggressive necrotrophic phase.


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This study tested the hypothesis that aggressive, localized infections and asymptomatic systemic infections were caused by distinct specialized groups of Botrytis cinerea, using microsatellite genotypes at nine loci of 243 isolates of B. cinerea obtained from four hosts (strawberry (Fragaria ´ananassa), blackberry (Rubus fruticosus agg.), dandelion, (Taraxacum of®- cinale agg.) and primrose (Primula vulgaris)) in three regions in southern England (in the vicinities of Brighton, Reading and Bath). The populations were extremely variable, with up to 20 alleles per locus and high genic diversity. Each host in each region had a population of B. cinerea with distinctive genetic features, and there were also consistent host and regional distinctions. The B. cinerea population from strawberry was distinguished from that on other hosts, including blackberry, most notably by a common 154-bp amplicon at locus 5 (present in 35 of 77 samples) that was rare in isolates from other hosts (9¤166), and by the rarity (3¤77) of a 112-bp allele at locus 7 that was common (58¤166) in isolates from other hosts. There was signi®cant linkage disequilibrium overall within the B. cinerea populations on blackberry and strawberry, but with quite different patterns of association among isolates from the two hosts. No evidence was found for differentiation between populations of B. cinerea from systemically infected hosts and those from locally infected fruits.


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Solvent-free desymmetrisation of meso-dialdehyde 1 with chiral 1-phenylethan-1-ol, led to preparation of 4-silyloxy-6-alkyloxytetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-one (+)-3a with a 96:4 d.r. Deprotected lactone (+)-19a and the related racemic lactones 16a-18a present a lactone moiety resembling the natural substrate of HMG-CoA reductase and their antifungal properties have been evaluated against the phytopathogenic fungi Botrytis cinerea and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. These compounds were selectively active against B. cinerea, while inactive against C. gloeosporioides.


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The study was carried out to clarify the nature of symptomless infection by Botrytis cinerea and to what extent it differs from aggressive necrotic infection in Lactuca sativa (lettuce) and Arabidopsis thaliana. Symptomless plants were produced by dry spore inoculation in plants growing in controlled environmental conditions or in glasshouses. Plating out of surface-disinfected and non-surface-disinfected samples of inoculated, apparently healthy, plants on selective medium revealed that the fungus was spreading from the initial inoculation site to newly developing plant organs both internally and externally. Similar findings were obtained in microscope experiments in which host plants were inoculated with GFP labelled B. cinerea and symptomless spreading was monitored under confocal laser scanning microscope. Spore germination on leaf surface was followed by development of sub-cuticular vesicles and plant cell damage in the infected epidermal cell and a few nearby cells. Sparsely branched long hyphae arose from the vesicles and spread on the leaf surface; spread was mostly on the outer surface of the epidermal layer but occasionally below the cuticle or epidermal cells. In the late symptomless phase, mycelium arising from single vesicles formed several mycelial networks on leaves. Experiments were carried out to compare the extent of gene expression in symptomless and necrotic infections, using RT-qPCR. Expression of selected genes was quantified in tissue samples based on the amount of mRNA of the respective genes found. In both host species, the mRNA concentration of signalling genes bcg1, bmp1 and calcineurin, and the pathogenicity genes bcsod1 and bcpg1 were similar to or slightly greater in symptomless samples than in necrotic samples. The mRNA of the signalling gene bac and pathogenicity genes bcbot1 and bcnep1, were not detected or detected in lower abundance than in necrosis. In lettuce, the leaves developing distant from the site of inoculation showed similar results to A. thaliana, but in healthy leaves close to the site of inoculation mRNA concentrations of bac and bcnep1 were similar to necrotic samples. Thus, in both host species, the fungus grew along with the plant and moved to newly growing plant parts without producing symptoms; during this growth some pathogenicity genes were less expressed than in necrotic infection.


