983 resultados para Avian disease


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Avian malaria studies have taken a prominent place in different aspects of evolutionary ecology. Despite a recent interest in the role of vectors within the complex interaction system of the malaria parasite, they have largely been ignored in most epidemiological studies. Epidemiology of the disease is however strongly related to the vector's ecology and behaviour, and there is a need for basic investigations to obtain a better picture of the natural associations between Plasmodium lineages, vector species and bird hosts. The aim of the present study was to identify the mosquito species involved in the transmission of the haemosporidian parasites Plasmodium spp. in two wild populations of breeding great tits (Parus major) in western Switzerland. Additionally, we compared Plasmodium lineages, based on mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences, between the vertebrate and dipteran hosts, and evaluated the prevalence of the parasite in the mosquito populations. Plasmodium spp. were detected in Culex pipiens only, with an overall 6.6% prevalence. Among the six cytochrome b lineages of Plasmodium identified in the mosquitoes, three were also present in great tits. The results provide evidence for the first time that C. pipiens can act as a natural vector of avian malaria in Europe and yield baseline data for future research on the epidemiology of avian malaria in European countries.


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Background: Knowledge on the temporal dynamics of host/vector/parasite interactions is a pre-requisite to further address relevant questions in the fields of epidemiology and evolutionary ecology of infectious diseases. In studies of avian malaria, the natural history of Plasmodium parasites with their natural mosquito vectors, however, is mostly unknown. Methods: Using artificial water containers placed in the field, we monitored the relative abundance of parous females of Culex pipiens mosquitoes during two years (2010-2011), in a population in western Switzerland. Additionally, we used molecular tools to examine changes in avian malaria prevalence and Plasmodium lineage composition in female C. pipiens caught throughout one field season (April-August) in 2011. Results: C. pipiens relative abundance varied both between years and months, and was associated with temperature fluctuations. Total Plasmodium prevalence was high and increased from spring to summer months (13.1-20.3%). The Plasmodium community was composed of seven different lineages including P. relictum (SGS1, GRW11 and PADOM02 lineages), P. vaughani (lineage SYAT05) and other Plasmodium spp. (AFTRU5, PADOM1, COLL1). The most prevalent lineages, P. vaughani (lineage SYAT05) and P. relictum (lineage SGS1), were consistently found between years, although they had antagonistic dominance patterns during the season survey. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the time window of analysis is critical in evaluating changes in the community of avian malaria lineages infecting mosquitoes. The potential determinants of the observed changes as well as their implications for future prospects on avian malaria are discussed.


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Integrating evolutionary and social representations theories, the current study examines the relationship between perceived disease threat and exclusionary immigration attitudes in the context of a potential avian influenza pandemic. This large-scale disease provides a realistic context for investigating the link between disease threat and immigration attitudes. The main aim of this cross-sectional study (N=412) was to explore mechanisms through which perceived chronic and contextual disease threats operate on immigration attitudes. Structural equation models show that the relationship between chronic disease threat (germ aversion) and exclusionary immigration attitudes (assimiliationist immigration criteria, health-based immigration criteria and desire to reduce the proportion of foreigners) was mediated by ideological and normative beliefs (social dominance orientation, belief in a dangerous world), but not by contextual disease threat (appraisal of avian influenza pandemic threat). Contextual disease threat only predicted support for health-based immigration criteria. The conditions under which real-life disease threats influence intergroup attitudes are scrutinized. Convergence and dissimilarity of evolutionary and social representational approaches in accounting for the link between disease threat and immigration attitudes are discussed.


