965 resultados para Apparent viscosity


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Solder paste is the most widely used bonding material in the assembly of surface mount devices in electronic industries. It generally has a flocculated structure (show aggregation of solder particles), and hence are known to exhibit a thixotropic behavior. This is recognized by the decrease in apparent viscosity of paste material with time when subjected to a constant shear rate. The proper characterisation of this timedependent rheological behaviour of solder pastes is crucial for establishing the relationships between the pastes’ structure and flow behaviour; and for correlating the physical parameters with paste printing performance. In this paper, we present a novel method which has been developed for characterising the timedependent and non-Newtonian rheological behaviour of solder pastes as a function of shear rates. The objective of the study reported in this paper is to investigate the thixotropic build-up behaviour of solder pastes. The stretched exponential model(SEM) has been used to model the structural changes during the build-up process and to correlate model parameters with the paste printing process.


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The market for solder paste materials in the electronic manufacturing and assembly sector is very large and consists of material and equipment suppliers and end users. These materials are used to bond electronic components (such as flip-chip, CSP and BGA) to printed circuit boards (PCB's) across a range of dimensions where the solder interconnects can be in the order of 0.05mm to 5mm in size. The non-Newtonian flow properties exhibited by solder pastes during its manufacture and printing/deposition phases have been of practical concern to surface mount engineers and researchers for many years. The printing of paste materials through very small-sized stencil apertures is known to lead to increased stencil clogging and incomplete transfer of paste to the substrate pads. At these very narrow aperture sizes the paste rheology and particle-wall interactions become crucial for consistent paste withdrawal. These non-Newtonian effects must be understood so that the new paste formulations can be optimised for consistent printing. The focus of the study reported in this paper is the characterisation of the rheological properties of solder pastes and flux mediums, and the evaluation of the effect of these properties on the pastes' printing performance at the flip-chip assembly application level. Solder pastes are known to exhibit a thixotropic behaviour, which is recognised by the decrease in apparent viscosity of paste material with time when subjected to a constant shear rate. The proper characterisation of this time-dependent theological behaviour of solder pastes is crucial for establishing the relationships between the pastes' structure and flow behaviour; and for correlating the physical parameters with paste printing performance. In this paper, we present a number of methods which have been developed for characterising the time-dependent and non-Newtonian rheological behaviour of solder pastes and flux mediums as a function of shear rates. We also present results of the study of the rheology of the solder pastes and flux mediums using the structural kinetic modelling approach, which postulates that the network structure of solder pastes breaks down irreversibly under shear, leading to time and shear dependent changes in the flow properties. Our results show that for the solder pastes used in the study, the rate and extent of thixotropy was generally found to increase with increasing shear rate. The technique demonstrated in this study has wide utility for R&D personnel involved in new paste formulation, for implementing quality control procedures used in solder paste manufacture and packaging; and for qualifying new flip-chip assembly lines


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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En simulant l’écoulement du sang dans un réseau de capillaires (en l’absence de contrôle biologique), il est possible d’observer la présence d’oscillations de certains paramètres comme le débit volumique, la pression et l’hématocrite (volume des globules rouges par rapport au volume du sang total). Ce comportement semble être en concordance avec certaines expériences in vivo. Malgré cet accord, il faut se demander si les fluctuations observées lors des simulations de l’écoulement sont physiques, numériques ou un artefact de modèles irréalistes puisqu’il existe toujours des différences entre des modélisations et des expériences in vivo. Pour répondre à cette question de façon satisfaisante, nous étudierons et analyserons l’écoulement du sang ainsi que la nature des oscillations observées dans quelques réseaux de capillaires utilisant un modèle convectif et un modèle moyenné pour décrire les équations de conservation de masse des globules rouges. Ces modèles tiennent compte de deux effets rhéologiques importants : l’effet Fåhraeus-Lindqvist décrivant la viscosité apparente dans un vaisseau et l’effet de séparation de phase schématisant la distribution des globules rouges aux points de bifurcation. Pour décrire ce dernier effet, deux lois de séparation de phase (les lois de Pries et al. et de Fenton et al.) seront étudiées et comparées. Dans ce mémoire, nous présenterons une description du problème physiologique (rhéologie du sang). Nous montrerons les modèles mathématiques employés (moyenné et convectif) ainsi que les lois de séparation de phase (Pries et al. et Fenton et al.) accompagnés d’une analyse des schémas numériques implémentés. Pour le modèle moyenné, nous employons le schéma numérique explicite traditionnel d’Euler ainsi qu’un nouveau schéma implicite qui permet de résoudre ce problème d’une manière efficace. Ceci est fait en utilisant une méthode de Newton- Krylov avec gradient conjugué préconditionné et la méthode de GMRES pour les itérations intérieures ainsi qu’une méthode quasi-Newton (la méthode de Broyden). Cette méthode inclura le schéma implicite d’Euler et la méthode des trapèzes. Pour le schéma convectif, la méthode explicite de Kiani et al. sera implémentée ainsi qu’une nouvelle approche implicite. La stabilité des deux modèles sera également explorée. À l’aide de trois différentes topologies, nous comparerons les résultats de ces deux modèles mathématiques ainsi que les lois de séparation de phase afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure les oscillations observées peuvent être attribuables au choix des modèles mathématiques ou au choix des méthodes numériques.


