884 resultados para Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity


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Purpose: This study investigates the influence of age at onset of OCS on psychiatric comorbidities, and tries to establish a cut-off point for age at onset. Methods: Three hundred and thirty OCD patients were consecutively recruited and interviewed using the following structured interviews: Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale; Yale Global Tic Severity Scale and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. Data were analyzed with regression and cluster analysis. Results: Lower age at onset was associated with a higher probability of having comorbidity with tic, anxiety, somatoform, eating and impulse-control disorders. Longer illness duration was associated with lower chance of having tics. Female gender was associated with anxiety, eating and impulse-control disorders. Tic disorders were associated with anxiety disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. No cut-off age at onset was found to clearly divide the sample in homogeneous subgroups. However, cluster analyses revealed that differences started to emerge at the age of 10 and were more pronounced at the age of 17, suggesting that these were the best cut-off points on this sample. Conclusions: Age at onset is associated with specific comorbidity patterns in OCD patients. More prominent differences are obtained when analyzing age at onset as an absolute value. © 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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This article reports the results from the research work which objects the critical and profound study about the ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) in the courses for teachers' development in College Education, under its various dimensions - social, cultural, pedagogical, biological. The investigation focused on five adults with diagnosis for ADHD. The methodology used was the Case Study, developed from the Oral History as a source of data. The results that were obtained suggest that the study, proposed in the research, may contribute significantly for the teachers to know determining factors of the school performance of students with this disorder, as well as to guide them in the search of partnership with other professionals - doctors and psychologists, for example - when such partnership becomes necessary.


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BACKGROUND Extreme weight conditions (EWC) groups along a continuum may share some biological risk factors and intermediate neurocognitive phenotypes. A core cognitive trait in EWC appears to be executive dysfunction, with a focus on decision making, response inhibition and cognitive flexibility. Differences between individuals in these areas are likely to contribute to the differences in vulnerability to EWC. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there is a common pattern of executive dysfunction in EWC while comparing anorexia nervosa patients (AN), obese subjects (OB) and healthy eating/weight controls (HC). METHODS Thirty five AN patients, fifty two OB and one hundred thirty seven HC were compared using the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST); Stroop Color and Word Test (SCWT); and Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). All participants were female, aged between 18 and 60 years. RESULTS There was a significant difference in IGT score (F(1.79); p<.001), with AN and OB groups showing the poorest performance compared to HC. On the WCST, AN and OB made significantly more errors than controls (F(25.73); p<.001), and had significantly fewer correct responses (F(2.71); p<.001). Post hoc analysis revealed that the two clinical groups were not significantly different from each other. Finally, OB showed a significant reduced performance in the inhibition response measured with the Stroop test (F(5.11); p<.001) compared with both AN and HC. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that EWC subjects (namely AN and OB) have similar dysfunctional executive profile that may play a role in the development and maintenance of such disorders.


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Tourette syndrome is a childhood-onset neuropsychiatric disorder with a high prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity and obsessive-compulsive disorder co-morbidities. Structural changes have been found in frontal cortex and striatum in children and adolescents. A limited number of morphometric studies in Tourette syndrome persisting into adulthood suggest ongoing structural alterations affecting frontostriatal circuits. Using cortical thickness estimation and voxel-based analysis of T1- and diffusion-weighted structural magnetic resonance images, we examined 40 adults with Tourette syndrome in comparison with 40 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Patients with Tourette syndrome showed relative grey matter volume reduction in orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate and ventrolateral prefrontal cortices bilaterally. Cortical thinning extended into the limbic mesial temporal lobe. The grey matter changes were modulated additionally by the presence of co-morbidities and symptom severity. Prefrontal cortical thickness reduction correlated negatively with tic severity, while volume increase in primary somatosensory cortex depended on the intensity of premonitory sensations. Orbitofrontal cortex volume changes were further associated with abnormal water diffusivity within grey matter. White matter analysis revealed changes in fibre coherence in patients with Tourette syndrome within anterior parts of the corpus callosum. The severity of motor tics and premonitory urges had an impact on the integrity of tracts corresponding to cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical connections. Our results provide empirical support for a patho-aetiological model of Tourette syndrome based on developmental abnormalities, with perturbation of compensatory systems marking persistence of symptoms into adulthood. We interpret the symptom severity related grey matter volume increase in distinct functional brain areas as evidence of ongoing structural plasticity. The convergence of evidence from volume and water diffusivity imaging strengthens the validity of our findings and attests to the value of a novel multimodal combination of volume and cortical thickness estimations that provides unique and complementary information by exploiting their differential sensitivity to structural change.


