46 resultados para BIOMIMETICS
Severe heart failure and cerebral stroke are broadly associated with the impairment of muscular function that conventional treatments struggle to restore. New technologies enable the construction of "smart" materials that could be of great help in treating diseases where the main problem is muscle weakness. These materials "behave" similarly to biological systems, because the material directly converts energy, for example electrical energy into movement. The extension and contraction occur silently like in natural muscles. The real challenge is to transfer this amazing technology into devices that restore or replace the mechanical function of failing muscle. Cardiac assist devices based on artificial muscle technology could envelope a weak heart and temporarily improve its systolic function, or, if placed on top of the atrium, restore the atrial kick in chronic atrial fibrillation. Artificial sphincters could be used to treat urinary incontinence after prostatectomy or faecal incontinence associated with stomas. Artificial muscles can restore the ability of patients with facial paralysis due to stroke or nerve injury to blink. Smart materials could be used to construct an artificial oesophagus including peristaltic movement and lower oesophageal sphincter function to replace the diseased oesophagus thereby avoiding the need for laparotomy to mobilise stomach or intestine. In conclusion, in the near future, smart devices will integrate with the human body to fill functional gaps due to organ failure, and so create a human chimera.
Chronic atrial fibrillation affects millions of people worldwide. Its surgical treatment often fails to restore the transport function of the atrium. This study first introduces the concept of an atrial assist device (AAD) to restore the pump function of the atrium. The AAD is developed to be totally implantable in the human body with a transcutaneous energy transfer system to recharge the implanted battery. The ADD consists of a motorless pump based on artificial muscle technology, positioned on the external surface of the atrium to compress it and restore its muscular activity. A bench model reproduces the function of a fibrillating atrium to assess the circulatory support that this pump can provide. Atripump (Nanopowers SA, Switzerland) is a dome-shaped silicone-coated nitinol actuator 5 mm high, sutured on the external surface of the atrium. A pacemaker-like control unit drives the actuator that compresses the atrium, providing the mechanical support to the blood circulation. Electrical characteristics: the system is composed of one actuator that needs a minimal tension of 15 V and has a maximum current of 1.5 A with a 50% duty cycle. The implantable rechargeable battery is made of a cell having the following specifications: nominal tension of a cell: 4.1 V, tension after 90% of discharge: 3.5 V, nominal capacity of a cell: 163 mA h. The bench model consists of an open circuit made of latex bladder 60 mm in diameter filled with water. The bladder is connected to a vertically positioned tube that is filled to different levels, reproducing changes in cardiac preload. The Atripump is placed on the outer surface of the bladder. Pressure, volume and temperature changes were recorded. The contraction rate was 1 Hz with a power supply of 12 V, 400 mA for 200 ms. Preload ranged from 15 to 21 cm H(2)O. Maximal silicone membrane temperature was 55 degrees C and maximal temperature of the liquid environment was 35 degrees C. The pump produced a maximal work of 16 x 10(-3) J. Maximal volume pumped was 492 ml min(-1). This artificial muscle pump is compact, follows the Starling law and reproduces the hemodynamic performances of a normal atrium. It could represent a new tool to restore the atrial kick in persistent atrial fibrillation.