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La desintegració és una etapa important en la recuperació de paper vell, ja que té importants conseqüències en consum d'energia i en el comportament de les etapes posteriors. Per això els objectius es centren en analitzar la desintegració des del punt de vista del temps de desintegració, els aspectes energètics, modelització de la màquina de desintegració utilitzada i anàlisi dels factors de cisallament calculats com a mesura global de les forces implicades en la desintegració. Els autors que hi han treballat donen diferents explicacions a aquestes forces. Fins avui només s'ha pogut avaluar qualitativament la influència que tenen cada un dels mecanismes en el temps necessari per a desintegrar i en el consum energètic. Les característiques reològiques de les suspensions papereres, i el seu comportament no newtonià tenen una clara influència en el consum energètic i les forces de desfibrat en el desintegrador. Els experiments de desintegració s'han realitzat en un púlper convencional, amb tres tipus de paper recuperat: paper estucat d'alta qualitat imprès offset (PQ), paper revista estucat imprès en color (PR), paper blanc imprès en impresora làsser (PF). Anàlisi del temps de desintegració Per cada un del papers estudiats (PQ, PR i PF), les fraccions màssiques des de 0.06 fins a la màxima que estat possible per cada paper (de 0.14 a 0.18), i a dues velocitats d'agitació diferents, s'ha determinat el temps de desintegració (tD) fins a aconseguir un índex de Sommerville de 0.01%. S'obté que en augmentar la fracció màssica disminueix potencialment el temps de desintegració. S'ha estudiat la velocitat de desintegració, la producció teòrica del púlper en cada cas, i la seva relació amb les forces d'impacte i de fregament que produeixen la desintegració. Aspectes energètics El consum específic d'energia (SEC), definit com l'energia consumida per a desintegrar 1 kg de paper recuperat, disminueix molt en augmentar Xm, ja que a més de disminuir l'energia consumida en cada desintegració, el contingut en paper és més elevat. Pel disseny de desintegradors, cal tenir en compte que en augmentar Xm i en augmentar la velocitat, sempre augmenta la potència consumida. Però així com els beneficis de treballar a Xm alt són de 10 vegades en termes de SEC i de producció, l'augment de potència és només de l'ordre de 2 vegades la necessària respecte de la Xm baixa. Viscositat aparent i energia de fluidització S'estudia la relació entre el temps de desintegració, les forces de fregament i els valors de viscositat aparent de la bibliografia. Per cada paper i velocitat s'ha observat que el consum específic d'energia disminueix en funció de la viscositat aparent. Reologia del púlper Utilitzant el mètode de Metzner i Otto (1957) per determinar la viscositat aparent mitjana de les suspensions papereres, modificat per Roustan, s'ha caracteritzat el pulper mitjançant el model: Np= K· Rex·Fry S'han utilitzat dissolucions de glicerina com a fluid newtonià per a calcular les constants d'ajust, i a partir d'aquí, aïllar la viscositat aparent en funció de la potència neta i els paràmetres d'agitació. La viscositat aparent, d'acord amb Fabry (1999) es substitueix pel concepte de factor de cisallament. Factor de cisallament Calculat el factor de cisallament per a cada paperot i condicions d'agitació, s'ha relacionat amb Xm, SEC, tD, consum de potència, potència instal·lada i fracció cel·lulòsica. El factor de cisallament és un paràmetre útil per a quantificar les forces globals implicades en la desintegració.


