992 resultados para Artemisia annua L. artemisinin
La maleza altamisa (Artemisia annua L.) interfiere con el cultivo de soja por competencia y alelopatía, moduladas por estreses bióticos y abióticos (e.g. densidad, herbicida). Los aleloquímicos de altamisa (e.g. artemisinina, aceite esencial) pueden afectar directamente el crecimiento del cultivo o, indirectamente, a través de Bradyrhizobium japonicum (bacteria fijadora de N). Comprender los efectos de las interacciones en el sistema soja-altamisa es agroecolgicamente relevante para diseñar prácticas que optimicen la producción y minimicen el uso de insumos. El objetivo de esta tesis fue analizar las interferencias competitivas y alelopáticas entre soja-altamisa y su impacto sobre la nodulación y el rendimiento del cultivo ante cambios en la densidad de plantas y dosis de herbicida. La metodología incluyó ensayos en: (i) parcelas a campo con distintas combinaciones de densidades cultivo-maleza y niveles de alelopatía y de herbicida, (ii) macetas a campo con distintas fuentes de aleloquímicos (biomasa seca y verde de altamisa, artemisinina pura) y suelos (arcilloso y arenoso) y (iii) laboratorio con distintos tipos y niveles de aleloquímicos. (i) Altas densidades de altamisa junto con altos niveles de aleloquímicos en el suelo no redujeron el crecimiento y rendimiento de soja y promovieron la nodulación con o sin aplicación de dosis subletales de herbicida. (ii) El rendimiento fue mayor en presencia de aleloquímicos y sustrato arcilloso. La relación entre el rendimiento y el peso de los nódulos fue positiva y los mayores valores se registraron con biomasa seca de altamisa. (iii) La artemisinina y el aceite esencial provocaron un efecto sinérgico negativo sobre el crecimiento de B. japonicum. El efecto neto de las interacciones competitivas, alelopáticas y de mutualismo generadas entre soja y altamisa dependen no solo del ambiente explorado sino del nivel de organización estudiado. En condiciones de campo (parcelas y macetas), la interacción alelopática fue positiva o neutra, mientras que en laboratorio resultó negativa.
La maleza altamisa (Artemisia annua L.)interfiere con el cultivo de soja por competencia y alelopatía, moduladas por estreses bióticos y abióticos (e.g. densidad, herbicida). Los aleloquímicos de altamisa (e.g. artemisinina, aceite esencial)pueden afectar directamente el crecimiento del cultivo o, indirectamente, a través de Bradyrhizobium japonicum (bacteria fijadora de N). Comprender los efectos de las interacciones en el sistema soja-altamisa es agroecolgicamente relevante para diseñar prácticas que optimicen la producción y minimicen el uso de insumos. El objetivo de esta tesis fue analizar las interferencias competitivas y alelopáticas entre soja-altamisa y su impacto sobre la nodulación y el rendimiento del cultivo ante cambios en la densidad de plantas y dosis de herbicida. La metodología incluyó ensayos en: (i)parcelas a campo con distintas combinaciones de densidades cultivo-maleza y niveles de alelopatía y de herbicida, (ii)macetas a campo con distintas fuentes de aleloquímicos (biomasa seca y verde de altamisa, artemisinina pura)y suelos (arcilloso y arenoso)y (iii)laboratorio con distintos tipos y niveles de aleloquímicos. (i)Altas densidades de altamisa junto con altos niveles de aleloquímicos en el suelo no redujeron el crecimiento y rendimiento de soja y promovieron la nodulación con o sin aplicación de dosis subletales de herbicida. (ii)El rendimiento fue mayor en presencia de aleloquímicos y sustrato arcilloso. La relación entre el rendimiento y el peso de los nódulos fue positiva y los mayores valores se registraron con biomasa seca de altamisa. (iii)La artemisinina y el aceite esencial provocaron un efecto sinérgico negativo sobre el crecimiento de B. japonicum. El efecto neto de las interacciones competitivas, alelopáticas y de mutualismo generadas entre soja y altamisa dependen no solo del ambiente explorado sino del nivel de organización estudiado. En condiciones de campo (parcelas y macetas), la interacción alelopática fue positiva o neutra, mientras que en laboratorio resultó negativa.
