999 resultados para Aporrhais alata


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The weakest step in the analytical procedure for speciation analysis is extraction from a biological material into an aqueous solution which undergoes HPLC separation and then simultaneous online detection by elemental and molecular mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/ES-MS). This paper describes a study to determine the speciation of arsenic and, in particular, the arsenite phytochelatin complexes in the root from an ornamental garden plant Thunbergia alata exposed to 1 mg As L(-1) as arsenate. The approach of formic acid extraction followed by HPLC-ES-MS/ICP-MS identified different As(III)-PC complexes in the extract of this plant and made their quantification via sulfur (m/z 32) and arsenic (m/z 75) possible. Although sulfur sensitivity could be significantly increased when xenon was used as collision gas in ICP-qMS, or when HR-ICP-MS was used in medium resolution, the As:S ratio gave misleading results in the identification of As(III)-PC complexes due to the relatively low resolution of the chromatography system in relation to the variety of As-peptides in plants. Hence only the parallel use of ES-MS/ICP-MS was able to prove the occurrence of such arsenite phytochelatin complexes. Between 55 and 64% of the arsenic was bound to the sulfur of peptides mainly as As(III)(PC(2))(2), As(III)(PC(3)) and As(III)(PC(4)). XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy) measurement, using the freshly exposed plant root directly, confirmed that most of the arsenic is trivalent and binds to S of peptides (53% As-S) while 38% occurred as arsenite and only 9% unchanged as arsenate. EXAFS data confirmed that As-S and As-O bonds occur in the plants. This study confirms, for the first time, that As-peptides can be extracted by formic acid and chromatographically separated on a reversed-phase column without significant decomposition or de-novo synthesis during the extraction step.


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Proanthocyanidins (PA) in Senna alata leaves were investigated by thiolysis with benzyl mercaptan, LC–MS and NMR and consisted of almost pure propelargonidins with <6% procyanidins, had B-type linkages and a mean degree of polymerisation of three. Epiafzelechin was the major flavan-3-ol subunit (>94%) and epicatechin a minor constituent (6.4%) in residual PA and mainly detected as an extension unit.


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The antioxidant activity of methanol extracts from Passiflora edulis and Passiflora alata pulp, and P. edulis rinds, healthy or infected with the passion fruit woodiness virus (PWV), was investigated using the oxidant activities of the neutrophil and the neutrophil granule enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO), both playing key roles in inflammation. The reactive oxygen species produced by stimulated neutrophils were evaluated by lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) and the activity of purified MPO was measured by SIEFED (Specific Immunological Extraction Followed by Enzymatic Detection), a technique for studying the direct interaction of a compound with the enzyme. The rind extracts of P. edulis possessed higher and dose-dependent inhibitory effects on CL response and on the peroxidase activity of MPO than total pulp extracts from both passion fruit species. The quantification of isoorientin in the extracts showed a correlation with their antioxidant activity, suggesting the potential of P. edulis rinds as functional food or as a possible source of natural flavonoids. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O presente estudo investigou as atividades antioxidantes in vitro, ex vivo e in vivo dos extratos de folhas Passiflora alata e Passiflora edulis, plantas usadas na medicina popular e ricas em polifenóis, compostos com reconhecida atividade antioxidante. No modelo experimental in vitro, ambos os extratos demonstraram atividade antioxidante e proteção contra dano protéico induzido por glicose. Fatias de fígado de ratos foram utilizadas como modelo ex vivo. Tanto o extrato de P. alata quanto o extrato de P. edulis protegeram de forma significativa o dano protéico e a morte celular induzidos por FeSO4. Como a P. alata é uma droga oficial da Farmacopéia Brasileira, os efeitos antioxidantes deste extrato foram investigados in vivo. Ratos machos Wistar receberam tratamento intragástrico de extrato de folhas de P. alata (1 e 5 mg/kg), trolox (0,18 mg/kg) ou água (controle) durante 30 dias, seguido de uma dose de CCl4 (3 ml/kg, i.p.) no 30º dia. O dano hepático e os efeitos antioxidantes do pré-tratamento com extrato de P. alata foram avaliados em vários órgãos. Quando comparados ao grupo controle, os ratos pré-tratados com o extrato demonstraram dano hepático menor, evidenciado por um grau menor de necrose, níveis menores de lipoperoxidação e maior atividade das enzimas superóxido dismutase e catalase. Adicionalmente, níveis menores de lipoperoxidação cardíaca foram observados com o pré-tratamento de P. alata (5mg/kg). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que os extratos de Passiflora são fontes potenciais de antioxidantes naturais. Estudos adicionais investigando o papel de compostos isolados destes extratos em patologias humanas onde o estresse oxidativo está envolvido são necessários.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o melhor momento para a coleta do grão de pólen de Passiflora alata, com relação à sua maior viabilidade. Foram coletados 35 botões florais, 7 de cada horário de coleta (8h 40, um dia antes da antese, 8h 40, 10h 45 e 16h, no dia da antese e 8h 40, um dia após a antese). Os testes foram feitos por coloração e germinação in vitro. utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos e 7 repetições, e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. O teste de viabilidade por coloração variou de 69,64 (no dia da antese, 16 horas) a 75,91% (um dia antes da antese). A porcentagem de germinação variou de 49,18 (24 horas após a antese) a 62,65% (no dia da antese, 10h 45). O melhor momento de coleta do pólen, com relação à melhor viabilidade e germinação, é 10h 45, no dia da antese.