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A exposição ao sol traz benefícios à saúde, no entanto, o excesso pode ocasionar danos cutâneos dentre os quais se destacam as neoplasias. A fotoproteção é um método para a prevenção dos efeitos danosos da radiação ultravioleta (UV) e a biodiversidade Brasileira é campo fértil para pesquisas nesta área. Dessa forma, os objetivos deste estudo envolveram o desenvolvimento de formulações fotoprotetoras contendo quercetina (composto bioativo) e filtros solares físicos (dióxido de titânio e óxido de zinco), com posterior caracterização das formulações e avaliação da sua estabilidade. As formulações contendo o composto bioativo, isolado ou em associação com os filtros físicos, possuíram valores de pH biocompatíveis com a pele,intervalo de viscosidade aparente entre 10550 e 23600 cP; fator de proteção solar (FPS) estimado entre 2.1 e 22.5; e amplo espectro de proteção, com comprimentos de onda crítico acima de 379 nm. Constatou-se que não foi adequado utilizar a quercetina associada aos filtros solares físicos devido às interações negativas que ocorreram entre o composto e os metais, somente identificadas ao longo do estudo de estabilidade. No entanto, em função da eficácia estimada in vitro apresentada pelo flavonoide, seu uso ainda pode ser explorado como substituto alternativo aos filtros solares clássicos.


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Bubble inclusion is one of the fastest growing operations practiced in the food industry. A variety of aerated foods is currently available in supermarkets, and newer products are emerging all the time. This paper aims to combine knowledge on chocolate aeration with studies performed on bubble formation and dispersion characteristics. More specifically, we have investigated bubble formation induced by applying vacuum. Experimental methods to determine gas hold-up (volume fraction of air), bubble section distributions along specific planes, and chocolate rheological properties are presented. This study concludes that decreasing pressures elevate gas hold-up values due to an increase in the number of bubble nuclei being formed and release of a greater volume of dissolved gases. Furthermore, bubbles are observed to be larger at lower pressures for a set amount of gas because the internal pressure needs to be in equilibrium with the surrounding pressures. Temperature-induced changes to the properties of the chocolate have less of an effect on bubble formation. On the other hand, when different fats and emulsifiers are added to a standard chocolate recipe, milk fat was found to increase, significantly, the gas hold-up values and the mean bubble-section diameters. It is hypothesized that this behavior is related to the way milk fats, which contain different fatty acids to cocoa butter, crystallize and influence the setting properties of the final product. It is highlighted that apparent viscosity values at low shear rate, as well as setting behavior, play an important role in terms of bubble formation and entrainment.


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Rheology of milk foams generated by steam injection was studied during the transient destabilization process using steady flow and dynamic oscillatory techniques: yield stress (τ_y) values were obtained from a stress ramp (0.2 to 25 Pa) and from strain amplitude sweep (0.001 to 3 at 1 Hz of frequency); elastic (G') and viscous (G") moduli were measured by frequency sweep (0.1 to 150 Hz at 0.05 of strain); and the apparent viscosity (η_a) was obtained from the flow curves generated from the stress ramp. The effect of plate roughness and the sweep time on τ_y was also assessed. Yield stress was found to increase with plate roughness whereas it decreased with the sweep time. The values of yield stress and moduli—G' and G"—increased during foam destabilization as a consequence of the changes in foam properties, especially the gas volume fraction, φ, and bubble size, R_32 (Sauter mean bubble radius). Thus, a relationship between τ_y, φ, R_32, and σ (surface tension) was established. The changes in the apparent viscosity, η, showed that the foams behaved like a shear thinning fluid beyond the yield point, fitting the modified Cross model with the relaxation time parameter (λ) also depending on the gas volume fraction. Overall, it was concluded that the viscoelastic behavior of the foam below the yield point and liquid-like behavior thereafter both vary during destabilization due to changes in the foam characteristics.


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The rheological, emulsification and certain physicochemical properties of purified exopolysaccharides (EPS) of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis CCUG 52486 and Bifidobacterium infantis NCIMB 702205 were studied and compared with those of guar gum and xanthan gum. The two strains were grown in skim milk supplemented with 1.5% (w/v) casein hydrolysate at 37 ◦C for 24 h; they both produced heteropolysaccharides with different molecular mass and composition. The carbohydrate content of both polymers was more than 92% and no protein was detected. The EPS of B. longum subsp. infantis CCUG 52486 showed highly branched entangled porous structure under scanning electron microscopy. Higher intrinsic viscosity was observed for the EPS of B. longum subsp. infantis CCUG 52486 compared to the EPS of B. infantis NCIMB 702205 and guar gum. Both polymers showed pseudoplastic non-Newtonian fluid behaviour in an aqueous solution. The EPS of B. infantis NCIMB 702205 and B. longum subsp. infantis CCUG 52486 produced more stable emulsions with orange oil, sunflower seed oil, coconut oil and xylene compared to guar and xanthan gum. The EPS of B. longum subsp. infantis CCUG 52486 is the most promising one for applications in the food industry, as it had higher intrinsic viscosity, higher apparent viscosity in aqueous solution, porous dense entangled structure and good emulsification activity.