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Perdas significativas ocorrem durante o armazenamento e a comercialização de uvas de mesa devido, principalmente, à ocorrência do mofo cinzento (Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr.) e, para o controle de patógenos emprega-se, geralmente, o dióxido de enxofre (SO2). Diante da restrição crescente ao uso de produtos químicos em pós-colheita, tem ocorrido considerável interesse em métodos alternativos de controle. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo avaliar os efeitos da quitosana, na proteção pós-colheita de uva 'Itália' contra B. cinerea. In vivo, avaliou-se o efeito direto e indireto da quitosana pelo tratamento dos cachos de uva, antes e após a inoculação com o patógeno. Utilizou-se quitosana nas concentrações de 0,00; 0,25; 0,50; 1,00; 1,50 e 2,00 % (v/v). Para inoculação, em 10 bagas de cada cacho de uva foram feitos ferimentos de ±2 mm de profundidade, procedendo-se em seguida, a aspersão da suspensão de conídios (±10(5) conídios.mL-1) de B. cinerea. Após os tratamentos, os cachos foram mantidos a 25±1 °C / 80-90 % UR e avaliados diariamente quanto à incidência e severidade da podridão. Avaliações in vitro do efeito do produto sobre o patógeno também foram realizadas analisando-se o crescimento micelial e a germinação dos conídios de B. cinerea. A solução de quitosana, nas concentrações de 1,5 e 2,0 % (v/v), quando empregada após a inoculação com B cinerea, reduziu significativamente o índice de doença no entanto, quando os cachos foram tratados antes da inoculação, não houve efeito significativo do tratamento sobre o desenvolvimento da doença. Nos ensaios in vitro, a solução de quitosana, nas maiores concentrações, suprimiu o crescimento micelial do patógeno e retardou a germinação dos conídios.


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Plan disease control techniques are used through the irrigation water, which reduces the labor and it improves application uniformity with smaller contact of the operator with toxic products, lower environmental impact and lower production cost. In order to control Botrytis cinerea the lisianthus culture, this work aimed to evaluate two fungicide application methods with different treatments. The fungicides were: thiophanate methyl (50 g i.a. L-1), thiophanate methyl + chlorothalonil (50 g i.a. L-1 + 35 g i.a. L-1) and iprodione (50 g i.a. L-1). Number of lesions, number of diseased floral buttons and height of the lisianthus plants were evaluated. It was possible to deduce, that in the growth stage (number of lesions in the plant) as well as in the final stage (number of floral buttons) of the lisianthus culture, the most efficient treatments were 2 (thiophanate methyl + chlorothalonil) and 3 (iprodione). Considering that treatment 2 is a mixture of two fungicides, a systemic and a contact one, independently of application methods, the mixture increased efficiency in relation to treatment 1 (thiophanate methyl). Thus, chemigation was as efficient as spreading technique.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Human activities are altering the concentrations of ozone in the troposphere and hence in the incidence of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) on Earth’s surface. Although representing only five percent of UV-B radiation striking the Earth's surface, this radiation has the potential to cause effects on biologically active molecules. Sensitivity to UV-B radiation is one of the limitations of biological control of plant pathogens in the field. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the effects of UV-B on several isolates of Clonostachys rosea, and the ability of an isolate of C. rosea, previously selected for its tolerant to UV-B radiation, to control Botrytis cinerea on strawberry leaves in controlled conditions (strawberry leaf discs). The germination of C. rosea conidia was inversely proportional to the irradiance. The most tolerant strain (LQC62) had relative germination of about 60% after irradiation of 4.2kJ/m2, and this strain was selected to be used in the subsequent studies. The data showed that even with exposure to UV-B radiation, C. rosea LQC62 controlled the pathogen. Conidial concentrations of strain LQC62 above 105 conidia/ml showed higher tolerance to UV-B radiation and increased ability to control more than 75% of the B. cinerea even with exposure to radiation. According to our results, in addition to showing less growth under UV-B, conidia of C. rosea had lower antagonistic ability. Further studies are needed to observe the tolerance of B. cinerea conidia to UV-B radiation and thereby prove that an environment with increased UV-B radiation may be favoring the pathogen due to a lower ability of C. rosea to control the pathogen in conditions of increased UV-B.


