987 resultados para Ar - Poluição


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The concern of the society with regard to the pollution if becomes each bigger and necessary time. This pollution generates damage for who is in contact, as much in economic terms how much in quality of life. The particulate matter is one of the main polluting the air, being the most harmful to human health, fine particles and ultra fine (below 2.5 μm in diameter). With this, this work had as objective to mensurar the pollution of air for material particulado through samplings in an urban center, in a siderurgical industry, a conventional coal bunker and a forest fire. The equipment used for the sampling of particles had been the DataRam4 (model DR 4000) and the Impactador de Andersen, both developed by company THERMO SCIENTIFIC. The first equipment uses a system of nefelometry and the second uses a gravimetrical system of sampling. During the carried through samplings, it can be observed in some cases the difficulty in the breath, badly be and low visibility that this type of pollutant can cause. In most cases the results were disturbing. In industry, conventional coal bunker and in the forest were measured values high concentration for particles smaller diameters. Peak concentrations issued were: 40,000 μg/m³, 182,000 μg/m³ and 400,000 μg/m³ for the industry, conventional coal bunker and forest, respectively. Already in the urban centre were satisfactory results, always staying within the limit allowed by the rules in force so far in the country


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The use of biomass as an energy source has been increasing in Brazil, with emphasis on the use of wood biomass, such as bark, wood chips and sawdust, that after receiving the appropriate treatment can be used in burners for power generation. However, from this burning are emitted fine particles known as particulate matter and a wide range of toxic organic and inorganic components in the form of gases that contribute greatly to air pollution and global warming, affecting human health, the environment and climate. The objective of this project was the quantification of gaseous and particulate, using and evaluating the equipment DR4000 ( Dataram 4 ) sampling of particulates smaller than 2.5μm and EUROTRON ( Ecoline 4000 ) when sampling gaseous pollutants, emitted from the burning of biomass in real time in the firing burner to a chimney attached biomass . We note that there are no specific rules that establish emission limits for particulate matter with diameter less than 2.5μm that are most harmful to human health and the highest concentrations reached about 800000μg/m3, for smaller diameters. It is noticeable the need for sampling of pollutants especially in industries that use biomass to fuel that could be implanted emission control equipment


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It is clear today the ever-accelerating search for new fuels that will eventually replace those that will survive in our society, which are fossil fuels. For this reason, a fuel used since the dawn of humanity and much studied since then, considered the generator of clean, renewable energy, can earn more and more space in the power generation sector, which is biomass. We performed two experiments with two different types of biomass, one from the Amazon rainforest and other pine and eucalyptus as waste from the sawmill UNESP Itapeva. In the first experiment, conducted at the Laboratory of Combustion and Propulsion INPE Cachoeira Paulista were conducted three tests in a chimney with a fan creating forced ventilation, where the biomass was burned and deposited on a support beneath the hood. In the second experiment was conducted to analyze the emission of particulate matter using biomass (waste) from the sawmill on the campus of UNESP experimental Itapeva the burning of it in a burner for heating water for a wood oven. In these experiments we used a particle called DATARAM4 sampler that is capable of sampling both outdoors and inside of pipelines, which is the focus of this work. With this equipment it was possible to measure the concentration of particulate matter in all the firings as above, and compare them to levels acceptable in the current law, always trying to analyze the so-called fine particles, which are those with diameters less than 2.5 μm. Using data obtained from the equipment was also possible to evaluate the diametral distribution of particulate matter in question, and verify which phases of the flares in the concentration and the diameters of the particles are the most critical. In this work we concluded that in all firings conducted concentrations of particulate matter were higher than that allowed by the law, and the diameters were found that are more harmful to human health


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Our twenty-first century society and the rhythm of life and work we have to face in our daily routine compel us to spend most of our lifetime in closed environments, in our houses, educational institutions, hospitals, airports, amongst as many others. The study of the air quality in internal environments (IAQ) is very important for monitoring people’s health effects and their environmental comfort in these locations. One essential parameter to analyze this measure is to evaluate the concentration of dispersed particulates in the air, specially focusing on those thinner particles (below the diameter of 2,5 μm), they can pose serious risks for human being because they can remain in the lungs, penetrate through the pores of our skin, amongst other harmful effects on human’s health. In this work the air quality inside the public library Profª Josina Vasques Ferrari and at Unesp public state library was evaluated, both located in Itapeva, as well as a third one, inside the Communitarian Library of the Federal University in Carlos (UFSCar) from march to may in 2012. In those environments it was analyzed if the concentration of particulates pose any real treat to the users. The equipment used for particle sampling in real time was DataRam 4 (Model DR 4000). The results given for those concentrations of particulates in both internal and external environments revealed figures within the safe standard established by the WHO (World Health Organization), from 25 to μg/m³, the only exception occurred on the fifth floor of the UFSCar library, where the average for concentration stayed at 25,30 of μg/m³