第一部分:青蒿开花与青蒿素生物合成相关性的研究 青蒿素是从中药青蒿中分离出的倍半萜内酯化合物,目前是世界上唯一有效的治疗脑型疟疾和抗氯喹恶性疟疾的药物。青蒿植株中青蒿素含量在开花期最高,但是目前尚不清楚开花与青蒿素生物合成的关系。为此,我们用光周期(短日照)诱导青蒿提前开花,不仅同时获得了开花与不开花的青蒿植株,而且还成功地在同一植株上诱导部分分枝开花,另一部分分枝保持营养生长状态。这一实验体系为研究青蒿开花与青蒿素生物合成的相关性奠定了基础。实验结果表明,开花与不开花青蒿植株青蒿素含量有明显差异。开花植株的青蒿素含量在前2周内逐渐提高,第三周(开花期)达到最高,并保持一周左右,在随后的2周内下降。青蒿植株开花后,叶片便开始老化变黄,逐渐死亡。未开花青蒿植株的青蒿素含量动态在前三周内与开花植株类似,但是这种高青蒿素含量状态能保持较长时间,至少在随后的2周内没有下降。未开花植株的叶片依然保持绿色。这一结果表明,开花不是导致青蒿素含量提高的直接原因。 扫描电镜观察结果表明,幼嫩叶片上的毛状腺体( trichrome)结构是完整的,而在老化的叶片上,则观察到了相当比例(40-50%)破损的腺体。这可能是导致青蒿素含量下降的直接原因。 不同生态型青蒿对光周期的反应是不同的。在北京地区,本地青蒿在8月初便开始开花,而来自四川武陵的青蒿则要到9月份才能开花。根据这一特性,采用“南蒿北栽”的方法,能够使青蒿保持较长时间的营养生长状态,延长适于采收的时间。 第二部分:金丝桃和百金花二苯甲酮合酶基因的克隆,异源表达及功能分析 植物次生代谢物山屯酮( Xanthones)仅存在于龙胆科和藤黄科植物中。它们具有抑制单胺氧化酶,细胞毒素及抗肿瘤活性。 含有1 3个碳原子的二苯甲酮是山屯酮生物合成的中间产物,是由二苯甲酮合酶催化合成的,这一反应是山屯酮生物合成的关键步骤。二苯甲酮合酶已经在金丝桃和百金花细胞悬浮培养系统中检测到,并进行了细致的生化水平上的研究。本研究是在上述研究的基础上,进一步克隆该酶的基因,并进行异源表达及功能分析工作,以便更好地了解和调控山屯酮的生物合成。 用PCR和RT-PCR技术,从金丝桃cDNA文库和逆转录产物中分别克隆到一个基因HBPS1和HBPS2,从百金花cDNA文库中克隆到一个基因CBPS1。HBPS1含有1402个碱基,其开放阅读框架编码390个氨基酸,分子量为42.7 kDa,等电点为6.55。HBPS2含有1398个碱基,其开放阅读框架编码395个氨基酸,分子量为42.8 kDa,等电点为5.78。CBPS1含有1383个碱基,其开放阅读框架编码389个氨基酸,分子量为42.7 kDa,等电点为7.88。与GenBank中序列同源性比较结果表明:在氨基酸水平上,HBPS1与茶(Camellia sinensis)查尔酮合酶的同源性高达92%,HBPS2与萝卜(Raphanus sativus)查尔酮合酶的同源性为64%,CBPS1与茶(Camellia sinensis)查尔酮合酶的同源性为71%。HBPS1与HBPS2的同源性仅为62%。 将三个新克隆的基因的ORF整合到载体pGEX-G上的谷胱甘肽还原酶S基因下游,构建成转化质粒,并在大肠杆菌中诱导表达。结果表明,这三个基因的ORF片段均能被表达成约68 kDa的产物,这与期望的结果一致。 活性检测结果表明,HBPS1是查尔酮合成酶,其底物为香豆酰辅酶A和丙二酸单酰辅酶A,对这两种底物的亲和性KM分别为:香豆酰辅酶A 2.8μM,丙二酸单酰辅酶A,11.2μM。最适反应条件是350C,pH7.0,DTT浓度10 μM。 HBPS2是二苯甲酮合酶,其底物是苯甲丙氨酰辅酶A,和丙二酸单酰辅酶A,对这两种底物的亲和性KM分别为:苯甲丙氨酰辅酶A 2.4 μM,丙二酸单酰辅酶A 9.6μM。最适反应条件是350C,pH 6.5,DTT浓度50 μM。而CBPS1则没有检测到任何活性。从同一种植物中同时获得了查尔酮合酶和二苯甲酮合酶,对研究这两种十分相近的酶的差异表达,酶促反应机制等问题将非常有利。
青蒿素是从中药青蒿中提取的新型抗疟药物,然而,青蒿素在青蒿中的含量非常低。近年来,随着青蒿素生物合成途径相关酶基因的克隆,基因工程成为提高青蒿素含量的有效途径之一。在对青蒿进行遗传转化过程中,高效稳定的丛生芽诱导体系是青蒿转化成功的关键。然而,随着继代次数的增多,青蒿丛生芽诱导能力存在退化现象。本文首先研究了滤纸对青蒿丛生芽诱导的影响和在遗传转化中的应用,进而研究了反义鲨烯合酶基因表达对青蒿素生物合成的影响。主要结果如下: 研究了在丛生芽诱导培养基上加铺滤纸对青蒿丛生芽诱导的影响,结果发现,加铺滤纸后青蒿丛生芽诱导率显著提高,丛生芽诱导率能够达到97%左右。在此高效丛生芽诱导体系的基础上,我们进一步探讨了滤纸在青蒿遗传转化中的应用。结果表明,在筛选培养基上加铺一层滤纸,青蒿的抗性丛生芽诱导率能够达到59.7%,其中在12.5%的抗性丛生芽中能够得到抗性生根植株,生根植株PCR检测均为阳性,在部分PCR检测阳性的植株中检测到了GUS的稳定表达。 利用上述改进的青蒿遗传转化体系,我们得到了反义鲨烯合酶基因的青蒿转化植株。PCR检测和Southern杂交检测结果证明了反义鲨烯合酶基因已经整合到青蒿基因组中。RT-PCR检测发现,在转基因株系ASQ3和ASQ5中鲨烯合酶基因在mRNA水平上得到部分抑制,鲨烯含量比对照降低了20%左右;青蒿素的含量分别提高了23.2%和21.5%,结果表明抑制鲨烯合酶表达能够有效促进青蒿中青蒿素的生物合成。
