399 resultados para Arbuscular micorrizas


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Una gran mayoría de árboles frutales forman micorrizas en condiciones naturales, sin embargo debido a las técnicas de cultivo habituales (fumigación de viveros, utilización de substratos esterilizados, micropropagación de material en condiciones asépticas) se han detectado, en algunos casos, sintomatologías atribuibles a la ausencia de la simbiosis. La micorrización de patrones de frutales se ha estudiado en condiciones controladas obteniéndose una respuesta favorable de las plantas inoculadas frente a las no inoculadas en crecimiento y en protección frente a patógenos del suelo y estreses abióticos. Sin embargo no se ha evaluado la integración de la micorrización en las prácticas habituales de una producción intensiva en vivero y en plantación. Este trabajo estudia la efectividad de la inoculación de porta-injertos de frutales del género Prunus y de plántulas de olivo del cultivar arbequina en plantación. Así mismo también se evalúa la incorporación práctica de la inoculación en la tecnología de viveros comerciales.


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Una gran mayoría de árboles frutales forman micorrizas en condiciones naturales, sin embargo debido a las técnicas de cultivo habituales (fumigación de viveros, utilización de substratos esterilizados, micropropagación de material en condiciones asépticas) se han detectado, en algunos casos, sintomatologías atribuibles a la ausencia de la simbiosis. La micorrización de patrones de frutales se ha estudiado en condiciones controladas obteniéndose una respuesta favorable de las plantas inoculadas frente a las no inoculadas en crecimiento y en protección frente a patógenos del suelo y estreses abióticos. Sin embargo no se ha evaluado la integración de la micorrización en las prácticas habituales de una producción intensiva en vivero y en plantación. Este trabajo estudia la efectividad de la inoculación de porta-injertos de frutales del género Prunus y de plántulas de olivo del cultivar arbequina en plantación. Así mismo también se evalúa la incorporación práctica de la inoculación en la tecnología de viveros comerciales.


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The objectives of Participant 4 were: - Establishment and maintenance of a representative collection of AM fungal species in vivo on trap plant cultures. - Study of the effects of early mycorrhizal inoculation in the growth and health of in vitro plantlets and their subsequent behaviour in the nursery. - Effect of the mycorrhization of in vitro produced bananas and plantains on plant growth and health, under biotic stress conditions (nematode and fungi)