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L'objectif de cette recherche est d'évaluer les prescriptions de méthylphénidate faites en 2005 aux enfants domiciliés dans le canton de Vaud et de commenter l'évolution depuis 2002. L'analyse comporte 3 volets. Un premier volet cherche à établir si les prescriptions semblent adaptées aux normes et aux recommandations émises quant à l'âge du patient et au traitement à suivre. Il porte sur les doses, la posologie, la durée de traitement et ses formes. Un deuxième volet s'intéresse aux tranches d'âge concernées par les traitements au méthylphénidate et observe s'il existe des variations selon le sexe des patients. Une répartition géographique des cas traités en comparant la répartition des prescripteurs et des patients traités a été faite à l'échelle des districts du canton. Le troisième volet s'intéresse aux médecins prescripteurs de méthylphénidate : est-ce que des différences existent selon la spécialisation médicale ? Est-ce que les médecins, qui, du fait de leur spécialisation (psychiatres ou pédiatres) sembleraient à première vue plus en mesure de décider de la nécessité d'un tel traitement pour un patient, sont plus nombreux à prescrire du méthylphénidate ? Pour chacun de ces volets, une analyse de l'évolution entre 2002 et 2005 des résultats a été faite. [Extrait, p. 4]


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Cette thèse a pour but de mieux comprendre le recours aux médicaments psychotropes chez les enfants hébergés en Centre jeunesse, une population qui compte parmi les plus médicalisées. Afin d’y parvenir, les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, anamnestiques et psychopathologiques des enfants placés qui reçoivent des psychopharmacoprescriptions ont été analysées. L’échantillon se compose de 101 enfants de 6 à 12 ans placés en foyer de groupe ou centre de réadaptation, dont 71 recevant des médicaments psychotropes. Les données ont été obtenues par le biais de questionnaires remplis par les éducateurs, par une entrevue semi-structurée réalisée auprès des enfants et une analyse du dossier. Sur le plan de la structure, cet ouvrage comprend une introduction, quatre articles et une conclusion. Le premier article comporte une recension des écrits sur l’usage de la psychopharmacothérapie chez les jeunes placés dans les services de la protection de la jeunesse. Il a été constaté que les taux de prescriptions peuvent varier entre 13% et 77%, selon le type de placement et les régions à l’étude. La symptomatologie des enfants placés qui reçoivent des médicaments psychotropes est caractérisée par des problèmes extériorisés et des troubles psychotiques. Les corrélats du recours à la prescription concernent à la fois la sévérité du tableau clinique, mais aussi le type et l’instabilité du placement, l’âge et le sexe de l’enfant ainsi que la formation des intervenants. Enfin, les écrits recensés font état de l’influence des neurosciences dans les milieux médicaux sur les décisions de prescrire. Le deuxième article présente la prévalence des psychopharmacoprescriptions chez les enfants de 6 à 12 ans placés hors d’un milieu familial. Les résultats indiquent que 70,3% des jeunes reçoivent au moins une prescription, le plus souvent signées par des médecins spécialistes. La plupart se composent de psychostimulants et d’antipsychotiques atypiques, prescrits pour des troubles de l’attention avec hyperactivité. Le troisième article cherche à préciser les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et anamnestiques des enfants placés qui prennent des médicaments psychotropes. Les résultats indiquent que les sujets médicamentés et non médicamentés ont vécu des stresseurs psychosociaux similaires. Par contre, les enfants placés qui reçoivent une psychopharmacothérapie ont été retirés de leur milieu familial à un plus jeune âge. Le quatrième article consiste à cibler leur portrait psychopathologique et à connaître leur niveau de fonctionnement global. Il s’intéresse également aux connaissances et aux perceptions des éducateurs sur la psychopharmacothérapie. Les résultats révèlent que les enfants médicamentés ont plus souvent un diagnostic de trouble mental inscrit à leur dossier. Selon les éducateurs, ils présentent davantage de problèmes extériorisés et intériorisés. À partir de données autorévélées, aucune distinction ne peut être établie entre les sujets, puisque les uns et les autres rapportent un niveau comparable de symptômes et de signes diagnostiques. Enfin, les symptômes de stress post-traumatique et l’opinion favorable des éducateurs sur la psychopharmacothérapie constituent des prédicteurs significatifs de la probabilité de recourir à un traitement médicamenteux. En conclusion, l’apport des résultats de cette recherche est analysé à la lumière des études antérieures. Les retombées cliniques sont discutées et des pistes de recherche futures sont suggérées. .


