961 resultados para Archaeological excavations


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Archaeological excavations, particularly those of the last fifty years, have greatly advanced our understanding of Viking settlement in Ireland, and this study sets out to present a complementary analysis of the historical sources. Increasingly, evidence suggests that Viking occupation encompassed a more diverse range of settlement types than previously acknowledged. Major urban excavations such as those carried out in Dublin and Waterford, are now complemented by small scale excavations and studies of sites such as: Cherrywood, Co Dublin, a rural settlement; Beginish, Co Kerry, a maritime haven; Truska, Co Galway, a possible farmstead; longphort-settlements at Dunrally, Co Laois and Athlunkard, Co Limerick; and significant Viking settlements at Woodstown, Co Waterford and at Annagassan, Co Louth. This thesis sets out to examine patterns of Viking settlement in ninth-century Ireland; an interdisciplinary approach is adopted that attempts to combine evidence from both the extant primary sources and the archaeological evidence. It is argued that the Vikings had bases in Ireland even in the earliest period of activity 795-836, traditionally characterised as the ‘hit-and-run’ phase. The downturn discernible in Viking-related annalistic entries occurs at a time when there are increased references to Viking settlements in the Irish annals; therefore, it is proposed that this change in the ninth-century recorded pattern of Viking activity reflects their increased involvement in trade and settlement. To support this hypothesis, the evidence for settlement, settlement patterns and trade at Dublin and Waterford in the ninth century is then discussed.


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Over the course of the past two decades there has been growing research interest in the site formation processes of shell middens. This stands along-side and is being used to inform cultural, dietary and palaeo-environmental reconstructions. Just as midden site formation processes have turned out to be many and varied, however, the kinds of shell-bearing sites that past human communities created are likely to have been no less diverse. Subsuming such sites under a single category - shell middens - normalises that variation and may lead to the misinterpretation of site function. The greater part of research in this field also continues to focus on coastal shell middens; comparatively little attention has been paid to middens containing freshwater and especially terrestrial molluscs from hinterland locations. As a result, much of the current understanding about shell-midden sites carries a spatial as well as a functional bias. This paper hopes to contribute towards discussion on both fronts. It presents a detailed examination of the formation processes that went into the creation of a land snail-dominated late- to post-glacial midden from northern Vietnam, and considers the role that it may have played in the early settlement of this area. The data presented comes from ongoing archaeological excavations at Hang Boi, a cave located in the sub-coastal karstic uplands of Trang An park, in the Vietnamese Province of Ninh Binh. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.


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Extensive archaeological excavations in the Niah Caves (Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo) over the past 50 years have produced perhaps 750 000 fragments of vertebrate bone, one of the largest faunal assemblages in the region, This paper introduces a series of research studies examining different aspects of the Niah fauna, and discusses how they are contributing to, and shaping, regional research agendas relating to prehistoric environments and societies in Island Southeast Asia. Zooarchaeology has traditionally had a rather 'Cinderella' status here, but the ongoing programme of study of the Niah Caves fauna is demonstrating the remarkable potential of this material to address questions of Pleistocene and Holocene climate and environment, biodiversity, human activities within caves, people's engagement with the landscapes they inhabited as foragers and farmers, and the nature of the transition from foraging to farming. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Alcácer do Sal é uma cidade que esteve desde sempre ligada ao rio Sado, permitindo essa mesma ligação, que nela se fossem fixando ao longo do tempo, distintos povos, provindos das mais diversas partes do mundo. Esta ocupação por parte das populações, só foi possível, porque o território era abundante em recursos naturais e, entre eles, possuía solos bastante férteis para a agricultura. Uma das comunidades que mais marcas deixou da sua presença naquele núcleo urbano, foi, sem dúvida, a muçulmana, tal como se pode verificar no topónimo que dá o nome à cidade, assim como pela presença dos vários vestígios materiais, como a imponente fortificação militar, que se ergue na colina mais alta da povoação, assim como pelas estruturas e espólios encontrados nas diversas intervenções arqueológicas realizadas naquela cidade. Tendo em conta estes aspetos, esta dissertação pretende fazer uma aproximação ao estudo do urbanismo da medina islâmica de al-Qasr, abarcando cronologicamente o século IX, altura em que os Banu Danis se fixam na cidade, até aos inícios do século XIII, correspondente à última fase de ocupação muçulmana da cidade.