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The mutualistic symbiosis involving Glomeromycota, a distinctive phylum of early diverging Fungi, is widely hypothesized to have promoted the evolution of land plants during the middle Paleozoic. These arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) perform vital functions in the phosphorus cycle that are fundamental to sustainable crop plant productivity. The unusual biological features of AMF have long fascinated evolutionary biologists. The coenocytic hyphae host a community of hundreds of nuclei and reproduce clonally through large multinucleated spores. It has been suggested that the AMF maintain a stable assemblage of several different genomes during the life cycle, but this genomic organization has been questioned. Here we introduce the 153-Mb haploid genome of Rhizophagus irregularis and its repertoire of 28,232 genes. The observed low level of genome polymorphism (0.43 SNP per kb) is not consistent with the occurrence of multiple, highly diverged genomes. The expansion of mating-related genes suggests the existence of cryptic sex-related processes. A comparison of gene categories confirms that R. irregularis is close to the Mucoromycotina. The AMF obligate biotrophy is not explained by genome erosion or any related loss of metabolic complexity in central metabolism, but is marked by a lack of genes encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes and of genes involved in toxin and thiamine synthesis. A battery of mycorrhiza-induced secreted proteins is expressed in symbiotic tissues. The present comprehensive repertoire of R. irregularis genes provides a basis for future research on symbiosis-related mechanisms in Glomeromycota.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are ancient asexually reproducing organisms that form symbioses with the majority of plant species, improving plant nutrition and promoting plant diversity. Little is known about the evolution or organization of the genomes of any eukaryotic symbiont or ancient asexual organism. Direct evidence shows that one AMF species is heterokaryotic; that is, containing populations of genetically different nuclei. It has been suggested, however, that the genetic variation passed from generation to generation in AMF is simply due to multiple chromosome sets (that is, high ploidy). Here we show that previously documented genetic variation in Pol-like sequences, which are passed from generation to generation, cannot be due to either high ploidy or repeated gene duplications. Our results provide the clearest evidence so far for substantial genetic differences among nuclei in AMF. We also show that even AMF with a very large nuclear DNA content are haploid. An underlying principle of evolutionary theory is that an individual passes on one or half of its genome to each of its progeny. The coexistence of a population of many genomes in AMF and their transfer to subsequent generations, therefore, has far-reaching consequences for understanding genome evolution.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are symbiotic soil fungi that are intimately associated with the roots of the majority of land plants. They colonise the interior of the roots and the hyphae extend into the soil. It is well known that bacterial colonisation of the rhizosphere can be crucial for many pathogenic as well as symbiotic plant-microbe interactions. However, although bacteria colonising the extraradical AMF hyphae (the hyphosphere) might be equally important for AMF symbiosis, little is known regarding which bacterial species would colonise AMF hyphae. In this study, we investigated which bacterial communities might be associated with AMF hyphae. As bacterial-hyphal attachment is extremely difficult to study in situ, we designed a system to grow AMF hyphae of Glomus intraradices and Glomus proliferum and studied which bacteria separated from an agricultural soil specifically attach to the hyphae. Characterisation of attached and non-attached bacterial communities was performed using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and clone library sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene fragments. For all experiments, the composition of hyphal attached bacterial communities was different from the non-attached communities, and was also different from bacterial communities that had attached to glass wool (a non-living substratum). Analysis of amplified 16S rRNA genes indicated that in particular bacteria from the family of Oxalobacteraceae were highly abundant on AMF hyphae, suggesting that they may have developed specific interactions with the fungi.


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The minimum chromosome number of Glomus intraradices was assessed through cloning and sequencing of the highly divergent telomere-associated sequences (TAS) and by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The telomere of G. intraradices, as in other filamentous fungi, consists of TTAGGG repeats, this was confirmed using Bal31 nuclease time course reactions. Telomere length was estimated to be roughly 0.9 kb by Southern blots on genomic DNA and a telomere probe. We have identified six classes of cloned chromosomal termini based on the TAS. An unusually high genetic variation was observed within two of the six TAS classes. To further assess the total number of chromosome termini, we used telomere fingerprinting. Surprisingly, all hybridization patterns showed smears, which demonstrate that TAS are remarkably variable in the G. intraradices genome. These analyses predict the presence of at least three chromosomes in G. intraradices while PFGE showed a pattern of four bands ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 Mb. Taken together, our results indicate that there are at least four chromosomes in G. intraradices but there are probably more. The information on TAS and telomeres in the G. intradicies will be essential for making a physical map of the G. intraradices genome and could provide molecular markers for future studies of genetic variation among nuclei in these multigenomic fungi.


