996 resultados para BLACK METAL


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Two control and eight field-contaminated, metal-polluted soils were inoculated with Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826). Three, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days after inoculation, earthworm survival, body weight, cocoon production and hatching rate were measured. Seventeen metals were analysed in E.fetida tissue, bulk soil and soil solution. Soil organic carbon content, texture, pH and cation exchange capacity were also measured. Cocoon production and hatching rate were more sensitive to adverse conditions than survival or weight change. Soil properties other than metal concentration impacted toxicity. The most toxic soils were organic-poor (1-10 g C kg(-1)), sandy soils (c. 74% sand), with intermediate metal concentrations (e.g. 7150-13, 100 mg Ph kg(-1), 2970-53,400 mg Zn kg(-1)). Significant relationships between soil properties and the life cycle parameters were determined. The best coefficients of correlation were generally found for texture, pH, Ag, Cd, Mg, Pb, Tl, and Zn both singularly and in multivariate regressions. Studies that use metal-amended artificial soils are not useful to predict toxicity of field multi-contaminated soils. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Earthworms perform a number of essential functions in soil; the impacts of metals on earthworms are often investigated. In this review we consider the range of earthworm species, types of soil and forms of metal for which metal uptake and accumulation have been studied, the design of these experiments and the quantitative relationships that have been derived to predict earthworm metal body burden. We conclude that there is a need for more studies on earthworm species other than Eisenia fetida in order to apply the large existing database on this earthworm to other, soil dwelling species. To aid comparisons between studies agreement is needed on standard protocols that define exposure and deputation periods and the parameters, such as soil solution composition, soil chemical and physical properties to be measured. It is recommended that more field or terrestrial model ecosystem studies using real contaminated soil rather than metal-amended artificial soils are performed. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This is a black and white photograph of a sign for the Sheet Metal Department of the New York Trade School likely created by the department. It contains ornate metal work and displays the year 1938, probably the beginning year of the Sheet Metal Department.


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Students in the Sheet Metal Department at the New York Trade School are shown working on ductwork in a classroom at the school. Black and white photograph.


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This is a view of a classroom in the Sheet Metal Department at the New York Trade School. Students are shown doing a variety of different tasks in the large room. Black and white photograph.


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A class of sheet metal students are shown working in this black and white photograph.


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Nat Gold graduated from the Sheet Metal program at the New York Trade School in 1942. He is represented here in the sheet metal shop he owns. Notice the blueprints for the White Plains Senior High School hanging on the wall behind him. Original caption reads, "Shop Owner, Brook Sheet Metal Inc. Nat Gold - Sheet Metal 1942, represents one of many Sheet Metal graduates who became owners of their own business." Black and white photograph.


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A wall in the Sheet Metal Department at the New York Trade School shows many examples of duct work, pipe, and decorative metal work that students learn to produce. Black and white photograph that is starting to fade.


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A 1946 graduate of the Sheet Metal Department, Thomas Carlough is pictured at work at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works, Inc. Original caption reads, "Thomas Carlough - Sheet Metal 1946. The Sheet Metal Draftsman lays out the duct work etc, for the ventilation and Air Conditioning of buildings." Black and white photograph with caption adhered to reverse.


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John Loonie, a graduate of the Sheet Metal Department of the New York Trade School, is pictured welding at work in the Triangle Sheet Metal Works Inc. Original caption reads, "John Loonie - Sheet Metal 1955, one of the Sheet Metal workers employed at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works, qualified to weld." Black and white photograph with caption adhered to reverse.


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A view of students at work in a classroom in the Sheet Metal Department at the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph.


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David Harning graduated from the Sheet Metal Department in 1957 and is shown in his position as Sheet Metal Cutter at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works Inc. Original caption reads, "David Harning - Sheet Metal 1957, is shown at his bench where he lays out all types of Sheet Metal pieces. These pieces will be constructed by other Sheet Metal Workers." Black and white photograph with captioned adhered to reverse.


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