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This research investigates and reports the contributions of the Theatre of the Oppressed and its techniques as a therapeutic resource in the education of children with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity. In the first chapter organize one studying theoretical seeking to conceptualize and understand the Learning, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, seeking to better understand the behavior and the behavior of children with ADHD. Researching on the symptoms, causes and effects of this syndrome. Trace a relationship between familyschool- specialists in an attempt to prove the importance of family support in the teachinglearning process and treatment of these children. In the second chapter start conceptualizing theater, the relationship between work-Theatre-Education Therapy, explain the difference between the theatrical stage and the therapeutic stage. Account the importance of theater games in the classroom and its contribution to social and educational training of the child. Justify the choice of the Theatre of the Oppressed recognizing him as the primary method for this research, because it is a set of exercises, games and techniques that help the child regain equilibrium relations, developing autonomy, encourages creativity and spontaneity, freeing them from their oppression. Besides being an efficient transformation behavior, improving behavior, allowing the inclusion of children in society. It is verified the effectiveness of the method and techniques in their work with children Municipal School Professor. Antonio Severiano in Natal / RN, allowing these children develop body awareness, working senses, thought, memory, inhibition, teaching to expose your point of view, understand and deal with their emotions, respecting its limits and develop their motor and cognitive skills


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OBJETIVO: Caracterizar e comparar as funções motoras fina, sensorial e perceptiva de escolares com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAH) e escolares com bom desempenho escolar sem alterações de comportamento. MÉTODOS: Participaram 22 escolares do ensino fundamental, de gênero masculino, distribuídos em: GI - 11 escolares com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade; e GII - 11 escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico e sem alterações de comportamento. Os escolares foram submetidos à aplicação do Protocolo de Avaliação da Função Motora Fina, Sensorial e Perceptiva e da Escala de Disgrafia. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença nas tarefas de função motora fina, função sensorial e função perceptiva entre o GI e o GII, com desempenho inferior do GI. Todos os escolares de GI apresentaram disgrafia. CONCLUSÃO: Escolares com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade apresentam desempenho inferior aos escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico em relação às funções motoras fina, sensorial e perceptiva. Tais dificuldades podem causar impacto significativo sobre o desempenho acadêmico, uma vez que comprometem o desenvolvimento da linguagem escrita, ocasionando disgrafia nesses escolares.


