949 resultados para Aspergillus niger lipase
The inactive biomass of fungus Aspergillus niger O-5 obtained in Cuba was characterized as sorbent of Pb2+ by several structural analysis and others techniques. In addition, the biomass was studied for the separation / preconcentration of Pb2+ from aqueous solution. The maximum biosorption capacity was obtained for the contact time of 30 min and pH 5. The kinetic of sorption process occurred according to the model of Ho. The Freundlich or Langmuir models suitably described the experimental adsorption isotherms. The biomass can be used as sorbent for Pb2+ with a maximum capacity of 4.7 - 6.2 mg g-1. The pretreatment with NaOH solution improved its sorption capacity.
In this work, a protocol for the formulation of an enzyme concentrated product to be applied in fruit juice treatment is described. Downstream processing conditions for the recovery and concentration of pectinases produced by the new strain Aspergillus niger LB-02-SF in solid state cultivation were assessed. The solid-liquid ratio in the extraction step of pectinases recovery from the cultivated media was evaluated and the highest activity was obtained with a solid-liquid ratio of 1:10. The crude extract was concentrated by ultrafiltration and the total pectinase (TP) activity was 73.6-fold concentrated in relation to the crude extract, and a final TP titer of 663 U mL–1 was obtained with 73.7% of recovery yield. KCl and different glycerol concentrations were added to the concentrated extract and the stability of pectinases during the storage at 5°C for 59 weeks was tested. The formulation with 50% w/w glycerol was applied to the treatment of apple and grape juices and the results of these tests were statistically comparable to those obtained with two high-quality commercial preparations.
Trezentos pacientes portadores de colonização intracavitária pulmonar (pelos exames soro lógico e/ou tecidual) foram investigados num período de 10 anos. Os casos foram classificados como: Aspergillus fumigatus (246 casos); Ao niger (21 casos); A. flavus (7 casos); Pseudallescheria boydii (1 caso); colonização fúngica não especificada (21 casos) e colonização actinomicética (4 casos). os grupos A. niger (çasos)e A. fumigatus (controles) foram comparados a respeito de variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais, por serem os mais freqUentes e pela pobreza da literatura sobre A. niger. Esta análise mostrou associações estatisticamente significativas com o A. niger para;sexo masculino (Razão de Chances = 3,28; p <0,05); infecção nosocomial, ocorrendo em hospitais de conservação precária (RC = 150,8; p< 0,001); tuberculose ativa (RC = 8,03; P <0,001); diabete mélito tipo 11 (RC = 10,67; p
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Ultrasound effects on the release and activity of invertase from Aspergillus niger cultivated in a medium containing sucrose and peptone and in another with sugar-cane molasses and peptone were investigated. Irradiation was conducted for periods of 2 - 10 min. with waves of amplitude 20 and 40 using an ultrasound processor of 20 kHz. Product formation was determined as reducing equivalents formed by time units using 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid. Total and specific activities of the culture supernatants were compared in the presence and absence of sonication. Both amplitudes promoted a significant increase of total invertase activity in the time periods investigated and the highest values were obtained with an amplitude of 20. Ultrasound irradiation caused cell disruption, thus releasing invertase and, after 4 min, activation of the enzyme also occurred. The best conditions for production, extraction and activation of invertase were in molasses medium containing peptone and irradiation with ultrasound waves at 20 for 8 min. This method showed high efficiency for the extraction and activation of invertase from A. niger as well as a great potential for use in industrial processes.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a viabilidade do uso da manipueira, residuo líquido resultante da prensagem da massa ralada de mandioca, como substrato na biossíntese de ácido cítrico por Aspergillus niger. Os meios de manipueira foram comparados nas mesmas condições de temperatura, a meios sintéticos, utilizados tradicionalmente. em se tratando de proposta de um novo substrato, foi estudado o armazenamento do resíduo a temperatura ambiente por 72 horas, e realizada a caracterização físico-química da manipueira e dos meios elaborados com esse substrato. Foi avaliada a produção de ácido cítrico nos meios sintéticos e de manipueira. Verificou-se que a produção de ácido cítrico não diferiu quanto ao meio. Não foi observado crescimento do microrganismo nos meios de manipueira com concentrações acima de 70 mg/l de cianeto. Os resultados obtidos mostraram necessidade de maiores estudos para viabilizar o uso da manipueira como substrato na biossíntese de ácido cítrico por A. niger, principalmente no que diz respeito à liberação enzimática do cianeto.
Different concentrations of sucrose (3-25% w/v) and peptone (2-5% w/v) were studied in the formulation of media during the cultivation of Aspergillus japonicus-FCL 119T and Aspergillus niger ATCC 20611. Moreover, cane molasses (3.5-17.5% w/v total sugar) and yeast powder (1.5-5% w/v) were used as alternative nutrients for both strains' cultivation. These media were formulated for analysis of cellular growth, P-Fructosyltransferase and Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) production. Transfructosylating activity (U-t) and FOS production were analyzed by HPLC. The highest enzyme production by both the strains was 3% (w/v) sucrose and 3% (w/v) peptone, or 3.5% (w/v) total sugars present in cane molasses and 1.5% (w/v) yeast powder. Cane molasses and yeast powder were as good as sucrose and peptone in the enzyme and FOS (around 60% w/w) production by studied strains.
Aspergillus niger on paramorphogenic form showed to be efficient adsorbent to reactive azo dye Procion Blue MX-G, where it has obtained rates of colour removal above 99% in acid pH, at 120 minutes of equilibrium time. Temperature did not exert expressive influence in the process, and the applicability of Freundlich's, isotherm suggest the occurrence of various molecules layers of adsorbed dye on the substratum surface.
Aspergillus niger was inoculated into flasks containing mixed of different origins and fluorapatite as a source of phosphorus, or alternatively rock phosphates of different compositions. There was no difference in fungal growth or fluorapatite solubilization when sterilized or unsterilized vinasse was used. Total and soluble solid content was at least two times higher in 65/35 vinasse than in 10/1 vinasse. The higher total sugar content causing higher titratable acidity levels, or the lower fungal growth, may possibly have favored the greater accumulation of soluble phosphate in 10/1 than in 65/10 vinasse. No appreciable differences in residual soluble phosphate levels were detected with increasing fluorapatite concentrations. Rock phosphates of different origins and with different phosphorus concentrations affected the solubilizing ability of the fungus. Whereas crude concentrated apatite phosphorus favored the greatest accumulation of soluble phosphate in the culture medium (1.08 mg/ml), the highest solubilization (72% total phosphate) was achieved with Patos de Minas material obtained from the first crushing.