UNLABELLED: Cleavage of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) by host cell proteases is necessary for viral activation and infectivity. In humans and mice, members of the type II transmembrane protease family (TTSP), e.g., TMPRSS2, TMPRSS4, and TMPRSS11d (HAT), have been shown to cleave influenza virus HA for viral activation and infectivityin vitro Recently, we reported that inactivation of a single HA-activating protease gene,Tmprss2, in knockout mice inhibits the spread of H1N1 influenza viruses. However, after infection ofTmprss2knockout mice with an H3N2 influenza virus, only a slight increase in survival was observed, and mice still lost body weight. In this study, we investigated an additional trypsin-like protease, TMPRSS4. Both TMPRSS2 and TMPRSS4 are expressed in the same cell types of the mouse lung. Deletion ofTmprss4alone in knockout mice does not protect them from body weight loss and death upon infection with H3N2 influenza virus. In contrast,Tmprss2(-/-)Tmprss4(-/-)double-knockout mice showed a remarkably reduced virus spread and lung pathology, in addition to reduced body weight loss and mortality. Thus, our results identified TMPRSS4 as a second host cell protease that, in addition to TMPRSS2, is able to activate the HA of H3N2 influenza virusin vivo IMPORTANCE: Influenza epidemics and recurring pandemics are responsible for significant global morbidity and mortality. Due to high variability of the virus genome, resistance to available antiviral drugs is frequently observed, and new targets for treatment of influenza are needed. Host cell factors essential for processing of the virus hemagglutinin represent very suitable drug targets because the virus is dependent on these host factors for replication. We reported previously thatTmprss2-deficient mice are protected against H1N1 virus infections, but only marginal protection against H3N2 virus infections was observed. Here we show that deletion of two host protease genes,Tmprss2andTmprss4, strongly reduced viral spread as well as lung pathology and resulted in increased survival after H3N2 virus infection. Thus, TMPRSS4 represents another host cell factor that is involved in cleavage activation of H3N2 influenza virusesin vivo.
La presència de la química teòrica i computacional està augmentant en quasi tots els camps de la recerca en química. Els càlculs teòrics poden ajudar a entendre millor l'estructura, les propietats i la reactivitat de compostos metàl·lics d'àrees tan diferents com la química inorgànica, organometàl·lica i bioinorgànica. No obstant això, és imprescindible utilitzar la metodologia adequada per obtenir resultats teòrics fiables. Els estudis d'aquesta tesi es poden dividir en dos grups diferents. El primer grup inclou l'estudi teòric del mecanisme de reacció de diversos sistemes que contenen coure i tenen diferents estructures Cun-O2. Aquests estudies s'han dut a terme amb l'objectiu de profunditzar en la natura dels processos oxidants químics i biològics promoguts per sistemes que contenen coure. En la segona part de la tesi, s'estudia la fiabilitat de diferents tècniques utilitzades per estudiar l'estructura electrònica i la reactivitat de sistemes que contenen coure, ferro i altres metalls de transició.
The realisation that much of conventional. modern architecture is not sustainable over the long term is not new. Typical approaches are aimed at using energy and materials more efficiently. However, by clearly understanding the natural processes and their interactions with human needs in view, designers can create buildings that are delightful. functional productive and regenerative by design. The paper aims to review the biomimetics literature that is relevant to building materials and design. Biomimetics is the abstraction of good design from Nature, an enabling interdisciplinary science. particularly interested in emerging properties of materials and structures as a result of their hierarchical organisation. Biomimetics provides ideas relevant to: graded functionality of materials (nano-scale), adaptive response (nano-, micro-. and macro-scales): integrated intelligence (sensing and actuation at all scales), architecture and additional functionality. There are many examples in biology where emergent response of plants and animals to temperature, humidity and other changes in their physical environments is based on relatively simple physical principles. However, the implementation of design solutions which exploit these principles is where inspiration for man-made structures should be. We analyse specific examples of sustainability from Nature and the benefits or value that these solutions have brought to different creatures. By doing this, we appreciate how the natural world fits into the world of sustainable buildings and how as building engineers we can value its true application in delivering sustainable building.
The work reported in this paper is motivated by biomimetic inspiration - the transformation of patterns. The major issue addressed is the development of feasible methods for transformation based on a macroscopic tool. The general requirement for the feasibility of the transformation method is determined by classifying pattern formation approaches an their characteristics. A formal definition for pattern transformation is provided and four special cases namely, elementary and geometric transformation based on repositioning all and some robotic agents are introduced. A feasible method for transforming patterns geometrically, based on the macroscopic parameter operation of a swarm is considered. The transformation method is applied to a swarm model which lends itself to the transformation technique. Simulation studies are developed to validate the feasibility of the approach, and do indeed confirm the approach.
