990 resultados para Auto-ID


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This paper will provide a rationale for developing control systems based on the availability of automated identification (Auto ID) information provision. Much of the Auto-ID research has to date focussed on developing the essential infrastructure for dynamically extracting, networking and storing product data. These developments will help to revolutionise the accuracy, quality and timeliness of data acquired by Business Information Systems and should lead to major cost savings and performance improvements as a result. This paper introduces an additional phase of Auto ID research and development in which the nature of control system decisions is reconsidered in the light of the availability of ubiquitous, unique, item-level information. The paper will: (i) Indicate why the availability of ubiquitous, unique, item-level data can enable enhanced and fundamentally different control approaches and highlight potential benefits from control systems incorporating this Auto ID data (ii) Demonstrate what is required to develop control systems based around the availability of Auto ID data. (iii) Outline the research challenges in determining how such systems will be developed.


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This book looks at how auto-ID has evolved and how it can be used in the construction industry and across projects from the perspective of all the stakeholders, from owners to design consultants, contractors and the supply chain. It could help to improve efficiency, reduce costs, ensure quality, protect the environment, and enhance safety.


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Establishing connectivity of products with real-time information about themselves can at one level provide accurate data, and at another, allow products to assess and influence their own destiny. In this way, the specification for an intelligent product is being built - one whose information content is permanently bound to its material content. This paper explores the impact of such development on supply chains, contrasting between simple and complex product supply chains. The Auto-ID project is on track to enable such connectivity between products and information using a single, open-standard, data repository for storage and retrieval of product information. The potential impact on the design and management of supply chains is immense. This paper provides an introduction to of some of these changes, demonstrating that by enabling intelligent products, Auto ID systems will be instrumental in driving future supply chains. The paper also identifies specific application areas for this technology in the product supply chain.


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This paper presents laboratory experiments to test a bottom up approach to production control and supply chain management. Built upon the successful traditional kanban (Card) system, the new intelligent system associates a kanban agent to each physical kanban. Instead of relying on demand forecast and planning, kanban agents reason about their own movements to adapt to changing demands. After previous simulations results of the intelligent system showed significant performance improvements over the traditional system, we further use the Auto-ID Laboratory at Cambridge University to test the feasibility of the idea in a realistic manufacturing environment. The results from the experiments demonstrated the superiority on several performance measures of the intelligent system compared to the traditional system used as a benchmark. Moreover, the implementation of the experiments exposed several real world constraints not shown in the simulation study and practical solutions were adopted to address these.


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Der Kommissionierprozess stellt im Rahmen der innerbetrieblichen Logistik - gerade auch im Hinblick auf Just-In-Time-Lieferungen und Fragen der Produkthaftung - einen zentralen Baustein des Material- und Informationsflusses in Unternehmen dar. Dabei ist die Wahl des Kommissioniersystems ausschlaggebend für die Optimierung der personal- und zeitaufwendigen Kommissioniervorgänge und dient damit zur Leistungssteigerung unter gleichzeitiger Reduzierung der Fehlerquote.