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The present work was conducted in a fruit tree propagation area of the Plant Production Department of the Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias, Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV/UNESP) in Jaboticabal, SP, and also in a commercial orchard in Araguari, MG, with the objective to verify the potential of vegetative growth (stem diameter, height of plants and leaf number) of plants of passion fruit (Passiflora alata Dryander), gotten by cutting and seed, comparing the initial development of plants in the field. This experiment was carried out from January 2002 to February 2003. The experiment using seeds was conducted at a shadow house, and the one that used cuttings in an intermitent mist. The cuttings and seeds were collected from adult plants which came from Passifloraceae Active Germoplasm Bank (BAG) of the Plant Production Department of FCAC/UNESP. For the cuttings, it was used the intermediate part of the branches in stadium of vegetative growth. The seeds, in order to obtain the seedlings, had been sown in plastic trays. Cuttings and seedlings were transplanted to plastic bags with substrate in shadow house and with daily irrigation. They were acclimatized and planted on field, after 60 days. on field, the stem diameter, plant height and number of leaves were better for cuttings than for seedlings in Jaboticabal, SP. In Araguari, MG, stem diameter was larger in the seedlings, which plant heights and number of leaves were larger on cuttings.


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Catorze características agronômicas de cinco populações de maracujazeiro-doce (Passiflora alata Curtis) foram avaliadas em Jaboticabal-SP, no período de abril de 2000 a março de 2001. Número de frutos por planta (NF), número de sementes/fruto (NS), massa do fruto (MF) e produção (PRO) foram caracteres que apresentaram os mais elevados índices de variabilidade entre plantas, possibilitando, assim, a seleção de plantas superiores quanto a estes caracteres. Médias dos caracteres produção (PRO), número de frutos/planta (NF), espessura da casca (EC), número de sementes/fruto (NS) e rendimento em polpa (%P), analisadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade, não apresentaram diferença significativa entre as populações. Observou-se considerável variabilidade entre plantas e baixa variabilidade entre as populações nestes caracteres.


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This study had as objective to evaluate the effect of yam starch, modified starch from Cargill-Brasil (Amidomax 4800 (R)) and gelatin from Gelita-Brasil (GEL-LAC) as stabilizers/thickeners in different ratios and combinations in the soy yoghurt fermented with Enterococcus faecium and Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti. Ten soy yoghurt formulations containing these different stabilizers/thickeners, always totalizing 0.5% in relation to the final formulation, were analyzed in sensorial and physical-chemical terms. Based on the observed results, it was concluded in relation to the sensorial point of view that the more appropriate product was processed only with gelatin at 0.5% concentration. This product also presented the best physical-chemical results related to consistency, syneresis and water holding capacity. However, the isolated use of gelatin increased fermentation time of the soy yoghurt.


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BACKGROUND: Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) is a fruit distributed throughout the Brazilian savanna and contains a seed with a high protein content, whose properties have been rarely explored. The purpose of this study was to characterize this protein, especially by isolation and quantifying its fractions and measuring some of its molecular properties.RESULTS: Baru seeds contain 244 g kg(-1) protein on a dry weight basis. Solubility profiles showed a preponderance of globulins. This fraction dominated the seed composition, with 61.7 wt% of the total soluble proteins. Albumins and glutelins accounted for 14 and 3.3 wt%, respectively. SDS-PAGE resolution of albumin and globulin showed main bands with molecular weights of 84 kDa and 64,66 and 73 kDa, respectively. The total protein of the flour and the globulin showed values of in vitro digestibility of 85.59% and 90.54%, relative to casein. Total globulin produced only one chromatographic peak, both on Sepharose CL-6B gel filtration and on DEAE-cellulose ion-exchange columns, eluted at a concentration of 0.12 mol L(-1) NaCl.CONCLUSION: The baru seed had high protein content with large quantities of storage proteins. The chromatographic and solubility profiles indicate the predominance of a fraction with characteristics of a legumin-type protein. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)