975 resultados para Autoimmune liver diseases
L’hépatite autoimmune (HAI) est une maladie grave affectant le foie et présentant un haut taux de mortalité lorsque non traitée. Les traitements disponibles sont efficaces, mais de graves effets secondaires leur sont associés. Ces effets secondaires sont généralement le résultat d'une forte immunosuppression et d’autres sont spécifiques à chaque médicament. Aucune immunothérapie spécifique n’est présentement disponible pour le traitement de l’HAI. Récemment, un modèle murin d’HAI a été développé dans notre laboratoire par xénoimmunisation des souris C57BL/6 avec les antigènes humains de l'HAI de type 2. Ce modèle présente la plupart des caractéristiques biochimiques et cliniques retrouvées chez les patients atteints d'HAI de type 2. Dans cette étude, nous avons évaluée l’efficacité de deux types de traitement pour l’HAI de type 2 à l’aide de notre modèle murin. Dans un premier temps, l’anticorps anti-CD3ε a été étudié en prophylaxie et en traitement. Nous avons montré qu’une posologie de 5µg d’anti-CD3 i.v. par jour pendant 5 jours consécutifs induit une rémission chez les souris avec HAI de type 2 établie (traitement). Cette rémission est caractérisée par une normalisation des niveaux d’alanine aminotransférase et une diminution significative de l’inflammation hépatique. Cette rémission semble être associée à une déplétion partielle et transitoire des lymphocytes T CD3+ dans la périphérie et une augmentation des lymphocytes T régulateurs CD4+, CD25+ et Foxp3+ dans le foie. La même posologie lorsqu’elle est appliquée en prophylaxie n’a pas réussi à prévenir l’apparition de l’HAI de type 2. La deuxième voie de traitement consiste en l’administration par voie intranasale d’un forte dose de formiminotransférase cyclodésaminase murin (mFTCD), un autoantigène reconnu dans l’HAI de type 2. Une administration en prophylaxie par voie intranasale de 100µg de mFTCD par jour durant 3 jours consécutifs arrive à prévenir l’HAI de type 2 en diminuant l’inflammation hépatique au bout de deux semaines post-traitement.
The present study aimed to assess the tolerance and efficacy of rituximab (RTX), a chimeric IgG1 monoclonal antibody directed against the CD20 receptor present in B lymphocytes, in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases (AIRD). For this purpose, patients treated with RTX and their respective clinical charts were comprehensively examined. Indications for treatment were a refractory character of the disease, inefficacy or intolerance of other immunosuppressors. Activity indexes (SLEDAI, DAS28, and specific clinical manifestations) were used to evaluate efficacy. Serious side effects were also recorded. Seventy-four patients were included. Forty-three patients had systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 21 had rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 8 had Sjögren’s syndrome (SS), and 2 had Takayasu’s arteritis (TA). RTX was well-tolerated in 66 (89%) patients. In 8 patients (SLE = 3, SS = 3, RA = 2), serious side effects lead to discontinuation. The mean follow-up period was 12 ± 7.8 (2–35) months. The efficacy of RTX was registered in 58/66 (87%) patients, of whom 36 (83%) had SLE, 18/21 (85%) had RA, 3/8 (37%) had SS, and 1 had TA. The mean time of efficacy was 6.3 ± 5.1 weeks. A significant steroid-sparing effect was noticed in half of the patients. These results add further evidence for the use of RTX in AIRD. Based on its risk–benefit ratio, RTX might be used as the first-choice treatment for patients with severe AIRD.