青蒿素是从中药青蒿,学名黄花蒿(Artemisia annua L.)植物地上部分分离出的抗疟疾有效单体,为一种倍半萜内酯类化合物,其生物合成途径属于植物类异戊二烯代谢途径。青蒿素生物合成途径及其调控机制仍不完全清楚,本论文采用GC-MS 和GC×GC-TOFMS 方法对青蒿萜类代谢物谱进行检测,用多维统计学方法对检测结果进行整理和比较分析,研究青蒿素生物合成及其与青蒿中其他萜类代谢的关系,取得了以下结果: 一、通过GC×GC-TOFMS 方法对青蒿挥发油成分进行分析,共鉴定出303 种组分。其中挥发油中相对百分含量大于1%的10 种组分中有9 种为萜类化合物,含量接近总挥发油的50%。在相对百分含量大于0.1%的49 种成分中,有30 种萜类化合物。有27 种相对百分含量大于0.1%的成分首次在青蒿挥发油中报道,其中包括10 种萜类化合物。 二、利用GC-MS 方法分析了青蒿001 和SP18 两个青蒿素高产株系不同生长时期萜类代谢物谱,结果表明:青蒿中萜类化合物在不同时期合成和积累是动态变化的,萜类化合物的种类和数量在营养生长期随生长时间的延长而提高,在营养生长后期和现蕾前期达到最高水平,进入生殖生长后随生长时间的延长而迅速降低。通过多维统计PLS-DA(Partial Leasted Square Discriminant Analysis) 分析,确定001 中有17 个化合物的含量在不同生长时期有明显变化,其中15 个为萜类化合物。SP18 中有18 个化合物的含量在不同生长时期有明显变化,其中16 个为萜类化合物。青蒿素,青蒿酸,二氢青蒿酸,青蒿素B 都是含量变化明显的标记物。其中青蒿酸和二氢青蒿酸含量在营养生长后期达到最高水平,进入生殖生长后迅速下降,而青蒿素和青蒿素B 在整个检测时期含量变化相对较小,在营养生长时期含量已经较高,在现蕾前期含量稍有上升,进入现蕾期后有所下降,本研究确定现蕾前期为代谢物谱分析最佳取样时期,并为药材采收提供指导。 三、不同基因型青蒿代谢物谱研究表明,青蒿素高产株系SP18 和001 代谢物表现出一定的差异,通过多维统计PLS-DA 分析,共找出了22 种在两种基因型中差异明显的化合物,其中包括倍半萜化合物12 种,单萜化合物3 种,三萜化合物4 种。SP18 特征化合物为樟脑和两个未鉴定倍半萜化合物,而001 特征化合物是龙脑和β-法呢烯。另外两种基因型中青蒿素及相关前体化合物的积累模式差异明显,SP18 中二氢青蒿酸和青蒿素含量高,而青蒿酸和青蒿素B 含量极低;001 中二氢青蒿酸和青蒿素含量相对SP18 要低,但青蒿素B 和青蒿酸含量比SP18 要高。该结果表明在青蒿素高产株系中,青蒿素含量与二氢青蒿酸的含量呈正相关,结合Brown 等的活体标记研究结果分析,从二氢青蒿酸到青蒿素的转化可能是青蒿素合成的限速步骤。 四、利用GC×GC-TOFMS 方法对转基因青蒿萜类代谢物谱进行了分析,共对200 个左右化合物峰进行PLS-DA 和OSC-PLS (Orthogonal Signal Correction–Partial leasted Square)多维统计分析,结果表明:青蒿萜类代谢物谱在外源基因转入后发生显著变化,与对照株系相比均呈现显著差异。其中过量表达Amorpha-4,11-diene 合酶基因(ads)株系中青蒿素及相关化合物变化最明显,而过量表达FPP 合酶基因(fps)株系中青蒿素及相关化合物变化相对较小,在受到调控而成为差异标记物的化合物中,70%是倍半萜类化合物。 五、考察了外源茉莉酸甲酯对青蒿素生物合成的影响,结果表明:300 μM 外源茉莉酸甲酯能提高青蒿素含量,在处理后第8 天青蒿素含量提高38%。青蒿萜类代谢物谱研究表明,茉莉酸甲酯不仅可以诱导青蒿中青蒿素的合成,还能诱导很多化合物,特别是倍半萜和三萜类的合成。OSC-PLS 分析结果找出了9 个处理后含量明显提高的标记物,其中6 个倍半萜化合物,3 个三萜化合物。标记物鲨烯含量提高了67%,另一个未鉴定出结构的倍半萜提高了60%,这些化合物可能与青蒿素有着类似的调控机制,而外源喷洒茉莉酸甲酯可以作为提高青蒿素产量的有效途径之一。
青蒿素是从我国传统药用植物中药青蒿(Artemisia annua L.)中提取的新型抗疟特效药,其生物合成途径属于植物类异戊二烯代谢途径。目前,青蒿素生物合成的组织部位及其调控机制仍不完全清楚。紫穗槐二烯合酶(amorpha-4, 11-diene synthase, ADS)作为青蒿素生物合成分支途径的第一个关键酶,催化倍半萜化合物的通用前体法呢基焦磷酸环化,生成紫穗槐二烯。本论文通过对ADS 表达特性的分析,研究了青蒿素生物合成的组织特异性及其调控机制,主要研究结果如下: 一.紫穗槐二烯合酶基因启动子功能的研究 从青蒿高产株系001 中克隆得到了2850 bp 的ADS 启动子调控区。通过比较5’RACE 的测序结果与启动子序列,确定转录起始位点位于翻译起始位点上游44 bp,TATA 盒下游27 bp。该启动子序列包含的顺式作用元件有脱落酸应答元件(ABRE )、乙烯应答元件(ERE)、生长素应答元件(AUXRE)等植物激素反应元件,以及低温应答元件(LTRE)、高温应答元件(HSE)等与逆境有关的反应元件,还有与真菌诱导有关的W-box 元件等。将不同长度ADS 启动子与报告基因GUS 融合,构建了植物表达载体,通过农杆菌介导的方法获得稳定整合的转基因烟草。经过组织化学、GUS 荧光活性检测及RT-PCR 分析,发现该启动子的转录活性很低,无法通过GUS 染色进行观察。GUS 荧光活性检测及RT-PCR 结果表明,转录起始位点上游346 bp 是ADS 基础表达所必需的。高温、低温、干旱、水杨酸、茉莉酸甲酯等处理均能促进青蒿中ADS 的表达,而脱落酸和乙烯的作用效果较小,与启动子序列分析的结果并不完全一致。 二.紫穗槐二烯合酶基因表达特性的研究 以青蒿高产株系001 为材料,在基因和蛋白水平揭示了ADS 的表达特性。RT-PCR 和Western 分析结果表明,ADS 在幼叶和花蕾中大量表达,在老叶和完全开放的花中表达量很低,而在青蒿的根和茎中几乎检测不到ADS 的表达。石蜡切片和整体原位杂交的结果表明,ADS 在顶端分生组织、叶原基及分泌腺毛中表达,在非分泌的T 型腺毛中不表达。