Purpose: Existing composite restorations on teeth are often remade prior to the cementation of fixed dental prostheses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of static and cyclic loading on ceramic laminate veneers adhered to aged resin composite restorations.Materials and Methods: Eighty sound maxillary incisors were collected and randomly divided into four groups: group 1: control group, no restorations; group 2: two Class III restorations; group 3: two Class IV restorations; group 4: complete composite substrate. Standard composite restorations were made using a microhybrid resin composite (Anterior Shine). Restored teeth were subjected to thermocycling (6000 cycles). Window preparations were made on the labial surface of the teeth for ceramic laminate fabrication (Empress II). Teeth were conditioned using an etch-and-rinse system. Existing composite restorations representing the aged composites were silica coated (CoJet) and silanized (ESPE-Sil). Ceramic laminates were cemented using a bis-GMA-based cement (Variolink Veneer). The specimens were randomly divided into two groups and were subjected to either static (groups 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a) or cyclic loading (groups 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b). Failure type and location after loading were classified. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test.Results: Significantly higher fracture strength was obtained in group 4 (330 +/- 81 N) compared to the controls in group 1 (179 +/- 120 N) (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.05). Group lb survived a lower mean number of cyclic loads (672,820 cycles) than teeth of groups 2b to 4b (846x10(3) to 873x10(3) cycles). Failure type evaluation after the fracture test showed predominantly adhesive failures between dentin and cement, but after cyclic loading, more cohesive fractures in the ceramic were seen.Conclusion: Ceramic laminate veneers bonded to conditioned aged composite restorations provided favorable results. Surface conditioning of existing restorations may eliminate the necessity of removing aged composite restorations.
The mineral and organic phases of mineralized dentin contribute co-operatively to its strength and toughness. This study tested the null hypothesis that there is no difference in nano-dynamic mechanical behavior (complex modulus-E*; loss modulus-E ''; storage modulus-E'; in GPa) of dentin hybrid layers (baseline: E*, 3.86 +/- 0.24; E '', 0.23 +/- 0.05; E', 3.85 +/- 0.24) created by an etch-and-rinse adhesive in the presence or absence of biomimetic remineralization after in vitro aging. Using scanning probe microscopy and nano-dynamic mechanical analysis, we demonstrated that biomimetic remineralization restored the nano-dynamic mechanical behavior of heavily remineralized, resin-sparse regions of dentin hybrid layers (E*, 19.73 +/- 3.85; E '', 8.75 +/- 3.97; E', 16.02 +/- 2.58) to those of the mineralized dentin base (E*, 19.20 +/- 2.42; E '', 6.57 +/- 1.96; E', 17.39 +/- 2.0) [p > 0.05]. Conversely, those resin-sparse, water-rich regions degraded in the absence of biomimetic remineralization, with significant decline [p < 0.05] in their complex and storage moduli (E*, 0.83 +/- 0.35; E '', 0.88 +/- 0.24; E', 0.62 +/- 0.32). Intrafibrillar apatite deposition preserves the integrity of resin-sparse regions of hybrid layers by restoring their nanomechanical properties to those exhibited by mineralized dentin.