Objectives: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of human immunoglobulin versus plasmapheresis in the management of autoimmune neurologic diseases. Likewise, length of hospital stay and duration of ventilator support were compared. Methods: Randomized controlled trials and analytical observational studies of more than 10 cases, were reviewed. Cochrane Neuromuscular Disease Group trials, MEDLINE, EMBASE, HINARI Ovid, the Database of abstracts of reviews of effectiveness and the Economic evaluation Database were searched as data source. Reference lists were examined for further relevant articles. A random-effect model was used to derive a pooled risk ratio. Results: 725 articles were found and 27 met the criteria for a population studied of 4717 cases: 14 articles were about Guillain Barré syndrome, 10 of Myasthenia Gravis, one of Sydenham Chorea, one of Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and one of PANDAS. No evidence was found in favor of any of the two treatments as regards effectiveness (OR 0.94, IC 0.63 – 1.41, p= 0.77) or ventilator support time; IGIV had a significant better safety profile than plasmapheresis (OR 0.70, IC 0.51 – 0.96, p= 0.03) and patients needed less time of hospital stay (p=0.03). Conclusions: There is no evidence for superiority in the effectiveness of immunoglobulin or plasmapheresis in the management of autoimmune neurologic diseases. Nevertheless, patients treated with immunoglobulin have statistically significant less adverse effects, a shorter hospital stay and a tendency of less ventilator support time. These premises could lead to fewer costs for health services but an economic study should be done.
Background: Thyroperoxidase is the major antigen of the thyroid microsomal antibodies (TMA) detected in autoimmune thyroid diseases. Its amino acid sequence has 44% homology with myeloperoxidase (MPO), an enzyme present in the primary granules of neutrophils and one of the major antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) antigens. The objective of the present study was to investigate the presence of cross-reactivity to MPO of TMA. Methods: We studied sera from 51 patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases, all of them TMA-positive. The presence of ANCA was investigated by indirect immunofluorescence and by capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: ANCA were positive in 3.9% of the TMA-positive sera and none of them reacted with MPO. In contrast, the ANCA-positive sera revealed antielastase activity. None of the ANCA-positive cases presented clinical signs of vasculitis. However, these 2 patients had been on prolonged treatment with propylthiouracil. Conclusions: We conclude that there is no cross-reactivity to MPO of TMA in patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases, possibly because of difference in the spatial configuration of the immunodominant region. The presence of ANCA in patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases without evidence of vasculitis might result from propylthiouracil-induced polyclonal activation.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic response of hepatitis C in patients coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). METHODS: A retrospective study of 20 patients coinfected with HIV-1/HCV who were treated in the outpatient liver clinic at the Sacred House of Mercy Foundation Hospital of Pará (Fundação Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará - FSCMPA) from April 2004 to June 2009. Patients were treated with 180µg PEG interferon-α2a in combination with ribavirin (1,000 to 1,250mg/day) for 48 weeks. The end point was the sustained virological response (SVR) rate (HCV RNA negative 24 weeks after completing treatment). RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 40±9.5 years, of which 89% (n=17) were male, and the HCV genotypes were genotype 1 (55%, n=11/20), genotype 2 (10%, n=2/20) and genotype 3 (35%, n=7/20). The mean CD4+ lymphocyte count was 507.8, and the liver fibrosis stages were (METAVIR) F1 (25%), F2 (55%), F3 (10%) and F4 (10%). The early virological response (EVR) was 60%, the end-of-treatment virological response (EOTVR) was 45% and the SVR was 45%. CONCLUSIONS: The median HCV viral load was high, and in 85% of cases in which highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was used, none of the patients with F3-F4 fibrosis responded to treatment. Of the twenty patients treated, 45% achieved SVR and 45% achieved EOTVR. Studies that include cases from a wider region are needed to better evaluate these findings.