当叶片完全展开后,ADS 只在分泌腺毛中表达,而且随着叶片的生长和老化,ADS 的表达量逐渐减少。另一个非常有趣的发现是同一叶片上的分泌腺毛,有些有ADS 的表达,有些则没有。用强光、低温、高温和水杨酸等因素处理后,有ADS 表达的分泌腺毛的比例没有明显的变化。 三.外源水杨酸促进青蒿素的生物合成 研究了外源水杨酸对青蒿素生物合成的影响,结果表明:1 mM 水杨酸处理后,青蒿叶片中的游离态水杨酸含量快速增加,处理后4 h 达到 0.79 μg g-1 FW,是对照的3.5 倍。外源水杨酸能够抑制青蒿中过氧化氢酶活性,提高抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性,并通过对抗氧化酶活性的抑制引起青蒿体内活性氧水平的迅速升高。在处理后4 h,青蒿中H2O2 和O2-的含量分别达到对照的2.1 倍和2.4 倍。青蒿素含量在水杨酸处理后的前8 h 缓慢升高,随后升高的速度增加。外源水杨酸处理后8 h 和96 h,青蒿素含量分别达到9.1 mg g-1DW 和13.9 mg g-1DW,比对照高21.7%和75.8%。处理后8 h,青蒿酸的含量没有明显变化,随后开始增加。处理后16 h,青蒿酸的含量达到3.6 mg g-1DW,比对照高90%, 随后继续升高,至96 h 达到4.98 mg g-1 DW,比对照高127%。二氢青蒿酸的含量在处理后的8 h 内有所下降,随后缓慢升高。处理后8 h,二氢青蒿酸的含量降低了23.3%,随后二氢青蒿酸的含量开始升高,在处理后96 h,达到7.4 mg g-1DW,比对照高72.1%。外源SA 处理提高了青蒿素及其前体的总含量,在处理后1、2、4 天分别比对照提高了1.3、1.5 和1.8 倍。Northern 结果表明,水杨酸强烈诱导了青蒿素生物合成基因HMGR、ADS 的表达,但是对FPS、CYP71AV1 的诱导作用较小。这些研究结果表明,外源水杨酸至少通过两条途径诱导青蒿素的生物合成:一是通过诱导活性氧的产生促进二氢青蒿酸向青蒿素的转化;二是上调部分青蒿素生物合成相关基因的表达。根据这一研究成果,在青蒿田间栽培中,可以在收获前通过喷施水杨酸来快速、有效和低成本地提高青蒿素产量。
Background: MS-based proteomics was applied to the analysis of the medicinal plant Artemisia annua, exploiting a recently published contig sequence database (Graham et al. (2010) Science 327, 328–331) and other genomic and proteomic sequence databases for comparison. A. annua is the predominant natural source of artemisinin, the precursor for artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), which are the WHO-recommended treatment for P. falciparum malaria. Results: The comparison of various databases containing A. annua sequences (NCBInr/viridiplantae, UniProt/ viridiplantae, UniProt/A. annua, an A. annua trichome Trinity contig database, the above contig database and another A. annua EST database) revealed significant differences in respect of their suitability for proteomic analysis, showing that an organism-specific database that has undergone extensive curation, leading to longer contig sequences, can greatly increase the number of true positive protein identifications, while reducing the number of false positives. Compared to previously published data an order-of-magnitude more proteins have been identified from trichome-enriched A. annua samples, including proteins which are known to be involved in the biosynthesis of artemisinin, as well as other highly abundant proteins, which suggest additional enzymatic processes occurring within the trichomes that are important for the biosynthesis of artemisinin. Conclusions: The newly gained information allows for the possibility of an enzymatic pathway, utilizing peroxidases, for the less well understood final stages of artemisinin’s biosynthesis, as an alternative to the known non-enzymatic in vitro conversion of dihydroartemisinic acid to artemisinin. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000703.