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Studies on host-parasite relationships have commonly reported that parasitized hosts undergo changes in their behavioural and life history traits. How do these changes affect the fitness of the hosts? What are the ecological and evolutionary drivers of these changes? These open questions are crucial to predict the parasite spread amongst hosts. Surprisingly, mosquito vectors of diseases to humans and animals have long been seen as passive parasite transporters, being unaffected by the infection though they also function as hosts. Natural parasite-vector interactions are therefore poorly documented in the literature. In this thesis, we seek to address the role of wild vectors in the epidemiology of avian Plasmodium, the etiological agents of malaria in birds. We first conducted avian malaria surveys in field-caught mosquitoes to identify the natural vectors in our temperate study area. We report that ornithophilic Culex pipiens primarily act as a vector for Plasmodium vaughani in spring, this parasite species being progressively replaced by P. relictum along with the season. Season-related factors may thus shape the mosquitoes' vectorial capacity. We then used experimental approaches to determine the effect of avian malaria on wild, naturally infected C. pipiens. We show that infected mosquitoes incur unavoidable physiological costs associated with parasite exploitation, these costs being expressed as a reduced survival under nutritionally stressed conditions only. These results are of significant importance for the epidemiology of avian malaria since seasonal changes in climate may likely influence food quality and quantity available to the mosquitoes. The host-selection preferences of the vectors with respect to the malaria-infection status of their bird hosts largely determine the disease spreading. In a second laboratory experiment, we thus offered wild C. pipiens the opportunity to choose between uninfected and naturally infected great tits, Parus major. We show that host-seeking mosquitoes have innate orientation preferences for uninfected birds. This suggests that avian malaria parasites exert strong selective pressures on their vectors, pushing them to evolve anti-parasite behaviours. We lastly investigated the links between malaria-associated symptoms in birds and resulting attractiveness to the mosquitoes. We show that experimentally malaria-infected canaries, Serinus canaria, suffer severe haematocrit reduction at peak parasitaemia and reduced basal metabolic rate later in the course of the infection. However, no links between infection and bird attractiveness to the mosquitoes were shown in an experiment using canaries as live bait for mosquito trap in the field. These links may have been masked by confounding environmental factors. Using a system where the vectors, parasites and hosts co-occur in sympatry, this thesis illustrates that vectors are not always Plasmodium permissive, which opposes to the traditional view that malaria parasites should have little effect on their vectors. The way that the vectors respond to the parasite threat is largely determined by the environmental conditions. This may have major implications for the epidemiology of avian malaria. - Les études portant sur les relations hôtes-parasites mentionnent souvent que les hôtes parasités subissent des modifications de leurs traits d'histoire de vie ou bien comportementaux. Comment ces changements affectent-ils la valeur sélective des hôtes et celle de leurs parasites ? Quels sont les déterminants de ces modifications ? Ces questions sont d'un grand intérêt en épidémiologie. Pour autant, les moustiques vecteurs de maladies infectieuses ont longtemps été perçus comme de simples transporteurs de parasites, n'étant pas affectés par ces derniers. Cette thèse porte sur le rôle des vecteurs dans l'épidémiologie des Plasmodium aviaires, agents étiologiques de la malaria chez les oiseaux. Dans le but d'identifier les vecteurs naturels de malaria aviaire dans notre zone d'étude, nous avons tout d'abord collecté des moustiques sur le terrain, puis déterminé leur statut infectieux. Nous rapportons que les moustiques Culex pipiens sont principalement impliqués dans la transmission de Plasmodium vaughani au printemps, cette espèce de parasite étant progressivement remplacée par P. relictum au fil de la saison de transmission. Nous avons ensuite conduit une expérience visant à déterminer l'effet de la malaria aviaire sur des C. pipiens sauvages, naturellement infectés. Nous montrons que des coûts sont associés à l'infection pour les moustiques. Ces coûts occasionnent une diminution de la survie des vecteurs seulement lorsque ceux-ci sont privés de ressources nutritionnelles. Des changements saisonniers de climats pourraient affecter la quantité et la qualité des ressources disponibles pour les vecteurs et donc, leur aptitude à transmettre l'infection. Les traits comportementaux des moustiques vecteurs, tels que la recherche et le choix d'un hôte pour se nourrir, sont d'une importance majeure pour la dispersion de la malaria. Pour cela, nous avons offert à des C. pipiens sauvages l'opportunité de choisir simultanément entre une mésange charbonnière (Parus major) saine et une autre naturellement infectée. Nous montrons que les moustiques s'orientent préférentiellement vers des mésanges saines. Les Plasmodium aviaires exerceraient donc de fortes pressions de sélection sur leurs vecteurs, favorisant ainsi l'évolution de comportements d'évitement des parasites. Enfin nous avons cherché à identifier de potentiels liens entre symptômes de l'infection malarique chez les oiseaux et attractivité de ces derniers pour les moustiques. Nous montrons que des canaris (Serinus canaria) expérimentalement infectés sont fortement anémiés au moment du pic infectieux et que leur métabolisme basai diminue plus tard au cours de l'infection. Toutefois, aucun lien entre le statut infectieux et l'attractivité des canaris pour les moustiques n'a pu être montré lors d'une expérience réalisée en nature. Il se peut que ces liens aient été masqués par des facteurs environnementaux confondants. Dans son ensemble, cette thèse illustre que, contrairement aux idées reçues, les vecteurs de malaria aviaire ne sont pas toujours permissifs avec leurs parasites. L'environnement apparaît aussi comme un facteur déterminant dans la réponse des vecteurs face à la menace d'infection malarique. Cela pourrait fortement affecter l'épidémiologie de la malaria aviaire.