Objective To compare autoantibody features in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and individuals presenting antimitochondria antibodies (AMAs) but no clinical or biochemical evidence of disease. Methods A total of 212 AMA-positive serum samples were classified into four groups: PBC (definite PBC, n = 93); PBC/autoimmune disease (AID; PBC plus other AID, n = 37); biochemically normal (BN) individuals (n = 61); and BN/AID (BN plus other AID, n = 21). Samples were tested by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on rat kidney (IIF-AMA) and ELISA [antibodies to pyruvate dehydrogenase E2-complex (PDC-E2), gp-210, Sp-100, and CENP-A/B]. AMA isotype was determined by IIF-AMA. Affinity of anti-PDC-E2 IgG was determined by 8 M urea-modified ELISA. Results High-titer IIF-AMA was more frequent in PBC and PBC/AID (57 and 70 %) than in BN and BN/AID samples (23 and 19 %) (p < 0.001). Triple isotype IIF-AMA (IgA/IgM/IgG) was more frequent in PBC and PBC/AID samples (35 and 43 %) than in BN sample (18 %; p = 0.008; p = 0.013, respectively). Anti-PDC-E2 levels were higher in PBC (mean 3.82; 95 % CI 3.36–4.29) and PBC/AID samples (3.89; 3.15–4.63) than in BN (2.43; 1.92–2.94) and BN/AID samples (2.52; 1.54–3.50) (p < 0.001). Anti-PDC-E2 avidity was higher in PBC (mean 64.5 %; 95 % CI 57.5–71.5 %) and PBC/AID samples (66.1 %; 54.4–77.8 %) than in BN samples (39.2 %; 30.9–37.5 %) (p < 0.001). PBC and PBC/AID recognized more cell domains (mitochondria, nuclear envelope, PML/sp-100 bodies, centromere) than BN (p = 0.008) and BN/AID samples (p = 0.002). Three variables were independently associated with established PBC: high-avidity anti-PDC-E2 (OR 4.121; 95 % CI 2.118–8.019); high-titer IIF-AMA (OR 4.890; 2.319–10.314); antibodies to three or more antigenic cell domains (OR 9.414; 1.924–46.060). Conclusion The autoantibody profile was quantitatively and qualitatively more robust in definite PBC as compared with AMA-positive biochemically normal individuals.
The physico-chemical characterization, structure-pharmacokinetic and metabolism studies of new semi synthetic analogues of natural bile acids (BAs) drug candidates have been performed. Recent studies discovered a role of BAs as agonists of FXR and TGR5 receptor, thus opening new therapeutic target for the treatment of liver diseases or metabolic disorders. Up to twenty new semisynthetic analogues have been synthesized and studied in order to find promising novel drugs candidates. In order to define the BAs structure-activity relationship, their main physico-chemical properties (solubility, detergency, lipophilicity and affinity with serum albumin) have been measured with validated analytical methodologies. Their metabolism and biodistribution has been studied in “bile fistula rat”, model where each BA is acutely administered through duodenal and femoral infusion and bile collected at different time interval allowing to define the relationship between structure and intestinal absorption and hepatic uptake ,metabolism and systemic spill-over. One of the studied analogues, 6α-ethyl-3α7α-dihydroxy-5β-cholanic acid, analogue of CDCA (INT 747, Obeticholic Acid (OCA)), recently under approval for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases, requires additional studies to ensure its safety and lack of toxicity when administered to patients with a strong liver impairment. For this purpose, CCl4 inhalation to rat causing hepatic decompensation (cirrhosis) animal model has been developed and used to define the difference of OCA biodistribution in respect to control animals trying to define whether peripheral tissues might be also exposed as a result of toxic plasma levels of OCA, evaluating also the endogenous BAs biodistribution. An accurate and sensitive HPLC-ES-MS/MS method is developed to identify and quantify all BAs in biological matrices (bile, plasma, urine, liver, kidney, intestinal content and tissue) for which a sample pretreatment have been optimized.