Artemisinic acid labeled with both C-13 and H-2 at the 15-position has been fed to intact plants of Artemisia annua via the cut stem, and its in vivo transformations studied by 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopy. Seven labeled metabolites have been isolated, all of which are known as natural products from this species. The transformations of artemisinic acid-as observed both for a group of plants, which was kept alive by hydroponic administration of water and for a group, which was allowed to die by desiccation-closely paralleled those, which have been recently described for its 11,13-dihydro analog, dihydroartemisinic acid. It seems likely therefore that similar mechanisms, involving spontaneous autoxidation of the Delta(4,5) double bond in both artemisinic acid and dihydroartemisinic acid and subsequent rearrangements of the resultant allylic hydroperoxides, may be involved in the biological transformations, which are undergone by both compounds. All of the sesquiterpene metabolites, which were obtained from in vivo transformations of artemisinic acid retained their unsaturation at the 11,13-position, and there was no evidence for conversion into any 11,13-dihydro metabolite, including artemisinin, the antimalarial drug, which is produced by A. annua. This observation led to the proposal of a unified biosynthetic scheme, which accounts for the biogenesis of many of the amorphane and cadinane sesquiterpenes that have been isolated as natural products from A. annua. In this scheme, there is a bifurcation in the biosynthetic pathway starting from amorpha-4,11-diene leading to either artemisinic acid or dihydroartemisinic acid; these two committed precursors are then, respectively, the parents for the two large families of highly oxygenated 11,13-dehydro and 11,13-dihydro sesquiterpene metabolites, which are known from this species. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[15-(CH3)-C-13-H-2]-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (4a) has been fed to intact Artemisia annua plants via the root and three labeled metabolites (17a-19a) have been identified by 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopies. The in vivo transformations of 4a in A. annua are proposed to involve