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Abstract :The majority of land plants form the symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The AM symbiosis has existed for hundreds of millions of years but little or no specificity seems to have co- evolved between the partners and only about 200 morphospecies of AMF are known. The fungi supply the plants most notably with phosphate in exchange for carbohydrates. The fungi improve plant growth, protect them against pathogens and herbivores and the symbiosis plays a key role in ecosystem productivity and plant diversity. The fungi are coenocytic, grow clonally and no sexual stage in their life cycle is known. For these reasons, they are presumed ancient asexuals. Evidence suggests that AMF contain populations of genetically different nucleotypes coexisting in a common cytoplasm. Consequently, the nucleotype content of new clonal offspring could potentially be altered by segregation of nuclei at spore formation and by genetic exchange between different AMF. Given the importance of AMF, it is surprising that remarkably little is known about the genetics and genomics of the fungi.The main goal of this thesis was to investigate the combined effects of plant species differences and of genetic exchange and segregation in AMF on the symbiosis. This work showed that single spore progeny can receive a different assortment of nucleotypes compared to their parent and compared to other single spore progeny. This is the first direct evidence that segregation occurs in AMF. We then showed that both genetic exchange and segregation can lead to new progeny that differentially alter plant growth compared to their parents. We also found that genetic exchange and segregation can lead to different development of the fungus during the establishment of the symbiosis. Finally, we found that a shift of host species can differentially alter the phenotypes and genotypes of AMF progeny obtained by genetic exchange and segregation compared to their parents.Overall, this study confirms the multigenomic state of the AMF Glomus intraradices because our findings are possible only if the fungus contains genetically different nuclei. We demonstrated the importance of the processes of genetic exchange and segregation to produce, in a very short time span, new progeny with novel symbiotic effects. Moreover, our results suggest that different host species could affect the fate of different nucleotypes following genetic exchange and segregation in AMF, and can potentially contribute to the maintenance of genetic diversity within AMF individuals. This work brings new insights into understanding how plants and fungi have coevolved and how the genetic diversity in AMF can be maintained. We recommend that the intra-ir1dividual AMF diversity and these processes should be considered in future research on this symbiosis.Résumé :La majorité des plantes terrestres forment des symbioses avec les champignons endomycorhiziens arbusculaires (CEA). Cette symbiose existe depuis plusieurs centaines de millions d'années mais peu ou pas de spécificité semble avoir co-évoluée entre les partenaires et seulement 200 morpho-espèces de CEA sont connues. Le champignon fournit surtout aux plantes du phosphate en échange de carbohydrates. Le champignon augmente la croissance des plantes, les protège contre des pathogènes et herbivores et la symbiose joue un rôle clé dans la productivité des écosystèmes et de la diversité des plantes. Les CEA sont coenocytiques, se reproduisent clonalement et aucune étape sexuée n'est connue dans leur cycle de vie. Pour ces raisons, ils sont présumés comme anciens asexués. Des preuves suggèrent que les CEA ont des populations de nucleotypes différents coexistant dans un cytoplasme commun. Par conséquent, le contenu en nucleotype des nouveaux descendants clonaux pourrait être altéré par la ségrégation des noyaux lors de la fonnation des spores et par l'échange génétique entre différents CEA. Etant donné l'importance des CEA, il est surprenant que si peu soit connu sur la génétique et la génomique du champignon.Le principal but de cette thèse a été d'étudier les effets combinés de différentes espèces de plantes et des mécanismes d'échange génétique et de ségrégation chez les CEA sur la symbiose. Ce travail a montré que chaque nouvelle spore produite pouvait recevoir un assortiment différent de noyaux comparé au parent ou comparé à d'autres nouvelles spores. Ceci est la première preuve directe que la ségrégation peut se produire chez les CEA. Nous avons ensuite montré qu'à la fois l'échange génétique et la ségrégation pouvaient mener à de nouveaux descendants qui altèrent différemment la croissance des plantes, comparé à leurs parents. Nous avons également trouvé que l'échange génétique et la ségrégation pouvaient entraîner des développements différents du champignon pendant l'établissement de la symbiose. Pour finir, nous avons trouvé qu'un changement d'espèce de l'hôte pouvait altérer différemment les phénotypes et génotypes des descendants issus d'échange génétique et de ségrégation, comparé à leurs parents.Globalement, cette étude confirme l'état multigénomique du CEA Glumus intraradices car nous résultats sont possibles seulement si le champignon possède des noyaux génétiquement différents. Nous avons démontrés l'importance des mécanismes d'échange génétique et de ségrégation pour produire en très peu de temps de nouveaux descendants ayant des effets symbiotiques nouveaux. De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que différentes espèces de plantes peuvent agir sur le devenir des nucleotypes après l'échange génétique et la ségrégation chez les CEA, et pourraient contribuer à la maintenance de la diversité génétique au sein d'un même CEA. Ce travail apporte des éléments nouveaux pour comprendre comment les plantes et les champignons ont coévolué et comment la diversité génétique chez les CEA peut être maintenue. Nous recommandons de considérer la diversité génétique intra-individuelle des CEA et ces mécanismes lors de futures recherches sur cette symbiose.


