999 resultados para BIOFUEL CELLS


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Fermentation products can chaotropically disorder macromolecular systems and induce oxidative stress, thus inhibiting biofuel production. Recently, the chaotropic activities of ethanol, butanol and vanillin have been quantified (5.93, 37.4, 174kJkg(-1)m(-1) respectively). Use of low temperatures and/or stabilizing (kosmotropic) substances, and other approaches, can reduce, neutralize or circumvent product-chaotropicity. However, there may be limits to the alcohol concentrations that cells can tolerate; e.g. for ethanol tolerance in the most robust Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, these are close to both the solubility limit (<25%, w/v ethanol) and the water-activity limit of the most xerotolerant strains (0.880). Nevertheless, knowledge-based strategies to mitigate or neutralize chaotropicity could lead to major improvements in rates of product formation and yields, and also therefore in the economics of biofuel production.


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La production de biodiésel par des microalgues est intéressante à plusieurs niveaux. Dans le premier chapitre, un éventail de pour et contres concernant l’utilisation de microalgues pour la production de biocarburant sont ici révisés. La culture d’algues peut s'effectuer en utilisant des terres non-arables, de l’eau non-potable et des nutriments de base. De plus, la biomasse produite par les algues est considérablement plus importante que celle de plantes vasculaires. Plusieurs espèces on le contenu lipidique en forme de triacylglycérols (TAGs), qui peut correspondre jusqu'à 30% - 40% du poids sec de la biomasse. Ces proportions sont considérablement plus élevées que celui des huiles contenues dans les graines actuellement utilisées pour le biodiésel de première génération. Par contre, une production pratique et peu couteuse de biocarburant par des microalgues requiert de surpasser plusieurs obstacles. Ceci inclut le développement de systèmes de culture efficace à faible coût, de techniques de récupération requérant peu d’énergie, et de méthodes d’extraction et de conversion de l’huile non-dommageables pour l’environnement et peu couteuses. Le deuxième chapitre explore l'une des questions importantes soulevées dans le premier chapitre: la sélection d'une souche pour la culture. Une collection de souches de microalgues d'eau douce indigène au Québec a été établi et examiné au niveau de la diversité physiologique. Cette collection est composée de cent souches, que apparaissaient très hétérogènes en terme de croissance lorsque mises en culture à 10±2 °C ou 22±2 °C sur un effluent secondaire d’une usine municipale de traitement des eaux usées (EU), défini comme milieu Bold's Basal Medium (BBM). Des diagrammes de dispersion ont été utilisés pour étudier la diversité physiologique au sein de la collection, montrant plusieurs résultats intéressants. Il y avait une dispersion appréciable dans les taux de croissance selon les différents types de milieux et indépendamment de la température. De manière intéressante, en considérant que tous les isolats avaient initialement été enrichis sur milieu BBM, la distribution était plutôt symétrique autour de la ligne d’iso-croissance, suggérant que l’enrichissement sur BBM n’a pas semblé biaiser la croissance des souches sur ce milieu par rapport aux EU. Également, considérant que les isolats avaient d’abord été enrichis à 22°C, il est assez surprenant que la distribution de taux de croissance spécifiques soit aussi symétrique autour de la ligne d’iso-croissance, avec grossièrement des nombres égaux d’isolats de part et d’autre. Ainsi, l’enrichissement à 22°C ne semble pas biaiser les cellules vers une croissance à cette température plutôt que vers 10°C. Les diagrammes de dispersion obtenus lorsque le pourcentage en lipides de cultures sur BBM ont été comparées à des cultures ayant poussé sur EU soit à 10°C ou 22°C rendent évident que la production de lipides est favorisée par la culture sur EU aux deux températures, et que la production lipidique ne semble pas particulièrement plus favorisée par l’une ou l’autre de ces températures. Lorsque la collection a été examinée pour y déceler des différences avec le site d’échantillonnage, une analyse statistique a montré grossièrement que le même degré de diversité physiologique était retrouvé dans les échantillons des deux différents sites. Le troisième chapitre a poursuivi l'évaluation de la culture d'algues au Québec. L’utilisation de déchets industriels riches en nutriments minéraux et en