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Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) routinely migrate from their breeding colonies to Southern Brazil often contracting diseases during this migration, notably avian malaria, which has been already reported in Brazil and throughout the world. Detection of Plasmodium spp. in blood smears is the routine diagnostic method of avian malaria, however it has a low sensitivity rate when compared to molecular methods. Considering the negative impact of avian malaria on penguins, the aim of this study was to detect the presence of Plasmodium spp. in Magellanic penguins using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and by verifying clinical, hematological, and biochemical alterations in blood samples as well as to verify the likely prognosis in response to infection. Blood samples were obtained from 75 penguins to determine packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) counts, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), uric acid, total protein, albumin, globulin and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity levels. Whole blood samples were used for PCR assays. Plasmodium spp. was detected in 32.0% of the specimens using PCR and in 29.3% using microscopic analyses. Anorexia, diarrhea and neurological disorders were more frequent in penguins with malaria and a significant weight difference between infected and non-infected penguins was detected. PCV and MCV rates showed no significant difference. RBC and WBC counts were lower in animals with avian malaria and leukopenia was present in some penguins. Basophil and lymphocyte counts were lower in infected penguins along with high monocyte counts. There was no significant difference in AST activities between infected and non-infected animals. There was a significant increase in uric acid values, however a decrease in albumin values was observed in infected penguins. Based on this study, we concluded that Plasmodium spp. occurs in Magellanic penguins of rehabilitation centers in Southeastern Brazil, compromising the weight of infected animals with clinical alterations appearing in severe cases of this disease. It was also noted that, although the hematological abnormalities presented by these animals may not have been conclusive, leukopenia, monocytosis and the decrease of basophils and lymphocytes revealed an unfavorable prognosis, and Plasmodium spp. infections may progress with elevated uric acid concentration and low albumin levels.