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The replacement of fat and sugar in cakes is a challenge as they have an important effect on the structural and sensory properties. Moreover, there is the possibility to incorporate an additional value using novel replacers. In this work, inulin and oligofructose were used as fat and sugar replacers, respectively. Different combinations of replacement levels were investigated: fat replacement (0 and 50 %) and sugar replacement (0, 20, 30, 40 and 50 %). Simulated microbaking was carried out to study bubble size distribution during baking. Batter viscosity and weight loss during baking were also analysed. Cake characteristics were studied in terms of cell crumb structure, height, texture and sensory properties. Fat and sugar replacement gave place to batters with low apparent viscosity values. During heating, bubbles underwent a marked expansion in replaced cakes if compared to the control cake. The low batter stability in fat-replaced samples increased bubble movement, giving place to cakes with bigger cells and less height than the control. Sugar-replaced samples had smaller and fewer cells and lower height than the control. Moreover, sugar replacement decreased hardness and cohesiveness and in- creased springiness, which could be related with a denser crumb and an easily crumbled product. Regarding the sensory analysis, a replacement up to 50 % of fat and 30 % of sugar, separately and simultaneously, did not change remarkably the overall acceptability of the cakes. However, the sponginess and the sweetness could be improved in all the replaced cakes, according to the Just About Right scales.


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Yellow passion fruit pulp is unstable, presenting phase separation that can be avoided by the addition of hydrocolloids. For this purpose, xanthan and guar gum [0.3, 0.7 and 1.0% (w/w)] were added to yellow passion fruit pulp and the changes in the dynamic and steady-shear rheological behavior evaluated. Xanthan dispersions showed a more pronounced pseudoplasticity and the presence of yield stress, which was not observed in the guar gum dispersions. Cross model fitting to flow curves showed that the xanthan suspensions also had higher zero shear viscosity than the guar suspensions, and, for both gums, an increase in temperature led to lower values for this parameter. The gums showed different behavior as a function of temperature in the range of 5-35 degrees C. The activation energy of the apparent viscosity was dependent on the shear rate and gum concentration for guar, whereas for xanthan these values only varied with the concentration. The mechanical spectra were well described by the generalized Maxwell model and the xanthan dispersions showed a more elastic character than the guar dispersions, with higher values for the relaxation time. Xanthan was characterized as a weak gel, while guar presented a concentrated solution behavior. The simultaneous evaluation of temperature and concentration showed a stronger influence of the polysaccharide concentration on the apparent viscosity and the G` and G `` moduli than the variation in temperature.


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Here we report a water-soluble acrylamide sulfonate copolymer for inhibiting shale hydrate formation. The copolymer, denoted as PANAA, was synthesized via copolymerization of acrylamide (AM), N,N-diallylbenzylamine (NAPA), acrylic acid (AA), and 2-(acrylamide)-2-methylpropane-1-sulfonic acid (AMPS). The performance of this new water-soluble copolymer for inhibiting shale hydration was investigated for the first time. The retention ratio of apparent viscosity of 2 wt % PANAA solution can reach 61.6% at 130 C and further up to 72.2% with 12 000 mg/L NaCl brine. The X-ray diffraction studies show that the addition of copolymer PANAA (5000 mg/L), in combination with a low loading of KCl (3 wt %), remarkably reduces the interlayer spacing of sodium montmorillonite (Na-MMT) in water from 19.04 to 15.65 Å. It has also found that these copolymer solutions, blending with KCl, can improve the retention of indentation hardness from 22% to 74% and increase the antiswelling ratio up to 84%. All results have demonstrated that the PANAA copolymer not only has excellent temperature-resistance and salt-tolerance but also exhibits a significant effect on inhibiting the hydration of clays and shale. © 2014 American Chemical Society.