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Quatre-vingt-quinze squelettes humains issus des fouilles archéologiques du cimetière protestant Saint-Matthew (ville de Québec, 1771-1860) ont été étudiés en associant deux aspects de la paléonutrition : la paléochimie et la paléopathologie. Le but de cette recherche est d’explorer la relation entre nutrition et état de santé pour cette population préindustrielle. Des informations directes sur l’alimentation ont été recueillies par l’analyse des isotopes stables du carbone et de l’azote du collagène des os, et des informations indirectes ont été obtenues par une quantification de l’état de santé des individus. Les méthodes paléopathologiques utilisées sont celles de l’« indice de santé » (Steckel et al., 2002) pour la comparaison interpopulationnelle, puis des méthodes comprenant des degrés de sévérité plus précis afin d’étudier les variations intrapopulationnelles. L’analyse de ces données atteste d’un état de santé relativement mauvais par comparaison avec d’autres groupes nord-américains contemporains, malgré une alimentation similaire. Des différences alimentaires ont été observées en fonction des données paléodémographiques (âge, sexe), mettant notamment en évidence une variabilité temporelle dans la réalisation du processus de sevrage. De plus, un régime alimentaire moins riche en ressources C4 (maïs, sucre de canne) et en ressources animales (viande, poissons, produits laitiers) a été constaté pour les enfants entre 2 et 7 ans par rapport aux individus plus vieux. Enfin, une relation possible entre la sévérité de certaines pathologies (cribra orbitalia et périostite) et la consommation des ressources alimentaires en C4 et/ou marines et riches en protéines a été observée.


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Ce mémoire porte sur l’étude de la culture matérielle de l’Auguste, un navire de cartel ayant fait naufrage en 1761 au nord-est de l’île du Cap-Breton, en Nouvelle-Écosse. La date de 1759 marque la conquête de la Nouvelle-France par l’Angleterre. La France perd donc un important territoire. À la suite de la capitulation de Montréal en 1760, un Régime militaire temporaire anglais est mis en place et entraîne le départ de plusieurs membres des classes dirigeantes de la colonie vers la France. Leur rapatriement est effectué au moyen de navires de cartel, c’est-à-dire des vaisseaux voyageant sous drapeau blanc et transportant des « prisonniers », leur famille et leurs avoirs. L’Auguste, un navire marchand d’appartenance britannique, est réquisitionné à Québec comme navire de cartel à l’automne 1761. Un mois après son départ, le navire s’échoue dans la baie d’Aspy et fait naufrage en emportant à la mort la majorité des passagers. Plus de deux siècles après ces événements tragiques, un partenariat entre Parcs Canada et des plongeurs locaux a mené à la réalisation de deux campagnes de fouilles archéologiques à la fin des années 1970 mettant au jour une collection de plus de quatre mille artefacts. L’analyse de cette culture matérielle comprend notamment la mise en contexte de l’histoire et de la découverte du navire et un classement des artefacts selon des catégories fonctionnelles liées à l’archéologie maritime. Les différents niveaux analytiques mènent ultimement à l’intégration des données archéologiques dans la compréhension du rapatriement des élites au sein de l’État moderne et à l’établissement de liens intéressants entre les familles nanties de la colonie et certains artisans de Nouvelle-France. L’étude de l’Auguste a finalement permis de mettre en lumière la fonction de cartel du navire et d’établir et l’organisation maritime d’un voyage transatlantique pour le transport de passagers.


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Màster Oficial en Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural


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Pulsed terahertz imaging is being developed as a technique to image obscured mural paintings. Due to significant advances in terahertz technology, portable systems are now capable of operating in unregulated environments and this has prompted their use on archaeological excavations. August 2011 saw the first use of pulsed terahertz imaging at the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük, Turkey, where mural paintings dating from the Neolithic period are continuously being uncovered by archaeologists. In these particular paintings the paint is applied onto an uneven surface, and then covered by an equally uneven surface. Traditional terahertz data analysis has proven unsuccessful at sub-surface imaging of these paintings due to the effect of these uneven surfaces. For the first time, an image processing technique is presented, based around Gaussian beam-mode coupling, which enables the visualization of the obscured painting.