sources de carbone pour augmenter la biomasse finale en microalgues et le produit lipidique à faible coût est une stratégie importante pour rendre viable la technologie des biocarburants par les algues. Par l’utilisation de souches de la collection de microalgues de l’Université de Montréal, ce rapport montre pour la première fois que des souches de microalgues peuvent pousser en présence de xylose, la source de carbone majoritairement retrouvée dans les eaux usées provenant des usines de pâte et papier, avec une hausse du taux de croissance de 2,8 fois par rapport à la croissance photoautotrophe, atteignant jusqu’à µ=1,1/jour. En présence de glycérol, les taux de croissance atteignaient des valeurs aussi élevées que µ=1,52/jour. La production lipidique augmentait jusqu’à 370% en présence de glycérol et 180% avec le xylose pour la souche LB1H10, démontrant que cette souche est appropriée pour le développement ultérieur de biocarburants en culture mixotrophe. L'ajout de xylose en cultures d'algues a montré certains effets inattendus. Le quatrième chapitre de ce travail a porté à comprendre ces effets sur la croissance des microalgues et la production de lipides. Quatre souches sauvages indigènes ont été obersvées quotidiennement, avant et après l’ajout de xylose, par cytométrie en flux. Avec quelques souches de Chlorella, l’ajout de xylose induisait une hausse rapide de l’accumulation de lipide (jusqu’à 3,3 fois) pendant les premières six à douze heures. Aux temps subséquents, les cellules montraient une diminution du contenu en chlorophylle, de leur taille et de leur nombre. Par contre, l’unique membre de la famille des Scenedesmaceae avait la capacité de profiter de la présence de cette source de carbone sous culture mixotrophe ou hétérotrophe sans effet négatif apparent. Ces résultats suggèrent que le xylose puisse être utilisé avant la récolte afin de stimuler l’augmentation du contenu lipidique de la culture d’algues, soit en système de culture continu ou à deux étapes, permettant la biorestauration des eaux usées provenant de l’industrie des pâtes et papiers. Le cinquième chapitre aborde une autre déché industriel important: le dioxyde de carbone et les gaz à effet de serre. Plus de la moitié du dioxyde de carbone qui est émis dans l'atmosphère chaque jour est dégagé par un processus stationnaire, soit pour la production d’électricité ou pour la fabrication industrielle. La libération de CO2 par ces sources pourrait être atténuée grâce à la biorestauration avec microalgues, une matière première putative pour les biocarburants. Néanmoins, toutes les cheminées dégagent un gaz différent, et la sélection des souches d'algues est vitale. Ainsi, ce travail propose l'utilisation d’un état de site particulier pour la bioprospection de souches d'algues pour être utilisé dans le processus de biorestauration. Les résultats montrent que l'utilisation d'un processus d'enrichissement simple lors de l'étape d'isolement peut sélectionner des souches qui étaient en moyenne 43,2% mieux performantes dans la production de biomasse que les souches isolées par des méthodes traditionnelles. Les souches isolées dans ce travail étaient capables d'assimiler le dioxyde de carbone à un taux supérieur à la moyenne, comparées à des résultats récents de la littérature.


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Infection of plant cells by potyviruses induces the formation of cytoplasmic inclusions ranging in size from 200 to 1000 nm. To determine if the ability to form these ordered, insoluble structures is intrinsic to the potyviral cytoplasmic inclusion protein, we have expressed the cytoplasmic inclusion protein from Potato virus Y in tobacco under the control of the chrysanthemum ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit promoter, a highly active, green tissue promoter. No cytoplasmic inclusions were observed in the leaves of transgenic tobacco using transmission electron microscopy, despite being able to clearly visualize these inclusions in Potato virus Y infected tobacco leaves under the same conditions. However, we did observe a wide range of tissue and sub-cellular abnormalities associated with the expression of the Potato virus Y cytoplasmic inclusion protein. These changes included the disruption of normal cell morphology and organization in leaves, mitochondrial and chloroplast internal reorganization, and the formation of atypical lipid accumulations. Despite these significant structural changes, however, transgenic tobacco plants were viable and the results are discussed in the context of potyviral cytoplasmic inclusion protein function.