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Foam was developed as a novel vehicle for streptokinase with the purpose of increasing the contact time and area between the fibrinolytic and the target thrombus, which would lead to a greater therapeutic efficacy at lower doses, decreasing the drug s potential to cause bleeding. Fibrinolytic foams were prepared using CO2 and human albumin (at different v:v ratios), as the gas and liquid phases, respectively, and streptokinase at a low total dose (100,000 IU) was used as fibrinolytic agent conveyed in 1 mL of foam and in isotonic saline solution. The foams were characterized as foam stability and apparent viscosity. The thrombolytic effect of the streptokinase foam was determined in vitro as thrombus lysis and the results were compared to those of a fibrinolytic solution (prepared using the same dose of streptokinase) and foam without the fibrinolytic. In vitro tests were conducted using fresh clots were weighed and placed in test tubes kept at 37 ° C. All the samples were injected intrathrombus using a multiperforated catheter. The results showed that both foam stability and apparent viscosity increased with the increase in the CO2:albumin solution ratio and therefore, the ratio of 3:1 was used for the incorporation of streptokinase. The results of thrombus lysis showed that the streptokinase foam presented the highest thrombolytic activity (44.78 ± 9.97%) when compared to those of the streptokinase solution (32.07 ± 3.41%) and the foam without the drug (19.2 ± 7.19%). We conclude that fibrinolytic foam showed statistically significant results regarding the enhancement of the lytic activity of streptokinase compared to the effect of the prepared saline solution, thus it can be a promising alternative in the treatment of thrombosis. However, in vivo studies are needed in order to corroborate the results obtained in vitro


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o desenvolvimento de ascites em duas linhagens diferentes de frangos de corte, Hubbard e Pescoço-pelado, através da variação da viscosidade do sangue. As aves foram criadas até 45 dias de idade em duas temperaturas ambiente diferentes (termoneutra e fria) e com dieta de ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, peletizada e de alta energia. Aos 28 e 45 dias de idade, amostras de 8 mL de sangue foram obtidas para determinação da viscosidade aparente em um viscosímetro de cilindros concêntricos da marca Brookfield, modelo LVDII+ e para determinação do hematócrito. Aos 28 dias de idade foram verificadas algumas ocorrências de ascite nas aves da linhagem Hubbard criadas à temperatura ambiente fria, e aos 45 dias de idade, todos os frangos de corte dessa linhagem criados no ambiente frio apresentaram ascite. A linhagem Pescoço-pelado foi resistente ao desenvolvimento de ascite em todas as idades e temperaturas ambiente. A análise dos resultados da viscosidade aparente do sangue indicaram que aves com valores similares ou maiores que 4 cP (centipoise) apresentaram ascite. Podemos concluir que na linhagem comercial o valor de 4 cP para a viscosidade aparente parece identificar o desenvolvimento de ascite.


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The developments in formulating drilling fluids to apply in petroleum fields are based on new technologies and environmental challenges, where the technical performance of a developed drilling fluid is used to produce a minimum environmental impact, showing great economy in costs. It is well known that the potential use of oil-based drilling fluids is limited because these fluids when discharged in the sea do not disperse as much as water-based ones and may form waterproof films in the seabed, having a profound effect on plants and animals living in this environment. The current works have been made in investigating fluids called pseudofluids, which are synthetic ester-based, n-paraffin-based and other fluids formed from inverse emulsion. In this research the principal parameters involved in inverse emulsion process were studied, in laboratory scale, using esters as main component. Others commercial drilling fluids were used as comparative samples, as well as samples from laboratory and field where these drilling fluids are being applied. Concentrations of emulsifier and organophilic clay, which are viscosity donor, were varied to verify the influence of these parameters, in different oil/water ratios (55/45, 60/40, 65/35, 70/30, and 75/25). The salt concentration (NaCl) is an indicative parameter of stability and activity of an esterbased fluid. In this research the salt concentration was varied in 10,000, 20,000, and 50,000 ppm of NaCl. Some rheological properties of the produced fluids were studied, such as: initial gel, plastic viscosity, yield point, and apparent viscosity. Through the obtained rheological measures, the existence of two systems could be verified: fluid and flocculated. It could be noticed that the systems were influenced, directly, by the oil/water ratio and emulsifier, organophilic clay and NaCl concentrations. This study showed the viability to use an ester obtained from a regional vegetable product babaçu coconut oil to obtain an efficient and environmental safe drilling fluid