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Par le Dr. Gy. de Istvánffi


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Treatment of cut freesia var. Cote d'Azur flowers with methyl jasmonate (MeJA, 0.1 mu l MeJA l(-1)) vapour suppressed petal specking caused by Botrytis cinerea infection. MeJA efficacy was concentration and incubation temperature dependent. Disease severity, lesion numbers and lesion diameters decreased with increasing MeJA concentration from 0.025 to 0.1 mu l MeJA l(-1). However, there were no significant (P > 0.05) differences among MeJA concentrations examined. MeJA was more effective in reducing B. cinerea flower specking at 20 degrees C than at 12 degrees C. MeJA treatment was ineffective at 5 degrees C. At 20 degrees C, MeJA treatment at 0.1 mu l MeJA l(-1) reduced disease severity, lesion numbers and lesion diameters by 58, 50 and 48%, respectively, as compared to untreated controls. In a repeat experiment, disease severity, lesion numbers and lesion diameters on MeJA vapour treated flowers after 12 h of incubation were reduced by 68, 56 and 50%, respectively. MeJA did not exert direct antifungal activity in-vitro, suggesting that treatment in-vivo reduced B. cinerea-induced flower specking by induction of host defence responses. MeJA at 0.1 mu l MeJA l(-1) significantly (P < 0.05) increased vase life of cut freesia flowers and delayed senescence judged by lower wilt scores and higher fresh weights as compared to untreated controls. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cut Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer) flowers are often infected with Botrytis cinerea. Release of infection from quiescence can cause ethylene production by invaded host tissues and result in flower abscission. Postharvest floral organ abscission is a major problem for the commercial waxflower industry. Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) occurs naturally in plant tissue and has a signalling role in eliciting induced systemic resistance against disease. MeJA treatments have been shown to suppress B. cinerea infecting cut rose flowers. The present experiments investigated the potential of exogenous MeJA treatments for B. cinerea management on harvested waxflower. MeJA treatments of 10 and 100 L liquid MeJA/L of air applied to cv. Purple Pride and 1 L MeJA/L to cv. Mullering Brook gave reductions in disease severity for uninoculated stems. However, concentrations of 100 L MeJA/L applied to Purple Pride in addition to 1 and 10 L MeJA/L applied to Mullering Brook increased the incidence of floral organ fall. Flower abscission upon treatment with MeJA may be due to induced systemic resistance-associated upregulation of ethylene biosynthesis. MeJA treatments had no direct effect on B. cinerea hyphal elongation in vitro. Collectively, these results show that while MeJA treatment may elicit defence in waxflower against Botrytis, the chemical also causes floral organ fall. Thus, exogenous MeJA treatments do not have potential for B. cinerea management on harvested waxflower.


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Compounds that activate host plant defence responses potentially offer socio-environmentally sound alternative methods for disease control. In a series of glasshouse trials over 2 years, pre-harvest sprays with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) were tested for suppression of post-harvest infection of cut Freesia hybrida L. flowers by Botrytis cinerea. For the ASM treatments, variability in reducing the incidence of B. cinerea disease was observed between years freesia varieties, incubation temperatures and ASM concentrations. In the first year, the greatest reductions in lesion numbers on ASM-treated var. 'Cote d'Azur' were recorded using 2.86 mM ASM. For three different post-harvest temperature regimes, the relative reductions in lesion numbers, compared to untreated controls, were 45% at 5 degrees C, 40% at 12 degrees C and 30% at 20 degrees C, respectively. In the second year, lesion numbers were most reduced using 1.43 mM ASM to treat freesia var. 'Dukaat' flowers. Here, the relative reductions were to 44% at 5 degrees C, 26% at 12 degrees C and 51% at 20 degrees C. MeJA treatments were, in general, more consistently effective than ASM treatments in reducing lesion numbers and lesion diameters on cut freesia flowers. MeJA-treated (0.2 mM) freesia flowers (var. 'Dukaat') incubated at 20 degrees C showed relative reductions of 62%, and 45% for lesion number and lesion diameter, respectively. The differing efficacy between ASM and MeJA treatments could be attributed to their differential abilities to induce the salicylic acid (SA)-mediated vs. the jasmonic acid (JA)-mediated host defence pathways, respectively.