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To date, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from various tissues have been reported, but the yield and differentiation potential of different tissue-derived MSCs is still not clear. This study was undertaken in an attempt to investigate the multilineage stem cell potential of bone and cartilage explant cultures in comparison with bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). The results showed that the surface antigen expression of tissue-derived cells was consistent with that of mesenchymal stem cells, such as lacking the haematopoietic and common leukocyte markers (CD34, CD45) while expressing markers related to adhesion (CD29, CD166) and stem cells (CD90, CD105). The tissue-derived cells were able to differentiate into osteoblast, chondrocyte and adipocyte lineage pathways when stimulated in the appropriate differentiating conditions. However, compared with BMSCs, tissue-derived cells showed less capacity for multilineage differentiation when the level of differentiation was assessed in monolayer culture by analysing the expression of tissue-specific genes by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and histology. In high density pellet cultures, tissue-derived cells were able to differentiate into chondrocytes, expressing chondrocyte markers such as proteoglycans, type II collagen and aggrecan. Taken together, these results indicate that cells derived from tissue explant cultures reserved certain degree of differentiation properties of MSCs in vitro.


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Introduction During development and regeneration, odontogenesis and osteogenesis are initiated by a cascade of signals driven by several master regulatory genes. Methods In this study, we investigated the differential expression of 84 stem cell–related genes in dental pulp cells (DPCs) and periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs) undergoing odontogenic/osteogenic differentiation. Results Our results showed that, although there was considerable overlap, certain genes had more differential expression in PDLCs than in DPCs. CCND2, DLL1, and MME were the major upregulated genes in both PDLCs and DPCs, whereas KRT15 was the only gene significantly downregulated in PDLCs and DPCs in both odontogenic and osteogenic differentiation. Interestingly, a large number of regulatory genes in odontogenic and osteogenic differentiation interact or crosstalk via Notch, Wnt, transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)/bone morphogenic protein (BMP), and cadherin signaling pathways, such as the regulation of APC, DLL1, CCND2, BMP2, and CDH1. Using a rat dental pulp and periodontal defect model, the expression and distribution of both BMP2 and CDH1 have been verified for their spatial localization in dental pulp and periodontal tissue regeneration. Conclusions This study has generated an overview of stem cell–related gene expression in DPCs and PDLCs during odontogenic/osteogenic differentiation and revealed that these genes may interact through the Notch, Wnt, TGF-β/BMP, and cadherin signalling pathways to play a crucial role in determining the fate of dental derived cell and dental tissue regeneration. These findings provided a new insight into the molecular mechanisms of the dental tissue mineralization and regeneration


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Insufficient availability of osteogenic cells limits bone regeneration through cell-based therapies. This study investigated the potential of amniotic fluid–derived stem (AFS) cells to synthesize mineralized extracellular matrix within porous medical-grade poly-e-caprolactone (mPCL) scaffolds. The AFS cells were initially differentiated in two-dimensional (2D) culture to determine appropriate osteogenic culture conditions and verify physiologic mineral production by the AFS cells. The AFS cells were then cultured on 3D mPCL scaffolds (6-mm diameter9-mm height) and analyzed for their ability to differentiate to osteoblastic cells in this environment. The amount and distribution of mineralized matrix production was quantified throughout the mPCL scaffold using nondestructive micro computed tomography (microCT) analysis and confirmed through biochemical assays. Sterile microCT scanning provided longitudinal analysis of long-term cultured mPCL constructs to determine the rate and distribution of mineral matrix within the scaffolds. The AFS cells deposited mineralized matrix throughout the mPCL scaffolds and remained viable after 15 weeks of 3D culture. The effect of predifferentiation of the AFS cells on the subsequent bone formation in vivo was determined in a rat subcutaneous model. Cells that were pre-differentiated for 28 days in vitro produced seven times more mineralized matrix when implanted subcutaneously in vivo. This study demonstrated the potential of AFS cells to produce 3D mineralized bioengineered constructs in vitro and in vivo and suggests that AFS cells may be an effective cell source for functional repair of large bone defects