Despite evidence for the important role of oestrogens in the aetiology and pathophysiology of chronic immune/inflammatory diseases, the previous view of an unequivocal beneficial effect of oestrogens on RA compared with a detrimental effect on SLE has to be reconsidered. Likewise, the long-held belief that RA remits in the majority of pregnant patients has been challenged, and shows that only half of the patients experience significant improvement when objective disease activity measurements are applied. Pregnancies in patients with SLE are mostly successful when well planned and monitored interdisciplinarily, whereas a small proportion of women with APS still have adverse pregnancy outcomes in spite of the standard treatment. New prospective studies indicate better outcomes for pregnancies in women with rare diseases such as SSc and vasculitis. Fertility problems are not uncommon in patients with rheumatic disease and need to be considered in both genders. Necessary therapy, shortly before or during the pregnancy, demands taking into account the health of both mother and fetus. Long-term effects of drugs on offspring exposed in utero or during lactation is a new area under study as well as late effects of maternal rheumatic disease on children.
Apoptosis is a rare event in normal hepatocytes. However, multiple signals can trigger apoptosis in hepatocytes and it plays a role in the pathogenesis of many liver diseases. This review summarizes the mechanisms of hepatocellular apoptosis and the importance of apoptosis in the pathological processes of liver disease. The potential for non-invasive biomarkers of apoptosis to gauge the extent and follow the evolution of clinical disease is emphasized.
Integrins and other cell adhesion molecules regulate numerous physiological and pathological mechanisms by mediating the interaction between cells and their extracellular environment. Although the significance of integrins in the evolution and progression of certain cancers is well recognized, their involvement in nonmalignant processes, such as organ fibrosis or inflammation, is only beginning to emerge. However, accumulating evidence points to an instrumental role of integrin-mediated signaling in a variety of chronic and acute noncancerous diseases, particularly of the liver.
Herbal drugs have become increasingly popular and their use is widespread. Licensing regulations and pharmacovigilance regarding herbal products are still incomplete and clearcut proof of their efficacy in liver diseases is sparse. Nevertheless, a number of herbals show promising activity including silymarin for antifibrotic treatment, phyllantus amarus in chronic hepatitis B, glycyrrhizin to treat chronic viral hepatitis, and a number of herbal combinations from China and Japan that deserve testing in appropriate studies. Apart from therapeutic properties, reports are accumulating about liver injury after the intake of herbals, including those advertised for liver diseases. Acute and/or chronic liver damage occurred after ingestion of some Chinese herbs, herbals that contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, germander, greater celandine, kava, atractylis gummifera, callilepsis laureola, senna alkaloids, chaparral and many others. Since the evidence supporting the use of botanicals to treat chronic liver diseases is insufficient and only few of them are well standardised and free of potential serious side effects, most of these medications are not recommended outside clinical trials. Particularly with regard to the latter, adequately powered randomised-controlled clinical trials with well-selected end points are needed to assess the role of herbal therapy for liver diseases.
Regular physical activity beneficially impacts the risk of onset and progression of several chronic diseases. However, research regarding the effects of exercising on chronic liver diseases is relatively recent. Most authors focused on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), in which increasing clinical and experimental data indicate that skeletal muscle cross-talking to the adipose tissue and the liver regulates intrahepatic fat storage. In this setting physical activity is considered required in combination with calories restriction to allow an effective decrease of intrahepatic lipid component, and despite that evidence is not conclusive, some studies suggest that vigorous activity might be more beneficial than moderate activity to improve NAFLD/NASH. Evidence regarding the effects of exercise on the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma is scarce; some epidemiological studies indicate a lower risk in patients regularly and vigorously exercising. In compensated cirrhosis exercise acutely increases portal pressure, but in longer term it has been proved safe and probably beneficial. Decreased aerobic capacity (VO2) correlates with mortality in patients with decompensated cirrhosis, who are almost invariably sarcopenic. In these patients VO2 is improved by physical activity, which might also reduce the risk of hepatic encephalopathy through an increase in skeletal muscle mass. In solid organ transplantation recipients exercise is able to improve lean mass, muscle strength and as a consequence, aerobic capacity. Few data exist in liver transplant recipients, in whom exercise should be object of future studies given its high potential of providing long-term beneficial effects. Despite evidence is far from complete, physical activity should be seen as an important part of the management of patients with liver disease in order to improve their clinical outcome. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.