990 resultados para Aquisição da escrita


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento em Pesquisa (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this research was to apprehend the effects of text reading in S.'s writing productions, a child in literacy process. S. is a child who can't speak or write by her own due to a dystonic quadriplegic CP. S. communicates with Blissymbols which were introduced in a school-clinic in São Paulo city when she was six years old. At the same time the literacy process took place and she indicated symbols, letters and numbers in a board by scanning. The teacher related S.'s difficulties concerning reading activities, so a weekly activity was proposed by the speech therapist in the classroom. The teacher and her assistant participated in the activity. A cutout of the activity involving a book reading when S. was between eight years and seven months old and nine years and one month old was analysed. The research was based in Borges (2006) grounded in The Brazilian Interactionism according to De Lemos (1992; 1995 and others) and proposes a literacy process among students from the first series in a regular school by the reading of different texts. The activity guided by the speech therapist took place side by side with the literacy program guided by the teacher and resulted in various S's text productions. The data was collected through film transcriptions from the activities in the classroom and from materials produced by S. through the reading of the chosen book. These data integrates NALíngua-CNPq databases coordinated by Dr. Alessandra Del Ré whose aim is to investigate the language acquisition process. S.'s reading and writing acquisition occurred in a singular way, affected by the using of Blissymbols that became S.'s speech modality: a written-speech with symbols and alphabetic writing


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The aim of this research was to apprehend the effects of text reading in S.'s writing productions, a child in literacy process. S. is a child who can't speak or write by her own due to a dystonic quadriplegic CP. S. communicates with Blissymbols which were introduced in a school-clinic in São Paulo city when she was six years old. At the same time the literacy process took place and she indicated symbols, letters and numbers in a board by scanning. The teacher related S.'s difficulties concerning reading activities, so a weekly activity was proposed by the speech therapist in the classroom. The teacher and her assistant participated in the activity. A cutout of the activity involving a book reading when S. was between eight years and seven months old and nine years and one month old was analysed. The research was based in Borges (2006) grounded in The Brazilian Interactionism according to De Lemos (1992; 1995 and others) and proposes a literacy process among students from the first series in a regular school by the reading of different texts. The activity guided by the speech therapist took place side by side with the literacy program guided by the teacher and resulted in various S's text productions. The data was collected through film transcriptions from the activities in the classroom and from materials produced by S. through the reading of the chosen book. These data integrates NALíngua-CNPq databases coordinated by Dr. Alessandra Del Ré whose aim is to investigate the language acquisition process. S.'s reading and writing acquisition occurred in a singular way, affected by the using of Blissymbols that became S.'s speech modality: a written-speech with symbols and alphabetic writing


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Este artigo propõe  apresentar uma reflexão sobre o Projeto de Iniciação Científica vinculado ao Departamento de Letras da UFOP, realizado no ano de 2016, que objetivou investigar o ensino da Língua Portuguesa (LP) como segunda língua, a partir do uso da Língua de Sinais (LS) como base comunicativa, em uma escola da Rede Municipal de Ensino da cidade de Mariana-MG, que possuía 2 (dois) alunos surdos incluídos nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Assim, foi determinante ao projeto que todo o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da LP para surdos fosse realizado, inicialmente, com o ensino da LS e, a partir daí, construíssem possibilidades quanto ao uso da LP escrita. Intencionou-se um trabalho diferenciado ao propor sua realização em sala de aula e com a participação de crianças surdas. O ensino-aprendizagem se desenvolveu apoiado sobre a Libras e sem a intermediação do intérprete. A metodologia adotada foi de cunho etnográfico, nesse sentido, buscou-se  triangular os dados, o método e a teoria.  Acompanhando o processo dinâmico que envolveu a abordagem, concluiu-se que o constante apoio de recursos visuais são ferramentas fundamentais que irão conferir  embasamento ao processo de desenvolvimento de aquisição da LS e, consequentemente, o despertar da consciência para compreender e assimilar os processos de aquisição da LP, de tal  forma a contribuir para um aprendizado significativo.


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Se a escrita pessoal precisa sobreviver como habilidade individual perante as novas técnicas de produção textual, parece-nos necessária uma análise da escrita manual sob uma nova perspectiva. Num universo regido pelas mídias tecnológicas, no qual o computador pode ser visto como uma verdadeira extensão do homem, qual o lugar da escrita manual na atualidade? E, ainda: acreditando que o design pode auxiliar o educador, de que forma o mesmo pode interferir na aquisição da escrita manual e na formação de uma escrita legível e funcional? O presente projeto de pesquisa procura lançar luzes sobre este tema a partir de uma síntese dos principais modelos de escrita adotados na educação fundamental no Brasil durante o século XX. Para tanto, vamos elencá-los e analisá-los buscando relações e pontos comuns entre esses modelos e apontando para uma reflexão futura, calcada no campo do design e, em especial, da tipografia, tendo a aquisição da escrita como pano de fundo.