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L’Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) est l’institution internationale responsable de la mise en place des mesures sanitaires associées aux échanges commerciaux d’animaux vivants. Le zonage est une méthode de contrôle recommandée par l’OIE pour certaines maladies infectieuses, dont l’influenza aviaire. Les éclosions d’influenza aviaire été extrêmement coûteuses pour l’industrie avicole partout dans le monde. Afin d’évaluer la possibilité d’user de cette approche en Ontario, les données sur les sites de production avicole ont été fournies par les fédérations d’éleveurs de volailles ce cette province. L’information portant sur les industries associées à la production avicole, soit les meuneries, les abattoirs, les couvoirs, et les usines de classification d’œufs, a été obtenue par l’entremise de plusieurs sources, dont des représentants de l’industrie avicole. Des diagrammes de flux a été crée afin de comprendre les interactions entre les sites de production et les industries associées à ceux-ci. Ces industries constituaient les éléments de bas nécessaires au zonage. Cette analyse a permis de créer une base de données portant sur intrants et extrants de production pour chaque site d’élevage avicole, ainsi que pour les sites de production des industries associées à l’aviculture. À l’aide du logiciel ArcGIS, cette information a été fusionnée à des données géospatiales de Statistique Canada de l’Ontario et du Québec. La base de données résultante a permis de réaliser les essais de zonage. Soixante-douze essais ont été réalisés. Quatre ont été retenus car celles minimisaient de façon similaire les pertes de production de l’industrie. Ces essais montrent que la méthode utilisée pour l’étude du zonage peut démontrer les déficits et les surplus de production de l’industrie avicole commerciale en Ontario. Ceux-ci pourront servir de point de départ lors des discussions des intervenants de l’industrie avicole, étant donné que la coopération et la communication sont essentielles au succès du zonage.


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In the early 2000s the threat of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza captured the attention of the world's media. While China is often considered the epicentre of the panzootic, few studies have explored coverage of this variant of avian flu in China. To address this issue, the authors examined the portrayal of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza across four Chinese newspapers at the local and national level. A textual analysis was performed on 160 articles across an eight-year period from 2001–2008. The study approach drew from Critical Discourse Analysis and Social Representation Theory. The headline analysis showed the extent that risk of the disease was subverted by the depiction of a strong and efficient ‘China’ that was a global leader in the fight against the disease. Ideological referents were called upon to stress teamwork in confronting the crisis. The diachronic analysis illustrated how the relationship between commercial interests, science and public health risks played out within the Chinese media.


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Panzootics such as highly pathogenic avian influenza and Rift Valley fever have originated from the South, largely among poor communities. On a global level, approximately two-thirds of those individuals living on less than US$2 per day keep livestock. Consequently, there is a need to better target animal health interventions for poverty reduction using an evidence-based approach. Therefore, the paper offers a three-step prioritisation framework using calculations derived from standard poverty measures: the poverty gap and the head count ratio. Data from 265 poor livestock-keeping households in Kenya informed the study. The results demonstrate that, across a spectrum of producers, the dependence upon particular species varies. Furthermore, the same livestock disease has differing impacts on the depth and severity of poverty. Consequently, animal health interventions need to


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Escherichia coli O86:K61 has long been associated with outbreaks of infantile diarrhea in humans and with diarrheal disease in many animal species. Studies in the late 1990s identified E. coli 086:K61 as the cause of mortality in a variety of wild birds, and in this study, 34 E. coli 086:K61 isolates were examined. All of the isolates were nonmotile, but most elaborated at least two morphologically distinct surface appendages that were confirmed to be type I and curli fimbriae. Thirty-three isolates were positive for the eaeA gene encoding a gamma type of intimin. No phenotypic or genotypic evidence was obtained for elaboration of Shiga-like toxins, but most isolates possessed the gene coding for the cytolethal distending toxin. Five isolates were selected for adherence assays performed with tissue explants and HEp-2 cells, and four of these strains produced attaching and effacing lesions on HEp-2 cells and invaded the cells, as determined by transmission electron microscopy. Two of the five isolates were inoculated orally into 1-day-old specific-pathogen-free chicks, and both of these isolates colonized, invaded, and persisted well in this model. Neither isolate produced attaching and effacing lesions in chicks, although some pathology was evident in the alimentary tract. No deaths were recorded in inoculated chicks. These findings are discussed in light of the possibility that wild birds are potential zoonotic reservoirs of attaching and effacing E. coli.