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Air pollution is an environmental issue worldwide and frequently cause negative effects on population health and ecosystems on cities. The relationship between climate and atmospheric pollution can be used as a surrogate to the intensity of air pollution. The present and quantity of some gases can be used as indicators to air quality: particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Among those gases, CO has its major source within the cities, where automobiles are the main emitter. But measure pollutant concentration are challenging, sometimes because the lack of good equipments due to high costs and of the large variability of models that varies in precision, way of measure and distribution of sellers. Modeling are useful when there are an intend to evaluate air pollution, its sources and evaluate scenarios. This work aims to use CAL3QHCR model developed by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to generate predictive surfaces of CO concentration distribution on a site within Campinas city, located in São Paulo state, Brazil. CAL3QHCR model use data urban automobile circulation to generate spatial results for CO distribution. We observed that the pollution concentration was lower on our modeling than the concentrations measured by Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB), the main environmental company on the São Paulo state. Also the correlation between average estimates of our model and the measure by CETESB was weak, indicating that the model used on this study need to be or better parameterized, or the scale we measured of CO emissions need to be rescaled. Although the model failed to correlate to CETESB data, maybe one that explore the estimated emissions distributed within the sites to understand spatial distributions of CO on the regions. Also, the generated information can also be used to other studies, and come to be useful to explain heat island


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The main aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the urban pollution plume from the city of Manaus by emissions from mobile and stationary sources in the atmospheric pollutants concentrations of the Amazon region, by using The Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) model. The air pollutants analyzed were CO, NOx, SO2, O3, PM2.5, PM10 and VOCs. The model simulations have been configured with a grid spacing of 3 km, with 190 x and 136 y grid points in horizontal spacing, centered in the city of Manaus during the period of 17 and 18 of March 2014. The anthropogenic emissions inventories have gathered from mobile sources that were estimated the emissions of light and heavy-duty vehicles classes. In addition, the stationary sources have considered the thermal power plants by the type of energy sources used in the region as well as the emissions from the refinery located in Manaus. Various scenarios have been defined with numerical experiments that considered only emissions by biogenic, mobile and stationary sources, and replacement fuel from thermal power plant, along with a future scenario consisting with twice as much anthropogenic emissions. A qualitative assessment of simulation with base scenario has also been carried out, which represents the conditions of the region in its current state, where several statistical methods were used in order to compare the results of air pollutants and meteorological fields with observed ground-based data located in various points in the study grid. The qualitative analysis showed that the model represents satisfactorily the variables analyzed from the point of view of the adopted parameters. Regarding the simulations, defined from the base scenarios, the numerical experiments indicate relevant results such as: it was found that the stationary sources scenario, where the thermal power plants are predominant, resulted in the highest concentrations, for all air pollutants evaluated, except for carbon monoxide when compared to the vehicle emissions scenario; The replacement of the energy matrix of current thermal power plants for natural gas have showed significant reductions in pollutants analyzed, for instance, 63% reductions of NOx in the contribution of average concentration in the study grid; A significant increase in the concentrations of chemical species was observed in a futuristic scenario, reaching up to a 81% increase in peak concentrations of SO2 in the study area. The spatial distributions of the scenarios have showed that the air pollution plume from Manaus is predominantly west and southwest, where it can reach hundreds of kilometers to areas dominated by original soil covering.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente, e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.


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A poluição do ar é um problema de saúde pública nas grandes cidades, no Brasil e no mundo. As principais fontes de contaminação são as emissões dos veículos automotores, indústrias, usinas de energia, e as atividades humanas em geral, como a agricultura. Os objetivos deste estudo foram investigar as associações de curto prazo entre os níveis de material particulado (PM10) e internações de crianças e idosos, devido a problemas respiratórios ou cardiovasculares em uma região ao leste do Rio de Janeiro cidade, conhecida como Grande Tijuca. Uma associação entre PM10 e os resultados obtidos sobre a população sensível foi encontrada na área de estudo.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)