855 resultados para Attractive Online Information


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BACKGROUND: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a risk factor for problematic cannabis use. However, clinical and anecdotal evidence suggest an increasingly popular perception that cannabis is therapeutic for ADHD, including via online resources. Given that the Internet is increasingly utilized as a source of healthcare information and may influence perceptions, we conducted a qualitative analysis of online forum discussions, also referred to as threads, on the effects of cannabis on ADHD to systematically characterize the content patients and caregivers may encounter about ADHD and cannabis. METHODS: A total of 268 separate forum threads were identified. Twenty percent (20%) were randomly selected, which yielded 55 separate forum threads (mean number of individual posts per forum thread = 17.53) scored by three raters (Cohen's kappa = 0.74). A final sample of 401 posts in these forum threads received at least one endorsement on predetermined topics following qualitative coding procedures. RESULTS: Twenty-five (25%) percent of individual posts indicated that cannabis is therapeutic for ADHD, as opposed to 8% that it is harmful, 5% that it is both therapeutic and harmful, and 2% that it has no effect on ADHD. This pattern was generally consistent when the year of each post was considered. The greater endorsement of therapeutic versus harmful effects of cannabis did not generalize to mood, other (non-ADHD) psychiatric conditions, or overall domains of daily life. Additional themes emerged (e.g., cannabis being considered sanctioned by healthcare providers). CONCLUSIONS: Despite that there are no clinical recommendations or systematic research supporting the beneficial effects of cannabis use for ADHD, online discussions indicate that cannabis is considered therapeutic for ADHD-this is the first study to identify such a trend. This type of online information could shape ADHD patient and caregiver perceptions, and influence cannabis use and clinical care.


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This thesis attempts to provide deeper historical and theoretical grounding for sense-making, thereby illustrating its applicability to practical information seeking research. In Chapter One I trace the philosophical origins of Brenda Dervin’s theory known as “sense making,” reaching beyond current scholarship that locates the origins of sense-making in twentieth-century Phenomenology and Communication theory and find its rich ontological, epistemological, and etymological heritage that dates back to the Pre-Socratics. After exploring sense-making’s Greek roots, I examine sense-making’s philosophical undercurrents found in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit (1807), where he also returns to the simplicity of the Greeks for his concept of sense. With Chapter Two I explore sense-making methodology and find, in light of the Greek and Hegelian dialectic, a dialogical bridge connecting sense-making’s theory with pragmatic uses. This bridge between Dervin’s situation and use occupies a distinct position in sense-making theory. Moreover, building upon Brenda Dervin’s model of sense-making, I use her metaphors of gap and bridge analogy to discuss the dialectic and dialogic components of sense making. The purpose of Chapter Three is pragmatic – to gain insight into the online information-seeking needs, experiences, and motivation of first-degree relatives (FDRs) of breast cancer survivors through the lens of sense-making. This research analyses four questions: 1) information-seeking behavior among FDRs of cancer survivors compared to survivors and to undiagnosed, non-related online cancer information seekers in the general population, 2) types of and places where information is sought, 3) barriers or gaps and satisfaction rates FDRs face in their cancer information quest, and 4) types and degrees of cancer information and resources FDRs want and use in their information search for themselves and other family members. An online survey instrument designed to investigate these questions was developed and pilot tested. Via an email communication, the Susan Love Breast Cancer Research Foundation distributed 322,000 invitations to its membership to complete the survey, and from March 24th to April 5th 10,692 women agreed to take the survey with 8,804 volunteers actually completing survey responses. Of the 8,804 surveys, 95% of FDRs have searched for cancer information online, and 84% of FDRs use the Internet as a sense-making tool for additional information they have received from doctors or nurses. FDRs report needing much more information than either survivors or family/friends in ten out of fifteen categories related to breast and ovarian cancer. When searching for cancer information online, FDRs also rank highest in several of sense-making’s emotional levels: uncertainty, confusion, frustration, doubt, and disappointment than do either survivors or friends and family. The sense-making process has existed in theory and praxis since the early Greeks. In applying sense–making’s theory to a contemporary problem, the survey reveals unaddressed situations and gaps of FDRs’ information search process. FDRs are a highly motivated group of online information seekers whose needs are largely unaddressed as a result of gaps in available online information targeted to address their specific needs. Since FDRs represent a quarter of the population, further research addressing their specific online information needs and experiences is necessary.


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Objectives: In recent years, Internet access has grown markedly providing individuals with new opportunities for online information retrieval, psychological advice and support. The objectives of the present study were to explore the context through which dentally anxious individuals access an online support group and the nature of their online experiences. Methods: An online questionnaire was completed by 143 individuals who accessed the Dental Fear Central online support group bulletin board. Qualitative analysis was conducted on the responses. Results: Analysis revealed three emergent themes which reflected the motives and experiences of individuals: ‘Searching for help’, ‘Sharing fears’ and ‘I feel empowered’. Conclusion: This exploratory study suggests that for most individuals accessing this online support group was a positive and beneficial experience. Practice Implications: Online support groups may represent a convenient and beneficial tool that may assist certain individuals to confront their debilitating anxiety/phobia and successfully receive dental care.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Trabalho, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social, do Trabalho e das Organizações, 2016.