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The current understanding of the pathogenesis of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) in colisepticaemia is limited. This review discusses putative virulence determinants per se, such as a number of surface organelles including fimbriae and flagella; together with other factors such as iron sequestering mechanisms, which are involved in the survival of E. coli in the host rather than initiation of infection. It is concluded that avian colisepticaemia is a multi-factorial disease and that to date only a limited number of virulence factors of APEC have been thoroughly elucidated. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The group of haemosporidian parasites is of general interest to basic and applied science, since several species infect mammals, leading to malaria and associated disease symptoms. Although the great majority of haemosporidian parasites appear in bird hosts, as in the case of Leucocytozoon buteonis, there is little genomic information about genetic aspects of their co-evolution with hosts. Consequently, there is a high need for parasite-enrichment strategies enabling further analyses of the genomes, namely without exposure to DNA-intercalating dyes. Here, we used flow cytometry without an additional labelling step to enrich L. buteonis from infected buzzard blood. A specific, defined area of two-dimensional scattergramms was sorted and the fraction was further analysed. The successful enrichment of L. buteonis in the sorted fraction was demonstrated by Giemsa-staining and qPCR revealing a clear increase of parasite-specific genes, while host-specific genes were significantly decreased. This is the first report describing a labelling-free enrichment approach of L. buteonis from infected buzzard blood. The enrichment of parasites presented here is free of nucleic acid-intercalating dyes which may interfere with fluorescence-based methods or subsequent sequencing approaches.


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Avian intestinal spirochetosis (AIS) is a common disease occurring in poultry that can be caused by Brachyspira pilosicoli, a Gram-negative bacterium of the order Spirochaetes. During AIS, this opportunistic pathogen colonises the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract of poultry (principally the ileum, caeca and colon), which can cause symptoms such as diarrhoea, reduced growth rate and reduced egg production and quality. Due to the large increase of bacterial resistance to antibiotic treatment, the European Union banned in 2006 the prophylactic use of antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock. Consequently, the number of outbreaks of AIS has dramatically increased in the UK resulting in significant economic losses. This review summaries the current knowledge about AIS infection caused by B. pilosicoli and discusses various treatments and prevention strategies to control AIS.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) was developed and employed for simultaneous direct detection of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) from bursal samples and to measure the humoral response, using the same basic immunoreagents, the purified and non-purified antigen, capture antibody and chicken hyperimmune sera were prepared, and standardized for this purpose, the DAS-ELISA was applied to both 80 bursal suspensions and 224 corresponding serum samples from vaccinated and non-vaccinated commercial hocks, Bursae samples were collected at 2 weeks of age, and submitted to histological examination, virus isolation in specific pathogen-free chickens embryos, and the DAS-ELISA technique, Serum titres obtained in indirect ELISA and serum neutralization test were compared with those in DAS-ELISA, the agreement was 80% between DAS-ELISA, and the conventional techniques, with high sensitivity (87%) and specificity (90%).


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Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is an acute, highly contagious viral disease. The diagnosis of IBD depends on time-consuming and costly procedures, like virus isolation on chick embryos and histopathological examination, A double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA), immunoperoxidase and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were applied in this study to detect classical IBD virus (IBDV) after three blind passages of the Lukert strain on chicken embryo related (CER) cell monolayer after different periods of infection: 6, 12, 24 and 48 h, Cytophatic effects were most evident 12 h post-infection (p.i.) but were observed at 6 h p.i. The maximum discrimination between IBDV-infected and uninfected cell suspensions obtained by the use of DAS-ELISA for virus detection corresponded to 0.597+/-0.02 and 0.010+/-0.01 after 12h p.i., respectively. The RT-PCR was performed using the set of primers A3.1 and A3.2 to amplify the VP2 region of the IBDV genome, This molecular technique demonstrated that from 6 h p.i., it was possible to detect the viral RNA. The results show that the CER cell line can be used for classical IBDV propagation, confirmed by the DAS-ELISA, immunoperoxidase and RT-PCR assay.