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This study aimed to determine the cellular aging of osteophyte-derived mesenchymal cells (oMSCs) in comparison to patient-matched bone marrow stromal cells (bMSCs). Extensive expansion of the cell cultures was performed and early and late passage cells (passages 4 and 9, respectively) were used to study signs of cellular aging, telomere length, telomerase activity, and cell-cycle-related gene expression. Our results showed that cellular aging was more prominent in bMSCs than in oMSCs, and that oMSCs had longer telomere length in late passages compared with bMSCs, although there was no significant difference in telomere lengths in the early passages in either cell type. Telomerase activity was detectable only in early passage oMSCs and not in bMSCs. In osteophyte tissues telomerase-positive cells were found to be located perivascularly and were Stro-1 positive. Fifteen cell-cycle regulator genes were investigated and only three genes (APC, CCND2, and BMP2) were differentially expressed between bMSC and oMSC. Our results indicate that oMSCs retain a level of telomerase activity in vitro, which may account for the relatively greater longevity of these cells, compared with bMSCs, by preventing replicative senescence. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 839-850, 2009. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Application of cell-–biomaterial systems in regenerative medicine can be facilitated by their successful low temperature preservation. Vitrification, which avoids ice crystal formation by amorphous solidification, is an emerging approach to cryopreservation. Developing vitrification strategy, effective cryopreservation of alginate–fibrin beads with porcine mesenchymal stromal cells has been achieved in this study. The cell–biomaterial constructs were pre-cultured for 20 days before cryopreservation, allowing for cell proliferation and construct stabilization. Ethylene glycol (EG) was employed as the basic cryoprotectant for two equilibration solutions. Successful cryopreservation of the constructs was achieved using vitrification solution composed of penetrating (EG MW 62 Da) and non-penetrating (sucrose MW 342 Da) cryoprotectants. Stepwise procedure of introduction to and removal of cryoprotectants was brief; direct plunging into liquid nitrogen was applied. Cell viability, evaluated by combining live/death staining and confocal laser microscopy, was similar for both control and vitrified cells in the beads. No detectable damage of microstructure of cryopreserved beads was found as shown by scanning electron microscopy. Both osteogenically induced control and vitrified cells in the constructs were equally capable of mineral production and deposition. There was no statistically significant difference in metabolic activity and proliferation between both groups during the entire culture period. Our study leads to the conclusion that the developed cryopreservation protocol allowed to maintain the integrity of the beads while preserving the ability of the pig bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells to proliferate and subsequently differentiate; demonstrating that vitrification is a promising approach for cryopreser-vation of “ready-to-use” cell–biomaterial constructs.


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Development of an effective preservation strategy to fulfill off-the-shelf availability of tissue-engineered constructs (TECs) is demanded for realizing their clinical potential. In this study, the feasibility of vitrification, ice-free cryopreservation, for precultured ready-to-use TECs was evaluated. To prepare the TECs, bone marrow-derived porcine mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) were seeded in polycaprolactone-gelatin nanofibrous scaffolds and cultured for 3 weeks before vitrification treatment. The vitrification strategy developed, which involved exposure of the TECs to low concentrations of cryoprotectants followed by a vitrification solution and sterile packaging in a pouch with its subsequent immersion directly into liquid nitrogen, was accomplished within 11min. Stepwise removal of cryoprotectants, after warming in a 38 degrees C water bath, enabled rapid restoration of the TECs. Vitrification did not impair microstructure of the scaffold or cell viability. No significant differences were found between the vitrified and control TECs in cellular metabolic activity and proliferation on matched days and in the trends during 5 weeks of continuous culture postvitrification. Osteogenic differentiation ability in vitrified and control groups was similar. In conclusion, we have developed a time- and cost-efficient cryopreservation method that maintains integrity of the TECs while preserving MSCs viability and metabolic activity, and their ability to differentiate.