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OBJETIVOS: descrever e comparar o desempenho da coordenação motora fina em escolares com dislexia e com transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade utilizando parâmetros de desempenho motor e idade cronológica da Escala de Desenvolvimento Motor. MÉTODO: participaram 22 escolaresdo ensino fundamental, de ambos os gêneros, na faixa etária de 6 a 11 anos de idade distribuídos em: GI: 11 escolares com transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade e GII: 11 com dislexia. Como procedimento, provas de motricidade fina da Escala de Desenvolvimento Motor foram aplicadas. RESULTADOS: os resultados revelaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre a idade motora fina e a idade cronológica de GI e GII. Conforme a classificação da Escala do Desenvolvimento Motor, 90% dos escolares de GI e GII apresentaram desenvolvimento motor fino muito inferior ao esperado para a idade e 10% dos escolares com dislexia apresentam desenvolvimento normal baixo ao esperado para a idade e 10% dos escolares com transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade apresentaram desenvolvimento inferior ao esperado para a idade. CONCLUSÃO: concluímos que tanto os escolares com dislexia como os com TDAH deste estudo apresentam atrasos na coordenação motora fina, demonstrando que os participantes desta pesquisa apresentam dificuldades em atividades que exijam destreza, quadro característico do transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação. Estudos complementares estão sendo conduzidos pelos autores deste estudo para poder verificar e comprovar se o perfil motor fino dos escolares encontrados neste estudo se assemelham ou se diferem de acordo com o quadro apresentado pelos mesmos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Neuropsychological disorders are frequently associated with obstructive ventilatory disorders (OVD). Aim: To analyze the incidence of neuropsychological disorders in Brazilian children with OVD, using a screening questionnaire and to compare the answers given before and after surgery. Patients and Methods: We studied 30 children with clinical diagnosis of OVD. The children were divided into 3 groups: group I, children aged 4 to 7; group II, from 8 to 10; and group III, children over 11. The applied questionnaires were answered by the parents or tutors, and comprised 30 questions, 10 for each disorder: attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity. The children were diagnosed with one of the disorders when presented 3 or more positive answers. The follow up interview occurred 6 months after adenotonsillectomy. Results: There was a predominance of male gender (60.6%) over female gender (39.4%). Group II presented the highest number of significant changes, with reductions raging from 87.5% to 33.3% of patients with attention deficit, 75% to 50% of the hyperactive patients, and 50% to 33% of the impulsive patients. Conclusion: There was neuropsychological improvement after the surgery, which occurred mainly in the children from group II. More interaction among health professionals is necessary when diagnosing and following up similar cases.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to characterize and to compare the visual-motor perception of students with Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with students with good academic performance. METHODS: Forty students from 2nd to 5th grades of an elementary public school, male gender (100%), aged between 7 and 10 years and 8 months old participated, divided into: GI (20 students with ADHD) and GII (20 students with good academic performance), paired according to age, schooling and gender with GI. The students were submitted to Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-2). RESULTS: The students of GI presented low performance in spatial position and visual closure (reduced motor) and inferior age equivalent in reduced motor perception, when compared to GII. CONCLUSION: The difficulties in visual-motor perception presented by students of GI cannot be attributed to a primary deficit, but to a secondary phenomenon of inattention that interferes directly in their visual-motor performance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research investigates and reports the contributions of the Theatre of the Oppressed and its techniques as a therapeutic resource in the education of children with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity. In the first chapter organize one studying theoretical seeking to conceptualize and understand the Learning, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, seeking to better understand the behavior and the behavior of children with ADHD. Researching on the symptoms, causes and effects of this syndrome. Trace a relationship between familyschool- specialists in an attempt to prove the importance of family support in the teachinglearning process and treatment of these children. In the second chapter start conceptualizing theater, the relationship between work-Theatre-Education Therapy, explain the difference between the theatrical stage and the therapeutic stage. Account the importance of theater games in the classroom and its contribution to social and educational training of the child. Justify the choice of the Theatre of the Oppressed recognizing him as the primary method for this research, because it is a set of exercises, games and techniques that help the child regain equilibrium relations, developing autonomy, encourages creativity and spontaneity, freeing them from their oppression. Besides being an efficient transformation behavior, improving behavior, allowing the inclusion of children in society. It is verified the effectiveness of the method and techniques in their work with children Municipal School Professor. Antonio Severiano in Natal / RN, allowing these children develop body awareness, working senses, thought, memory, inhibition, teaching to expose your point of view, understand and deal with their emotions, respecting its limits and develop their motor and cognitive skills