538 resultados para Arid South-australia


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Approximately 90% of the original woodlands of the Mount Lofty Ranges of South Australia has been cleared, modified or fragmented, most severely in the last 60 years, and affecting the avifauna dependent on native vegetation. This study identifies which woodland-dependent species are still declining in two different habitats, Pink GumBlue Gum woodland and Stringybark woodland. We analyse the Mount Lofty Ranges Woodland Bird Long-Term Monitoring Dataset for 1999-2007, to look for changes in abundance of 59 species. We use logistic regression of prevalence on lists in a Bayesian framework, and List Length Analysis to control for variation in detectability. Compared with Reporting Rate Analysis, a more traditional approach, List Length Analysis provides tighter confidence intervals by accounting for changing detectability. Several common species were declining significantly. Increasers were generally large-bodied generalists. Many birds have already disappeared from this modified and naturally isolated woodland island, and our results suggest that more specialist insectivores are likely to follow. The Mount Lofty Ranges can be regarded as a 'canary landscape' for temperate woodlands elsewhere in Australia without immediate action their bird communities are likely to follow the trajectory of the Mount Lofty Ranges avifauna. Alternatively, with extensive habitat restoration and management, we could avoid paying the extinction debt. © Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union 2011.


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Landscape and local-scale influences are important drivers of plant community structure. However, their relative contribution and the degree to which they interact remain unclear. We quantified the extent to which landscape structure, within-patch habitat and their confounding effects determine post-clearing tree densities and composition in agricultural landscapes in eastern subtropical Australia. Landscape structure (incorporating habitat fragmentation and loss) and within-patch (site) features were quantified for 60 remnant patches of Eucalyptus populnea (Myrtaceae) woodland. Tree density and species for three ecological maturity classes (regeneration, early maturity, late maturity) and local site features were assessed in one 100 × 10 m plot per patch. All but one landscape characteristic was determined within a 1.3-km radius of plots; Euclidean nearest neighbour distance was measured inside a 5-km radius. Variation in tree density and composition for each maturity class was partitioned into independent landscape, independent site and joint effects of landscape and site features using redundancy analysis. Independent site effects explained more variation in regeneration density and composition than pure landscape effects; significant predictors were the proportion of early and late maturity trees at a site, rainfall and the associated interaction. Conversely, landscape structure explained greater variation in early and late maturity tree density and composition than site predictors. Area of remnant native vegetation within a landscape and patch characteristics (area, shape, edge contrast) were significant predictors of early maturity tree density. However, 31% of the explained variation in early mature tree differences represented confounding influences of landscape and local variables. We suggest that within-patch characteristics are important in influencing semi-arid woodland tree regeneration. However, independent and confounding effects of landscape structure resulting from previous vegetation clearing may have exerted a greater historical influence on older cohorts and should be accounted for when examining woodland dynamics across a broader range of environments.


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Three major changes in drink driving enforcement have occurred in South Australia since 1981. The effect of these changes on a number of surrogate measures of alcohol involvement in accidents were investigated. The surrogates included alcohol involvement of driver fatalities, and combinations of casualty, serious casualty, single vehicle and nighttime accidents. Data from previous studies were also cited. It was found that relationships between surrogate measures were inconsistent, and incompatible with assumptions about drink driving levels and related accidents. It was concluded that until these effects are understood the use of surrogate measures should be treated with caution.


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INTRODUCTION: Neurodegenerative diseases (NDD) are characterized by progressive decline and loss of function, requiring considerable third-party care. NDD carers report low quality of life and high caregiver burden. Despite this, little information is available about the unmet needs of NDD caregivers. METHODS: Data from a cross-sectional, whole of population study conducted in South Australia were analyzed to determine the profile and unmet care needs of people who identify as having provided care for a person who died an expected death from NDDs including motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis. Bivariate analyses using chi(2) were complemented with a regression analysis. RESULTS: Two hundred and thirty respondents had a person close to them die from an NDD in the 5 years before responding. NDD caregivers were more likely to have provided care for more than 2 years and were more able to move on after the death than caregivers of people with other disorders such as cancer. The NDD caregivers accessed palliative care services at the same rate as other caregivers at the end of life, however people with an NDD were almost twice as likely to die in the community (odds ratio [OR] 1.97; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.30 to 3.01) controlling for relevant caregiver factors. NDD caregivers reported significantly more unmet needs in emotional, spiritual, and bereavement support. CONCLUSION: This study is the first step in better understanding across the whole population the consequences of an expected death from an NDD. Assessments need to occur while in the role of caregiver and in the subsequent bereavement phase.