The osseointegration of porous titanium implants was evaluated in the present work. Implants were fabricated from ASTM grade 2 titanium by a powder metallurgy method. Part of these implants were submitted to chemical and thermal treatment in order to deposit a biomimetic coating, aiming to evaluate its influence on the osseointegration of the implants. The implants were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Electron Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Raman Spectroscopy. Three coated and three control (uncoated) implants were surgically inserted into thirty albino rabbits' left and right tibiae, respectively. Tibiae samples were submitted to histological and histomorphometric analyses, utilizing SEM, optical microscopy and mechanical tests. EDS results indicated calcium (Ca) and phosphorous (P) at the surface and Raman spectra exhibited an intense peak, characteristic of hydroxyapatite (HA). Bone neoformation was detected at the bone-implant interface and inside the pores, including the central ones. The mean bone neoformation percentage in the coated implants was statistically higher at 15 days, compared to 30 and 45 days. The mechanical tests showed that coated implants presented higher resistance to displacement, especially after 30 and 45 days.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work the interaction of the pesticide carbaryl with two groups of biomimetic ligands, peptides and MIPs was screened by multiple minima hypersurfaces (MMH) procedures, through the AM1 semiempirical method. Data related to the properties of the molecular association of the complex biomimetic ligand-pesticide were obtained and compared with another molecular modeling algorithm named Leapfrog, as included in the Sybyl software package, and experimental results from the literature, remarking good correlation between them. All important MMH program parameters (cells number, box size, conformers) were studied and optimized with the aim of getting the minimum computation time without losing the correlation with experimental data. The data demonstrated that MMH approach can be used as a fast biomimetic ligand screening tool for MIPs. In the case of peptides the computation time was not comparable with the molecular dynamics methods conventionally used for this approach. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
A biomimetic sensor based on a carbon paste electrode modified with the nickel(II) 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-octabutoxy-29H,31H-phthalocyanine complex was developed as a reliable alternative technique for the sensitive and selective analysis of the herbicide diuron in environmental media. The sensor was evaluated using cyclic voltammetry and amperometric techniques. The best amperometric responses were obtained at 750 mV vs. Ag/AgCl (KClsat), using 0.1 mol L-1 phosphate buffer solution at pH 8.0. Under these conditions, the sensor showed a linear response for diuron concentrations between 9.9 × 10-6 and 1.5 × 10-4 mol L -1, a sensitivity of 22817 (±261) μA L mol-1, and detection and quantification limits of 6.14 × 10-6 and 2 × 10-5 mol L-1, respectively. The presence of the nickel complex in the carbon paste improved selectivity, stability, and sensitivity (which increased 700%), compared to unmodified paste. The applicability of the sensor was demonstrated using enriched environmental samples (river water and soil). © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Material surfaces that provide biomimetic cues, such as nanoscale architectures, have been shown to alter cell/biomaterial interactions. Recent studies have identified titania nanotube arrays as strong candidates for use in interfaces on implantable devices due to their ability to elicit improved cellular functionality. However, limited information exists regarding the immune response of nanotube arrays. Thus, in this study, we have investigated the short- and long-term immune cell reaction of titania nanotube arrays. Whole blood lysate (containing leukocytes, thrombocytes and trace amounts of erythrocytes), isolated from human blood, were cultured on titania nanotube arrays and biomedical grade titanium (as a control) for 2 hours and 2 and 7 days. In order to determine the in vitro immune response on titania nanotube arrays, immune cell functionality was evaluated by cellular viability, adhesion, proliferation, morphology, cytokine/chemokine expression, with and without lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and nitric oxide release. The results presented in this study indicate a decrease in short- and long-term monocyte, macrophage and neutrophil functionality on titania nanotube arrays as compared to the control substrate. This work shows a reduced stimulation of the immune response on titania nanotube arrays, identifying this specific nanoarchitecture as a potentially optimal interface for implantable biomedical devices. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Exploitation of the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes for the development of voltammetric and amperometric sensors to monitor analytes of environmental relevance has increased in recent years. This work reports the development of a biomimetic sensor based on a carbon paste modified with 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin iron (III) chloride (a biomimetic catalyst of the P450 enzyme) and multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), for the sensitive and selective detection of the herbicide 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The sensor was evaluated using cyclic voltammetry and amperometry, for electrochemical characterization and quantification purposes, respectively. Amperometric analyses were carried out at -100 mV vs. Ag/AgCl(KClsat), using a 0.1 mol L-1 phosphate buffer solution at pH 6.0 as the support electrolyte. Under these optimized analytical conditions, the sensor showed a linear response between 9.9 × 10-6 and 1.4 × 10-4 mol L-1, a sensitivity of 1.8 × 104 (±429) μA L mol -1, and limits of detection and quantification of 2.1 × 10 -6 and 6.8 × 10-6 mol L-1, respectively. The incorporation of functionalized MWCNT in the carbon paste resulted in a 10-fold increase in the response, compared to that of the biomimetic sensor without MWCNT. In addition, the low applied potential (-100 mV) used to obtain high sensitivity also contributed to the excellent selectivity of the proposed sensor. The viability of the application of this sensor for analysis of soil samples was confirmed by satisfactory recovery values, with a mean of 96% and RSD of 2.1% (n = 3). © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)