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Pi acquisition of crops via arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is becoming increasingly important due to limited high-grade rock Pi reserves and a demand for environmentally sustainable agriculture. Here, we show that 70% of the overall Pi acquired by rice (Oryza sativa) is delivered via the symbiotic route. To better understand this pathway, we combined genetic, molecular, and physiological approaches to determine the specific functions of two symbiosis-specific members of the PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER1 (PHT1) gene family from rice, ORYsa;PHT1;11 (PT11) and ORYsa;PHT1;13 (PT13). The PT11 lineage of proteins from mono- and dicotyledons is most closely related to homologs from the ancient moss, indicating an early evolutionary origin. By contrast, PT13 arose in the Poaceae, suggesting that grasses acquired a particular strategy for the acquisition of symbiotic Pi. Surprisingly, mutations in either PT11 or PT13 affected the development of the symbiosis, demonstrating that both genes are important for AM symbiosis. For symbiotic Pi uptake, however, only PT11 is necessary and sufficient. Consequently, our results demonstrate that mycorrhizal rice depends on the AM symbiosis to satisfy its Pi demands, which is mediated by a single functional Pi transporter, PT11.


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The genome size, complexity, and ploidy of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus intraradices was determined using flow cytometry, reassociation kinetics, and genomic reconstruction. Nuclei of G. intraradices from in vitro culture, were analyzed by flow cytometry. The estimated average length of DNA per nucleus was 14.07+/-3.52 Mb. Reassociation kinetics on G. intraradices DNA indicated a haploid genome size of approximately 16.54 Mb, comprising 88.36% single copy DNA, 1.59% repetitive DNA, and 10.05% fold-back DNA. To determine ploidy, the DNA content per nucleus measured by flow cytometry was compared with the genome estimate of reassociation kinetics. G. intraradices was found to have a DNA index (DNA per nucleus per haploid genome size) of approximately 0.9, indicating that it is haploid. Genomic DNA of G. intraradices was also analyzed by genomic reconstruction using four genes (Malate synthase, RecA, Rad32, and Hsp88). Because we used flow cytometry and reassociation kinetics to reveal the genome size of G. intraradices and show that it is haploid, then a similar value for genome size should be found when using genomic reconstruction as long as the genes studied are single copy. The average genome size estimate was 15.74+/-1.69 Mb indicating that these four genes are single copy per haploid genome and per nucleus of G. intraradices. Our results show that the genome size of G. intraradices is much smaller than estimates of other AMF and that the unusually high within-spore genetic variation that is seen in this fungus cannot be due to high ploidy.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbioses with the majority of plants and form extensive underground hyphal networks simultaneously connecting the roots of different plant species. No empirical evidence exists for either anastomosis between genetically different AMF or genetic exchange.Five isolates of one population of Glomus intraradices were used to study anastomosis between hyphae of germinating spores. We show that genetically distinct AMF, from the same field, anastomose, resulting in viable cytoplasmic connections through which genetic exchange could potentially occur.Pairs of genetically different isolates were then co-cultured in an in vitro system.Freshly produced spores were individually germinated to establish new cultures.Using several molecular tools, we show that genetic exchange occurred between genetically different AMF. Specific genetic markers from each parent were transmitted to the progeny. The progeny were viable, forming symbioses with plant roots. The phenotypes of some of the progeny were significantly different from either parent.Our results indicate that considerable promiscuity could occur in these fungi because nine out of 10 combinations of different isolates anastomosed. The ability to perform genetic crosses between AMF experimentally lays a foundation for understanding the genetics and evolutionary biology of these important plants symbionts.