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Das Mahafaly Plateau im südwestlichen Madagaskar ist gekennzeichnet durch raue klimatische Bedingungen, vor allem regelmäßige Dürren und Trockenperioden, geringe Infrastruktur, steigende Unsicherheit, hohe Analphabetenrate und regelmäßige Zerstörung der Ernte durch Heuschreckenplagen. Da 97% der Bevölkerung von der Landwirtschaft abhängen, ist eine Steigerung der Produktivität von Anbausystemen die Grundlage für eine Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen und Ernährungssicherheit in der Mahafaly Region. Da wenig über die Produktivität von traditionellen extensiven und neu eingeführten Anbaumethoden in diesem Gebiet bekannt ist, waren die Zielsetzungen der vorliegenden Arbeit, die limitierenden Faktoren und vielversprechende alternative Anbaumethoden zu identifizieren und diese unter Feldbedingungen zu testen. Wir untersuchten die Auswirkungen von lokalem Viehmist und Holzkohle auf die Erträge von Maniok, der Hauptanbaufrucht der Region, sowie die Beiträge von weiteren Faktoren, die im Untersuchungsgebiet ertragslimitierend sind. Darüber hinaus wurde in der Küstenregion das Potenzial für bewässerten Gemüseanbau mit Mist und Holzkohle untersucht, um zu einer Diversifizierung von Einkommen und Ernährung beizutragen. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Schätzung von Taubildung und deren Beitrag in der Jahreswasserbilanz durch Testen eines neu entworfenen Taumessgerätes. Maniok wurde über drei Jahre und in drei Versuchsfeldern in zwei Dörfern auf dem Plateau angebaut, mit applizierten Zeburindermistraten von 5 und 10 t ha-1, Holzkohleraten von 0,5 und 2 t ha-1 und Maniokpflanzdichten von 4500 Pflanzen ha-1. Maniokknollenerträge auf Kontrollflächen erreichten 1 bis 1,8 t Trockenmasse (TM) ha-1. Mist führte zu einer Knollenertragssteigerung um 30 - 40% nach drei Jahren in einem kontinuierlich bewirtschafteten Feld mit geringer Bodenfruchtbarkeit, hatte aber keinen Effekt auf den anderen Versuchsfeldern. Holzkohle hatte keinen Einfluss auf Erträge über den gesamten Testzeitraum, während die Infektion mit Cassava-Mosaikvirus zu Ertragseinbußen um bis zu 30% führte. Pflanzenbestände wurden felder-und jahresübergreifend um 4-54% des vollen Bestandes reduziert, was vermutlich auf das Auftreten von Trockenperioden und geringe Vitalität von Pflanzmaterial zurückzuführen ist. Karotten (Daucus carota L. var. Nantaise) und Zwiebeln (Allium cepa L. var. Red Créole) wurden über zwei Trockenzeiten mit lokal erhältlichem Saatgut angebaut. Wir testeten die Auswirkungen von lokalem Rindermist mit einer Rate von 40 t ha-1, Holzkohle mit einer Rate von 10 t ha-1, sowie Beschattung auf die Gemüseernteerträge. Lokale Bewässerungswasser hatte einen Salzgehalt von 7,65 mS cm-1. Karotten- und Zwiebelerträge über Behandlungen und Jahre erreichten 0,24 bis 2,56 t TM ha-1 beziehungsweise 0,30 bis 4,07 DM t ha-1. Mist und Holzkohle hatten keinen Einfluss auf die Erträge beider Kulturen. Beschattung verringerte Karottenerträge um 33% im ersten Jahr, während sich die Erträge im zweiten Jahr um 65% erhöhten. Zwiebelerträge wurden unter Beschattung um 148% und 208% im ersten und zweiten Jahr erhöht. Salines Bewässerungswasser sowie Qualität des lokal verfügbaren Saatgutes reduzierten die Keimungsraten deutlich. Taubildung im Küstendorf Efoetsy betrug 58,4 mm und repräsentierte damit 19% der Niederschlagsmenge innerhalb des gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum von 18 Monaten. Dies weist darauf hin, dass Tau in der Tat einen wichtigen Beitrag zur jährlichen Wasserbilanz darstellt. Tageshöchstwerte erreichten 0,48 mm. Die getestete Tauwaage-Vorrichtung war in der Lage, die nächtliche Taubildung auf der metallischen Kondensationsplatte zuverlässig zu bestimmen. Im abschließenden Kapitel werden die limitierenden Faktoren für eine nachhaltige Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft in der Untersuchungsregion diskutiert.