enzymatically-mediated processes in addition to possible spontaneous autoxidation. In the hypothetical spontaneous autoxidation pathway, the tri-substituted double bond in 4a appears to have undergone 'ene-type' reaction with oxygen to form an allylic hydroperoxide, which subsequently rearranges to the allylic hydroxyl group in the metabolite 3 alpha-hydroxy-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (17a). In the enzymatically-mediated pathways, compound 17a has then been converted to its acetyl derivative, 3 alpha-acetoxy-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (18a), while oxidation of 4a at the 'unactivated' 9-position has yielded 9 beta-hydroxy-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (19a). Although all of the natural products artemisinin ( 1), arteannuin K ( 7), arteannuin L ( 8), and arteannuin M ( 9) have been suggested previously as hypothetical metabolites from dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B in A. annua, none were isolated in labeled form in this study. It is argued that the nature of the transformations undergone by compound 4a are more consistent with a degradative metabolism, designed to eliminate this compound from the plant, rather than with a role as a late precursor in the biosynthesis of artemisinin or other natural products from A. annua. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article contains raw and processed data related to research published by Bryant et al. [1]. Data was obtained by MS-based proteomics, analysing trichome-enriched, trichome-depleted and whole leaf samples taken from the medicinal plant Artemisia annua and searching the acquired MS/MS data against a recently published contig database [2] and other genomic and proteomic sequence databases for comparison. The processed data shows that an order-of-magnitude more proteins have been identified from trichome-enriched Artemisia annua samples in comparison to previously published data. Proteins known to have a role in the biosynthesis of artemisinin and other highly abundant proteins were found which imply additional enzymatically driven processes occurring within the trichomes that are significant for the biosynthesis of artemisinin.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
