1000 resultados para BAG-1


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Report to Margaret Thompson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.


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Fishing Regulations and Bag Limits


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Report to Margaret Thompson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.


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Report to Margaret Thomson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.


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Report to Margaret Thomson, Chief Clerk, about Recycled Content Plastic Bag and Soy Inks.


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As required in Iowa Code section 307.21, this is a summary of purchasing activity for soy-based inks and recycled content trash bags. The figures are for fiscal year 2007.


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As required by Iowa Code section 307.21, figures for Fiscal Year 2009 for purchasing activity for soy-based inks and recycled content trash bags.


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As required by Iowa Code section 37.21, the following is a summary of purchasing activities for soy-based inks and recycled content plastic trash bags. The figures are for Fiscal Year 2010. The department currently has no equipment which will operate with soy ink. Iowa Code section 8A.315 required that a minimum of 50 percent of garbage can liner purchases shall be recycled content plastic garbage can liners. The department purchased $51.478.04 worth of recycled content plastic garbage can liners. The represents 93.9 percent of garbage can liners purchased.


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As required by Iowa Code section 307.21, the following report was submitted related to the purchase of soy based inks and recycled content trash bags.


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This report summarizes the purchasing activity for soy based inks and recycled content trash bags for the Iowa DOT.


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Estudi de l'evolució del dornini territorial d'un monestir pirinenc, durant els segles IX-XII. Sant Llorenç prop Baga, situat al Berguedà (Catalunya), tenia les seves terres esteses per la Cerdanya i, sobretot, per la mateixa comarca de Berga. Hom ha estudiat l'evolució del ritme de donacions, els llocs on eren situades les propietats donades i també l'evolució de les relacions entre el monestir i els qui tenien el domini útil de les seves terres (pactes i contractes d'emfiteusi). D'acord amb aquests tres aspectes de valoració hom ha establert les següents cinc etapes en l'evolució del domini: 1.ª fase (898-945): el monestir existeix; 2.ª fase (945-985): moment d'expansió del domini, amb importants donacions comtals i també de particulars; 3.ª fase (985-1040): força donacions; els donadors a canvi del domini útil es comprometen a lliurar la tasca (un onzé de la collita); 4.ª fase (1040-1100): primers símptomes de transformació: el monestir tendeix a cedir la fiscalització a tercers i els pagesos han de pagar més pel gaudi del domini útil; 5.ª fase (segle XII): s'accentuen els canvis esmentats en la fase anterior, gairebé no hi ha cap donació, els documents fan referència sobretot a la zona més propera al monestir, augment dels judicis i dels enfrontaments i aparició d'esments de terres i cases abandonades.


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[Traditions. Asie. Russie. Arménie]


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Introduction Facing the challenging treatment of neurodegenerative diseases as well as complex craniofacial injuries such as those common after cancer therapy, the field of regenerative medicine increasingly relies on stem cell transplantation strategies. Here, neural crest-derived stem cells (NCSCs) offer many promising applications, although scale up of clinical-grade processes prior to potential transplantations is currently limiting. In this study, we aimed to establish a clinical-grade, cost-reducing cultivation system for NCSCs isolated from the adult human nose using cGMP-grade Afc-FEP bags. Methods We cultivated human neural crest-derived stem cells from inferior turbinate (ITSCs) in a cell culture bag system using Afc-FEP bags in human blood plasma-supplemented medium. Investigations of viability, proliferation and expression profile of bag-cultured ITSCs were followed by DNA-content and telomerase activity determination. Cultivated ITSCs were introduced to directed in vitro differentiation assays to assess their potential for mesodermal and ectodermal differentiation. Mesodermal differentiation was determined using an enzyme activity assay (alkaline phosphatase, ALP), respective stainings (Alizarin Red S, Von Kossa and Oil Red O), and RT-PCR, while immunocytochemistry and synaptic vesicle recycling were applied to assay neuroectodermal differentiation of ITSCs. Results When cultivated within Afc-FEP bags, ITSCs grew three-dimensionally in a human blood plasma-derived matrix, thereby showing unchanged morphology, proliferation capability, viability and expression profile in comparison to three dimensionally-cultured ITSCs growing in standard cell culture plastics. Genetic stability of bag-cultured ITSCs was further accompanied by unchanged telomerase activity. Importantly, ITSCs retained their potential to differentiate into mesodermal cell types, particularly including ALP-active, Alizarin Red S-, and Von Kossa-positive osteogenic cell types, as well as adipocytes positive in Oil Red O assays. Bag culture further did not affect the potential of ITSCs to undergo differentiation into neuroectodermal cell types coexpressing β-III-tubulin and MAP2 and exhibiting the capability for synaptic vesicle recycling. Conclusions Here, we report for the first time the successful cultivation of human NCSCs within cGMP-grade Afc-FEP bags using a human blood plasma-supplemented medium. Our findings particularly demonstrate the unchanged differentiation capability and genetic stability of the cultivated NCSCs, suggesting the great potential of this culture system for future medical applications in the field of regenerative medicine.


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A solução de preservação da Universidade de Wisconsin (UW) é considerada a solução padrão para preservação de fígados, rins e pâncreas. A frutose-1,6-bisfosfato (FBP) é uma substância que apresenta efeito protetor do fígado contra injúrias provocadas por agentes químicos e ocorridas durante o período de isquemia-reperfusão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da FBP na composição de soluções para preservação de fígados para transplante. Neste estudo experimental, a perfusão e a preservação dos fígados foram realizadas em cada grupo com as soluções de UW, UW contendo 10 mmol/L de FBP (UWM) e FBP 10 mmol/L (FBPS), respectivamente. Os fígados foram armazenados em um recipiente plástico contendo solução de preservação a 4oC por 24 horas. As mensurações bioquímicas de AST, ALT, LDH e TBARS foram realizadas em amostras das soluções de preservação nos tempos de 0, 12, 18 e 24 horas. A análise histológica foi realizada em fígados preservados por 24 horas. O grau de preservação observado com as soluções de UW e FBPS foi similar até 18 horas de armazenamento. A adição de 10 mmol/L de FBP à solução de UW provocou um aumento das injúrias ocorridas e uma pior preservação quando comparado ao grupo armazenado em UW. A FBP protegeu os fígados contra danos causados pelos radicais livres por tempos de preservação inferiores a 18 horas. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos na análise histológica dos fígados preservados no tempo de 24 horas. A FBP utilizada em solução foi eficaz na preservação de fígados, podendo ser um importante constituinte para outras formulações.