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A general consistency in the sequential order of petroleum hydrocarbon reduction in previous biodegradation studies has led to the proposal of several molecularly based biodegradation scales. Few studies have investigated the biodegradation susceptibility of petroleum hydrocarbon products in soil media, however, and metabolic preferences can change with habitat type. A laboratory based study comprising gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis of extracts of oil-treated soil samples incubated for up to 161 days was conducted to investigate the biodegradation of crude oil exposed to sandy soils of Barrow Island, home to both a Class ‘‘A” nature reserve and Australia’s largest on-shore oil field. Biodegradation trends of the hydrocarbon-treated soils were largely consistent with previous reports but some unusual behaviour was recognised both between and within hydrocarbon classes. For example, the n-alkanes persisted at trace levels from day 86 to 161 following the removal of typically more stable dimethyl naphthalenes and methyl phenanthrenes. The relative susceptibility to biodegradation of different di- tri- and tetramethylnaphthalene isomers also showed several features distinct from previous reports. The unique biodegradation behaviour of Barrow Is. soil likely reflects difference in microbial functioning with physiochemical variation in the environment. Correlation of molecular parameters, reduction rates of selected alkyl naphthalene isomers and CO2 respiration values with a delayed (61 d) oil-treated soil identified a slowing of biodegradation with microcosm incubation; a reduced function or population of incubated soil flora might also influence the biodegradation patterns observed.


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A 20-year retrospective study of inhalant deaths in South Australia, autopsied at Forensic Science SA, was undertaken from January 1983 to December 2002. Thirty-nine cases were identified from an autopsy pool of 18,880 cases, with a male to female ratio of 12:1. Sixty-four percent of the victims (N = 25) died during voluntary inhalation of volatile substances and 28% (N = 11) committed suicide utilizing a volatile substance or gas. The remaining 3 cases involved a workplace accident (N = 1) and 2 cases of autoerotic death where inhalants were being used to augment solitary sexual activity. The mean age of the 28 victims of accidental inhalant death of 21 years (range, 13-45 years) was considerably less than that of the 11 suicide victims of 31.5 years (range, 17-48 years). No homicides were found. Approximately one quarter of the victims were Aboriginal (N = 11), 10 of whom had died as a result of gasoline inhalation ("petrol sniffing"). Other common substances of abuse were aliphatic hydrocarbons such as butane. The study has shown that those most at risk for accidental or suicidal inhalant deaths were young males, with 92% of victims overall being male, and with 77% of victims being under 31 years of age. Gasoline inhalation remains a significant problem in Aboriginal communities in South Australia.


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The Australian southern continental margin is the world’s largest site of cool-water carbonate deposition, and the Great Australian Bight is its largest sector. The Eyre Peninsula is fringed by coastal beaches with aeolianites and marks the eastern edge of the Great Australian Bight. Five shoreline transects of varying lengths spanned a 150km longitudinal distance and at each the intertidal, beach, dune and secondary dune environments were sampled, for a total of 18 samples. Sediments are a mixture of modern, relict, and Cenozoic carbonates, and quartz grains. Carbonate aeolianites on the western Eyre Peninsula are mostly composed of modern carbonate grains: predominantly molluscs (23-33%) and benthic foraminifera (10-26%), locally abundant coralline algae (3-28%), echinoids (2-22%), and bryozoans (2-14%). Cenozoic grain abundance ranges from 1-6% whereas relict grain abundance ranges from 0-17%. A southward increase in bryozoan particles correlates with a nutrient element abundance and decrease in temperature due to a large seasonal coastal upwelling system that drives 2-3 major upwelling events per year, bringing cold, nutrient rich, Sub-Antarctic Surface Water (<12°C) onto the shelf. In southern, mostly wind protected locations, the beach and dune sediment compositions are similar, indicating that wind energy has successfully carried all sediment components of the beach into the adjacent dunes. In northern, exposed locations, the composition is not the same everywhere, and trends indicate that relative wind energy has the ability to impact grain composition through preferential wind transport. Aeolianite composition is therefore a function of both upwelling and the degree of coastal exposure.


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Vols. for 1992-<1994> accompanied by a separately available index with title: Index of South Australian legislation.


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