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Nowadays, with the use of technology and the Internet, education is undergoing significant changes, contemplating new ways of teaching and learning. One of the widely methods of teaching used to promote knowledge, consists in the use of virtual environments available in various formats, taking as example the teaching-learning platforms, which are available online. The Internet access and use of Laptops have created the technological conditions for teachers and students can benefit from the diversity of online information, communication, collaboration and sharing with others. The integration of Internet services in the teaching practices can provide thematic, social and digital enrichment for the agents involved. In this paper we will talk about the advantages of LMS (Learning Management Systems) such as Moodle, to support the presential lectures in higher education. We also will analyse its implications for student support and online interaction, leading educational agents to a mixing of different learning environments, where they can combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction, blended-learning, and increases the options for better quality and quantity of human interaction in a learning environment. We also will present some tools traditionally used in online assessment and that are part of the functionalities of Moodle. These tools can provide interesting alternatives to promote a more significant learning and contribute to the development of flexible and customized models of an evaluation which we want to be more efficient.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital. Orientado por Mestre Inês Veiga Pereira


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O extracto de Ginkgo biloba é o produto fitoterápico mais vendido na Europa. Em Portugal e muitos países, a maioria dos produtos à base de plantas são comercializados como suplementos alimentares, não estando garantidos, parâmetros de qualidade, segurança e eficácia. Realizouse um estudo, com recolha de informações, tendo por base uma amostra de 50 produtos à base de ginkgo. Da análise, verificou-se que 94% podiam ser encontrados à venda na internet, e desse total, 89% possuíam informação on-line quanto à composição. Apenas 40% referem a utilização do extracto padronizado de ginkgo e muitos recomendam doses superiores às referidas como terapêuticas.


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The use of Laptops and the Internet has produced the technological conditions for instructors and students can take advantage from the diversity of online information, communication, collaboration and sharing with others. The integration of Internet services in the teaching practices can be responsible for thematic, social and digital improvement for the agents involved. There are many benefits when we use a Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Moodle, to support the lectures in higher education. We also will consider its implications for student support and online interaction, leading educational agents to a collaborating of different learning environments, where they can combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction, blended-learning, and increases the possibilities for better quality and quantity of human communication in a learning background. In general components of learning management systems contain synchronous and asynchronous communication tools, management features, and assessment utilities. These assessment utilities allow lecturers to systematize basic assessment tasks. Assessments can be straightaway delivered to the student, and upon conclusion, immediately returned with grades and detailed feedback. Therefore learning management systems can also be used for assessment purposes in Higher Education.


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S'exposa el resultat d'un estudi comparatiu sobre la comunicació web dels serveis de les biblioteques virtuals universitàries d'una selecció d'universitats a distància entre les quals hi ha la UNED, la UOC i l'Open University. Aquest estudi es fa observant les diferències qualitatives de diversos aspectes, com ara l'organització, l'accessibilitat, els formats, el redactat, la utilitat i la presentació de la informació sobre els serveis de la biblioteca oferta en la web als usuaris d'aquelles universitats i/o Biblioteques que han realitzat el procés de gestió de qualitat o han confeccionat la carta de serveis i les que no. Entre diverses recomanacions i exemples de bones pràctiques, l'estudi conclou que les universitats i biblioteques que no mostren cap tipus de procés de qualitat en la seva institució podem veure que són les que obliden alguns elements essencials i molts detalls pel que fa a la descripció de la oferta de serveis es refereix. Conclusió i recomanacions extensibles a qualsevol biblioteca universitària que ofereixi informació en línia sobre els seus serveis. A partir de l'elaboració de fitxes que recullen els diversos aspectes a observar de cadascuna de les biblioteques hem ponderat, d'acord amb la diversa bibliografia consultada, cadascun com desaconsellable, recomanable i excel·lent amb el resultat d'un informe que mostra totes les recomanacions per a cadascun dels elements.


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Descripció del servei en línia FirstSearch d'OCLC. Es detallen les bases de dades que ofereix, l'accés, tarificació, el llenguatge d'interrogació emprat i es presenta el mòdul d'obtenció de documents que pot gestionar cada un dels usuaris finals i amb el qual es poden aconseguir un gran nombre dels documents que contenen les bases de dades consultades.


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Como en años anteriores, durante la conferencia Online Information'99 la empresa UMI ¿adquirida hace unos meses por Bell and Howell¿, hizo entrega del premio al mejor trabajo publicado durante 1999, según un jurado designado por la propia empresa.


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Cada día millones de usuarios vuelcan sus conocimientos y experiencias en internet. Este flujo imparable de información, verdadera memoria histórica del presente, no está siendo objeto de ningún tratamiento específico, y al finalizar su vigencia desaparece o es sustituido sin más. Este artículo reflexiona sobre los peligros que corre la documentación que circula por internet desde un punto de vista archivístico, y sobre las dificultades técnicas que entraña su conservación. A continuación analiza los principales proyectos que se han puesto en marcha con la finalidad de acumular un fondo documental de internet para su conservación permanente.


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iMente es un servicio de información de prensa digital realizado en España, que da acceso a los contenidos de publicaciones en línea que incluyen medios de comunicación, notas de prensa, weblogs y boletines oficiales. Se sitúa en el contexto de los productos de información periodística; se describen sus orígenes, evolución, tecnología, contenidos y tipos de usuarios; y se analizan sus principales prestaciones documentales, como seguimientos de prensa, alertas, búsquedas y publicación de titulares.


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My News, un servicio de información de prensa desarrollado en España que ofrece el texto completo de diversas publicaciones, en especial de medios de prensa escrita de ámbito nacional, presenta un interfaz renovado con nuevas funcionalidades. Se describen sus orígenes, evolución y características actuales y se analizan las nuevas prestaciones de búsqueda en su hemeroteca y de seguimiento de prensa y creación de alertas.


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During John Lake's visit to Barcelona to take part in a seminar organized by the Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació (Department of Library and Information Science) at the University of Barcelona (UB)1 EPI sought an interview to further explore some of the themes addressed in the seminar, drawing on his extensive experience in the world of public libraries.