13C-2H correlation NMR spectroscopy (13C-2H COSY) permits the identification of 13C and 2H nuclei which are connected to one another by a single chemical bond via the sizeable 1JCD coupling constant. The practical development of this technique is described using a 13C-2H COSY pulse sequence which is derived from the classical 13C-1H correlation experiment. An example is given of the application of 13C-2H COSY to the study of the biogenesis of natural products from the anti-malarial plant Artemisia annua, using a doubly-labelled precursor molecule. Although the biogenesis of artemisinin, the anti-malarial principle from this species, has been extensively studied over the past twenty years there is still no consensus as to the true biosynthetic route to this important natural product – indeed, some published experimental results are directly contradictory. One possible reason for this confusion may be the ease with which some of the metabolites from A. annua undergo spontaneous autoxidation, as exemplified by our recent in vitro studies of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid, and the application of 13C-2H COSY to this biosynthetic problem has been important in helping to mitigate against such processes. In this in vivo application of 13C-2H COSY, [15-13C2H3]-dihydroartemisinic acid (the doubly-labelled analogue of the natural product from this species which was obtained through synthesis) was fed to A. annua plants and was shown to be converted into several natural products which have been described previously, including artemisinin. It is proposed that all of these transformations occurred via a tertiary hydroperoxide intermediate, which is derived from dihyroartemisinic acid. This intermediate was observed directly in this feeding experiment by the 13C-2H COSY technique; its observation by more traditional procedures (e.g., chromatographic separation, followed by spectroscopic analysis of the purified product) would have been difficult owing to the instability of the hydroperoxide group (as had been established previously by our in vitro studies of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid). This same hydroperoxide has been reported as the initial product of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid in our previous in vitro studies. Its observation in this feeding experiment by the 13C-2H COSY technique, a procedure which requires the minimum of sample manipulation in order to achieve a reliable identification of metabolites (based on both 13C and 2H chemical shifts at the 15-position), provides the best possible evidence for its status as a genuine biosynthetic intermediate, rather than merely as an artifact of the experimental procedure.