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Realizada no espírito da pesquisa-ação, a presente dissertação historia a atuação de sua autora, uma fonoaudióloga escolar, na condução de um grupo de estudos junto com um grupo de professoras da sua escola, no sentido de juntas buscarem subsídios sobre os fatores subjacentes às dificuldades ortográficas do alunado, de modo a possibilitar o desenvolvimento de atividades pedagógicas capazes de reverter essas dificuldades. Relata como foi feito o diagnóstico inicial de tais dificuldades e o desenvolvimento do processo de apropriação de conhecimentos e de reavaliação pedagógica ocorrido durante os encontros do grupo, que duraram seis meses, bem como apresenta a avaliação posterior do trabalho realizado feita pelas participantes, inclusive pela própria pesquisadora, que também testemunha sobre o seu próprio desenvolvimento pessoal durante o processo. Também é estabelecida na dissertação uma correlação entre a questão das dificuldades ortográficas com outros aspectos da aquisição da escrita; e são ainda apresentados boa parte dos saberes, conclusões e resultados obtidos pelo grupo, com o objetivo de fazer deste próprio texto uma contribuição para outros professores e técnicos escolares que se defrontem com problemas de aquisição da ortografia


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Our work leads up to the context of evaluation during alphabetization process as a moment of an educational action cycle that requires planning, teaching and learning of reading and writing. It aimed to research the difficulties lived by teachers of a public elementary school during the specific task of evaluating children in the alphabetization process. This qualitative research took place as a case study at Emília Ramos Municipal School, in Natal, capital city of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. Semi-structured interview and questionnaire were used as fact-gathering proceedings. Two pedagogical advisers and seven teachers formed the group of research subjects. All of them worked with elementary school first cycle classes, in that school, in the year of 2003. The analysis shows that teachers difficulties concern to theoretic questions of conceptual and methodological orders, although these questions indicate an important knowledge of teachers about alphabetization and evaluation. Our reflection about these problems articulates two points: alphabetization and evaluation. Concerning alphabetization, we took reference on Psychogenetic studies of Ferreiro and Teberosky (1985) which emphasizes fundamental points for a coherent evaluation practice: a) objective knowledge is not a beginning data; it is a construction process, which the learner does not conquest step by step on a linear way; b) objective knowledge acquisition happens through a global re-construction, and some of them may seem mistakes if we consider conventional writing but these mistakes are constructive and necessary. We also took reference on Interactionist-constructivist theory. Here, Vygotsky (1984) proposes that writing must be specially understood as language, symbolical activity, cultural practice. So, acquisition of writing process, as language learning, must be understood as a development of abilities relative to symbolical and communicative activity of sense production. On this way, Hoffmann (1994) advises that is necessary to overtake current evaluation practices, limited by their terminality character, only pointing right or wrong questions. According to a new paradigm, valuation appears as one of the mediations by which teachers must indicate re-ordination of pupil s knowledge, and re-organize their own practices too. The comprehensions of these questions plays decisive part in order to overtake our difficulties in evaluating. Besides, it points a way to build a coherent valuate practice, with an emancipating character and able to create new teaching-and-learning situations, leading to a better alphabetization Pedagogy


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A presente pesquisa tem como foco verificar como se dá a apropriação da escrita por crianças no início da alfabetização, especificamente quais os recursos utilizados pelas crianças quanto às escolhas das letras durante o ato de escrever. Tem como objetivo geral analisar o processo de aquisição da escrita; verificar quais são escolhas realizadas pelas crianças durante esse processo e como objetivos específicos verificar quais os recursos utilizados pelas crianças na apropriação da linguagem escrita; como se dá o processo de escolhas das letras na apropriação da linguagem escrita por crianças no início da alfabetização e se as escolhas das letras são feitas com base somente no oral ou se são feitas tendo como foco a função que a letra ocupa na palavra durante o ato discursivo. Para alcançar os objetivos o procedimento metodológico adotado é da pesquisa-ação. Os pressupostos teóricos têm com base os conceitos defendidos por Bakhtin sobre linguagem, enunciação, gênero do discurso, e de função e de estrutura por Vygotsky entre outros, e contribuições de Smith, sobre equivalência funcional das letras. O levantamento de dados empíricos será realizado em uma Escola Estadual na cidade de Marília, com crianças de primeiro e segundo ano do ensino fundamental. A pesquisa encontra-se em estágio inicial, mas com base nos autores mencionados podemos concluir que as crianças utilizam diversos recursos no momento de escolhas das letras e não se apóiam somente na relação grafo - fônica.


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We searched for which conceptions twenty-three Kinden garden teachers would have of “word”, as well as for “echoes” from these conceptions in their 4-6 years old pupils. Essentially all the teachers showed a graphic and semantic conception of “word”. “Echoes” from these conception were detected in part of their pupils. The other part of children showed a conception in which could be detected enunciative, pragmatic and discursive aspects of language. Conception of teachers indicates ruptures between their pedagogic activities with literacy and their pedagogic activities with language unities such as word. These ruptures, however, not necessarily were made by part of children, who seems integrate language and literacy.


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This paper is the result of a research about literacy concept from official documents, dictionaries and linguists. As an expansion of literacy concept was observed through last century, this investigation searched for an opposite way, in other words, a contraction of the literacy concept in order to clarify its nature and this way to be the starting point for literacy teachers. The best way to literacy happens was also part of the research, then the text was considered like that, since it is a real communicative situation. Besides it should be a meaning system which can be accessed again any time. It would include many kinds of texts – oral or written – as long as they were recorded somehow. The best text form was investigated as well, in other words, the best speech genre for teaching literacy, once there are important elements which should be considered during the literacy acquisition, such as the encouragement to read and to think about the correct writing of the words. In the end, considerations were made concerning the literacy teacher‘s awareness about the context change when the text is used in a scholar context and about the skills acquired by the students which should be transported to other texts in varied contexts